Chapter 1|The Wedding

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Brandi's POV

Today's the day. My mother's wedding. I never met the groom, but as long as my mom was happy, I was happy. The man was at least an inch taller than her, and he looked happy too. After the ceremony, I was in a giant room with a dj that had the pounding music(basically a party but I was wearing a suit). There was loads of food for the loads of people that were there. I had one of my favorite drinks in my hand, and my feet tapping to the beat of the music. I loved music. It put me in the best moods. I was staring out into the crowd of people and noticed that women and girls get to wear all those fancy dresses while all the men and guys have to wear suits.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a beautiful girl, my age, with light brown hair, pulled back in a loose braid. She was wearing a light blue dress with black heels. The theme of the wedding was supposed to be ocean themed, but it looked more like a sea of blues and greens. I wore a simple black suit with a blue tie and shirt, and a blue flower.

"You're Brandi, right?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. That's me." I started to get nervous. Amazed by her beauty.

"I'm Ashley. So, you're the bride's son?"

"Yeah." Was all I could say. She looked really boney, but I didn't care. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. She had light grey eyes which I read were really rare.

"So, I'm guessing that makes you my step brother?"

Um... What?

"Yeah." I couldn't believe it. This gorgeous girl was my sister. She was thin and pale, and my sister, but that didn't stop me from thinking-scratch that- knowing she was beautiful.

One of my favorite songs came on. It was "Shut Up And Dance With Me."

"Aw, I love this song!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor.

She took my arm,
I don't know how it happened, we took the floor and she said

"Oh don't you dare run back, just keep your eyes on me," This girl. She had the voice of an angel. Is there anything she can't do?

I started singing"I said you're holding back, she said-"

"Shut up! And dance with me!"

I started singing on my own, then she sang in harmony with me. "This woman is my destiny, she said ooohh! Shut up and dance with me!"


After a while, me and Ashley went outside to the Gazebo.

"You can sing." I complimented.

"You know, you're not so bad yourself, Brandi." She walked up to me and leaned on the railing. "Do you have any idea where dad is?"

"Probably with my mom getting drunk."

"You can't blame them. It's their wedding day." She sighed. "And you do know she's my mom too?"

"Right, I uh, I need to get used to that."

"It's fine." She looked up to the moon. It shined into her grey eyes, making them glow. She was so gorgeous. I wish I could tell her that.

She looked over at me. "Cat got your tongue?"

"I uh, there's not much of a conversation going on."

"Ok. Then let's make one. Might as well get to know each other, since we're gonna live together."

"Um. OK."

"Before I moved, me and my friends would play this game, where I would say a topic, and we would give a detail. For example: favorite color; blue. Simple."

"Um alright."

"I'll start. Favorite food?"

"Um... I'll have to say pizza."

Ashley giggled. "Your turn."

"Um... Favorite... Band...?"

"Panic At The Disco! Obviously!"

I laughed. We played the game for hours until some random person brought us back inside. I didn't let Ashley out of my sight.

It was passed midnight, I was so tired. I could've fallen asleep any minute. But I didn't. I kept my eyes open to see my beautiful sister dance to the music.

Another hour passed, and the party was over. I was driven to a hotel where me and Ashley stayed with her aunt and uncle.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. Which wasn't normal, because usually I'd stay up all night just staring into the darkness of my room. But I was tired. I was sore. What do you want?

That was some wedding.

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