In love with my teacher [ chap 1-10 english ver YulSic ]

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In Love With My Teacher


Au: jungkwon 



"Pfft! Damn it! I'm late again!" I cursed as I run faster not even bothering if someone caught me running at the hallways for this is a violation.

Like what I've said before, I'm late again and it's all thanks to my gangster/partner in crime, Im Yoona who drag me to the abandoned building just blocks away from our school to show me how she beat the crap out of her annoying admirer, Ok Taecyeon.

Eh that good for nothing bug.. I agree how Yoong calls her freak, jerk, trash bag and all because Taec is a total jerk. He's so head over heels towards Yoong. Yoong knows it and she's disgusted about it. She doesn't like Teac, she already said that to him but he still insist and just keep on making moves to get Yoong until beating him up popped out of Yoong's head and that's what happened a while ago. She dragged me to the abandoned building and let me watch her beat him. All I can do is stand, lean my back on the wall, and watch the show cross arms.

Okay, enough with the story, I'm already late, I have to be in my classroom NOW--

"Oh crap!" I stumbled on the floor.

The hell! Here I go again, stumbling on the floor for a hundred times already just because of not paying attention if someone is on my way. Damn it!

I stand up not bothering the soaring pain in my behind until I heard that voice. "Kwon Yuri, want some help?"

I look up and saw her face again. Her eyes mesmerising as ever, her lips still looks so inviting, her blonde hair that smells so good, her face that will make you think she's an angel came from above, her neck that I badly want to kiss and her body.. man.. The more I stare at her body, the more I feel like dragging her to my apartment and pin her down-- w-wait! What the hell?! Did I just say that?! Oh crap! Stop with the dirty thoughts Kwon Yuri! Give some respect to your teacher!

"Umm.. Yuri? Are you okay?" She asked as she puts her hand on my shoulder, slightly shaking me.

"No, I mean Yes! Yes I'm okay don't worry!" I said flashing her a reassuring smile.

She puts away her hand, cross her arms, and look at me worriedly. "Seems not," she said with a pout.

Oh-kay, and now my eyes fell on her pouting lips again. Sigh, man, why can't I control myself when it comes to her?

I was again lost and I know she'll notice me staring at her.

I heard her clear her throat and I guess she already notice me staring at her lips so she cleared her throat so she can get my attention to look at her. Now let's play dumb.


"You're staring again," She said.

"Eh? Me? Staring? Ha! No way!" I said with a smirk. Well, still playing dumb of course.

She sighed and shook her head. "Don't lie, I caught you."

I fake a laugh and said, "Oh come on Miss Jung, quit imagining I'm staring at you--"

Caught off guard, stopped talking, and pinned on the wall.

She has this smile on her face, well.. more like a killer smile I guess. She leaned in causing me to gulp again then I heard her giggle. "Don't worry I won't kiss you," she said.

I was about to say something about that but I just choose to be quiet so she won't think I'm guilty about what she said.

"I think, I should be the one to say that to you, Kwon Yuri," she whispered.

"The what?" I said.

"The quit imagining that I'm staring at you," she whispered once again.

I can feel her hot breath caressing my ear. My cheeks are burning, my heart is beating faster and I know my ears are already red because I can feel them burning as well. She really knows how to handle me and say the truth without her asking to tell it.

"Sorry.." I said quietly.

"I win~" she said with a sing sang tone.

I sighed in defeat. "Yeah, you win," I said as I relaxed myself from being pinned on the wall by her.

She cups my cheek and looks at me with a smile. I look back preventing myself from showing any expressions but yeah, deep inside I feel like my heart just fall from where it was. Feeling her warm hand cupping my cheek is already enough to make my heart fall from where it was and make me give in and smile back at her.

"Miss Jung, don't you think it's time for us to go inside? I bet everyone's already waiting for the class to start," I said with a smile.

She giggled again. She puts away her hand and moves back giving me some space. "Hmm, I agree. Maybe we should go inside now," she said.

After hearing her agreement, I pick up my bag and asked, "No detentions because I'm late again?"

"Yes! No detentions 'cause I'm tired seeing you in the student council room or if you want, you can go there now and have some chat with the president about the rules and regulations," she said with a smile.

"Okay, I don't want to be lectured again and again about the rules and regulations," I said.

"Then, let's go now," she said.

"Okay," was my only reply as we head inside together to our classroom.

Sigh, now, this is Jessica Jung. She's my teacher in English and aside from her name and age I don't know anything about her but I know, she is something and I want to know what it is. 

Chapter 1: Maybe Monday Is Not That Bad


Came the annoying sound of my alarm clock.

I turned it off as I lazily open my eyes to see the time. It was already six in the morning. I groaned, lied back and said, "Monday sucks,"

I let out a sigh as I stared at the ceiling of my room. Like what I've said before Monday sucks and you know what I mean when I say that. I don't like Mondays and as much as I want to be absent for today or in any day that I don't feel like going to school, I just can't because of my records in the student council. I got tons and most of them are because of being caught skipping classes with my best friend, Yoong while the rest is all about being late and caught sleeping in the middle of the class.

Five more strikes and I'll be saying, goodbye high school life, hello rich kid Kwon Yuri.

"Man.. I wonder why I'm like this," I said with a sigh as I pinched my temples.

I took a deep breath and afterwards, I finally got up from my bed. I did some stretching before heading to the bathroom to take my morning shower and do my every weekday morning routines.

After a few minutes, I grab my towel and went to the bathroom to take some shower. Now, let's make some little introduction about myself. Ahem! The name is Kwon Yuri, age 17, step daughter of Shino Liu, the owner of Liu Industries and one of the biggest names when it comes to business. Now, how on earth did I become Shino's step daughter? Easy, my real father dump my mother... just kidding! Hehe!

I became Shino's step daughter since my real dad died in a plane crash when he was heading to America for some business meeting with his American business partners. I was only 4 yrs. old when he died. That time, all I know is that, he's going there to work so he can buy me toys that I want to have but as I grow up, I started asking mom why am I not able to see him in my birthdays, Christmas or in any occasions that we have in our house. Mom keep on telling me that he's just busy with his work that's why but I don't believe her, so I forced her to tell me where's dad until she told me that he's already dead.

Sad right? But it's okay. Anyway, to make things clear, my real dad is Kwon Lee Han, owner of Kwon Enterprises but since he's already dead, he's no longer the owner but my mom. I'm the heir of the Kwon Enterprises but since I don't like it and I don't have any interest in business, I asked mom to take over because I don't like it. Hopefully, she understands me and accepts my request.

To make that one short, dad died, mom met Shino, they become friends, couple, and then 4 yrs. after my dad's death, she asked me if it's okay if she'll marry someone again, I said yes and that's it, after a month she married Shino. After 1 year of being married together, mom got pregnant and that's how I got Amber as my younger sister.

If you asked me if Shino ever offered his surname to me, well yes he did, but I didn't accept his offer. I told him I won't take his surname, I'll just stay with my father's. After all, this surname is the only thing that makes me who I am, where I came from or in short, this surname that I got from my real dad is the only thing that indicates that I'm his daughter.

Ahh 'kay! Let's stop this drama. I need to get out of my room, head to the kitchen and have some bite. I'm kinda hungry anyway.

I grab my school neck tie and put it on. Well, but not in a proper way it was kinda loosen 'cause I don't like it tight. It's like I'm choking myself. Next, I grab my blazer and put it on and went out of my room and head to the kitchen.

After having my breakfast, I check the time before going out of my apartment. "6:30.. not bad," I said with a smile.

I took a deep breath and said, "Plan no. 1. Go to school, head to the library, and listen to Yoong's nonsense stories!"

Well, you heard it right, I live in an apartment not in the mansion with my parents. I choose to be alone but that doesn't mean that I want to be away from my parents or I don't like it living with them. It's just that, I just want to be alone. I want to experience how the life of a normal teenager is not the rich one.

Anyway, thinking if the students know about my fame? Well yeah, they know but they don't react about it 'cause I asked the principal to forbid them to let out any reactions about the heir of the Kwon Enterprises attending a non-exclusive school but just a normal private school and I even asked the principal to treat me as a normal student just like the others and don't ever show my personal background. Just the name, age, and address (apartment).

But the principal is not the only one who knows about my personal background. There's another person who knows about it and that's Yoona. Curious? Let me explain. I know Yoona for quite a long time already. Her parents works in one of my real dad's company and when there is any occasion in our house, her parents will always bring her with them. And since then, she learned that I'm the daughter of the man whom her parents work for. And that's our history how we became friends.

"Yo! Morning Yul!" Yoong greeted.

"Good morning, Yoong," I greeted back as I put my bag on the table and take the seat opposite from her.

"Sup? You're early today, I wonder why," She said with a smirk.

I chuckled as I put out my History book. "I'm fine and shut up I know what are you going to say next," I said as I opened it and turned it on a certain page.

She laughed.

I just sigh and shook my head as I tried reading my book. This alligator sure will tease me again.

"Yuri," she called.

"What?" I said without looking.

"I saw her~" she said in a sing sang tone and yes! I knew it! She'll tease me again and of course, it's all about her again. About the oh so beautiful Jessica Jung! But I should not be affected so it won't be that obvious that I want to hear her story about Jessica.

"Shut up, Yoong. I'm trying to read something here," I said.

She chuckled. "About what? How to get her?"

Ahh!! Why can't she just shut up? I sighed once again as I look up at the smirking alligator in front of me. Well, she's probably taunting me again. "Guilty?" she added.

Oh-kay, calm down Yuri, calm down~ don't kill her now give her another chance to live in this world.. 'kay?

"Okay! You win! I'm guilty, happy?" I said as I lean my back on my seat.

"Oh yeah!" she said in triumph.

"Where did you see her?" I asked.

"She's here a while ago. She's in the English section. Probably searching for a book for her lesson." She said.

"Oh so she's here a while ago, huh,"

"Uh huh,"

Okay, let see the time.. it's already quarter to seven. Ah man! This sucks! I bet she's not in the classroom anymore since there are already few students inside! This sucks!

I banged my fist on the table and cursed. I heard Yoona chuckle again. "She's already in the faculty, Yul,"

"Yeah, I know!" I said irritatedly.

"Chill. You'll see her soon when the bell rings," she said.

"Yeah right," I said.


"Good morning, Mr. Kim," We all greeted.

"Good morning, please take your seat," he said as he put his books on the table.

"Please turn your book on page 123 and let's have some short review about our lesson last Friday," he said once again as I lazily open my history book.

The schedule was re-shuffled. Instead of having my English class as the first period, it was moved at 11:30 and was replaced by History. Sigh, so boring almost an hour of waiting before I can finally see Jessica. Anyway, speaking of Jessica, she's my teacher in English and it's only a month since she started working here as a teacher and I don't know what gotten on me to.. err.. like.. like my own teacher. But.. tss.. okay I give up! The first time I laid my eyes on her, I was like I want to take her right here, right now. Err.. yeah I know I sound like a perv when that thought came in my mind but you can't blame me if I'm like that 'cause she's so hot for a teacher!

Every time I look at her, my eyes will fell on her lips then to her neck then she will caught me staring at her and that's the end of my life. Every time she caught me, she will do something to tease me and I think that is seducing me. At first, I'm a denial when you ask if I like her, but since it's pretty obvious now, I can't deny it anymore. All I can do is just shut my mouth and continue watching every move she does.

Yoong knows about it. She knows that I like Jessica that's why almost everyday, she always tease me about her. Despite the fact that a teacher-student relationship is prohibited, I don't really care about it and besides I'm not yet in love with her. She just caught my attention and I like her that's all!

I sound like I'm denying it again, right? Well, it's true I'm not yet in love with her. It's prohibited. Like only.

"Ahem! Kwon Yuri!"

"What?- Mr. Kim?"

"May I know why are you staring outside?" He asked.

Damn! He caught me! "E-err.. nothing," I said nervously.

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

"Y-yes! It's nothing I swear!" I said.

He didn't speak and just look at me for a few seconds and then, "If I caught you again, I'll be sending you out," and with that he continued discussing.

I just sighed in relief and said, "I better listen,"

After almost half an hour, History was finally done. Next is Math.

Math came and hopefully I didn't stare outside and start thinking random things. After an hour, Math was done. Science came and it's so head cracking because we have to memorize something again. And at last! English! I can sleep now!.. Nah~ just kidding.

I stretch out my arms and sigh. I remained silent in my seat until the door opens revealing a certain blonde. I look at the doorway and saw her. Sigh, she's so beautiful. And without even thinking, everyone was already standing and greeting her good morning while I remain sitting and was again lost in her eyes until I heard her angelic voice.

"Please sit down and good morning, Yuri," she said as she walks towards me.

I blink my eyes a few times, trying to register what just happened and finally, I remember that I didn't stand up to greet her.

I quickly stand up and greeted her. "Good morning, Miss Jung,"

She cross her arms and said, "You're not paying attention again,"

"Sorry," was the only word I could manage to say as I try my best to avoid looking at her eyes.

"Hmm.. okay, please take your seat," she said with a smile.

I take my seat while she go in front of the class and started her lesson.

It's only a minute when her discussion started and I was again staring at her, taking stolen glances and pretending that I'm listening to her and taking down notes every time she looks at me. I know what I'm doing is kinda rude especially for a teacher like her but it seems like she don't mind at all because instead of giving me a death glare for staring, she will just smile and continue. She was really something and I want to know it for she really interest me this much.

"Okay class, please copy your lecture," She said as she gets her book and start writing on the board.

Like what the others are doing, I get my notebook and copied the lecture she's writing on the board.

The more I keep on reminding myself to stop staring at her body, the more I badly want to stare. I tightened my grip on my pen, bit my lip, and let my eyes wander on her smooth neck down to her body. Breath taking, damn it! I feel so light headed again and this will just cause trouble if I don't control myself but.. ahh! Damn! Come on! Let the bell ring so I can get out now!

She finished writing and as she turns around, our eyes met and I could feel my heart pounding this fast. She caught me so I look on the next word I'm going to write down and as I did that, I can see in the corner of my eye that she's trying her best to stop giggling.

"Damn it!" I silently cursed as I look at my notebook.

My ears and cheeks are burning again. Probably, because of embarrassment. She's the only who can make me feel so embarrass like this but I can't blame her since it's my fault after all. I won't be like this if I didn't stare at her while she's busy writing our lecture on the board.

Now, let's pretend nothing happened and just focused on copying the lecture and wait for the bell to ring so I can go out now.


"Class dismissed!" she said.

Everyone stand up from their seat, grab their bags and went out.

I sighed as I stand up from my seat. I grab my bag and walk towards the doorway but before I could even touch the door knob, I heard her say my name.


I turn around and saw her smiling then she stand up from her chair and walk towards me.

"What?" I said.

"I caught you again," she said.

Yeah I know you caught me and I can't lie now since you said it. "Yeah sorry about that, it won't happen again--"

"I understand and I'm used to you staring at me so no need for that," she said as she moves closer.

I took a step backward and I can hear her giggling again. She moves closer again until my back is already touching the door. There's no way out. I'm cornered.

"Hmm.. is it only me or the other teachers are just ignoring the way you put on your neck tie?" she said.

I looked down at my neck tie and saw it slightly loosened. "Yeah, they're just ignoring it," I said as I look back at her but before I knew it, she's already doing my neck tie. She then holds my neck tie and leaned closer.

"I know, it's so irritating to have something on your neck but this is a school, you should bear with it," she whispered as she looks at me and then she cups my cheek and gave me her sweetest smile and said, "Next time, please make sure that your neck tie is not loosened,"

"Ah yeah, don't worry," I said and without any other word, I went out with a smile and thought to myself, maybe Monday is not that bad. 

Chapter 2: I Need A Tutor

[Jessica's POV]

I giggled as I sit back on my chair and watch her exit our classroom.

My, my.. Yuri, Yuri, just another girl who has the hobby of staring at her teacher. Sure this girl really likes to do such thing but the question is, is she doing the same thing with the other teachers or she's doing that only to me? Hmm.. it sounds so random if I ask her other teachers, so I guess, I will just observe her.

I sighed as I lean my back on my chair. I remove my glasses and put it on my table. I stared at the ceiling for a few seconds. I was about to close my eyes until I heard soft knocks coming from outside which causes me to stop doing so.

Before saying, "Please come in," I first regained my composure and cleared my throat.

"Please come in," I finally said.

The door opened revealing a certain short-haired woman. She stepped in, closed the door and bowed at me before walking towards me. It was Hwang Tiffany a fellow teacher and best friend.

"Good afternoon, Miss Jung," she greeted with a smile.

I smiled back and greeted her as well. "Good afternoon, Tiffany and please enough with formality,"


"No buts. I told you, enough with that formality you don't need to treat me as if I'm something special now that I'm living in the outside world away from the world I use to live in back then," I said still smiling.

She let out a sigh and said, "I'm sorry, Jessica,"

"It's okay. Anyway, what makes you come here? Is there anything you want?" I said.

"Oh yes, about that. I came here to tell you that your father wants to see--"

"I'm not going," I said flatly.


I nodded in response and let out a sigh. I stand up from my chair and walk towards the window and stare outside. There was a couple of silence between us. Neither one of us wants to break it until I get tired of it and decided to give her a clear answer.

I took a deep breath and said, "I'm not going. Same things will happen again and besides he really doesn't want to see me. He's just making an excuse so he can make me have a date with him,"

"Well yeah, I agree and besides you're tired of it, right?" she said.

"Yes, that's why I decided to live on my own without any help from him," I said as I turn around to face her.

I can't take this kind of conversation so I guess, I should ask her to end this since she already know my answer.

"Let's end this conversation. It's making me sick," I said as I went back to my chair and sat.

"Okay... anyway, I saw your student. Kwon Yuri," she said.

Oh that name, it makes me smile every time I hear her name. "Oh what about her?"

"Did you do it again?" she asked.

I giggled and nodded. She let out a frustrated sigh and said, "Oh man! For God's sake! That's a million times already Jessica! Give some mercy to your poor student,"

I giggled again. "But it can't be help, Tiffany. She's too cute when she gets so embarrass and besides, it seems like she likes it too, so why not?"

"Oh my God.. you know, sometimes I'm asking myself if you like her," she said.

"Oh.. then what if I like her?" I said with an evil grin.

"That would be a big problem. A teacher-student relationship is against the law,"

Oh yes, that law... how annoying. Not allowed but who cares anyway? And besides, Yuri is only 17 turning 18 this December while me, I'm 19. I'm just a year older than her!

"Oh but why not? Our age is not that far from each other," I said flashing a toothy smile.

She sighed and shook her head.


[Yuri's POV]

"Oh yeah! Another score for Kwon Yuri! Way to go!" Yoona cheered.

I chuckled as I open my soda and have a drink. "Thanks to your loosened neck tie, you got to be pinned in the wall by her again," Yoong said once again as she patted my shoulder.

"Haha! Yeah thanks to my loosened neck tie," I said.

"Anyway, are you sure she just pinned you and fixed you neck tie? Nothing more? No stolen kiss?" Yoong asked.

Oh yes, as much as I want to do that, I'm not fully out of my mind to take her right here right now when she did that. I can hold myself back if I want to and that's what I did a while ago. Even though she likes to seduce me, I just can do that, it's too rude and she might think I'm crazy.. well yeah, I admit I'm so crazy over her but I don't want to show it.

I shook my head as I take another drink.

"No stolen kiss? Seriously?!" Yoong said, disappointment is visible on her face.

"Ooh!! That's close! Why didn't you kiss her?" she added.

Sigh, seriously, this alligator really wants me to go insane huh. Luckily I have my own control with my hormones. "Because I don't want. I'm not like you. Randomly kissing your girlfriend anywhere if you feel like tasting her lips again," I said.

"Speak of the devil. I told you it's not my fault! It's Seohyun's! She got drunk in the party then she made me pin her on the wall and kiss her like there's no tomorrow!" Yoong defended.

Ha! Like I'm going to believe her story~ "Don't lie, Yoona. Seohyun is not desperate as you, 'kay?"

"Shut up!" Yoona said.

She's annoyed. Hahaha! She can't accept the truth that it's her and not her innocent girlfriend.

"By the way, you're mother called a while ago," Yoona said as she puts out my phone from her pocket and gave it to me.

"Oh what did she say?" I asked as I flipped open it.

I usually give my phone to Yoong so when someone calls me in the middle of the class, I won't be disturbed. She know different kinds of excuses that she can use to excuse herself to answer my phone. Then every break, she will do this reporting thing if someone called or not.

"She's inviting you to have a dinner with them tonight. So are you coming?" she said.

"Mmm 'kay. I'll send her a message." I said as I started typing my message.

"Okay so do you want me to drive you to the mansion right after classes?"

"Oh sure but you're going to fetch Seohyun right?"

She nodded. "Yep, before going to the mansion let's head first to her school,"

"Oh okay sure,"


As the bell rings, everyone stand up from their seats with their bags and bid their goodbye to their teacher and exits their classrooms. It was already quarter to six and I bet it's already dark outside. I better get moving 'cause at this time, Yoong is already impatiently waiting for me outside.

I walk faster and faster until I end up running in the hallways again. Whew, luckily there are only few students inside or else I will be caught again running. I run pass the student council room, the lockers until I stop from running when I'm near the faculty and saw her again.

She was having troubles with the keys so instead of ignoring her, well, I'll just help her. It's so rude of me if I leave her like that. I walk towards her and without saying any words, I snatch her key and inserted it in the key hole. But before I could turn the key and lock the door, I saw her in the corner of my eyes looking at me blankly. I turned the key and when the door was finally locked, I gave her the key.

"I saw you having troubles with the keys so I snatch it and do the job for you. Anyway, sorry for randomly snatching it," I said.

And again she gave me her sweetest smile and thanked me. "Thanks for your help,"

"It's nothing, Miss Jung," I said as I smiled back then my eyes fell on her lips again.

Ahh God! Why is it always like this? Always, when I look at her my eyes will fell on her lips and that's it! The start of thinking dirty thoughts! Damn it!

"Wondering what they taste like?" she asked causing me to look at her eyes.

Oh man.. she got this evil grin on her face again.

I gulped as I look at her lips again and as I stare at them, her question was repeatedly playing in my head. Fighting my own devil, I look away with my cheeks burning and heart thumping. I heard her giggle and at the same time I can feel her hand cupping my cheeks once again as she gently pushes me to the wall. Well, in this case, she's pinning me again, sigh..

She's not saying any word but I can sense her leaning in and her hand still cupping my cheek. I can feel her hot breath caressing the tiny hairs on my neck up to my ear. I shivered. I can't say anything for I can't even breathe properly because she's close to me again. Then, her hand that is cupping my cheeks, it somewhat moved on its own drawing lines in my jaw line causing me to clench my jaws to prevent myself from letting out a gasp.

She giggled again. Damn it.

"Why is it when I'm looking at you, you're avoiding my gaze but when I'm not looking, you look back. Why is that?" She asked.

Oh what a good question you have there, Miss Jung. "I can't look back 'cause I know I will be lost in your eyes again and of course when I'm finally lost, you will grab the chance to tease me and all," I said still looking away.

"Hmm.. I see. But you like it, right?" She asked once again and as I look at her in the corner of my eyes, she still has this evil grin flustered in her face.

I didn't answer her question. Well yes I like it but why would I let her know? She'll do this every time she have the chance if she learned that I like it and I know it 'cause she have been doing this to me ever since.

"It's okay if you don't want to answer my question, Yuri," she whispered her hot breath sending shivers down to my spine. I shut my eyes tightly and bit my lips as I felt her lips slightly touch my skin. It's warm and soft.

"It's almost dark. You better get going now," she added as she pulled away.

I opened my eyes and saw her smiling like nothing happened. "See you tomorrow~" she said in a sing sang tone then without any added words, she started walking.

I let out a sigh as I look down. I gritted my teeth and cursed under my breath. I was just holding back and hopefully it's a success or else, probably I'm already pinning her on the floor, kissing her neck and making her moan. When she asked that question, if I'm wondering what her lips taste like, I badly want to say yes and take her right here right now but come on, she's still my teacher even though she always throw endless teases at me and seduces me like that.

Oh man let's stop this I gotta go now. Yoong's waiting for me outside.


"Hey! What took you so long?" Yoong asked as I get inside her car.

"Nothing, I just did something before going out," I lied as I close the door and lean my back on my seat.

She sighed and started the engine. "Yeah right, let's get going Seohyun's probably waiting," she said and started driving.

As we arrived at Seohyun's school, we saw her standing near the guardhouse. Yoong quickly went out of her car to get her girl and apologize to her for being late. As I can see, Seohyun just smiled and it looks like she's telling Yoona that's it's alright. Then, afterwards, they started walking hand in hand until they reach the car. Yoong opened the door for Seohyun, closed it and went to the driver's seat.

"Hey there Seohyun!" I greeted with a smile.

"Oh hello, Yuri-unnie!" She greeted back with a smile.

Seo Joo-Hyun, age 16, Yoona's girlfriend and daughter of one of my step father's business partners and niece of the principal of their school. Now, how did she and Yoong met and become a couple? Easy, they met on Shino's party two years ago. I was there with Yoong as my bodyguard, we saw Seohyun with her parents, she was introduced to us, they become friends, until Yoong fell for her and asked her to be her girlfriend and that's it! They instantly become a couple!

"Hey Seohyun, it's not my fault 'kay? It's Yuri's fault that's why I'm late," Yoong said her eyes never leaving the road.

Seohyun giggled and pokes Yoong's cheek. Yoong grinned and rub her cheeks. "Silly," Seohyun said.

"Yoona's right, it's my fault. I'm sorry Seohyun," I apologize.

"It's okay, unnie I don't mind it anyway," she said smiling at me reassuringly.

I smiled back again. "Thanks,"

"Hey Yuri! Don't steal her!" Yoong shouted.

We laugh at her words.

"Don't worry I'm not stealing her," I said chuckling while Seohyun hugs her arm.


"And we're here! Get out of my car now, go inside and meet your parents," Yoong said.

Before I get here, Yoong decided to drop Seohyun home first before heading here because Seohyun's house is not that far away from here.

I chuckled and did what she said but before I go inside, I knock on her window. She opened it and looked at me blankly. "What?"

"You know what to do with my things, 'kay? And thanks for the ride," I said.

"Yeah don't worry, I still have your spare key to your apartment. I'll take care of your things," she said as she put out her spare key to my apartment.

I smiled and patted her shoulder. "Good. Thanks again and see you tomorrow!" I said.

"'Kay, see you tomorrow!" She said and with that she closed her window, started the engine and drove away.

Before knocking, I first took a deep breath then I finally knock. The door opened and as I step in, maids and butlers were all lined up. They greeted me and bowed their heads. I greeted back and smiled at them. Then, one of our butlers came to me and told me that my parents are in the dining area waiting for me and my sister. I thanked him for informing me and headed to the dining area.

As I reach the dining area, there, I saw my mom and step dad sitting on their chairs and was probably waiting for me and Amber. I smiled and greeted them before walking to my chair and sitting. "Good evening, mom, dad,"

"Good evening to you too, Yuri," my step dad, Shino greeted with a smile.

"Good evening, sweetie. Please have a seat," Mom greeted with a smile as well.

I take the seat opposite from her then I hear my step dad's voice. "It's been a while since I last saw you. So, how are you?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm fine," I said with a smile.

"That's good," he said.

Then, I turned to look at mom and asked her. "Mom, where's Amber?"

"She's in her room changing. She'll be here in just a minute," she said.

"Okay," was my only reply.

While were waiting for Amber, they ask me some questions if I'm doing fine in school, how's my life as an ordinary teenager, my grades, of course my records and all. Then, after a few minutes, Amber finally showed up. She apologizes for making us wait for her. Mom and dad said its okay. Then she took the seat next to me and we started eating. And as we started eating, we all have some chat.


"Thanks for the dinner," I said as I bowed my head.

"Yuri, are you sure you don't want to sleep here?" Mom asked.

I nodded in response. She let out a sigh and gave me a hug. "Okay, it's already getting late, please take care of yourself, Yuri," she said worriedly.

I break the hug and smiled at her and said, "Don't worry mom,"

"Okay, be careful," She said.

"Okay," was my only reply as I step out. But before I could start walking, I heard Amber calling me. "Hey! Yuri-unnie wait!"

I turn around and saw her running with a small box of pocky in her hand. I chuckled knowing what she's going to do. "What is it, Amber?"

"Here! A pocky! I'm sure you're craving for some again!" she said flashing me a toothy smile.

I laugh as I patted her head and get the pocky. "Thanks, doggy,"

She chuckled and said, "No problem,"

"Hmm.. Amber, gotta go now," I said as I put the pocky in my blazer's pocket.

"Okay, goodnight unnie," Amber said.

I smiled. "Yeah, goodnight and thanks again. See you around doggy!" and with that I started walking.


Morning came and as always, same things will just happen again and again. I will wake up by the sound of my annoying alarm clock, go the bathroom and have some shower, dress for school and go to the kitchen to have some bite.

"Morning Yul.." Yoong greeted lazily.

"Good morning," I greeted back as I sat opposite from her.

She was staring at her book blankly and as I look at her face, oh man.. she's pale white and her eyes are deep. Man, I wonder what happened to this alligator. She looks like she hasn't slept last night. Sigh, better ask her what really happened.

"Yoona," I called.

She tilted her head up and looked at me blankly. "What?"

"What's up? You're so quite today and it looks like, you didn't sleep," I said as I rest my arms on the table.

"I didn't sleep," she said.

"Oh why is that?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just didn't sleep last night," she said yawning. Then she stretched out her arms, lean her back on her chair and rub her eyes. "Anyway, have you seen the results about the exam last week?" she asked.

I shook my head. She grinned and said, "You better go and have a look. It was posted just near your classroom,"

"Oh come on, Yoong, I don't want to see it. I know I failed again," I said.

Yoong chuckled. "You got it! Of course you failed again!"

"Oh shut up," I said.

"And why would I? Embarrass that you failed again?" She asked with a smirk.

"Just shut up!" I said annoyingly.

How I hate failing in exams but who to blame? Of course me! After all, it's my fault. Yes, I don't like it when I'm failing in exams but always, I end up failing because of being such a lazy head when it comes to reviewing. I can't review with my own, I need someone to help me but then, it's embarrassing if I ask someone to help me study. Tss.. damn it! If only I'm not that lazy when it comes to studying I would probably pass the exams.

I clenched my fist and curse again while Yoong just kept on taunting me by showing her annoying grin. I glared at her but instead of getting afraid of me, she still continued grinning and even chuckled at me.

"Easy there, Yul. I know you're silently blaming yourself already but don't worry 'cause I heard your homeroom teacher will be allowing you to re-take the exam," Yoong said.

"Don't worry? Don't ever say that word," I said.

"Listen, there's nothing to worry about that, Yul. I got a solution for your problem," Yoong said again.

"What is it?"

"Ask Jung to be your tutor. She's pretty smart anyway so you won't have any trouble unless instead of studying you two might end up making out," Yoona grinned.

My ears started heating up as Yoong mention the "making out". "Hell no! That thing would never happen! I swear!"

"Hahaha! Your face! I know you want that so don't deny it, Yul," Yoona said.

Urrgh! If only she's not my best friend, I already killed her! "Shut up!"

She chuckled and patted my head. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry I'm just kidding!"


"Anyway, I'm serious. You should ask her after all this for your own good. You know what will happen to you if you failed again so, grab the chance don't waste it," Yoona said.

Sigh, what else can I do? I don't have any choice now but to ask Jessica to be my tutor for the time being. My step dad already told me about this, he said, if I failed again, I don't have any other choice but to drop out and just learn how to manage the company my real dad leave to me and I don't want it of course so yeah, I really don't have any other choice but to ask Jessica.

"Okay, I take it, I'll be needing her to be my tutor for the time being," I said letting out a defeated sigh.

Instead of hearing Yoong's reaction, she was shaking my hand and pointing at my back. I twitched my brows and said, "What?"

Yoong didn't say anything again but instead I heard this angelic voice again. "I wonder who's that "her" that you'll be needing to be your tutor," 

Chapter 3: Thank You

[Yuri's POV]

And as I heard that voice asking who's that "her" I'm referring to, it sounds like Jessica's angelic voice so I look up to check if it's really Jessica. It was really her, it was really Jessica and she was smiling at me.

"Jessica.." I whispered her name as I was again lost in her beauty.

"Good morning Yuri," she greeted still smiling at me and I can tell that she was trying to wake me up by greeting me.

"O- g-good morning, Miss Jung," I stammered.

Am I really out of my mind? Or I'm really just head over heels with my teacher? Oh maybe both 'cause even though I was back in the real world again, I was still lost in her mesmerising eyes and I can tell that I was again staring. It's rude I know.

"Hey, hey, Yuri! Enjoying the view, are we?" Yoong said shaking me slightly. I blush after hearing Yoong's statement making it obvious that I'm really enjoying the view. Yeah I know turning into a perve again, sigh.

I look away to Yoong's direction to hide my blush from Jessica and as I did that, I can hear Jessica giggling probably because of what she heard and what she saw, the stupid blush that suddenly appeared on my face making what Yoong said to be true. Plus, Yoong was grinning ear to ear at me and probably same reason as Jessica.

I mouthed a "Shut up!" with a matching glare hoping that she would stop from grinning but that's impossible anyway. I know she won't stop because she likes taunting me and since Jessica is here, I know she's going to do something evil.

"And good morning to you too, Yoona," Jessica greeted as she place her books on the table and take the seat next to me.

"Good morning, Miss Jung," Yoona greeted back still grinning. Then, she closes her book, stands up and picks up her bag and book. "Gotta go now. See you around and good luck Yul," she added as she quickly walks away.

As much as I want to stand up and shout where is she going in panic, I just can't because this is a library and shouting is not allowed and besides Jessica's here. If she caught me, sigh, for sure, she's not going to drop me in the student council instead she's going to be the one to give punishments. Yes, she's going to be the one to give punishments and I'm guessing that is killing me with her teases and have myself again holding back from this temptation of pinning her down.

All I can do is just let out a sigh as I open my book and pretend that I'm reading something so I can avoid staring at her. But then, how pathetic, I know myself and I know I can't stop when I want to.

Giving in and breaking this awkwardness between us are the only things I can do right now.

Just when I was about to open my mouth to say something, instead of me, taking the lead to break this silence between us, it was her to make the first move by calling me.


"Yes?" I said as I look at her.

"May I know who's that "her" you will need to help you?" she asked seriously.

"Oh yes about that... err.." Okay, this is great. Just great for I don't know what to say though saying, "Hey Miss Jung, can you be my tutor?" or "Miss Jung, can I ask you something?" are so easy to say, I just can't. I don't know why or maybe I'm just shy? Oh quit it! Come on Yuri! You can do it! You're just going to ask her! It's not like, asking her.. out? Maybe sometime, I'll ask her-- damn! Shut up Yul!

I took a deep breath and mumbled, "This is it," Then, I look at her again, cleared my throat and started. "Hey Miss Jung, well uh, I was just wondering since you're pretty smart can you.. err.. can you be my tutor?" I asked. More like asking her to be my girlfriend hahaha!

"You want me to be your tutor?" she asked.

I nodded and said, "Well, if it's okay only,"

Hearing me say those, she has this smile on her face again. Well, not the other smile I'm referring to every time she's seducing me or pinning me but the smile I used to love. Her simple smile that she wore the first time I saw her, the one that made me fall for her and the one that I've been wishing to see.

"So what do you think, Miss Jung?" I asked once again.

"I'm taking the offer. I can be your tutor, Yuri," she said happily.

I smiled back. "Thank you very much! It's just that, I badly want to have someone tutoring me for the time being so I can pass the exams I'll be re-taking. Thanks again," I said.

She giggled and patted my shoulder. "Anyway, so can you tell who's that "her" now?" she asked again.

"Ah yeah that, it's you whom I'm referring to," I said as I lean my back on my seat.

"Hmm.. I see.. good choice then," she said with a smile.

Okay, I'm not an idiot or something; I just don't get what she said. Good choice? Seriously, I don't get it. Should I ask what does she mean? Or just ignore it and figure it out myself? Second one! I pick it! Ignore and just figure it out myself.

"When can we start?" I asked her ignoring what she said.

"Hmm.. let me think.."

She lean her back on her seat as well. She stared at the ceiling with her right arm serving as the support for her left elbow. Unlike the others, when she's thinking, she's not making it obvious that she's really thinking by staring on something and frowning as if the answer she's searching inside her head is really that hard to find. Hers is way better. Why? 'Cause she's not over acting when she's thinking. She's not making it obvious and calmness can be seen on her face when she's thinking and seeing her like that makes me smile.

After a few minutes, she was now looking at me again and I can tell that, she's done.

"We can start tomorrow after school and on Saturday since I don't have anything to do on that day," she said with a smile.

"Great! So, I'll just wait for you tomorrow," I said smiling back.


Classes started. Everything was so fine today especially just this morning when I saw her in the library. I succeeded on asking her to be my tutor. I was like, "Score!" when she accepted my request and after that, we had some little chat and of course, the teasing and seducing are present as well. Man, just then, we were talking with each other the normal way but not until I asked her if it's okay if we can do it in my apartment she started teasing me to death but thanks to the bell! It saved me!

So going back, classes went well except from Jessica's class. It's not that, something bad happened, it's just that, right after her class when the bell rings indicating that it's already lunch, I have the habit of waiting for my classmates to leave the classroom and leave when they're all outside. So in this case, I'm always left alone with Jessica. Every time, I can't deny the fact that, dirty thoughts will suddenly pop out of my head every time I see myself alone with only Jessica in the same classroom.

To avoid something unusual to happen, as always, I hold back and ignore her but then, Jessica will find a way to get me. And a good example of that is what she did the other day when she saw my loosened neck tie and fixed it for me by pinning me against the door.

I sighed as I lie on the grass. Lunch time is already done but I'm still not going back to my classroom just like my other classmates. We're not skipping classes, we're just lucky today because our Home Economics teacher is absent and we're allowed to do whatever we want. We just have to avoid doing things that will make us have some chat with the student council president about the rules and regulations.

"Hey Yuri!" Sounds like Yoong.

I opened my eyes and look for the source of that voice which sounds like Yoong's. It was really Yoona. She was sitting next to me with a can of an ice cold coffee in her hand.

She lean her back on the tree and took a sip of her ice cold coffee, then she looked at me and asked, "'Sup? You skip or you don't have a teacher today?"

"No teacher for Home Economics. How 'bout you?" I asked back looking at her.

"Same reason, Mr. Choi is absent but he left us something to work on," she said as she swallowed her coffee.

"Oh, are you done?" I asked her again.

"Not yet," she said blankly.

Sigh, as always, she's as lazy as ever when it comes to things like this and why lazy? 'Cause I know she is and that's what she's going to say if I ask her why. She don't even give a damn worrying about her life if her teacher found out that she didn't do what was left to her to work on. She's not scared of being sent to the student council or have her parents with her in the principal's office. Man, Yoong's head is as hard as a pure metal!

"Anyway, how's the asking thingy went with Jung?" She asked.

"She said yes," I answered.

"That's great then,"

"Yeah.. really great.." I said as I look up at the blue sky.

"So what's the plan now?" she asked again as took another sip on her ice cold coffee and look at me.

"Plan for what?" I shot back.

"Oh come on Yuri, you know what I mean and I know you want that too," she said grinning evilly again. How I hate seeing that grin of hers.

"Sigh, Yoong, just quit it. I told you making out won't happen between us. She's my teacher and I'm her student. A teacher-student relationship is prohibited and you know it clearly." I said seriously but as I say that, I felt an aching feeling near my stomach and at the same time it feels so hard to breathe. What is this?

"Yeah I know but who cares with that sh*t? And besides your age is not far from her age. She's just one year older than you, Yul and soon you'll be turning 18, so who cares if you're in love with your own teacher?"

That makes sense. Who cares if I'm.. I'm.. in love with.. with her? But still, it's wrong. So wrong 'cause she's still my teacher though she's only a year older than me.

"It's still wrong, Yoong," I said in almost a whisper.

"Wrong your face. You're just saying that 'cause you're still making yourself believe that you just like her and falling in love with her is a big no even though it's obvious that you're really in love with her,"


[Jessica's POV]

"I told you I'm not going and that's final!" I said annoyingly as I hanged up.

I sit back, lean my back on my seat and close my eyes. How I hate being used by my own father for his own ambitions. Ever since, I don't have the chance to enjoy my teenage life back then. He's always telling me that this is for my own good even though it's really not. Truth to be told, he's doing it for his own good instead and I hate it.

Back then, I was like a princess living in a castle. I can have everything that I want, everything and everything. My life is so good, no hardships and all but not until I got to learn that this just all a play. That when I grow up, my life will be a complete mess, I will be used for my own father's ambition and there's no more happily ever after for the princess I used to be when I'm still a kid. That's why running away from the castle or should I say, jail, came up to my mind.

I sighed and saw Tiffany standing in front of me. She was looking at me worriedly while all I can do is smile at her softly to tell her that I'm fine and no need to worry about.


"I'm fine, don't worry," I said still smiling at her.

She let out a sigh and takes the seat. "Did he call you?"

I nodded. "Your father really don't know what give up and let go means,"

"It's obvious. He doesn't know a thing when it comes to his daughter. What he knows is putting up a mask, get what he want and dump the thing he used afterwards," I said coldly as I look at the window just near us.

"I hope he stops it now before it's too late." Tiffany said.

"In your dreams, Tiffany. I know he won't and he will never be," I said.


[Normal POV]


"Okay, class dismiss! Every one of you can go now and have your lunch but please do not forget to do some reviews for next week's chapter test, okay?" She said.

"Yes Ma'am!"

Just when her students started leaving the classroom, she too started packing her belongings until her student that she loves to tease came in front of her. She smiled when she saw her student's body then she heard her say, "Ready?"

She looks at her and answered, "I'm always ready," with a wink causing her student to blush.

Yuri ignored the blush on her face and stopped herself from giving any reaction so it's not going to be that obvious. Though, deep inside, that wink her teacher just gave her almost made her heart fall from where it was again.

"Hand me your bag, I'll carry it for you," She said reaching out her hand and waiting for Jessica to give it to her.

Jessica smiled but instead of giving her bag, she grab her arm, put it around her waist and made her pin her on the wall. Shock and all, Yuri don't know what to do but at the moment she take a look at her lips, things around her started spinning. Lightheaded, Yuri was near to her limit and Jessica can sense it. She grinned and hugged her. "You're looking at my lips again.. wanna taste it?" she whispered seductively.

Her hot breath sending shivers down to her spine and as she hears that seducing voice of her teacher, it makes her temptation grow even more. So in this case, she's already giving up, can't hold back, and can't control her own for she had enough of this teasing game between her and Jessica.

Yuri's hand started going down to Jessica's thigh. And while caressing it, she can feel Jessica's grip to her blazer tightens. Jessica was gritting her teeth preventing herself to say something that will make her student start it, though, now that Yuri's hand is caressing the back of her thigh and she was kinda enjoying it, doing this and that inside a classroom is not safe. Someone might come in without knocking and they might be caught in the act.

"What if I say yes? Would you let me.. Miss Jung?" Yuri whispered back. She has totally lost control of herself. She was now kissing and licking Jessica's neck while Jessica could only manage to do was tighten her grip on Yuri's blazer, close her eyes, bit her lips and stop herself from moaning.

Yuri grinned knowing that Jessica was in the middle of stopping herself from moaning. She looks at her and saw her biting her lower lip and all flushed. She can tell by the look of Jessica that it's like she's asking for more so she leaned in to capture her lips. Jessica encircled her arms around Yuri's neck as she kisses her back. She pulled her closer to deepen the kiss then, she bit Yuri's lip asking for her tongue's permission to go inside her mouth. And without any hesitation, Yuri instantly opens her mouth and let Jessica's tongue do the job.

Low moans have escape from her mouth as Jessica forcefully push her tongue and explore its inside. This just makes the two of them hot especially Yuri who was holding back for a quite a long time ever since. Now it's her turn to make Jessica moan. She pushed her firmly and inserts her tongue inside Jessica's mouth. Jessica moaned as she pulled her even more. Yuri just did what Jessica was trying to make her do until she slightly raises her knee and use it to rub Jessica's spot.

Jessica let out a loud moan as Yuri continuously rubs her spot. The tongue battle was stop when Jessica removes her tongue from Yuri's mouth. She rests her head on the crook of Yuri's neck while Yuri just keeps on rubbing her spot. She moaned again. This time not loud enough to be heard outside the classroom. She's now getting wet and she can tell it for she can feel some of her juice coming out.

Before she stops Yuri from rubbing her spot, she kissed her once again and tremblingly touches Yuri's knee to stop it. Yuri gets it, so she stop on her own and kissed her back. The kiss was passionate and as soon as they feel the need of air, they broke the kiss. Both of them are panting heavily. Jessica hugs her once again and closes her eyes.


What happened between them in the classroom just can't get out of their mind but not until they reach Yuri's apartment in silence. They went inside still not saying any words to each other. Yuri told her to seat on the couch and watch some television programs for a while while she's preparing their lunch.

Yuri can't believe what just happened between them a while ago. She knows that she have lose control of herself and so Jessica was too. It was her first kiss and it felt so right. So right that Jessica was her first kiss and so right that she finally got the chance to taste her lips.

It tastes so sweet and so addictive. Her scent is so distracting. The way she moans and tighten her grip on her blazer makes her want to do something more than that. And the look she was giving her is something she won't ever forget. When she was biting her lip with her face all flushed plus the glasses she was wearing makes her look so hot.

She removes her loosen neck tie and blazer and put it on the chair. Then she folded her white long sleeve polo in three fourths, grabs the apron, put it on and started cooking.

After she's done, she called her and apologizes if it takes her too long to finish cooking. Jessica just smiled and said that it's alright. They ate together with silence as their company. They can't say a thing with each other and it feels so awkward and it can be because of what happened between them was still inside their heads and they were both shy with each other.

They finish eating still in silence but not until Jessica broke it.

"Thanks for the lunch, Yuri," she said with a smile.

"No problem," Yuri smiled back. "Anyway, I'll wash the dishes first then we can finally start now," she added.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the living room," Jessica said and left the kitchen.

Yuri heaved a sigh as she watches Jessica's departing figure. Why can't I even say a word while we were eating to lighten up the mood? Sigh.. the blame is still on me! It's my fault that's why everything turned out this way! I'm such a fool! She mentally shouted to herself as she sighed again. She shook her head and just proceeded on cleaning the dishes so she can finally go to the living room where her tutor was waiting for her.


[Yuri's POV]

"Hey did I make you wait?" I asked as I seat on the floor opposite from her.

"Not at all," she answered with a smile.

"Okay, so can we start now?" I asked again.

"Sure," was her only answer as she adjusted her glasses. "But first, tell me, on what subjects you're not good at?" she added.

"Mmm.. actually I can handle all the subjects but Math and Science is not my thing. I mean, I'm kinda slow on does two. It takes me quite a long time before I can finally understand a certain lesson on those two especially in Math," I said.

"Okay, so I think I'll be teaching you Math first then. Would you mind bringing your textbook in Math before we start?"

"Sure thing," I said as I stand up to get my textbook in Math in my room.

I came back with my textbook in Math then we started. She first discussed the lessons that I find so hard in Math then when I finally understand, she gave me examples, explained how to solve that equation and finally give me some easy to difficult drills.

One more and I'm done and she can finally check my paper.

I bit the tip of my pen as I think of another solution that I can use to get the answer easily. After a few minutes, I finally got it. I started solving the equation. It takes me ten or fifteen minutes before I get the answer and complete the whole thing. I took a deep breath before passing it but before I could do that, it seems like I caught Jessica's attention.

She was looking at me blankly then she smiled and asked, "Done?"

"Yeah," I said as I pass my paper to her.

She takes it and started checking my answers. While doing that, I was again staring at her. Probably lost in her beauty again but as I stare at her more, I somehow felt guilty when I remembered what just happened in the classroom. I don't know why I feel so guilty and I don't know why I feel something is aching again near my stomach as I remember what Yoong said. I feel like saying sorry 'cause it really feels so different. I'm not used to this kind of silence between us. I need to do something.

I tear a piece of paper in my notebook and started writing my apology. Then, I look at her. She's still checking my answer and I can see that she's halfway done. I took a deep breath again and pass the paper to her as I stand up to excuse myself.

"I'll be back in a minute," I said without looking as I made my way to the kitchen to make some coffee.

I look at my watch. It was already 3:24 in the afternoon. I grab my mug and went straight to the coffee maker. This is what I usually do when I'm tense, don't know what to do or thinking something. And right now, I say I'm tensed and don't know what to do. I don't know why I feel so tense but I do know why I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do after Jessica read what I wrote to her. I don't know what will happen. I don't if she'll accept my apology or not..

I sighed as I take my mug on the coffee maker. I take a seat and take a sip on my hot coffee then I saw her coming with the piece of paper I gave her. She smiled as I look at her.

"You don't need to say sorry and if you're being bothered if I'm mad, no I'm not so don't be," She said bringing up her hand to cup my cheek.

Don't know what can I say about this and was again totally lost in her eyes the moment I look at them, all I can do is stay silent and let my heart pound as fast as it wants. She stands up, moves closer to me and tilted my head up slightly. She was staring at my lips then in my eyes. We stared at each other for a few seconds until she leaned in closer and whispered, "Because I like it too.."


Days went by and everything goes fine as always especially the way Jessica's study session goes. Since then, I thought she will stop teasing me after what happened between us in the classroom but instead she started teasing me on that one. Sometimes, when we're the only two left inside our classroom, she will lock the door, walk towards me, hug me and whisper something saying that the door is lock we can do it if I want. And in response, I will turn red after hearing those and when she's satisfied on what she's seeing, she will stop from teasing me, chuckled and tell how red I am.

All I can do is say "Shut up," silently or just stay silent.

I stretch out my arm in the air as I let her check my answers. I rested my arms on the coffee table we were using and stare at her. This is the last study session that will happen because on Monday next week, I'll be taking the exams I failed at again. It's a good thing she's the one who's tutoring me. I can pick up easily and she's so patient at me.

"Well done! You got a perfect score, Yuri!" She said with a smile.

"Wow.. thanks.." I said smiling back.

"Monday next week is the day you're going to re-take the exam, yes?" she asked.


"I see.. good luck then. Just believe in yourself that you're going to pass the exam," she said still smiling.


Monday came the day that I'm going to re-take the exam. Nervous and all I entered the room, greeted my homeroom teacher and gave me the papers. First was Math. It went well and I didn't find it hard for me to answer and solve the equations given in the paper. Then next was History, English, Home Economics blah blah blah until at last, the last one Science. Unlike the other subjects, Science is really not my thing. Though some of the questions are so easy to answer, I get nuts when I'm nearing the enumeration. I forgot some of the answers but I have to try remembering so I can pass it now and go home and wait 'till tomorrow comes and see the result.

I chewed the tip of my pen thinking for the two parts of chromosome that I have forgotten. One minute have pass.. two.. three and I'm still doing the same thing. Staring at my paper thinking for an answer while chewing the tip of my pen until... "Got it!"

As soon as I finally remember the answer, I didn't waste any time and write it down the answer then afterwards I gave it to my teacher. "I'm done,"

"Okay, you can go now. The results for those who re-take the exam will be posted on the bulletin tomorrow," he said.

I bowed my head slightly and went out.

I hope I passed the exam.


"Hey Yuri!" A tall girl called and approaches me together with Yoona.

I smiled. It was Choi Soo-young. My other best friend aside from Yoona. Unlike Yoona, she's not a gangster and an all around prankster, but she's often being seen with the alligator since they are classmates. She likes to eat but she won't get fat hahaha!

"Good morning, Yoona, Sooyoung," I greeted.

"Good morning, Yuri,"

"Morning Yul,"

"So what's up? Have you seen the results or not yet?" Sooyoung asked.

"Not yet," I said.

"Oh, then let's go and check the results if you failed again," Yoong said, again grinning at me.

"Shut up!" I said. They laugh as we started walking.

When we reach the bulletin, it was kinda over crowded. Everyone was looking at it probably searching for their names or their friend's name to see if they pass or not. We waited in the corner and when it was not over crowded anymore, we decided to take a look now since their only few remaining.

"Okay, okay who wants to go first?" Yoong asked.

We didn't answer.

She sighed. "Okay you go first Sooyoung, I know Yuri don't want to. She's not yet ready to see her failing scores or else she'll get a heart attack," Yoong said once again.

"I'm not a fail!" I said as I glare at her. She and Sooyoung laugh then they started looking for Sooyoung's name to see if she passed. One... two... three... four... "Found it!" Yoong shouted.

"Where? Where?!"

"Over here!" Yoong pointed at number twenty-four and..

"I passed! I passed the exam! Yuri! Yuri! I passed the exam Yoona!!" Sooyoung cheered happily.

Yoong and I chuckled at her childish actions. We patted her back then Yoong said, "Congrats shikshin,"

She laughs then Yoona turned to look at me with a glint of something evil in her eyes. "And now it's Yuri's turn. Let's find number twenty-one and see if she failed again then we can have a party,"

"Yeah right," I said as I rolled my eyes then they started looking at the bulletin again.

"Kwon Yuri, Kwon Yuri, Kwon Yuri, Kwon Yuri, Kwo-- I found it!" Yoong shouted again.

Okay, okay easy there Yuri, easy there calm down so you won't get any heart attack when you see your failing scores okay? Breathe in, breathe out.

Before looking at the bulletin, I first took a deep breath, look at them and saw Yoona's annoying grin. Sigh, if only she's not my best friend! Then I saw Sooyoung looking back at me blankly and finally looked at the bulletin to see my result. I saw my number and my name and then... "Is this for real?" I asked can't believe at what I'm seeing.

"Oh why? You failed again?" Yoong asked blankly.

"No she didn't, she passed," Sooyoung said.

"Oh I thought she failed-- what?!"

"Oh yes! I passed! At last!" I cheered happily as I raised my fist on the air.

"Whoa! Congratulations for the two of us Yul," Sooyoung said as she patted my shoulder.

"Congratulations Yul, it's the end of the world," Yoong congratulated as well smirking at me.

I chuckled and punch her arm playfully. "Thanks," I said.

"So are you not going to see Jung and thank her as well?" Yoong asked.

Oh yes! That's right! I should go and see her and thank her for everything!

"You got a point in there. Gotta go for a while, I'll just see you two later! Bye!" I said as I started running.

"Hey! Don't forget to treat us!" Sooyoung shouted.

"Yeah! Don't worry I'll treat you two later!" I shouted back.


7:30.. She's still inside the faculty at this hour. Probably, just arranging things she needed for her class that will start in just a minute so I have to be there before she leaves.

I run faster not bothering if someone caught me running in the hallways again until I finally reach the faculty and saw Mr. Choi, Yoong's Math teacher just exit the faculty. I greeted him and asked if Jessica was inside and hopefully she's still in. I thanked him then I went inside to find a certain blonde and there, I saw her sitting on her chair reading a book. There's no other teacher left inside but only her so I quickly walk towards her.

"Hey Miss Jung," I called.

"Oh hello Yuri, is there anything you need?" she said smiling.

"Err.. nothing.. I just want to say thank you," I said.

"Thank you for what?" she asked.

"For helping me study and uh.. I passed the exam and it's all thanks to you," I said as I smiled back.

She stands up from her seat and walk towards me. "No problem about that," she said with a smile.

And before I could say thanks again, she suddenly pulled me by my neck tie and the next thing I know, her lips was already attached to mine. She encircled her arms around my neck and kissed me but I was still in the state of shock. I was caught off guard and I can't kiss her back until she bit my lower lip and break the kiss.

"What's wrong? It's not like we haven't kiss before," She said caressing my lips.

Well yeah, she got a point in there. Babo Kwon Yuri.

I smiled and kissed her fingertips and asked, "So you want a kiss?"

'Cause if you ask me, I badly want to have more than that. 

Chapter 4: The Runaway Princess

[Jessica's POV]

I opened the door and went inside. I closed the door behind me, took off my heels and slips in my slippers the moment I step near the doorway. Tired and all, I first went to the living room and have a quick rest before heading to the kitchen for some dinner. I took off my blazer leaving me in my plain white long sleeve polo. I put it on the coffee table together with my bag and slumps myself on the couch. It's already quarter to seven in the evening and I just got home from work.

I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes and rest my back comfortably on the soft portion of the couch. Back then, I used to have a good life and no hardships at all but that was only when I was still a kid and doesn't know anything to this world but to play around and live life to the fullest.

The name is Jung Sooyeon but better known as Jessica Jung. Age is nineteen and yet at this early age I became a teacher. Since I'm a Jung expect that I came from a wealthy and influential family here in South Korea. My parents are one of the biggest names when it comes to business especially my dad. Now, wondering how on earth that a nineteen year old girl like me became a teacher instead of still studying for college and why a princess like me is living in an apartment not in her castle? Let me tell you my story first.

Like what I've said before, I'm a Jung so expect that I'm a rich kid. I didn't grow up here in South Korea but in America because at that time when I was still in my mother's womb, she and dad was in America. Originally, they were living here but because of the business we have there, they decided to move there. After a few years, I was only five years old when mom got pregnant again and it was Krystal inside her womb. And when she was ready to let us see my younger sister, she died living us all alone and lonely especially my dad whom she really loves.

After my mother's death, dad made himself busy managing our company so he won't remember my mother's death which almost causes him to commit suicide. We understand him but it's not right. We know it's hard for him because as our mother's daughters, we can feel it as well especially me since she's the one who took care of me when she was still alive. Every time dad comes home late at night, instead of greeting us with a smile, he will just look at us, tell us to go to sleep now, and walk away. He becomes cold especially to Krystal.

Every time, Krystal will come to me and cry and tell me how she hates herself for she's the cause of our mother's death. I will always end up hugging her so she would calm down and later on, tell her that it's not right to blame herself because no one wishes that thing to happen. She will calm down in my arms and fell asleep but while she was like that, I was in the middle of thinking what if mom didn't have to die.. probably, we will be able to see our parents happy and feel their love for us.. and that's what I'm wishing for..

Krystal and I were enrolled in the same school. We made some friends there and enjoyed our lives not even thinking about our life as rich kids. Until I met this girl whose name is Tiffany Hwang. Just like us, she's a Korean as well but was raised up here in America. She's neither a rich kid nor a poor one, she's in the middle class and we don't have any problem with that. She became our friend until our very last day in America.

Dad told us that she got a call from our grandfather in our homeland saying that he needs to get back there since every thing's all fine here in America and that he will just send someone to keep an eye on our company. We know he can't just leave us alone here with our maids so he told us to pack our things and that we're going back to Korea. We did what he wanted us to do and as soon as we reach Korea, we were warmly welcomed by our grandfather in his house.

That time, I was only ten years old while Krystal was six. While our dad was busy working again, our grandfather was always there in the house with us. Keeping an eye and taking care of us together with the maids and butlers we have. He never let us feel lonely and every time, when he sees us have this bored look on our face, he will sit next to us and ask if we want to go to the malls, amusement parks or anywhere that will make us happy. Our eyes will lit up and nod in agreement then he will chuckle and tell us to get ready so we can go now.

Days went by and same things will always happen until I get confuse and ask my grandfather why we are not going to school. He told me everything about our family. He told me that, my younger sister and I are the only few who had this kind of life. A life most of the people ever dreamt of having for the rest of their life. And even told us that maybe someday one of us will be the next president of the Jung Corporations and get even more famous.

As a little kid who still can't understand fully everything around her, all I can do is show this amazed look on my face for knowing that I came from a very rich family and that everyone envies me for having such a good, nice, and worry free life. For a kid like me, after knowing those makes me feel like I'm above all but unknowingly, I didn't know that it's the start of everything...

We were homeschooled and at first it's all fine but as days went by and as we grow up, we began to feel so bored about it but we can't just tell our grandfather that we don't want to be homeschooled anymore because we know, he'll get angry, well not really angry, and he will get worried about us because the reason why we were homeschooled is to be protected against those people who knows and have bad intentions to us. We understand him so we just decided to let ourselves be homeschooled.

At such a young age of sixteen, I was already taught on how to manage a company and how to deal with that paper works. I'm not surprised on that one because knowing that I'm a Jung, I should be taught on how to do those things. Since then, I began to learn that our company is ranking number 3 while the 2nd is Kwon Enterprises and 1st is the Liu Industries. After knowing that, I was told to make our company rank number 1 someday..

Just when I was about to turn seventeen, things around me started changing especially the two men in my life. My father and my grandfather. I often see them have some fight about the company. Dad was telling grandfather that our company is on the loose due to this man named, Lee Sou-kun who came from the Lee Enterprises. At first, I just ignored their little fight about it until one day; I accidentally heard some serious conversation between dad and that man from Lee Enterprises.

The conversation was all about the two companies. The Jung Corporations which is ours and the Lee Enterprises. The conversation between them goes on and on until I heard dad says something about the engagement. Confuse and at the same time curious, I didn't go away and just stayed to listen for more details. I know it's bad to eavesdrop but it can't be help for the engagement is about me and Sou-kun's son whose name is Lee Donghae.

It shocked me and I felt like I was used though I'm really am. I didn't know that they have planned the engagement between me and Sou-kun's son right from the very start so the two companies will be joined together in the future when I'm already married to Donghae.

Dad made me date Donghae for the first time. I didn't obey him but still he forced me until he scared me by reminding me about my best friend, Tiffany. He says that Tiffany had moved here in Korea together with her parents. Then, he told me that if I didn't obey him, he will do anything to make Tiffany and her parents suffer for the rest of their life. I was taken a back and was stopped dead from shouting that I don't want to go out on a date with Donghae after hearing those. I fell silent with no other choice but to do what he wants me to do.

I met Donghae and all I can say is, he's a show off. At first, because of his handsome face, you'll think he's nice and all but no, it's just the appearance that will say those lies because the truth is, he's a total show off and to be added, he's a playboy as well. On our first date, he was telling me how glad he was to finally meet me and then afterwards, he started saying cheesy lines. Saying that, the first time he laid his eyes on me, I caught his attention, I'm the most beautiful girl he'd ever met, he thinks that he's already in love with me, it was love at first sight and all nonsense lines I normally hear from other people out there.

It annoys me how those things will repeat itself every time we date each other until I get tired and really angry, making me have this decision of running away. I didn't waste any time again and finally decided to leave this horrible world I was in and say hi to the new world I'm gonna be in where I can find the freedom I was searching for long time ago.

I runaway leaving my younger sister behind. That time, as much as I wanted to have her with me, I realized that I just can't do that because I don't have money or a job to keep her alive so I just leave her behind. I did that because I know she will be fine there.

Walking in the streets all day with nothing in my pocket to buy something to eat, I experienced and realize that what I did is such a silly thing to do. But I don't want to go back anymore.. I want to be free and have a normal life.. free from the engagement, from the responsibilities I have to take, from my dad and from the world I was living in back there.

And finally, I met my best friend again. I hugged her tightly while tears fell down on my cheeks. I was overjoyed to see her again. That time, she's the only one that I have. Tiffany asked me what just happened to me. I explained everything to her and right when I'm finally done, she hugged me and told me that everything will be fine from now on. She offered me to stay in her apartment since she's the only one living there and her parents were back in America again for work. Without any hesitation, I accepted her offer.

After a year, we get a job in a private school. At such a young age of nineteen, it was really impossible for us to get a job since we didn't graduate but luck is in our side, that school we went to apply for a job was my uncle's school. He knows that I'm being homeschooled for the past years and he knows that I have the potential so he accepted me while Tiffany, we have to show her report card first to my uncle before he says yes. After that, finally we were accepted as teachers. We thanked him and promised him that we're going to do our best so he won't get disappointed on accepting us to his school.

And that's how it all began. Working there is so much fun. We got to meet different kind of students and the teachers are so nice. Everything was just great and this is what I'm looking for. A normal and happy life and it gets happier the moment I met this girl. A student of mine who likes to stare at me and I like to tease and seduce. My student that I think I'm already falling for, Kwon Yuri.


[Normal POV]

"Hey! Jessica! Jessica! Wake up!" Tiffany shakes her arm.

Tiffany just got home from work and it seems like, Jessica fell asleep while waiting for her. Usually, these two would go home together but since Tiffany went to her girlfriend's cafe, Jessica decided to go home alone and just wait for her friend. And while waiting, Jessica fell asleep on the couch and when Tiffany arrive, she saw the Ice Princess sleeping on the couch and thought that it was because she's waiting for her.

She sighed and shakes her again. "Come on Jessica, please wake up!"

No response.

Sigh, okay this is annoying, it seems like I have to say, "Jung Sooyeon! Wake up! Kwon Yuri is here!". I bet this will work unless I have to be cruel and get a cucumber and place it on her nose so she will be able to smell her monster. She thought to herself as she stands up. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, opened it and, "JUNG SOOYEON! WAKE UP! KWON YURI IS HERE!"

And just like what Tiffany was expecting after saying that, Jessica's eyes automatically burst open. She sits up, look around to see if Yuri was really there with them but only to find her best friend standing in front of her. She looks up at her and asked, "Umm.. Tiffany? Where's.. where's Yuri?" with a toothy smile.

Oh God! From now on, that's what I'm going to do to wake her up when needed. She thought to herself as she let out a sigh and sit next to her. "She's not here, Jessie," she said.

"Eh? But.."

"I lied okay? I just said that so you'll wake up. It's already eight in the evening and I just got home," Tiffany said.

"Oh.. I see.." was the only words Jessica could manage to say as she looks down at her hand.

There was a couple of silence surrounded them until Tiffany spoke again to break it.

"Next time, I will use it to wake you up when needed," she said with a wink.

Jessica's cheeks and ears heat up and a faint blush suddenly appeared on her cheeks. "Yah! Hwang Miyoung! Don't be silly!" she said as slaps Tiffany's arm.

Tiffany giggled. "But it was so effective! Just when I said that Yuri was here, your eyes instantly burst open then you sit up to asked me where's Yuri afterwards!"

"I'm just kidding," Jessica said in almost a whisper.

Obviously, Jessica was guilty. What Tiffany said is true and she knows it but she just can't say yes or no. She can't say yes for she knows, Tiffany will tease her about her student and there will be follow up questions. She can't say no for she knows as well that Tiffany will still tease her until she ended up all red.

Tiffany giggled again and said, "My, my, my best friend is in love with her student~ And since she's a denial, it just proves that she's really in love with Kwon Yuri~"

"Oh shut up Tiffany," Jessica said.

"You're guilty, you're guilty, you're guilty~"

Jessica just sighed and stands up and started walking. Tiffany saw it and thought that Jessica might be angry. "Hey! Sica! I'm just kidding!" she shouted.

"I'm not angry! I'm just going to eat!" she shouted back.

"Oh.. I thought she's angry,"


[Jessica's POV]

The very next day, we went to have our breakfast first in Taeyeon's cafe then we went straight to the school. Just like what we always do when we reach the school will always repeat itself. We will be greeted by the guard, by the students we passed by, go to the faculty and arrange everything we needed before classes starts. Afterwards, the bell will ring indicating the students and teachers that it's almost time for the class to start.

We will go to our first class, second, third, fourth and so on. It's tiring but it's worth it anyway especially when it's already time for me to go to Yuri's classroom and teach them. It excites me to see her and have some time teasing her when the class is over.

The first time I met her, I have to admit that I find her attractive. She's beautiful, she has a very nice body and she's.. nice.. yes she's nice the only problem with her is that, she has this habit of staring at me. Well, I don't know if she's doing that to only me or to her other teachers but it doesn't annoy me. I don't know why but when she does that, I don't find it rude or something.

I like it when I'm teasing and seducing her. I don't know what got into me to do such thing to my student but I'm enjoying it and at the same time, I find her cute whenever she blushes and reacts like a kid when I tease her or seduce her. But whenever I'm close to her, I can feel my heart beating faster and it happens a lot until that day happens.

Something happened between us inside the classroom. It was unexpected and I didn't mean it when I did that. I mean, I was just seducing her. I want to see how she will react on that one but I guess I was wrong. I didn't know she will give up easily and so am I. It was really unexpected and I was really shocked when she started caressing my thigh and later on kissed me like that.

Instead of pushing her away, I didn't 'cause it feels so right. I deepen the kiss by inserting my tongue inside her mouth. She moaned then she did the same thing. I started feeling wet when she did that and it just gets better and better when she started rubbing this part of my body using her knee which makes me want to have more of that but before I could really lose control of myself, reality hit me hard on the head, I stopped her because I'm really wet at that moment and besides we're inside the classroom. Someone might come in and see us having some making out session inside.


[Normal POV]

"Hey Miss Jung, I'm done," Yuri said as she wave her notebook in the air.

"Come here, let me check it," Jessica said as she adjusted her glasses and looks at Yuri.

Yuri puts down her notebook on Jessica's table. Jessica takes it and checks it then she said, "Next time, don't sleep in my class or I'll send you out,"

"Mmm 'kay, I'm sorry anyway, I won't do it ever again I promise," Yuri said as she bowed her head slightly.

Jessica smiled. She gets up from her seat, cups Yuri's cheek and tilted her head up. "No need to say sorry, its okay now," she said.

Yuri smiled and asked, "Can I go now?"

"Nah uh~ stay with me 'till I finish the records, honey~" Jessica said as she encircles her arms around Yuri's neck and giggled.

"Not again," 

Chapter 5: Practice Makes Perfect

[Yuri's POV]

"Hahaha! Again?! Miss Jung did that to you? Oh what a lucky girl you are Yuri," Sooyoung said.

"She's the luckiest because she's the byunness of all!" Yoong added joining Sooyoung at laughing at me.

Damn! These two! Is there any chance for them to shut up especially to Yoona who loves calling me ByunYul?

"Oh great.. shut up you two!" I shouted at them.

"Sorry," Sooyoung said as she covered her mouth preventing herself from letting out any sound of her laughs.

Sigh, at last she did shut up but Yoong.. oh my God.. she's not showing any signs of shutting her mouth. She keeps on saying "ByunYul" all over again with a matching evil grin that annoys me so much.

I face palmed and I guess it made them laugh more especially Yoona knowing that I'm guilty. Well, who to blame? Of course me! Blame it all to me for telling them what just happened a while ago between me and Jessica. Oh-kay, if you guys think that we make out again, that's a big no! No making out happened seducing only.

Okay so going back, like what I've said before, there's no making out happened between us seducing only. That time, the bell rings signalling that it's almost lunch time. Jessica dismissed the class. Just like the old times, I waited for the others to get out of the classroom before doing so and finally when I'm the only one left, I stand up from my seat with my bag and was about to exit the classroom when suddenly, Jessica closed the door preventing me from going out. It confused me but when I look at her, damn! She has this evil grin again.

Seeing that evil grin of hers, I mentally face palmed knowing that something will happen again and guess what? I'm right. She locked the door and pushed me against the door. I admit, when she did that, I thought.. there's going to be another making out. Yeah I know, you guys will agree with Yoong in calling me ByunYul, sigh.

'Kay so let's go back. I was mistaken for thinking such thing like that 'cause she was just seducing me while reminding me about my loose neck tie.. again hehe! And before letting me go, she caressed my lips and said that she missed the taste of my lips in a whisper which caused me to have my ears and cheeks to heat up. I was lost when I heard that and the next thing I knew, she already pulled away and was giggling at me. Probably I was already blushing since I can feel my cheeks burning up that's why she's giggling then, she poke my cheeks waking me up from my thoughts and told me that she was just kidding.

I told the whole story to Sooyoung and Yoona that's why they were laughing at me. I know they find it funny the way I reacted when Jessica did that and when they started teasing me about it. I can't blame them from doing that. After all, it's me to blame 'cause if only I didn't tell them this, probably I'm not dying in embarrassment right now.

"What a dirty mind you have there, Yuri," Yoong said still grinning at me.

"Oh shut up," I said as I open my soda.

"Guilty!" Sooyoung added and they laugh again.

I sighed and just ignore them as I took a sip of my soda. If I react again, they will continue teasing me again and again so the best way to avoid that thing is just ignore them and let them laugh at me even though it annoys me.

I lean my back on tree and stared at the blue sky. A very fine day we have here, it makes me want to go to the soccer field and play soccer with these two since the three of us are in the same sports club. Yeah, you heard it right, we're soccer players of this school. Yoong's the captain, Soo's the one who blocks the goal to prevent our enemy to point a score and me, the star player of the team (They say).

Ahh! I don't feel so lazy today! I want to play soccer! If only we have practice today-- oh wait! What day is today? Wednesday? Thursday? Oh I hope today is Wednesday or Thursday 'cause Wednesday and Thursday are the days where we have a practice in soccer. Okay, maybe I should ask them.

"Hey, what day is today?" I asked as I look at them.

"I don't have any idea.. Sooyoung?" Yoong said as she looks at Sooyoung. Sigh, she's the captain! She must know everything!

"Wednesday," Sooyoung said.

Oh yes! We can play soccer! Yay!

"Heard it? Today is Wednesday-- what?! Are you serious?!" Yoona said as she almost choke with her burger.

Sooyoung patted her back and gave her water. "Yeah, I'm not joking today is Wednesday," Sooyoung said.

"That means we have practice today, Captain," I said as I beamed at Yoong who was still suffering from choking.


[Normal POV]

"Everyone in here?" Yoona asked.

"Yes!" Everyone said.

"Good! Well, since today is Wednesday of course all of you know that it's our soccer team's practice day but before we start our practice, I have some important announcement. Just this afternoon, the principal called me and told me that there's going to be a match between our team and Seiju High School's soccer team next, next week. So that means, we have to be serious with our practice so we can manage to win this game. Is that clear?" Yoona said seriously.

"All clear!" They said.

"Good! Let's start then!" She said once again.

Blue Fang is the name of their soccer team. The team consist of male and female and at this rate, instead of having a male as a leader and captain of the team, Yoona was chosen to be both since she's good in making strategies on how to win every match they were in and hopefully thanks to her smart strategies 'cause they always win and to be added, she's serious when it comes to soccer despite the fact that she's known as the great prankster of their school, can be seen inside the student council room a lot of times and has so many records of breaking the rules and regulations. Blue Fang will be nothing if they don't have someone like her.

Just when the practice started, everything went well. Everyone followed Yoona's plan and every time it's time for some break, Yoona will think more of the strategies for their match or sometimes make some changes on the usual position they have or ask everyone's opinion.

The practice went on and on until it's almost time for another break. Yoona looks at Sooyoung and gave her the signal to whistle and tell everyone to have some break. Sooyoung got it. She whistled causing everyone to look at her and tell everyone to stop for a while and have some break. They stop and went to the bench to have some rest there.

Before joining the others, Yuri kicked the ball first strongly not bothering that the goal is far enough. Everyone saw what she did and just like her they know it's impossible for the ball to hit the goal but unknowingly it surprised them when it almost hit the goal. They cheered while Yuri just laughed at what she did.

"Nice one, Yul!" Sooyoung said.

"That's already expected for the MVP of the year, Soo," Yoona said as she throws the towel to the laughing Yuri.

"I'm not expecting that one," Yuri said as she sat next to Yoona and wipe the sweat off her face and neck.

Her blue t-shirt soaking wet because of her sweat. Well, she's not the only one who has her t-shirt soaking wet but all of them as well. And speaking of the t-shirt, all of them are wearing their blue soccer uniform which has their last names and numbers imprinted at the back of their shirts while in front is their team's name and logo imprinted. Same goes with their shorts, it's blue as well with a thick black lining at the sides and has their number at the end in the right corner.

"And no way, I'm sure you're the one who will get the MVP of the year award," Yuri added as she drinks her water.

"Oh come on, you're the one not me," Yoona said as she put her towel on her shoulder.

"No, you," Yuri said.





"Stop it! If you guys don't want the MVP of the year award, just give it to me and put my name on it 'kay?" Sooyoung said.

"Eh? You? The MVP award? No way!" Yuri said.

"That's a big no, Shikshin! You don't kick like us you just block! So no award for you!" Yoona added.

Sooyoung chuckled at her friends reactions. "Who knows?"

"The person who will give you that award must be in mental," Yuri said with a sigh.

"Totally," Yoona said as she drinks her water while Sooyoung just laugh at them.


[Jessica's POV]

"So how's your day, Jessica?" My uncle asked as he puts down his papers on his table.

"Fine as always," I said my eyes never leaving the sight of a certain dark-haired girl who was walking towards the building with her friends.

"Kwon Yuri, one of the best soccer players we have here," My uncle said.

"I know," I said as I let out a sigh and walked towards the couch and sit myself. "She's pretty famous around the school when it comes to soccer.. well, not only her but her friends as well. Choi Sooyoung and Im Yoona." I added.

"You got it right. Though, those three are such a pain for the student council especially Yoona, my school's soccer team is nothing without them. They manage to win a lot of games for the past months and that's amazing," He said once again.

He's probably proud of them. Well, not only him but all of us. He's right that even though the three of them are such a pain for the student council and to the other teachers, the school's soccer team, Blue Fang is nothing without them and yes, I agree with him again about the games they've won. It's pretty amazing for them to win a lot of games but maybe, it's already in their blood to be so good at things like that.

And speaking of soccer, uncle mentioned before that Blue Fang will be having a match with Seiju Red Knights next, next week so that means that they will be busy with the practice so that they can manage to win the game. I hope they win again and as of the game, I want to see it. I want to see Yuri play again 'cause when she's in the field, I love seeing her serious face it just makes her look so handsome plus when she's all sweaty, oh my God, she looks so hot-- Err, okay enough with this, I don't want to squeal. I'm in my uncle's office and it would be so embarrassing if I did squeal.

But.. I can't help it! Seeing her like that really attracts me-- oh my God! For God's sake! Jung Sooyeon shut up! Quit it! You're a teacher! You should stop being like that to your student! That's forbidden!

I sighed once again and shook my head. Erasing every single thought I got about her until I heard my uncle's voice. "Jessica? Are you okay?"

Well not really. "Oh yes, I'm okay," I said as I look at him and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Seems not," He said.

You got it. I'm not really okay. "Sigh, forget it uncle... Anyway, how's Krystal? Got any news about her?" I asked.

"Oh yes, about Krystal, she's doing fine so you don't have to worry that much about your sister," He said smiling at me.

Sigh, thank God, Krystal's fine. I really miss her and I'm so glad to hear that she's doing fine. I just hope dad won't do something stupid to Krystal just like what he did to me, engaging me to Donghae without even asking me or telling me about it. I just do hope that it won't happen to Krystal 'cause she will surely suffer and I don't want it to happen.

"That's good, what about dad, my grandfather, the engagement, everything? How are they?" I asked once again.

"Hmm.. still the same, no changes happened especially your dad and the engagement. Though you runaway already, they're still doing the same thing. Planning for your marriage with Lee Donghae and who will take over the company when you're already married to him," He said.

I mentally slap my forehead and let out a frustrated sigh. Why do I have to be his daughter? Why do I have to be in a situation like this? For so many people out there that I can marry, why that playboy? Is it really the end of me? Oh no please.. I still want to live but at this rate, it seems like the princess needs someone to save her. She needs her knight in shining armor, the one who will take her away from the cruel world she's living in and live happily ever after.

But I guess... no more happy ending.. I just wish, someone will come and save me..

I wipe the tears off my cheeks. I really can't take it anymore. I don't want this thing to happen I never wished for it.

I look at my uncle and saw him sighed and walked towards me. He sat beside me and hugged me. "There you go, don't be sad, don't be sad, everything will be fine, just wait for it my dear," he said rubbing my back.

I hugged him back and he continued rubbing my back. I really want this thing to come into an end because I really can't take it anymore and somehow, every time I think about it, I feel like I want to die so I can finally escape from this nightmare but then again, if I die I will not be able to take care of my sister and protect her so maybe, I have to endure everything and wait just like what my uncle always say.


[Yuri's POV]

The practice started at 1:30 and ended at 4:30. Almost five hours of practicing right? Well that's already common for us especially when we have a match that we must win. Every Wednesday and Thursday, before the practice starts our captain which is Yoona, will go to the student council room to inform the president that we're going to have a practice and ask her to inform our teachers as well that we're not able to be in there classes because of the practice.

Same things will always happen of course, after telling the president about it, the president will tell Yoona that she'll take care of the excusing thingy, Yoong will say her thanks, go back to our locker room, lead us to the field and start the practice.

And if you ask me what are my favorite days, I say its Wednesday and Thursday 'cause those two are the only days where I can play soccer with the team though we're still able to play if we want to whenever we have some vacant time. And today is so great. Tiring but I don't mind it as long as I'm having fun it's nothing.

I put on my blazer once again and comb my wet hair. I just finish taking some shower and dressing up in my school uniform again. Just when we arrive, everyone took their showers since all of us are stinking and soaking wet because of the practice we had a while ago. But since I have the habit of being the last one to do something, I waited outside the girl's bathroom 'till some of my girl team mates are done showering and when they're finally done, I went inside and finally take some shower.

I went out with a paper bag which contains my soccer uniform and headed to our locker room again to check if I still have another uniform that I can use tomorrow for the practice.

I opened my locker to see if I have one more uniform that I can use for tomorrow and when there's no blue thing inside but only my socks and shoes, I closed it and went to the basket. Probably it's in there. I get it and put it inside my paper bag, grab my school bag and done. I can go home now.

Just when I arrived at the parking lot of our school to ask Yoona to drive me home, I saw her beating up Taecyeon again with a boy holding his arms so he won't be able to escape or defend himself from Yoong's powerful punches. I just let out a sigh as I walked towards her to tell her to stop it already and let's just go fetch her girlfriend and drive me home.

Sigh, this kind of scene is already common to me for I often see her beat him up and probably, she's beating him up because, first, Taec is still bugging her, stalking her or maybe, he's still giving her love letters which totally annoys her. And the second reason, she's doing this because she just want to. But at this rate, I can see annoyance in her face so I guess Teac did something again like giving her a love letter again or something.

"Hey Yoong, what's up?" I asked blankly as I watched her punch Taec again.

"Oh as always, beating the crap out of this dumb," she said as she landed another punch on his stomach before stopping for a while to gasp some air.

"Yeah, I know.. anyway, you should stop it now. We still have to go and fetch Seohyun. I bet she's already waiting for us," I said putting my hands inside my pocket.

"Okay," was her only reply as she stopped but before she could finally give the boy who's holding Taecyeon a signal to let him go, he move closer to Taecyeon, grab him by the collar and said, "Next time I caught you starring at me with that dreamy face of yours again, I'll send you to the hospital and make sure that you have to stay there for straight three weeks or a month,"

She let him go and told the boy to dump him somewhere. I can't help but chuckle a little at him. He looks really scarred when Yoona said that but as much as he wants to say something, he can't because it looks like Yoona punched his jaw really hard preventing him from saying something due to the pain he's feeling. And to be added, it looks like his nose is broken again and that's all thanks to the alligator hahaha!

"Enjoyed the show?" she asked smirking.

"Of course!" I said laughing.

She chuckled and said, "Let's talk about it while driving,"

"Sure," I said as I opened the door at the back seat and went inside.

She did the same thing and when she's finally in, she started the engine and drove away.

"So tell me, why are you using him as a punching bag again?" I asked as I lean my back on the soft portion of the car's seat.

"He did something stupid again," she said.

"Oh, mind sharing what is it?"

"Sure thing. Well, it was when we're walking back to building after our practice. He was in the hallways together with his friends and I saw him staring at me like a pervert old man with a matching dreamy face and by just seeing that face, oh God, I feel like my stomach is turning upside down and it makes me want to puke!" she said her voice showing disgust.

I chuckled again. Well, I don't blame her for doing that because what Taecyeon did is just so damn annoying. Try doing something like that to me and I promise that he will never forget the day he did that to me and that he will wish he never lived in this world!

"What do you expect to a total jerk, Ok Taecyeon? Of course nothing! He's like that because he's really in love with you Yoong," I said still chuckling.

She sighed and said, "In love his face. He should really stop bothering me or else I won't hesitate to break his neck,"

"I agree and he should really stop or else he'll feel Seohyun's wrath when she got to learn about this thing,"

"Sigh.. yeah totally.."


[Normal POV]

"Hey, did I make you wait again?" she asked her as they walked hand in hand towards her car.

"Nope! Not at all," she said giving her girlfriend a smile.

Yoona chuckled as she puts her arms around Seohyun and pulled her closer to her.

Seohyun hugged her tightly and chuckled as well then she said, "I love you, Yoona,"

"I love you more, Seohyun," Yoona said as she kisses her forehead and smiled softly.

And by just seeing those two lovey dovey all the way to the car, Yuri can't help but smile and at the same time wonder what does it feels like to have someone to love and share everything in her life. Somehow, seeing her friends like that really makes her smile and it makes her happy at the same time for she knows that they're happy to be with each others arms.

She sighed, closed her eyes and smiled as she puts her hands at the back of her head. She has been wondering for quite a long time already about this thing for she never experienced having someone to love but she did experienced being in love and that is with her English teacher who likes to tease and seduce her, Jessica Jung.

It's been a week when she started having this kind of feeling whenever she's close to her and it takes her almost a week as well to figure out why she is feeling something like that when Jessica's close to her.

The door in the front seat and driver's seat were opened by Yoona and Seohyun causing Yuri to open her eyes as well. The two maknaes went inside and closed the door afterwards.

"Hi there Yuri-unnie," Seohyun greeted with a smile.

"Hello Seohyun," Yuri greeted back with a smile as well.

"'Kay, so who wants to go first?" Yoona suddenly butted in.

"Hmm.. me?" Yuri said unsure with her answer. "Cause my apartment is not that far and that you two can have some quality time while driving," she added giving them her dorky smile.

Seohyun giggled and turned to look at Yoona, "Hear that? Unnie wants to go first so we can have some time alone in the car," she said giving her a wink.

And because of the wink she got from her girlfriend, suddenly a err.. something came into her mind. A faint blush suddenly appeared on her face causing her to feel her ears and cheeks to burn up. Seohyun saw it and giggled again.

Not aware of the things that are currently happening around her, seeing Seohyun giggling as if she's making fun of Yoona makes Yuri go curious and ask question.

"Umm.. hey, what's up? What's going on?" She asked.

"Unnie, Yoona's blushing," She said still giggling.

"I'm not!" Yoona shouted totally guilty.

"She is?" Yuri asked again.

Seohyun nodded. Yuri decided to take a look at Yoona to see if she's really blushing and when it's confirmed, she grinned evilly at her. "Oooh!! Little Yoong's blushing! How adorable!" she said.

"Oh shut up Yul," Yoona said once again.

Yuri laughed at her response while Yoona just sighed and cursed silently as she started the engine and drove away. Still, Seohyun was giggling and she knows why Yoona was blushing. Probably it's because of what she just said and the wink she gave her.

She moves closer to Yoona and whispered, "I know what you're thinking,"


[Jessica's POV]

I was again standing near the soccer field where she and her team mates were currently having their warm up before starting their practice. Though the practice is not yet starting, she was already sweating and seeing her like that really tempt me from having some piece of her afterwards. But if I do that, it might lead the two of us into something more so for now, I think we should take it slowly and hold back for a while.

I waited patiently for their warm up to come into an end and start their practice until I saw Yoona stop and told everyone that it's enough and that it's time for them to start the practice. I watch Yuri for a few minutes until I hear my phone rings indicating that my break time is already over and that I have to go back to the faculty right away to prepare for my next class.

As much as I want to stay and watch her, I just can't because it's almost time for me to go back to the building. I just sighed and take a glance at her before leaving.

Every Wednesday and Thursday is there practice but since they have a match, they have to practice more. So every morning, before classes' starts, I always see them running around the campus and in the afternoon when it's Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday they have a practice. Well they added Saturday since that's the day where they can fully have their practice from morning to afternoon.

Days went by and same things will always happen. Every morning they will run around the campus, in the afternoon they will have their practice, I will see her going back inside the building with her fellow team mates soaking wet while I try my hardest to don't make it obvious that I want her whenever I tease her about it. Of course, she will blush, avoid looking back at me and tell me to stop it or else someone might see us almost inches away from each other. I will stop teasing her and laugh and tell her how afraid she was.

I giggled after remembering what just happened for the past few days. Though it always repeats itself in some ways, I still like it for its Yuri who's always the victim in our teasing game when suddenly I felt someone tapped my shoulder followed by a voice that sounds like Taeyeon.

"Well, well, well it seems like Jessica is in her own little world again~"

I turned to look at my side and saw Taeyeon and Tiffany who's giggling at her girlfriend's statement.

The lovebirds are finally back to tease me~

"Giggling and all because she remembered the girl she's in love with," Tiffany added.

I chuckled and said, "Shut up," And they laugh.

Originally, these two are here with me in the café few hours ago but since one of Taeyeon's people said that their almost lacking of some of the ingredients they needed to cook for a certain food, instead of telling him to go and buy the ingredients, she just did the work, tell him to stay at the counter and go out when suddenly Tiffany butted in, telling her that she wants to go with her. Taeyeon can't resist Tiffany so she said yes and told me to wait for them before leaving. But now, they're finally here to tease me again about Yuri since I just started telling them about her.

I tell them everything well except the fact that I'm in love with my student for they will say it's forbidden and about the making out thing that happened between us weeks ago. We talked about it until we didn't recognize that it's almost dark outside and it's time for us to go home.

I look at the wall clock and saw the time reads 6:30.

We really have to go now but I think I should be the one going back to the apartment since Tiffany was still enjoying Taeyeon's company. Hmm yeah, I really should go, leave Tiffany here with her Taeyeon and just wait for her in the apartment.

"Taeyeon, Tiffany, I have to go now, I still have to work on my lesson plan," I said.

"Ha? But Jessi it's still early," Tiffany said.

"Yeah, Tiffany's right," Taeyeon agreed.

"Oh come on, don't be silly you two. I'm really sorry but I can't stay any longer, so please?" I said hoping that they will let me go now.

Tiffany sighed and smiled. "Okay, if that's what you want but please be careful on your way home, Jessi," she said.

I smiled back. "I will don't worry,"

"I will just bring you some food later," Tiffany said.

"Thanks Tiffany," I said once again.


[Normal POV]


"Okay guys! That's all for today!" Yoona shouted.

Everyone went to the bench to get their bags and drink their water while walking back to the building.

Yuri grabs her towel and sits down before wiping the sweat off her face and neck. Yoona and Sooyoung joined her instead of doing the same thing like what their fellow team mates did.

"Hey Yuri, we saw Miss Jung again watching our practice a while ago," Sooyoung said as she opens her bottle of water and drinks it.

"Again?" Yuri said in disbelief.

"Yeah and obviously, she's not watching us but Yuri. I saw her eyes were glued to Yuri," Yoona said as she puts her towel on her shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey it seems like Miss Jung really likes watching the great Kwon Yuri play soccer," Sooyoung said giving Yuri a wink.

Yuri laughed at her.

"Because Jung likes the great Kwon Yuri that's why," Yoona added.

"Oh shut it, she doesn't," Yuri said.

Sooyoung and Yoona look at each other and made an 'o' shaped mouth with a thought of Is she numb?

"If so, why does she keep on being so close to you?" Sooyoung asked.

"Yeah, and what's with those teases and seducing thingy?" Yoona added.

Oh great! "Well.. err.."

"What?" Sooyoung and Yoona said in unison.

"Uh.. she just.."

"Go on," Sooyoung said.


"Come on Yul! Spit it out!" Yoona said impatiently.

"She just like doing that to me nothing more," Yuri said stated.

Sooyoung and Yoona let out a frustrated sigh.

"That's your answer and you keep on stuttering? And are you even serious with your answer?" Yoona said again.

"Umm.. kinda?" Yuri said giving them her toothy smile.


"Hey Yuri, great job with the practice and if you don't mind, we're going now, 'kay?" Yoona said.

"Thanks and sure you two can go now," Yuri said smiling at them.

"Okay, see you tomorrow," Sooyoung said as she patted Yuri's shoulder and they started walking out of the field.

Before she finally stops, she first kicks the soccer ball then she lie down. She let out a sigh before closing her eyes and let the cold breeze surround her. It was already quarter to five and she was totally exhausted from the practice. Actually, the practice is already over since 4:30.

Just when Yoona announced to everyone that the practice is already over, everyone went to the bench to grab their bags, head back to the building, take a quick shower, dress back in their school uniforms and go home but instead of doing the same thing, she and her two other friends, Yoona and Sooyoung decided to play for a while. Well of course, they first take a quick rest before playing soccer and that's it. After playing for a few minutes, Yoona and Sooyoung told her that they don't want to play anymore because they're already tired.

Before they leave her alone in the field, they rest for a while and finally, bid their goodbye to their friend. And now, Yuri was left alone in the soccer field with no one she could talk to but it's okay because at this moment, all she needs is silence to accompany her so that she can think properly or rather fall asleep for a few minutes.

While she was lying there with her eyes close, a certain blonde was sitting at the bench smiling and probably, watching her. Just when Yoona and Sooyoung was nowhere to be found, Jessica takes the chance to go there and watch her student. For the past few days, she has been there to watch Yuri practice for their match and in Saturday next week, Blue Fang will be having a match with the Seiju Red Knights.

And to show her support to the Blue Fang, especially to Yuri, she will make sure that she will be there to watch the game. Cheer for her Yuri and pray for her to win.

Now, since it's almost five and surely the bell will finally rings telling the students who are inside the building that classes are finally over, Jessica thought that this is the right time to approach Yuri since at this moment, probably, students won't think of coming here at the field because whenever the bell rings, it's already common for the students to have this "Okay time to go home now," or "Finally! I can go home now!" thoughts in their heads after hearing the bell.

So for Jessica, this is the right time and besides, she has been craving for something about Yuri. Seeing her soaking wet because of the sweat she got from the practice, she thinks Yuri looks so sexy and somehow, it makes her feel so hot and wants to do something hot with Yuri by just seeing her like that but then, she doesn't want to be that obvious so her plan is, have some chat with her regarding the practice and the game, seduce her and do the first move.

Jessica stands up, grabs Yuri's towel and water and walk towards her.

On the other hand, Yuri has her eyes still close but she's not asleep. She's just resting and at the same time, thinking about the match that will take place here at their school on Saturday.

She was thinking how strong the Seiju Red Knights will be, will they be able to beat them, what if she ask Sooyoung to investigate about their opponent, talk to Yoona about the plans or maybe just shut up and practice even more so she can be Blue Fang's saviour when they're on the loose. She was like that for a few minutes until she finally made up her mind. She will just practice even more so she will be able to save the team when they're on the loose and at the same time, they won't be disappointed at her for she's being said as the best player of their team.

She was about to open her eyes and let out a sigh until suddenly, she heard someone's voice call her. "Yuri," and well of course, that voice came from no other than, Jessica.

By just hearing that angelic voice of hers, it makes her smile but she will stop herself from smiling because she doesn't want Jessica to see it.

She opened her eyes to find where Jessica is. She saw her sitting next to her with her towel and water on her hands. Jessica was smiling at her and to make it not so rude of her, she smiled back at the blonde.

"Hey Miss Jung, what are you doing here?" She asked as she sits up.

"Oh nothing.. anyway, here, drink some water. I know you're already thirsty," Jessica said still smiling as she handed the bottle of water to Yuri.

"Thanks," Yuri said as she takes her water. She opened it and drinks its content.

While Yuri was busy drinking her water, Jessica can't help but stare at Yuri's neck until she saw some water that comes from the bottle spills out and fell down to Yuri's lips down to her neck. She bit her lips and looks away. She was stopping herself from grabbing her through her shirt and start kissing her hotly.

Yuri puts down the empty bottle then Jessica gave her towel to wipe some of the sweats on her forehead and the water that fell down to her neck. Yuri takes it and wipes the sweats off her forehead and the water that fell down on her neck. She puts down her towel on her lap then Jessica speaks again.

"No wonder, you're such a great soccer player," she says.

"Oh.. thanks," she said giving her a smile.

Jessica smiled back.

"Anyway, I heard, you were watching the practice since then.. is that true?" Yuri asked.

Jessica nodded and said, "Yes, it's true. I've been watching the practice whenever I have the chance."

"Wow.. that's too much! Thanks for watching us!" Yuri said totally happy for knowing that Jessica really watch them but so dumb of her, she doesn't know that she's really the purpose why Jessica is watching the practice.

Jessica giggled then she said once again, "You guys are so great!"

"Whoa! That's really too much," Yuri said chuckling but was suddenly stopped at the moment she felt Jessica's arm slightly wrapped around her neck and when Jessica moves closer to her.

She was totally stopped and since Jessica was already close to her and their lips were almost inches away from each others, she found herself staring at those mesmerising eyes. Hearts are beating faster, butterflies eating their stomachs, and troubles in breathing. But all of these are nothing. Though, it's pretty obvious for the two of them, they don't want to be affected with those things.

Jessica knew that Yuri was lost again. She smirked at her, cups her cheek with her other hand and caresses her lips.

"You guys are so great... especially you," she said as she stares back at her seductively still caressing her lips with her thumb.

"Everyone says that I'm such a great soccer player this school ever had but I don't think so... I don't think I'm the right person to be called as the great soccer player of this school," Yuri said still staring at Jessica's eyes until her gaze fell down on the blonde's luscious lips.

"Whatever you say.." Jessica said.

There was a couple of silence between them until Jessica caught her gaze. She followed it and found out that Yuri was staring hungrily at her lips again. She grinned knowing that Yuri badly wants to kiss her.

"You're staring at my lips again... wanna have some free taste?" Jessica said.

"If you'd let me, why not?" Yuri said with a grin.

"Go on then," Jessica said.

And without any hesitation, Yuri leans in and kissed her hungrily. Jessica kisses back and pulls her even more to deepen the kiss. Yuri just continued kissing her and every time they respond on each others kiss, they always find their selves wanting for more so they deepen their kiss in any way they know to make each other feel hot.

Yuri's hand was already doing its work. She was lying once again and Jessica was on top of her. While they were kissing each other, Jessica lifts Yuri's shirt slightly revealing Yuri's abs and at the same time she was caressing it or sometimes drawing circles on it seductively while Yuri on the other side, was busy caressing the back of Jessica's thighs and sometimes her hand will be going in front doing the touching thing on Jessica's spot which in response will make Jessica moan in pleasure.

They broke the kiss for some air then Yuri changes their positions. Jessica was now the one lying while she's now on top of her. She started kissing Jessica's jaw line down to her neck until she unbuttoned the first two buttons of Jessica's white long sleeve polo. She continued kissing Jessica's neck until she moves down on her collar bone. She started kissing and licking it. Jessica gasps then as Yuri repeats it again and again, the next thing she knew is that she's already moaning.

Yuri moves up to her lips and started kissing her again. In response, Jessica puts her hand at the back of Yuri's neck and pulls her closer to deepen the kiss until she felt Yuri's tongue licks her lower lip asking for an entry. She parted her lips and let Yuri's tongue make its way inside her mouth. Yuri's tongue started doing its job. Then, a battle between her tongue and Jessica's tongue happened but only this battle lead on Yuri's victory and Jessica as the loser.

Soft moans escaped from Jessica's mouth. They stop for a while. Both of them are panting very hard and as of Jessica, she was looking back at Yuri. She was biting her lower lip and her eyes shows the need of Yuri doing something that will make her moan again. So in this case, as soon as they finally catch their breath, she pulls Yuri for a hot kiss.

And by just doing that, this makes Yuri lose control of herself again and at the same time feel hot. Well both of them are already hot but Jessica wants something more so she did kiss Yuri hotly in purpose. Yuri kisses her back and once again, she brings up her left knee and uses it to rub that place.

Jessica moaned and every time Yuri moves her knee up and down, all she can do is shut her eyes tightly, tighten her grip on Yuri's shirt and moan loudly in pleasure. This happened for a few times until she finally tells Yuri to move it faster. Yuri was quite surprise to hear that, but of course she just can't stop since she too was enjoying this so all she could do is, do what Jessica wants her to do.

Now, Jessica can feel herself getting wet. So before she gets really wet, she decided to stop it but before that, she kissed Yuri once again and told her to stop. She hugged her tightly and Yuri hugs her back. She rests her head on the crook of Yuri's neck, closes her eyes and they let silence surround them together with the cold breeze.

This is the second time they've done this and somehow, since they usually share a kiss they don't feel so awkward anymore for they finally understand their feelings, but either of them doesn't want to talk about it. Well maybe, they were just waiting for the right time or maybe they're not yet satisfied and that they still want to find out more about it to make it sure that what they're feeling for each other is no joke. 

Chapter 6: For You

[Normal POV]

Seohyun quickly grabs her school bag and books. And as soon as she's all ready, she went out of her room and goes downstairs to the living room where her girlfriend was waiting for her.

"Yoona!" Seohyun called her girlfriend who was standing near the window. Probably she's looking outside.

Hearing her girlfriend calls her, Yoona instantly turn her body to have a look at her girlfriend who was still standing on the stairs.

She saw Seohyun smiling at her so in return; she smiled back and greets her. "Good morning," 

"Good morning," Seohyun greeted back as she walks towards her.

As soon as she was finally at the spot where Yoona was, she puts down her school bag and books at the couch and gave her beloved girlfriend a warm hug. Yoona just chuckled as she hugs her back then Seohyun looks up at her and said, "Sorry if I made you wait," with a pout.

Yoona pecks her pouting lips. "No, don't worry it's okay and besides it's still early," she said smiling at her reassuringly.

Seohyun hugs her again and rests her head on the crook of Yoona's neck. She closed her eyes and inhale Yoona's scent.

For the past few days, she becomes so busy because of the projects she has to work on and because of that she didn't got the chances to spend some time with her girlfriend and somehow, it makes her sad and at the same time, she's having thoughts about her Yoona dumping her or cheating on her since she's not there with her for the past few days and as she keeps on thinking about that, sometimes she will found tears already falling down on her cheeks. She doesn't want that thoughts of her to come in to life because she doesn't know what will happen to her if she loose Yoona.

But unknowingly, that time, she didn't know that Yoona was busy as well because of their practice for the match that will take place in their school on Saturday. She just found out about it when Yoona called her last Saturday asking, if she wants to watch their practice. She said yes. Yoona was already dressed in her soccer uniform when she went to Seohyun's house to fetch her. They were already inside the car when Yoona apologize to her for being so busy about their practice. Yoona told her as well that she was that busy because this coming Saturday, they will be having a match with the Seiju Red Knights.

Seohyun understand her and the thoughts of Yoona dumping her or cheating on her fade away so quickly. She was relieved for knowing that Yoona is just busy that's why even her, she doesn't have much time to talk to her on the phone or ask her for a date. And since Yoona mentioned about the match, to show her support to her beloved, she told her that she will be coming to watch her and cheer for her. By just hearing her girlfriend says that, it makes her smile and feel so happy. She thanked her and promised her that she will do her best to win the game for her and that after the match; she will ask her out again and spend her whole day with only her.

But since both of them are really busy, they forgot that this coming Saturday is there anniversary as well. And now, big problem? No, not at all. It's up to them how will they remember it and celebrate it.

"Yoona, what if we don't attend school for today?" Seohyun said.

"Eh? Why?"

"Because I want to spend my whole day with Yoona.. I miss her so much..." Seohyun said as she hugs her tightly.

Yoona smiled and kissed Seohyun's forehead. "I miss you too and as much as I want to take my absent for today and spend my time with you, I can't. I'm pretty busy with the practice and I know you know about it as well. I'm sorry maybe we can do that some other time when I'm not busy anymore,"

"Hmm.. it's okay, I understand you. Sorry for being so selfish," Seohyun whispered.

"You don't have to. You're just missing me that's why," Yoona said.


[Yuri's POV]

"So you're team is having a match this coming Saturday?" My step dad asked.

I nodded as I chewed on my food.

"Oh that would be great! I would like to come and see the match!" Amber said excitement can be pictured on her voice when she said that.

I chuckled and patted Amber's head.

She's so childish. "So can I come?" She asked giving me her toothy smile.

I nodded again and said, "Of course you can," with a smile.

"Great! Thanks unnie!" Amber said as she continued eating her food.

Then, I turned to look at my step dad to ask him if he can come to the match this coming Saturday.

"Umm.. hey, dad, do you think you can come too?" I asked hoping that he will say yes.

He smiled and said, "What kind of father am I if I didn't accept my daughter's invitation of watching her team beat their opponent team?"

"I take it as a yes, dad," I said as I smiled back at him knowing that he will come.

Though he's just my step father, he still treats me as if we're really blood related. The first time we met each other and when he and mom are officially husband and wife, he didn't change. He's still the man that I learned to treat like my real father and I'm so happy about it even though, he's kinda annoying sometimes when he starts making fun of me about the company my real dad left to me to manage someday.

"How about your mom? Did you ask her already about it?" He asked.

"Ah yeah, but sad to say, she said she can't come because she has an important meeting with Mr. Yoo," I said.

"Hmm.. I see.. so it's only me and Amber coming," he said as he lean his back on his chair.

I nodded in response then he said, "Well then, don't worry we will make sure we're there to watch the whole match between Blue Fang and Seiju Red Knights," with a smile.

"Thanks a lot," I said as I smiled back at him again.

As soon as we finish eating our breakfast, dad offered us a ride to our schools since he don't have to rush to his office today because he don't have any meeting scheduled at morning. We accept his offer and he started driving. First is Amber's school then mine.

When we're finally at my school, I get out of his car and bid my goodbye and thanked him. He chuckled and patted my head like what he always did when I was still a little kid then, he bid his goodbye as well and told me to take care of myself like what a real father must do to his child and drove away.

I let out a sigh knowing that some of the students that were here and knows about my fame saw what just happened. They saw the one who manages the Liu Industries for real but I don't have to get worried about it because everyone of them was told to not ask me questions that are related to my private life as the heir and step daughter of Shino or anything related to business.

I just smiled at them and greet them like nothing happened and in return, they did the same thing and that's it. Back to their own business of talking to their friends, going where they suppose to go, read books, listen to music and so on.


[Jessica's POV]

I saw Yuri get out of the black car. Then, the window of the car in the driver's seat opens revealing a certain black-haired man. This man looks so familiar to me and I think I saw him in the newspaper in the business section months ago. I just can't remember this man but I'm so sure I have seen his face a lot of times in the newspapers and I'm sure as well that he's not just an ordinary man. I know he's famous but.. sigh, okay I give up! I think I need my uncle's help.

I was about to turn around and call him but instead, I heard him asking, "Jessica, what are you looking at there?"

"That man with Yuri," I said as I point at them and look at my uncle who's walking towards me.

He went on my side and looks at the man through the window. Then, after a few seconds, I heard him let out a sigh. It confused me when I heard him sigh so I look at him and asked, "Do you know him?" 

"Yes," he said.

"What's his name? And why is he with Yuri?" I asked.. well, seriously, the first question, that's really my intention to know what's his name then his background until the second, I felt jealous when I saw him smiling with Yuri so yeah, why not ask?

"I know you heard his name before.. he's Shino Liu, the owner of Liu Industries and one of the biggest names when it comes to business," he said.

"H-he is? B-but.. what is he doing here? Why is he with Yuri?" I asked once again. Can't believe about what is happening and what's going on around me. I wanna know why on earth someone like him is in a school like this and why is he with Yuri.

My uncle let out a sigh and sits down on his chair while I stand still.

"It seems like it's time for you to know everything since you're not different from Yuri," he said seriousness can be pictured on his voice.


[Yuri's POV]

Dozing off, staring outside, doing funny sketches of my teacher, reading random books I have under my desk, scribbling some nonsense notes at the back of my notebook, lettering, listening to music, pretend to be listening to my teacher when he looks at me, go idle, stare blankly at the board or sometimes just think of a certain way how am I going to say, "Hey Jessica, I love you," Oh shut it! That sounds so random!

Anyway, those are what I usually do when I'm bored and don't want to listen with the discussion my teachers brings up except to Jessica's class. Man! I always find their voices annoying whenever they repeat saying my name like this: "Kwon Yuri! If you don't want to listen, the door is just here. You can freely get out of my class," or "Kwon Yuri! Are you with us? If no, please get out of my class now!"

Pfft! So what if I'm busy thinking of something-- no! scratch that! Thinking of Jessica to be exact.

So yeah, that's it. I'm so similar to Yoona when I'm bored but it can't be help anyway especially when the topic is really boring. So best way to entertain myself, think of her, think of a best way how am I going to say what I feel towards her now that I'm so sure that I really love her and that I don't care if a teacher-student relationship is forbidden... umm.. impossible?

Oh come on! That's not impossible! I can get her! I can make her mine! And if ever everyone got to learn that we're having a relationship then the principal fired her, it's not a problem. I am willing to drop out of this school, be with her and the hardest thing, accept being the heir and manage the company so I can earn some money for the two of us and she don't have to work anymore-- o-oh! Hey! Hey! I sound like; I'm planning to have a family already in the last part, am I?

Sigh.. it can't be help. I just feel like, I'm hopelessly in love with Jessica now that it's all clear to me that's why somehow, I sounds like, I'm so damn desperate to make her mine. Hmm.. well.. speaking of desperate, who would not be so desperate to have someone like her? Of course everyone would be especially me and yes, I'm admitting it!

I don't know what got into me to make myself believe that I just like her and I will never fall for her but guess what? It backfire because the truth is, I already fall for her the first time I laid my eyes on her. That time, I'm so curious about this so I let myself fall for her even more until it was true. True that I'm in love with her in the first place. Scared for myself and for her, I bottled it up and decided to make myself believe that I just like her and I didn't fell in love with her.

Day one of making myself believe that I don't feel anything towards her, I tried acting cold towards her and the result, failed of course. I can't act like that towards her though I tried doing so to my friends when I get so annoyed at them and it worked but to her, I just don't know what happened. The ice I'm wearing got melted with just one simple smile.

Day two, I tried avoiding her but I failed again. It's so awkward to not see her or hear her angelic voice that makes me smile. Hearing her say my name makes me smile and let out a sigh for I failed in this little game that I started.

So childish of me to do such silly things just to make myself believe that I'm numb and don't feel anything towards her. What I did is like, little Yuri's habit of making herself believe that magic is true and that only people who has powers can do magic. Hahaha! I always believe in magic back then!

So yeah, I think it's time for me to accept the truth and just wait for the right time--

"Kwon Yuri!"

"What?!" I shouted in surprise not even thinking what I just did until I look up and saw that it was Mr. Kim who called me out of the blue and the one I just shouted at.

I laughed nervously, bring up my left hand, and make a peace sign with a toothy smile and say, "Peace?"


"Hahahaha! Oh my God! Honestly, why the hell did you do that to Mr. Kim?" Sooyoung asked in between her laughs.

I was about to say something when Yoona covered my mouth and answered Sooyoung's question instead.

"She's not paying attention, probably eyes are open but her mind is flying until Kim saw her and noticed that she's not with them so he called her a lot of times until she got surprised and shouted at him," She said then she remove her hand and asked, "I'm right, yes?"

"Exactly! How did you know anyway?" I asked back.

"I know you, you did that too when we were in elementary, we're classmates, Yul," She said as she puts on her soccer shoes.

"Oh yeah.. sorry I forgot," I said as I did the same thing.

As soon as we're all done, Yoong lead us to the field and before we start the practice, she first made an announcement about the match that will happen here in our school this coming Saturday. Afterwards, the practice finally started. Since tomorrow is Thursday, it will serve as our last practice day for the match, Friday will serve us our resting day and finally Saturday, the match. We have to give our best and beat Seiju Red Knights and let them know that no one can beat our team, Blue Fang.


Thursday came and same things just happened. We practice for about an hour. Go back to the building, take some shower, dress in our school uniform and go home.

Friday came. No practices just some warm ups in the morning and like Mondays and Tuesdays, finally we must attend our afternoon classes but since tomorrow is the match, the principal told us to don't attend the afternoon classes anymore. Just go home and have some rest.

Everyone went home except for the three of us. Me, Yoona and Sooyoung decided to stay here for a while. Well, honestly, I stayed here with my friends to have fun with them because I know I'll get bored in my apartment but these two, I don't know what's their reason.

We stayed a little longer. We go wandering around the school like supervisors! We went to the library, to the gymnasium and to Sooyoung's favorite place around the school, the cafeteria. Afterwards, we went to the soccer field. We just sit there and discussed about different stuffs around the school. About Yoong using Taec as her punching bag, taunting the student council president, then Soo still going nuts when it comes to Sunny bunny and lastly, about me and err.. Jessica's.. endless teases? Ehehehe I should shut up so I won't be teased by them again.

After a few minutes, I got bored and feel like going somewhere where I can be alone and have some quality time with myself.

I stand up and excused myself to them saying that I want to go home now and have some sleep. They let me. I bid my goodbye and presto! I can finally go somewhere like.. err.. mall?.. no, no, no, a big no. Umm.. café? Nope, should not go there. Err.. park? Sounds great. Quiet, peaceful and nice! So I pick the park! I'll go there!


Ahh! It seems like, I just pick the perfect place to be alone and let myself think about random things!

Well.. no.. not really random..

So, since tomorrow is Saturday, it means to say that tomorrow is the big day. The match between our team, Blue Fang against Seiju Red Knights and I'm hoping and wishing for our team to win the game. Well, the match doesn't mean anything between the two schools. No rivalries I mean, just for fun but then again, anyone who's in the game would wish to win so yeah, I'm one of those people who are like that.

But honestly, I don't know why I want to win. I mean, since then, when I got to learn that Jessica always watch the practice and when she told me that she will be there to watch me, I started having this thing inside me the "I should badly win this game!" yeah that's it. So I guess the reason why I badly want to win the game is for her.


[Normal POV]

"Jessica, are you sure you don't want to come with me in the café?" Tiffany asked as she puts her phone inside her bag.

Jessica nodded in response.

"Hmm 'kay, just call me if anything comes up," Tiffany said flashing her best friend a smile. 

Jessica smiled back.

Tiffany grabs her bag, put on her heels and started walking towards the doorway. She was about to turn the knob and open the door when suddenly Jessica speaks.

"Fany! Don't forget to bring me some food, okay?" Jessica said as she looks at her best friend. 

Tiffany giggled and nodded in response. Then she added, "I won't forget that. Just make sure to don't try burning the kitchen,"

Jessica chuckled knowing what her best friend means by that. Tiffany bid her goodbye to the blonde. Jessica just waves her hand and when Tiffany was finally out, suddenly, she let out a sigh. She was totally bored and to avoid the nasty thing to eat her up, she grabs her book on the coffee table and start reading.

But even though she's already doing that to avoid boredom, reading is just useless if she's not even able to understand it because of too much thinking about what her uncle told her the other day. Yes, she's reading but her mind is not focus on what she's reading because she can't help but think all over again about what her uncle told her.

It was about Yuri and the man she saw with her beloved student. Since she's far away from them, she can't hear what they're talking about, she got jealous by just seeing Yuri with this man. But silly her, she let jealousy go through her without even thinking if this man is Yuri's father, uncle, or whatever.

Just when she asked her uncle about this man, she got to learn that this familiar man is no other than Shino Liu of Liu Industries and Yuri's step father. Embarrass to death after knowing this and for letting jealousy take over her just because she saw Yuri with a man which turned out to be her step father.

After knowing that Shino is Yuri's step father, her uncle told Yuri's background as well. She learned that Yuri is the heir of the Kwon Enterprises but what interest her most is that, Yuri doesn't know how to manage a company and she only knows few people in the business world. She find it so interesting.

Her thoughts about Yuri were suddenly interrupted at the moment her phone rings. She looks at the screen and as she was expecting, a call from her good for nothing dad. By this, she remembered what happened the last time her father called her. It was about Donghae. Her father wants her to come back for Donghae wants to see her again. Probably Donghae will be asking her for another boring and nonsense date. She told her father that she's not coming back anymore and this just makes her father angry. He told her that he will let her do what she wants for the time being but the next time he calls again, he will make sure that Jessica will regret saying those words.

Jessica doesn't want that thing to repeat again and besides it annoys the hell out of her every time she hears her father's voice. So, the best thing to do is, turn off her phone so her father won't be able to call her.

Finally, she's done but as she remembered what her father told her, somehow, she felt so stressed out. She wants to forget everything again and freshen up her mind so maybe, in order for her to have her mind clear again and stress free, she must go somewhere and that is, "The park, I think,"


It was already three in the afternoon and Yuri was still in the same spot. Lying under the tree with her arms serves as her pillow, eyes are closed. Probably she fell asleep but after a few seconds, a disturbing sound coming from her stomach wakes her up. She slowly opens her eyes then she sits up, leans her back on the tree, stretches out her numb arms in the air, yawns slightly and stares blankly at the sight of kids running around just near her.

She's still sleepy and her head was spinning but she didn't let sleepiness eat her. She hugs her knees and recollects herself. She stayed like that for a few minutes until she heard her stomach grumbles again. She looks at her stomach then she chuckled. By just hearing that, she already knows what to do. She must eat now before her stomach sings again.

While walking around the park to look for some food, her stomach will unexpectedly grumbles making some people that she passes by looks back at her. It makes her ears heat up because of embarrassment every time her stomach grumbles and those people she passes by looks back at her again with this "What the hell?" look on their faces. Though there are foods like popcorns, cotton candies and blah blah blah, she won't buy those because she knows it's not enough for her. She wants something heavy in her stomach like..


She took another step.

"Hey.. is looks like her.."

Another step.

"Oh hey! It's Jessica! But what is she doing here?" she said to no one.

Yuri saw Jessica sitting on the bench. She was wearing just a simple shirt and jeans yet she still looks stunning. "Still.. she looks so beautiful.." Yuri whispered to no one as she let herself be lost again.

She smiled and without even thinking, she approach Jessica who was busy staring at her hands. 

As soon as she was finally in front of her, she cleared her throat to get Jessica's attention. And in an instant, Jessica tilted her head up. Yuri smiled then she asked, "Can I sit next to you?" 

Seeing her makes her smile so suddenly. She nodded slightly and said, "Sure you can, its reserved only for you anyway,"

Yuri chuckled. She sits down and lean her back on the metal thing then she asked again, "What are you doing here? Day off? Half day?"

"Half day," Jessica said.

"Hmm.. 'kay.."

"How about you? You're supposed to be there. Did you cut your afternoon classes again?" Jessica asked as she looks at her.

Yuri chuckled. "So you think I cut classes again,"

"Yep! Because you're still wearing your uniform," Jessica said.

"Oh just that?"


"Sad to say but you're mistaken Ms. Jung. I don't do such things anymore. The principal told the team to don't attend afternoon classes anymore and just rest for we need lots of energy since tomorrow is the big day. Blue Fang vs. Seiju Red Knights," Yuri said.

"Oh sorry about that, I didn't know he did that,"

"It's okay, Ms. Jung," Yuri said as she gave her a reassuring smile when suddenly..



A complete silence followed by the annoying sound of crows as they fly away. Then another..


Damn it!


Too late Yuri. Jessica was already laughing at you.

"Urrgh! Hey! Stop laughing!" Yuri shouted as she felt her ears and cheeks burning.

"S-sorry," Jessica said as bit her lips.

"Sigh.. damn this stomach.." Yuri said as she looks down.

Jessica smiled. Yuri was totally red because of embarrassment and it's because of her. But come on, it can't be help but since she's kinda hungry, maybe it's good to treat her since she's hungry as well.

She stands up and said, "Come on, let's eat I'm kinda hungry," with a smile.

"Huh?.. err.. okay, but my treat,"

"No, my treat," Jessica said.

"Eh?! But.."

"Please?" Jessica said once again.

"Fine but let me treat you for some ice cream later," Yuri said with sigh.

"Got it!" Jessica said as she smiled at her again.

Yuri smiled back and as soon she's finally standing, Jessica holds her hand, looks at her and said, "Let's go!"

Yuri just nodded and while they were walking, she can't help but look at Jessica's hand. It was holding hers and it feels so right and somehow, with their hands holding each others, it makes them looks like a couple.

They went to the nearest fast food chain. They eat and afterwards, Yuri decided to take her to an amusement park. They try different kinds of rides, the horror house which totally freaks the hell out of Jessica: she was screaming to death, hugging Yuri and telling her to get rid of the nasty thing that scares them and when they were finally out, Yuri can't help but laugh at Jessica who's still clinging on her. And lastly, they try some games like, shooting these things to get a stuff toy as a reward for winning the game and guess what? Yuri won of course! She asked Jessica to pick one. Jessica did what Yuri told her. She picks the blue dolphin.

After an hour of having fun, they decided to have some walk together until they reach this place that looks like it was on top of the city. They stop there and when dark finally came, they saw the beautiful view of the city at night. It was sparkling because of the lights and it's just so beautiful.

Yuri sat on the ground. She was again staring at Jessica and she was aware of what she's doing. She knows that Jessica will notice her staring at her again but its okay and besides Jessica was already used to it.

Another minute have passed and they were still there in silence. It was really dark and cold. Jessica was hugging her stuff dolphin tightly every time the cold air surrounds them. Yuri noticed it. She doesn't want Jessica to catch cold so she stands up, take off her school blazer and put it on Jessica.

Jessica looks at her. She smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm wearing a long sleeve polo,"


"No buts. You need that more than I do," Yuri said once again.

"Tomorrow is the match, yes?" Jessica asked.


"Hmm.. I see.."

Jessica went from behind Yuri and gave her a back hug. Yuri looks at her. She just gave her a smile and hugs her tightly. Then after a few minutes, she breaks the silence surrounding them.

"I promise I'll be there to watch you and your team," She said.

"Oh thanks," Yuri said with a smile.

"Good luck, I hope you win," Jessica said as she breaks the hug and gave her her sweetest smile. 

"I will definitely win!" Yuri said flashing Jessica her toothy smile.

Jessica giggled and hugs her arm then she raises her blue stuff dolphin. She smiled and said, "Thanks for giving me this, I will keep this forever,"

"Anything for you," Yuri said as she smiled at her softly and kissed her forehead.


And finally the big day.

"Listen up! Before we went out and the game starts, let's make the Seiju Red Knights keep in their mind that messing with us, Blue Fangs is a big mistake!" Yoona said. Seriousness.

"And another thing, we must win this game though this is just a friendly match, okay?" Yoona added.

"All clear!"

After a few minutes, they were finally standing in the field facing their opponent team, Seiju Red Knights. Yuri in the other side went looking for her father, Amber and Jessica. She spotted them on the right side. Amber was sitting next to their father while Jessica was on the left side with Tiffany. She smiled at her sister and father then she looks back at Jessica and this time their eyes finally met. Jessica mouthed a good luck and winks at her.

She chuckled and then the game finally starts.


Yoona kicks the ball to Yuri who was near the goal. As soon as she gets it, she kicks it and goal! Another victory for Blue Fang!

Five more points and this game is done..


"Yo! Dude! Don't you think number twenty-one is just freaking hot?" the boy from Seiju Red Knights said as he eyed Yuri who was wiping her sweats off her neck.

"Yeah.. she's Kwon Yuri the star player of Blue Fang," the other one said.

"I know, maybe I'll ask her out after the match," he said once again grinning ear to ear like an idiot.


"Hey Fany, is it okay if I bring Yuri with us in Taeyeon's café after the match? After all you guys know that I badly want to bring my beloved girlfriend in the café but she's kinda busy with the practice for the past few weeks. So, can I?" Jessica said as she gave Tiffany a just-go-with-the-flow look and making sure that the boys in front of them from Seiju Red Knights heard her say it clearly.

Knowing what her best friend was trying to do, Tiffany smiled. "Of course you can! Yuri is your girlfriend so why not?"

"Oh thank you so much, Tiffany!" she said.

"Err well.. it seems like she's already taken.." the boy said.


One more and this is over!

"Yuri, you know what to do, right?" Yoona said.

"Yeah, don't worry we have been practising this one so I'm sure it will not fail," Yuri said as she smiled at her reassuringly.

They run to their places. Yoona went near the goal to kick the ball to Yuri when the ball reaches her. Yuri was now running in the middle. She will stay there and wait for their other team mate to get the ball Yoona kick towards her to kick it again to her and then she will run while kicking the ball and stop to the designated place she must stay and kick the ball just like what she did on their practice.

When it was all set, all of them were now on their places, Yoona got the ball, kick it then one of her team mate that supposed to kick it towards Yuri had some chasing game with the boy from Seiju Red Knights. He managed to not lose the ball and then he kicks it to Yuri, Yuri got it and as soon she was on the right spot, she took a deep breath before kicking it.

3... 2.. 1..

As soon as Yuri kicks it with full force, everyone fell silent and their eyes were fixed on the ball. Most of them think that what Yuri just did is just impossible for she was standing far enough from the goal. It's too impossible for the ball to reach the goal until the ball went straight to the goal making their thoughts of what she just did turn possible.

A loud cheer from the crowd was heard especially for those who support Yuri's team. Yoona and the others came running towards her to cheer her. They did it! And it's all thanks to them especially to Yoona's magnificent plan. The day she saw what Yuri did, it came into her mind that what her best friend did is just amazing and it can be added to the plan she made in order for them to win the game.

"Bloody hell! Great job Yuri!" Sooyoung said.

"Be sure to treat every one of us, Kwon Yuri," Yoona said as she patted Yuri's shoulder.

Yuri chuckled and says her thanks to everyone.


"Hey Yuri! We'll wait for you outside 'kay?" Yoona said.

"Yeah sure! Just give me a minute to change," Yuri said.

"Okay," Yoona said as she went out of the locker room with Sooyoung.

Yuri locks the door, grabs her clothes and starts changing.


"Who's there?" she shouted.

"It's me! Jessica!"

Yuri zips her jeans and quickly puts on her shirt. Then, she jogs towards the door to open it and let Jessica in.

"Hey sorry, I was in the middle of changing," She said.

"It's okay," Jessica said as she went in and close the door.

"What's up? What brings you here?" Yuri asked as she sits down and puts on her black converse.

"Oh nothing, I just want to say congratulations," Jessica said with a smile as she walks towards her and sits next to her.

"That's all?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well, I was expecting something," Yuri said as she faces Jessica.

"And what is that you are expecting?"

"A kiss?" She said. Unsure with her answer.

Jessica giggled. She slaps Yuri's arm playfully. Yuri chuckled then she said, "I'm just kidding,"

"Anyway, that was really great. I enjoyed watching the game," Jessica said with a smile.

Yuri smiled and said, "The game is for you,"


"I said the game is for you," Yuri repeated chuckling at Jessica's are-you-serious expression. 

Seriously, this made Jessica gave Yuri an are-you-serious look. She's not expecting Yuri to say that but somehow it made her feel happy. She smiled and hugged her. Yuri returned the hug.

"Thanks a lot," Jessica whispered still smiling.

Yuri smiled. She breaks the hug, pecks her lips and said, "Anything for you,"

Jessica giggled. She hugs her again and rests her head on the crook of her neck. Then she asked, "What's your plan now?"

"Hmm.. the alligator and the shikshin asked me to treat them, so yeah, we're going somewhere like shopping, arcades and restaurants," Yuri said.

"I see.."

"Are you free later?" Yuri asked.

Jessica nodded then she asked, "Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if it's okay with Ms. Jung if we go somewhere again like the amusement park and win some stuff toys for her again,"



"Yoong, what are we doing here at the park--"

Seohyun was not able to finish her question at the moment Yoona kissed her. It's not the first time Yoona silenced her by pressing her lips on hers. Yoona has done it for a million times already. Seohyun was again caught off guard but after a few seconds, she responded to the kiss. She encircles her arms around Yoona's neck as she kisses her back and slightly deepening it.

Yoona breaks the kiss. She smiled at her girlfriend softly, cups her cheek and said, "Happy anniversary,"

"Happy anniversary to you too," Seohyun said smiling back at Yoona.

And without any other word, Yoona gave her a back hug.

Just this morning when she woke up, she remembered that today is their anniversary. She waited for Seohyun's morning greetings but failed to get one. Slightly annoyed when she didn't get any morning greetings from her girlfriend, she preceded on her morning routines. She did some stretching, take a bath, dress in her soccer uniform and eat her breakfast. But as she did that, she's still waiting for Seohyun to greet her.

But why doesn't she just do the first move?

It is because she wants to see if Seohyun didn't forget that today is there anniversary but in this case, since she's not yet receiving any text message from her girlfriend greeting her a good morning and happy anniversary, she decided to stay silent about it. Act normal like there's nothing special today and just wait for her again 'till she finally greets her.

Same things happened when she arrived at Seohyun's house to fetch her, inside the car, until they reach the soccer field, after the game and finally at the park. It seems like Seohyun forgot that today is their day but Yoona won't let Seohyun forget about it completely.

Before taking Seohyun to the park with her, she told Sooyoung that she won't be able to accompany her on wasting Yuri's time and money in raiding every restaurant they saw. Sooyoung told her that it's okay and as soon as they went out of the building, she quickly went to the parking lot where her girlfriend was waiting for her. Without any other word, she gestured Seohyun to get inside her car. She did the same thing and started driving until they reach this certain place in the park. And as far as she could still remember, this place is where she takes Seohyun for their first date.

"I thought you forget that today is our day," Seohyun said breaking the silence between them.

"Forgetting our day will never happen but seriously, I think I should be the one telling you that," Yoona said.

"Oh why?"

"Well, you see, I was waiting for you to greet me since this morning but failed to get one. I still waited until the game was finally done and we're finally here and the result is still the same. No greetings from you," Yoona said as she breaks the hug and sits down under the tree.

Seohyun turns around and looks at the slightly pouting Yoona. She giggled as she walks towards her. She sits down in front of her and pokes her cheek. "You made me wait," Yoona said still pouting.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I made little Yoong wait for me to greet her because like her, I was waiting for her as well to greet me so I can see that she didn't forget that today is our special day," Seohyun said with a smile.

Yoona hugs her again then Seohyun returned the hug. Slowly, she made the two of them lie down making Seohyun use her arm as her pillow. Seohyun snuggled closer to her neck. She closed her eyes and hugged her tightly as she inhaled Yoona's scent.

"Do you still remember this place?" Yoona asked.

"Yes, this is where our first date takes place," Seohyun said eyes are still closed.

"Good then," Yoona said with a smile.

She's glad to know that Seohyun still remembers this place. Like what Seohyun said, this is where their first date takes place. It was night time when she asked her out and since the park is not far enough, they just walk.. well.. not really because Seohyun asked Yoona to carry her piggyback making Yoona the only one walking. But that's not a big problem, because Yoona can carry her like that.

After the date, they stayed a little longer because Seohyun said so. They had some little chat about random things until Seohyun saw a falling star. She stopped talking, closed her eyes and wished something about the two of them. Afterwards, she hugged Yoona tightly and together, they stare at the stars above them in silence until Seohyun breaks it by asking Yoona to sing their song. She knows that Yoona was not really singing since then but that doesn't mean Yoona's voice is bad. And just like what her girlfriend was asking her, she did it.

Remembering those times really makes both of them smile. Especially Yoona, because never in her life she made someone feel so happy and right now, she just can't describe her happiness but there's only one thing that she can promise and that is, she'll love Seohyun as her first and last and that she will protect her no matter what.



"I'm sorry.." Seohyun said in almost a whisper but still, Yoona manage to hear it.

"For what?" she said as she looks at her.

Seohyun opened her eyes and looks at her. "For being so childish most of the time, for being such a sleepy head sometimes right to the point that I always end up falling asleep when we're talking on the phone late at night, for being so selfish when it comes to you, for being so possessive and for everything.. I'm really sorry, I know I'm a pain for you.." she said seriously.

Yoona smiled. She cups Seohyun's cheek and caresses it lovingly. Then she said, "No need for you to say sorry. I don't care about you being so childish most of the time and everything because if you only know, I'm enjoying it. I love you just the way you are,"

Seohyun hugs her again. Yoona did the same thing. Seriously, she mean every single word that she told Seohyun. She really doesn't care about those. She just loves this girl despite the fact that she's childish.

"If you're planning for a change, its okay I don't mind. After all it's your choice anyway but like what I've said before, I love you just the way you are nothing's gonna change my love for you even if you really attempt on making some changes,"

"I love you, Yoona," Seohyun whispered.

"I love you more, Seohyun," Yoona whispered back as she kisses her forehead.


Chapter 7: Who Are You?

[Normal POV]

Jessica closed her book and put it on her lap. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes. She's getting bored of reading so maybe to ease the boredom, I can lie down and sleep for a little while. She thought to herself as she put her book on the coffee table and lied down afterwards. She let out a soft yawn and closed her eyes. Just when she was about to enter her dream land, she smelled of something awful and disgusting. She opened her eyes and saw her best friend, Tiffany, holding her most hated thing in this world with an evil grin. The disgusting cucumber! 

Her eyes went wide open and she was now sitting again.


Tiffany burst out laughing at Jessica's warning. Her best friend's really afraid of cucumber.

"What's so scary about cucumber, Jessi?" she asked chuckling.

"It smells so bad, awful, and disgusting!" Jessica said in disgust.

After hearing Jessica's answer, Tiffany burst out laughing again which made Jessica twitched her brows and later on glare her. Tiffany continued laughing not noticing about the temperature's sudden change until it gets colder because of Jessica's icy glares and finally at this very moment, Tiffany stopped laughing. She hugged herself due to the coldness that surrounds her and right now, she's guessing that it came from the Ice Princess in front of her who's currently burning a hole on her head.

Tiffany nervously laughed at Jessica's deadly glare. She slowly walked towards the couch where Jessica was. Jessica followed Tiffany's movements until she was already sitting next to her and still glaring while doing so. Tiffany nervously patted Jessica's shoulder while saying, "I-I'm s-sorry Je-Jessi.. err.. y-you know I was just k-kidding.. I'm really sorry pl-please don't take it seriously.."

"You love your dear life and Taeyeon, right?" Jessica asked coldly.

Tiffany nodded slowly.

"If so, don't mess with me or I'll take your life and Taeyeon's life," Jessica said.

"Y-yes! I promise! I won't do it again!" Tiffany said.


"Oh Jessi! Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" Tiffany said loudly as she hugged Jessica tightly.

Jessica choked as she cannot breathe properly.

"Tiff... can't... breath!"

Tiffany quickly pulled away and said, "Sorry," with a toothy smile.

"It's okay," Jessica said in between her coughs.

Tiffany was about to rub Jessica's back but was stopped from doing so at the moment she heard the door bell.

"I'll get it," She said as she patted Jessica's shoulder and stand up.

I wonder who it is.. Jessica thought as she watched Tiffany walk towards the door.

Not long after the door bell rang, they heard it again. Tiffany who's only few centimeters away from the door quickly opened it at the moment she heard the door bell again. She saw a familiar looking man in his business suit standing before her. She felt her mouth hang open slightly in surprise to see this man again.

He never change.. he's still in his usual formal clothes and a serious face that doesn't show any emotions.. She thought to herself as she scanned him from head to toe. On the other side, the man in front of her was staring at her seriously. He knew that Tiffany was scanning her but he don't give a damn on that one. He just let her be until their eyes finally met and it's already time for him to break the ice.

"It's been a long time Miss Hwang," He said.

"Mr.. Jung.."

"Tiffany, who's there?"


[Jessica's POV]

"Tiffany, who's there?" I asked annoyingly crossing my arms.

Tiffany looked at me with a pale face and stuttered. "J-jessica.. i-it's him.."

I frowned. Him? Who's him? There's a lot of him in this world!

I opened my mouth to say something but before I could do that, a man in his business suit suddenly appeared. He stared at me with those cold and emotionless eyes. Taken aback with his sudden appearance, I stared back at him and tried to maintain my composure. While our staring battle was on going, I can't help but clench my fist tightly as if I'm going to land it straight on his face.

This man in front of me is no other than my good for nothing father. The ever so selfish father of mine.

"You.. what are you doing here?" I asked coldly with a matching death glare that never worked on him.

He sighed and said, "Is that really how you greet me, Jessica?"

I didn't say anything and just continued glaring at him. Oh how I wish I can kill him by just giving him this death glare of mine.

He sat down and looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked again and still glaring.

"I'm here to take you home," He said blankly.

Eh? Take me home? What the... is this old man kidding me? Well, if he is, he's just wasting his time kidding around with me.

"Like I'm going home with you.." I said coolly.

"Jessica, I'm taking you home,"

"No," I said.

He sighed in frustration and stared at me afterwards.

Why can't he just give up and accept the fact that I'm not going home with him? Is it that hard to understand and accept the truth? Or it's just, he really don't know what give up and accept means?

Sigh.. man.. this staring portion is not even working. It's so annoying and tiring at the same time. I guess it's time for me to stand up, tell him to stop wasting his time because I'm not going home with him, and walk out.

And finally breaking the awkward silence surrounding us with a heavy sigh, I stand up and said, "Go home now.. you're just wasting your time here.."

Right after saying that, I started walking towards the kitchen but then, I stopped at the moment I heard my name being called out by him. "Jessica,"

I looked at him and asked, "What do you want?"

"Let's go home now," He said expressionless like a robot.

Stubborn man... I wonder if he heard what I said clearly or not..

I ignored him and started walking again but was stopped when he called me again. Loud and clear.

"Jung Sooyeon!" He called out loudly. Anger and annoyance can be pictured in his deep voice.

I was stopped dead on my track and can't even move a muscle. It's been a long time since I last heard him call me in that name with such fierce and anger in his voice. He got me scared and petrified by just doing that. Suddenly, I felt some cold air passed by me and because of that, it somehow made me shiver. This coldness is coming from him... I can feel it.. he's angry..

I slowly turned my body to face him. He was standing there before me. He's staring at me silently and seriously. I stared back and tried my very best to stay calm and not show him how vulnerable I was right now. Now that I'm staring at him, let's take a look at his eyes and figure out what his eyes tells.

Cold, serious, and angry. He never changed. He's still holding those three in his eyes. Even though he's not showing those three by the expression of his face, I can see clearly in his eyes and right now, I was wondering when will I see the warmth and happiness that once lived in his eyes again.

Finally, breaking the silence for the second time, he took a deep breath and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Jessica, let's go home now." He said again.

"I'm not going home," I said.

He sighed then he walked towards me while I just stand here watching his every move. He stopped in front of me, held my wrist tightly and said, "We're going home,"

"Are you deaf or what?! I told you I'm not going home and that's final!" I shouted at him angrily but he just tightened his grip on my wrist which made me winced in pain.

Tiffany who was watching us the whole time ran towards me. She held my father's wrist, trying to help me free my own wrist from my father's death grip. But my father's a hard headed man who doesn't know how to listen to others except to my grandfather. He just tightened his grip on my wrist which made me winced in pain again and shouted at Tiffany who was trying to help me escape from his grip.

"Mr. Jung, please let go! You're just hurting Jessica!" Tiffany shouted.

"This is none of your business! So don't you dare interfere Miss Hwang!" He shouted back.

Wincing in pain, I shouted at him to let go repeatedly until I end up pushing him away from me with full force. Once I'm finally freed from his death grip, Tiffany quickly hugged me while he stumbled slightly.

He glared at me. "You!"

"Get out of here! I don't want to see your face ever again!" I shouted at him angrily while tearing up.

"I may not be able to take you home at this very moment, but I assure you that next time you'll be home again!" He shouted back angrily. And with that, he walked out of the apartment leaving only me and Tiffany.

Tiffany hugged me tightly while I let myself cry in her arms.

"Sshh.. it's alright, Jessi.. he's not coming back," Tiffany said as she keep on rubbing my back.


[Normal POV]

"So how's your business with my lovely princess, Mr. Jung?" asked the boy who was sitting on his father's chair.

"Jessica's being hard again. She keeps on telling me that she's not coming back," Mr. Jung said, looking straightly at the boy's eyes.

The boy made an 'o' shaped mouth and nodded his head slowly. He brought up his hand and massages his temple, then he said, "So you failed again,"

Mr. Jung nodded.

"Hmm.. I see, it's not a big deal. There's always next time and I know in that next time you can finally fulfill your dream by giving me your daughter," He said with an annoying grin.

"Don't worry, I assure you that," Mr. Jung said.

"That's good! Anyway, don't forget to attend Lee Enterprises' 50th anniversary okay? And if you have some matters to discuss with my father, he's at the meeting, just wait for him if you want," He said again, still wearing that annoying grin.

And without saying a word, Mr. Jung proceeded on exiting this boy's father's office.

The boy let out a sigh as he leaned his back comfortably on his father's chair. In the near future, this office will be his and he'll be the one who's going to be in charge of managing their company, the Lee Enterprise. This boy is no other than Lee Donghae, the show off boy that Jessica finds so annoying and speaking of Jessica, he likes her a lot and he'll do anything just to get her.

"Ahh!! I can't wait to see my lovely princess again!" Donghae said as he closed his eyes and smiled.


[Yuri's POV]

"Hey! Over here!" Yoong shouted while running.

They boy she shouted at nodded and kicked the ball to her direction. As soon as she got the ball, she started kicking it towards my direction with an evil grin. Sigh, I know we're having a practice right now but with that evil grin, I know she's up to something again.

"Yo Kwon Yuri! Here I come~!" she shouted still grinning evilly.

She stopped on her track and kicked the ball towards me with full force but since I'm the great Kwon Yuri, I manage to avoid being hit. Yoong's one hell kicker like me and as much as I want to kill her right now, I should stop and remind myself that we're having a practice and just let it go.

She chuckled at the sighing me.

Sigh, if only we're not in the middle of practicing, I already kick this ball back to her and made sure that it will hit her nose..

I let out another sigh and continued kicking the ball. As soon as I reach my spot, I stop for a while, took a deep breath, and..

3.. 2.. 1..

The ball I just kick went flying towards the goal Sooyoung was guarding just like what I did in our previous practices. I watch the ball with a big smirk as it landed perfectly next to Sooyoung.

Everyone cheered.

"Two thumbs up!" Sooyoung shouted as she came running towards me.

I chuckled. "Make it three, shikshin," Yoona said then she patted my shoulder, "Great job, Yul,"

"Yeah thanks," I said.

"Hey Yoona, should I call for some short break?" Sooyoung asked.

"Everything's almost perfect so yeah sure, let's have some short break," Yoona said.

"Aye! Aye! Captain!" Sooyoung saluted and quickly announced to everyone to have some short break afterwards.

Yoona just chuckled as she made her way towards the bench where her bag was. I sat beside her and let out a big sigh as I let my sore back rest for a while. Well you see, today is Saturday, our practice day and right now we're having some short break. Weeks ago, we manage to win the match and I manage to tell Jessica that the game's for her and ask her out. That day was really fun because I got to spend my free time with her again! Ah man, it's so awesome! I feel like I've won a million dollar! I can't even explain how happy I was that day. It's so great!

I sighed again and smiled as I stared at the blue sky. Just then when I'm ready to think about her, I saw Im Choding grinning at me. Oh please.. don't tell me she's up to something evil again..

"Yoong, what's up with that grin?" I asked with a frown.

"Are you thinking about her again?" she asked back, still grinning.

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you want to see her?" she asked again.

Eh? Hell yeah! "Of course!"

"Well then, go over there and you'll see Jung," Yoong said as she pointed her finger at the nearby the tree.

There? What the.. is she kidding me? Jessica's there? But why?

I frowned again and asked, "Are you kidding me?"

"Of course not! Why would I?" she said in a convincing manner.

"Because you love making fun of me," I said blankly.

True, she loves making fun of me especially when it comes to Jessica.

She let out a big sigh. "If you don't want, then fine make your girl stand there until her legs gets numb and until she gets tired of waiting for you," she said as she stand up and walked towards the eating machine.

I think she's telling the truth because of her serious tone. She only uses that tone when she's serious about something so yeah, I guess she's not making fun of me this time and that Jessica's really.. there? But.. why there? And today is Saturday, no classes so why is she here?

So there, she leaves me no choice but to stand up and go to where Jessica was. I wanted to know if she's telling the truth because if not, I'm so going to kill her and-


"Hey.. Jess- I mean, Ms. Jung,"

So it's true, she's really here, Jessica's here.


[Normal POV]

A certain petite girl was still deep in her slumber but not until her annoying alarm clock came ringing to wake her up.

"Shut up.." she mumbled as she turned to the other side of her bed and gave her pillow a tight hug.

But her alarm clock didn't stop ringing unless she turns it off.

She groaned and let her hand search for the annoying thing to turn it off. When she still can't find the thing, she lazily opened her eyes to look for it and after a few seconds, she finally found it. She turned it off and went back on hugging her pillow while trying her best to fall asleep again so she can go back to her wonderful dream.

She turned to the other side of her bed again then after a few seconds, she did it again. Again and again and again until she ends up accepting the truth that she can't go back to her wonderful dream about her girlfriend. She let out a sigh as she opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes then suddenly, she heard something coming from outside. Sounds like water..

She decided to get up and go outside to see where that sound was coming. When she was finally outside her room, she was now able to locate where that sound was coming from, the kitchen. She went to the kitchen where the sound was coming from and there she saw her mushroom whose busy washing the dishes in the sink.

The petite girl smiled then she quietly walked towards her mushroom. She wrapped her arms around her mushroom's waist and kissed her neck lightly.

Tiffany smiled as she continued washing the dishes.

"You should stop doing that," Taeyeon said.

"Why not?" Tiffany asked back.

"Because I'm the one who's suppose to clean my mess," she said.

"Whatever you say," Tiffany said then she received another kiss from her girlfriend.

Tiffany giggled as pokes Taeyeon's nose playfully then she said, "Seems like you enjoy kissing my neck, are you?"

Taeyeon smiled and nodded her head. "Of course,"

Tiffany giggled again. "Silly. By the way, why don't you take a bath first?"

"Oh yeah that, but when I come back here let, at least let me cook some delicious breakfast for us, okay?" Taeyeon said.

Tiffany nodded with a smile and with that Taeyeon gave her another kiss but this time on the cheek before heading to the bathroom for some quick shower.


[Yuri's POV]

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I sat down beside her.

"The principal called me to discuss some serious matters with me this morning and I happened to remember that you-I mean your team might be here for some practice. So I came here to watch instead of going home," she said.

I smiled after knowing that she was watching the practice the whole time and I'm guessing, she has her eyes on me again the whole time just like what happened at the match weeks ago. Well, I'm just guessing because.. err.. I.. want her to.. see only me..?

Sigh, greedy me.

So there, she said she was watching the practice but why here? Why at this place? Why not there?

"Thanks but why are you watching the practice here? I mean, don't you get tired of standing here for almost 3 hours?" I asked again this time worried.

"I do get tired of standing here but don't think it's odd to see a teacher watching the practice alone while being surrounded by the other students who are watching the practice as well?" she said.

Well yes, it really does look odd to see a teacher watching our practice alone and of course it the other students who are watching the practice as well saw the teacher; they might start thinking things about the teacher.

Man, I can really be slow at some time like right now.

"You're right, it's really odd," I said.

"See? That's why I didn't even bother sitting there with the other students and besides, it's okay since I can have a clear view of you.." she said as she slightly lowered her voice especially at the last part that made me smile.

So, that makes me not greedy, she's really watching me the whole time I was there running around and kicking the ball.

"Yuri-ah, why are you smiling like that? Did I say something funny?" Jessica asked with a small pout as she poked my nose.

That killer pout that makes me want to kiss her haha! I chuckled while shaking my head no.

"You sure?" she asked still pouting.

I nodded and smiled. Then that cute pout she has was replaced by a sweet smile that make me feel something warm and fuzzy was inside my stomach. It's weird but somehow I like this feeling.

So after spending some time with Jessica, I went back to the field as soon as I heard the whistle followed by Sooyoung's voice calling everyone for the start of our practice again. Jessica heard it as well and just then when I was about to stand up right after I bid my goodbye to her and head back to the field, I was caught off guard when she pulled me back down again for some kiss then before I could even deepen it she pulled away giggling. I smiled at her and gave her a quick peck before leaving.

I was smiling like an idiot because of that kiss while running towards my team. Everyone noticed it and they thought I just regained my energy again that's why which is true but the alligator and the shikshin, they're an exception. Even though they didn't see it, they can tell it by this idiotic smile of mine especially Yoong. So as soon as the practiced started once again, they were teasing me about it and until now, that everything's over.

"So Prince Yuri came, killed the dragon, went to the sleeping princess' room and-"

"Rape her?" Sooyoung suddenly butted in as turned to look at me with an evil grin.

"What the.." that's all I can say when Sooyoung cut Yoong's story telling and said that word.

"Eh? Babo~ Prince Yuri is a prince! Not a rapist!" Yoona said as she hit Sooyoung's head with her kendo stick.

"Aww! What was that for?!" Sooyoung asked while rubbing her sore head.

"For interrupting me wonderful story, now shut up before I hit you again and let me continue!" Yoong said and there she goes again, sigh.

We were at the parking lot, sitting on top of the alligator's car while listening to her 'wonderful story' about Prince Yuri and Princess Jessica. The hell! She even used our name! And Sooyoung shikshin, oh holly... why does she have to look at me with an evil grin when she said that? Sigh..

Yoong continued her story and when it's the conversation part, all I can hear from her was "And blah, blah, blah, blah" "Blah? Blah, blah, blah!" The conversation was filled with blah but hopefully she said, "Blah, blah, my princess, I'm here to save you," That's all I understand after the long blah, blah, blah she made throughout the whole conversation right after the princess finally woke up from her deep sleep. Then, the blah, blah, blah was repeated again when she reached the last part where Prince Yuri and Princess Jessica was announced as husband and wife. And again the only thing that I understand at the last part is when she finally speak normally for the I love you part of the two lovebirds and my much awaited,

"And they lived happily ever after~ The end!" She said with a big toothy smile while I Sooyoung happily clapped her hands like a little kid. Aish!

"So Yuri, how's my story?" Yoong asked still beaming.

If I say it's not good, it's okay, or it's good, she'll hit my poor head with that kendo stick so I better say, "Well done! It's so amazing!" there with a toothy smile.

Yoong chuckled, "Liar,"

"Well, you'll hit me with that kendo stick if I said no, it's not," I said, chuckling as well.

"She already know what will happen to her if she said the truth, so it's really better to lie to avoid being hit," Sooyoung added with a grin.

They chuckled and gave each other a high five while I just smile at them. These two, despite the fact they love making fun of each other especially me, that makes them really silly, but what can I do? That's what they are I can change them because I don't want, I like them this way better.

I let out a big yawn and stared at the blue sky above me. The shikshins continued their business until after a few minutes, I heard Sooyoung say something to Yoona.

"Hey look at the black limo, is it Yuri's?"

A black limo? I don't remember owning one maybe dad. Yeah, he has but he seldom uses it.

"Definitely no, that's not hers," Yoong said.

"Maybe her dad?"

"Yes but.."

"So that means, Yuri's dad is here!" Sooyoung said with a toothy smile.

"Then, what the hell is he doing here?" I asked as I look at them.

"Visiting you?" Sooyoung said again.

I shook my head no.

"A big no, shikshin. If he's going to visit Yuri, he'll use his other car instead of his limo and besides, he don't have any bodyguards unlike this one," she said as she pointed her finger somewhere which turned out to be the direction where the limo was.

So there are two men in black and between them was a boy at our age. He has this annoying smile. I don't like this dude, I can sense some trouble coming from him and to be honest, with that annoying smile, he looked like a..

"He look like a fish.." Yoong said.

There, Yoong said it, he look like a fish.


[Normal POV]

He smiled as he scanned his surroundings. This place is new to him for this is his first time here. Then, the smile on his face grew wider when he saw these girls in their soccer uniform who didn't seem to notice him. He was planning to approach them and start flirting with this group but then he reminded his self that he's here for some business.

"Master, are we going now?" asked the man on his left.

He looked at his watch then he said, "Sure, but let's use the fire exit instead,"

They nodded in agreement and let him lead the way.


[Yuri's POV]

"He's going somewhere," Sooyoung said.

"Let's follow him," I said.

"Eh? Follow him? Why?" Yoong asked.

"I don't like this dude, Yoong and I'm sensing some trouble coming from him. I want to know what is he doing here and where is he going, that's why I want to follow him," I said.

"Well, us too, we don't like that fish," Yoong said while shikshin just nodded her head.

"Then let's go for some adventure!" I said grinning.


So there, we followed him and there were times that they almost caught us but thanks to Yoong's hiding skill we manage to survive and be here outside the faculty room. Yes, they went inside the faculty room where there's no one else but Jessica who's currently fixing her table.

"Ms. Jung? What is she doing here? I thought she already left," Yoong said while twitching her brows.

"Me too, maybe she forgot something here?" said Sooyoung.

"Maybe.." was the only word I could manage to say as I fix my eyes at them.

"What are you doing here?" Jessica asked coldly.

"Your prince is here to take you to our castle, my dear princess," he said with a smile but Jessica just glared at him.

Hehe, what a dumb trying to look charming in front of my princess.

"Oh Sica baby, why don't smile back at your prince?" he asked with a disgusting aegyo voice.

"What the.. is he using some aegyo? If he is well, eww! That's disgusting! Sunny bunny's better than him!" Sooyoung said in disgust.

Yoong and I chuckled. It's true, his is so disgusting.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up now, shikshin. Brag about your bunny later, let's watch the movie in front of us first," Yoong said.

So while these two are busy, this fish who just asked Jessica why is she not smiling back earned another life threatening glare from her. Whew~ that was really scary!

"Get. Out. Of. Here. NOW!" she said angrily.

The fish froze on his spot, he can't move a muscle after that. He smiled nervously and attempted on hugging her but before he could even wrap his arms around Jessica, Jessica pushed him away with full force. He stumbled slightly.

"I said get out of here now!" she shouted.

So dumb~ can't he even understand what she just said?

"You leave me no choice, Jessica." He said then looked at his bodyguards. "You two, take that girl!"

I tightened my fist and clenched my jaw in anger. Damn it! Those two! They're hurting Jessica!

"Damn it!" I cursed under my breath as I watch Jessica struggle from that death grip.

"Yul, save your anger to our human punching bag later, for now we have to get out of here or else that fish will see us!" Yoong said as she grabbed my wrist.

"Come on Yul, Yoong's right we have to get out of here," Sooyoung said.

I nodded and we started running before that fish could even get out of the faculty room.


[Normal POV]

"Jessica, please pick up the phone!" Tiffany said as she sat on the couch.

Taeyeon came while drinking her water. She looked at Tiffany and asked, "What's up?"

"She's not picking up," Tiffany said with a sigh as she stared at the screen of her phone worriedly.

Taeyeon sat beside her girlfriend and place the glass on the coffee table. Then she looked at Tiffany again and asked, "Worried?"

Tiffany looks back at her and nodded. Taeyeon put her arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to her and said, "Don't be, I'm pretty sure Jessica's alright. Maybe she's just having trouble with the signal that's why she's not picking up,"

"Yeah.. maybe.." Tiffany said as she snuggled closer to her.


"Damn it!!" Yuri shouted as she hits the tree trunk with a baseball bat.

"Yoong.. is Yuri unnie alright?" Seohyun worriedly asked as she hugs her girlfriend's arm.

"No, she's not.. she's definitely angry and sad at the same time," Yoona said as she freed her arm from Seohyun's hug and put it around her shoulder instead.

Seohyun snuggled closer. "Why?"

"Something bad happened few days ago," she said as she kissed Seohyun's forehead and let out a sigh.

Yuri was so affected about what happened few days ago. Well, who wouldn't be affected after seeing their beloved like that? So that's it. Yuri was so affected right to the point that she released her anger towards that annoying boy named, Donghae, by beating up this tree almost every day. She's not the brutal type like Yoona but what happened made her turn into one because of anger but it's not just anger, sadness is present as well.

That day, the three of them went to the parking lot to see if there's something more that they're going to do with Jessica because if there is, Yuri would definitely kill them. Originally, it's only Yuri but since Yuri's already starting to let anger take over her, Yoona and Sooyoung decided to be with their friend, to calm her down and to avoid Yuri from attacking those men. They understand her. They know that Yuri felt useless at that very moment and Yuri just proved it that she felt so useless by screaming how useless she was. It saddened her every time she remembers how Jessica struggled from those two and how she wanted that fish to disappear in front of her. As much as she wanted to do something about it, she can't because she knew to herself that she's no match with them even if she has her friends with her to help her, still no match and at the same time, she knew that it'll just worsen the things around Jessica if she suddenly butted in.

She can't forget that day, that day when she can't even do something for her, that day when she felt so useless, and that day when anger devoured her. At this very moment, she wanted to tell the world how she wanted to beat the crap out of that fish and to his bodyguards who even dared to touch her girl.

She tightened her grip on her baseball bat and stared angrily at the trunk as if it's Donghae. She clenched her jaw and hit it again with full force. She stumbled and fell but that's not the end of it, she was up again and hit it all over again until she ran out of energy and fell on her knees. The maknaes on the other side, who are watching the whole scene run towards her when she's up again to stop her from hitting the innocent tree and to stop her from tiring herself as well.

Yuri was about to hit the tree again when suddenly she felt someone hug her from behind followed by a worried voice. "Yuri unnie.. please stop it now.."


Then she felt someone touching her shoulder and was followed by another worried voice. "Yul, stop it.. please.."


It was Seohyun who was hugging her from behind and it was her best friend, Yoona who's touching her shoulder. It was them who are asking her to stop. It made her realize how vulnerable she was to be like this, it's embarrassing.

She lowered her head and dropped her baseball bat. What have I done?

"I'm so sorry.." she said loud enough for them to hear.

"It's okay, unnie," Seohyun said.

"Yeah, it's okay," Yoona said as she patted Yuri's shoulder.


"Hey baby, are you ready?" Donghae asked with a smile.

Jessica just glared at her.

"Her name's Jessica, not baby," Krystal said, glaring at Donghae as well.

"This kid.." Donghae said under her breath as he felt embarrass about what Krystal said.

They were inside his car that is heading at this certain place where Lee Enterprises 50th Anniversary was being held. Donghae was having a hard time every time the Jung sisters are together especially Krystal, who's giving him a hard time because every time he says something or ask things to Jessica, Krystal would always say, "No, she's not interested." "She's glaring, is hard to recognize?" "Why bother asking, when you know that Sica-unnie doesn't want to see your face?" "She said no, are you deaf?" and etc.

Donghae could only shut up and smile every time Krystal does that. He's not allowed to lay a hand or even tell Krystal to shut up because Jessica said so and if he does break any of them, Jessica promised that he'll never be able to see again. She threatened her by telling that she'll take out his eyes or worst kill him if she gets annoyed. Donghae turned pale white after hearing that so all he can do was shut up and mentally curse Krystal for making him feel so embarrass for almost every minute.

Jessica on the other side was already laughing to death in the inside by the sight of Donghae's fuming face. She knew that he already had enough of Krystal's rudeness but he can't do a thing but, hear out every single word Krystal says to him even if it's rude or not because if he dares to do something with her sister, she'll definitely kill him.

Poor boy, can't even do a thing or say word every time Krystal answers him in a rude way. Jessica thought to herself as she mentally smirks at Donghae. Great job sis!

There was a couple of silence inside the car until suddenly, Krystal let out a big sigh. What is it this time? Jessica mentally asked as she watches her sister at Donghae in an annoyed manner then Krystal asked, "Don't you get tired of smiling?"

Donghae slightly flinched by Krystal's question. "Well.. I do," he said.

"Then stop smiling and if you have some time, try looking at yourself by the mirror and you'll see how creepy and annoying you are with that smile," Krystal said.

Again, Donghae felt so embarrass for the nth time and likewise, Jessica was laughing to death in the inside because of what she heard from Krystal. Really, great job sis!


[Yuri's POV]

"Please excuse me, Mr. Yoo," I said politely with a smile as I walked towards the balcony.

I let out a big sigh as soon as I reach the balcony. "At last, some fresh air," I said to no one with a smile. 

Well right now, I'm stuck in some party. The Lee Enterprise's 50th Anniversary and I'm not alone of course. My parents are here and of course, my sister, Amber and YoonHyun's here as well. They're inside while me, I'm here at the balcony all alone, savouring the fresh air but it's okay because I'm fine with it. Well actually, this is what I need after almost an hour talking with those people who knew me.

It's tiring and annoying at the same time because every time, a new creature will appear and of course this creature will ask the very same thing the first one asked like, "So how are you?" "I heard your studying at this school, so how's your life there?" "How old are you now?" and blah, blah, blah.

If only dad's still alive, he'll be the one to handle this and answer those business thing questions that I'm going nut just to find the right answer, sigh.

I let out another sigh as I stand still and stare at the stars above me then suddenly; I heard my name being called out by someone else which turned out to be my sister.

"Yuri-unnie!" Amber called as she walked towards me. Well she's not alone, she has a beautiful girl with her that resembles her.

"Hey Amber," I smiled at her. "What's up?"

"Well you see, I want you to meet my girl friend!" she said with a toothy smile while pointing at the beautiful girl beside her.

"I'm not your girlfriend!" The girl said as she elbowed Amber.

"Ouch! What was that for? And that's not what I mean! What I mean is, you're a friend of mine who's a girl!" Amber said as she rubs her sore arm.

The girl blush a little due to embarrassment. I'm guessing she's thought Amber meant girlfriend not girl friend.

I chuckled at them then Amber turned to look at me again. "So like what I'm saying, she's my friend, unnie," she said with a toothy smile.

I turned to look at the jet black-haired girl beside and smiled. "Hey, nice to meet you..?"

"Krystal. Krystal Jung," she said with a smile.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Krystal!" I said once again still smiling.

"Nice to meet you too, Yuri-unnie," she said.

"Oh seems like you know me," I said.

She nodded her head then she said, "Because Amber here, talks about you a lot,"

Then Amber beamed at me again. I chuckled and patted her head.

The three of us talked for a few minutes until they felt thirsty and excused themselves.

It's really great talking with people who doesn't give a care about business. It's not head cracking! :D

I stayed a little bit more at the balcony until I felt my throat dry. "I'm thirsty,"

I went inside to drink something that can cure my dry throat. It's too crowded inside but it's a good thing I'm not clumsy, I manage to avoid bumping into them but I guess, I should take that back. I accidentally bumped onto someone. Oh holly!

The girl that I accidentally bumped almost fell on the floor so I quickly grab her wrist to stop her from falling. Then, I clasped my hands, bowed my head slightly, and.. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! I'm really sorry!"

I'm expecting some hurtful word or a very fine "its okay," from her but none of them was spoken and it made me wonder if this girl can't speak so I slowly lifted my head up to see the girl and..


Jaw drop.

"Jess.. Jessica..?"

I'm not drunk or even dreaming right? And my eyes, they can't be playing trick with their owner! No, no, they're not even playing tricks with me, their owner. What I'm seeing right now, is true. It's her! It's Jessica Jung! My English teacher and the girl I miss so much! But.. what is she doing here? Arrgh!! This is confusing! What's going on? What is she? Who is she?

There's a lot of question running in my mind. I'm confused and I want these unanswered questions to be answered and more importantly, I want to know who this girl in front of me is.

"Who are you?"


Chapter 8: Saving the Princess

[Yuri's POV]

I know she's Jessica Jung but other than her name and her role as my English teacher, I don't know a thing about her life. I don't know a thing about who she really is that's why I want to know who this girl in front of me is. I want to know the real Jessica Jung.

"Who are you?" I asked but before she could even speak, a man with an annoying smile on his face appeared beside her. He's the fish looking boy that came to take my princess away from me. He's the fish looking boy that I promised to kill if ever we meet again and now, he's in front of me just beside my princess smiling like an idiot.

"Hey Sica baby, I've been looking for you," He said as he held Jessica's hand.

"I'm not even asking you to look for me and didn't you hear what my sister told you inside the car? Stop calling me baby. I'm not even yours to call me like that," Jessica said, releasing her own hand from his.

Heh, that's right, Jessica's not yours, she's mine.

He was dumbfounded after hearing that from Jessica and even received a death glare from my princess. But what's really annoying is that, I'm standing here in front of them as if I'm not even visible for him to see. He's really making boil here, damn it!

But after a few seconds, seems like he recovered from that death glare because here he goes again, smiling while holding Jessica's hand.

"Yes, you're right. You're not yet mine but soon will be so I guess, you should get used to it already because we don't know, maybe tonight or tomorrow, you're already my girlfriend and soon to be wife," He said again, still smiling.

What the.. girlfriend and soon to be wife? Is he in mental? Damn! I won't let that happen!

This fish's getting into my nerves and he's just making me boil here like hell. I badly want to break his nose and beat the crap out him but we're here, stuck in some stupid party plus there's a lot of people surrounding us plus me, the great Kwon Yuri's here. I can't just make a scene in here, I don't want to make some trouble especially for my parents so yeah, he's pretty lucky but not really lucky because I'm taking my princess away from him.

I can't take such disgusting scene in front of me, so I better be rude and end the show.

I cleared my throat loud enough for him to hear.

He looked at me then smiled.

Success! But disgusting.. yuck!

"Oh, hi there miss," He greeted, still smiling.

"Hi there too, well, by any chance," I paused, look at Jessica, then move a little bit closer to her and take a hold on her hand, and continued, "Would you please stop flirting with my girl?" There you go fish!

I took a quick glance at Jessica and saw her surprised expression that turned into a usual one once she saw me with this killer smile. She smiled back and she intertwined our fingers making it obvious for the fish in front of us.

Nice, just go with the flow.

Then I turned to look at the surprised fish. He can't believe it! Another success for the great Kwon Yuri!

"Your girl? As in, girlfriend?" He asked with the same surprised expression.

I nodded my head not even giving a damn care to remove this killer smile off my face.

"Seriously?" He turned to look at Jessica.

Jessica nodded her head as well. "It's true, Yuri's my girlfriend and I'm her girlfriend, we're a couple," she said as she hug my arm making it more obvious and at the same time showing her affection towards me in front of him.

Again, for the second time around, he's dumbfound and speechless at what he was seeing right now. Pff, that's how it is. I play my game and make sure that victory's mine. That's what you get dude, you better back off.

"But, Jessica.."

I'm tired of his voice, I better end this.

So I cleared my throat again. I turned to look at Jessica and ignored him like what he did to me few minutes ago. "Hey princess, mind coming with me outside? I'm craving for some fresh air," I said with a smile.

"Sure," was her only reply as she gave me her sweetest smile.

That sweet smile of hers that never failed to make me feel weird things inside my stomach.

"Then let's go," I said and so we left, leaving the fish on his spot, dumbfounded.


[Normal POV]

He was left alone with no one with him. He can't believe what just happened in front of him. Just then, he was holding Jessica's hand and telling her sweet things then suddenly, this girl named, Yuri interrupted him and everything started. He can't just believe it. He can't believe that Jessica was already taken and not to mention, by a girl!

What was that? She's into girls? But.. but.. but.. is it too late for me and her? No, no, it can't be! Donghae let out a big frustrated sigh. This is just unbelievable for him. So unbelievable.

He let out another sigh. He was about to go back to where he was a while ago, when suddenly, he heard a familiar giggle from behind him that sounds like Krystal.. sigh..

He turned around to where the giggle was coming and there he saw Krystal giggling while clapping her hands and beside her was a short-haired girl cupping her mouth to stop herself from bursting out into laughter. Oh God.. this is so embarrassing!

"What's so funny?" Donghae asked annoyingly.

"We saw everything~" Krystal said grinning at him.

Donghae mentally face palmed. He's already dying.

"You know, if you would ask me who I want for my sister, I'll pick Yuri-unnie over you. She's so cool, so sweet, so good unlike you and she's able to make my sister smile and laugh with her dorky side. But you, you're really off. Yuri-unnie's better than you, so I guess just back off Lee Donghae," Krystal said, smirking.

Donghae clenched his jaw and glared at the smirking Krystal. As much as he wanted to burn a hole at the younger Jung's head, tell her to shut up and tell her how annoying she was, or even curse her to death, he really can't because if he did that, he knew Krystal will go to her sister and tell her what he just did and if that happens, he's so dead. Jessica will burn her to death.

Krystal continued smirking which made Donghae's temper to rise up. Since he can't do anything to Krystal, he just decided to take his leave and go to where he was a while ago.

"What a loser," Amber said in between her chuckles.

"He's definitely a loser," Krystal said who's grinning ear to ear as she watch Donghae slowly disappear from the crowd.

Like what Krystal said, they saw everything so meaning, they saw how Yuri accidentally bumped into Jessica and their intense staring contest, how Donghae suddenly appeared, and how Yuri take Jessica away from him. Seeing their sisters like that made them think that maybe they know each other base on what they saw.

"Do you think, they really know each other?" Krystal asked as she turned to look at Amber.

"Maybe?" Amber said, not really sure with her answer.

"Well, if they do know each other, why didn't they tell us?" Krystal asked again.

Amber shrugged. "Dunno,"


[Yuri's POV]

We were sitting on the grassy field in silence. She was staring to nowhere while me, I'm staring at the dark yet starry sky above us. This whole silence started just minutes ago right after she finished telling me the whole thing about her. Well, it was summarized, everything was, her horrible life in her castle with her younger sister which turned out to be Krystal that somehow resembles her, their hiding game of her evil father that is willing to sell her to that fish boy named Donghae, her father's ambitious dream of taking down my real dad's company (which is passed to me) just to reach the top, and how a princess like her was working as a teacher in a private school I go to. 

I can't believe everything that she told me. I mean, it's not that I don't believe her story; it's just that everything was like a dream but no it's not, it's all real.

But there's something about her that really caught me, her evil father who's willing to sell her to that fish. Mr. Jung sure is evil to do something like. Base on Jessica's story, it seems like he don't really care if her daughter will get into trouble or suffer. What he only cares about is to fulfill his dream even if it will cause some big trouble or not.

Man! What an evil dad he is. I'm so lucky my real father who's already dead is not like him or even Shino. But Jessica, I feel so sorry about her and that just makes me want to save her from the hell she was currently in.

I let out a sigh as I lie down on the grass and still staring at stars. Suddenly, Jessica turned to look at me and said, "Sorry for not telling you everything,"

"No, it's okay, I understand that you have to keep to it yourself," I said with a smile.

She smiled back. "Thank you,"

"You know, we're some kind of the same, the people in our school didn't know a thing about my personal background. The only thing they know is that the great Kwon Yuri is a rich kid and has two stupid best friends," I said beaming at her.

She giggled then pokes my cheek. "Silly,"

Well at least, I'm able to make her laugh and smile. I'm able to make the princess happy.

"Yuri," she called.


"Thanks. Thanks for taking me away from Donghae a while ago," She said.

"It's nothing. You see, I some kind of don't like that Donghae boy and I find him so annoying," I said.

That's right! Honestly, I really, really, really don't like that fish and he's sooo annoying and I sooo want to beat the crap out of him. What he did that day is unforgettable and his bodyguards, I don't know what will happen if ever I see their face again... actually, I can do something about them.. yeah, there is but I won't do it right now, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or any day. Not now. Not until he dare to do something that I not surely like.

"Oh.. about that, are those two the only reason why?" she asked with a.. grin?

What's up with that grin? And that question, what does she mean by that?

"Yes..?" I answered.

Then the grin on her face grew. Damn, what's up with that grin?

"You sure?" she asked again.

I nodded then asked back, "Why?"

"'Cause you looked like you're jealous while he was busy flirting with me," she said.

"Eh? Me? Jealous? It can't be!" I lied.

Err.. yeah, I lied.. I'm jealous but I guess.. I really don't have the right to be jealous. I mean, just like that fish, Jessica's not his and me, I just did that because I don't like it when someone's flirting with her. So yes, Jessica's not really my girlfriend-no scratch that! She's not yet my girlfriend but soon she'll be.

"Yes, you are jealous," she said.

"No, I'm not!" I said avoiding her eyes.

"You are!"





I can't take this anymore!

"Fine! I'm jealous! Happy?" I said this time looking at her.

She giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

She shook her head then she giggle and said, "It's okay if you're jealous, I don't really mind and besides, don't you think it's already common? After all, you're my girlfriend, right?"


[Normal POV]

Tiffany was sitting at the counter. She was watching her girlfriend, Taeyeon, turn the open sign to close and afterwards, she started wiping the tables clean. Supposedly, this work is to be done by one of her workers that is assigned to do what she's doing right now but since today is Sunday and she let her workers go home early, she just decided to do that work instead and besides she can't just leave her café dirty and all because she know it'll cause a lot of work in the morning when she opened her café again.

Tiffany on the other side, who was watching Taeyeon clean the tables, was just sitting there and at the same time waiting for her girlfriend to finish working on the tables. After for about fifteen minutes or so, Taeyeon was already done. She walked towards her mushroom who was seated on the counter. She hugged her girlfriend's waist and let out a loud groan. She's completely tired with all the wiping thing work that her workers left her but it's okay. It's already part of her life as the owner of a café.

"Seems like my TaeTae's already tired," Tiffany said as she playfully poking Taeyeon's cheek.

"Yeah, I'm so tired like really, really tired!" Taeyeon said with a sigh as she buries her face on her mushroom's flat stomach.

"Don't worry, I'll drive you to your apartment or if you want you can stay with me in my apartment instead since Jessi's not yet home," Tiffany said her voice saddened a bit at the last part where she mentioned her best friend not yet home. Well, honestly, Tiffany misses her sleepy head best friend already and it's kinda sad for her when Jessica called her and told her that Donghae forcefully made her come with him the day she's not picking up any of her calls.

It's been a week since that day happened and if ever it went on for another one week, it'll be straight two weeks of no Jessica in her apartment and at the school they work at. And speaking of the school they work at, Tiffany told Jessica's uncle which the principal of that school, about what happened and why Jessica was missing in action for two days. Her uncle became worried as well and even the faculty teachers who noticed Jessica's absence were asking her why. So instead of telling them what really happened, she just decided to make an alibi to cover-up Jessica's absence.

She let out a sigh.

Just like what Yuri felt, she too felt useless and somehow she kind of blame herself for not coming with her because if only she did come with her, maybe she was able to help Jessica get away from Donghae.

She sighed again then looks down at her girlfriend. "So what do you think TaeTae?" she asked.

"Sure but first let me stay here for a little while," Taeyeon said.


[Jessica's POV]

After spending some time outside with Yuri, we decided to go back to the party when she felt really thirsty. Then afterwards, we were about to part our ways inside, when she suddenly grab my hand preventing me from going somewhere. I asked her why did she do that then she said it's because Donghae might think that we're just fooling him about us, being a couple (which is true) if ever he saw one of us away from the other one. So in that case, we decided to stick with each other which I really like the most.

Hours ago when she accidentally bumped me and we happened to have some intense staring contest was really unexpected. I didn't expect to see Yuri here because I know she's the different type. Everything started at that moment when she asked me who am I. I know what she's trying to say that moment when we saw each other. She's so confuse and she wants to know why her English teacher is in a place like this and I know she wants to know as well what my true identity is. I was about to speak when suddenly Donghae appeared beside me, interrupting me from speaking.

I was so annoyed when he did that and the way he flirted me in front of Yuri, the girl I'm so in love with. While he was doing that, I can see Yuri fuming and at the same time trying her best suppress her annoyance towards him. He was ignoring her as if she's not in front of us and of course what he just did is something really rude. He just noticed Yuri when she cleared her throat and that moment, I think she was already planning for some revenge that I really like.

She told Donghae that I'm her girlfriend. It surprised me as well as Donghae who really can't believe what Yuri told him. To make it believable for him, I confirmed our relationship by telling him that Yuri's my girlfriend and that we're a couple. Hopefully, it succeeded!

That was such a brilliant idea and I'm so loving it!

And how I wish, it's really true that we're a couple..

"Unnie," Krystal called.

I turned to look at her. "Yes?"

"The others are already leaving, don't you think it's time for us to leave as well?" she asked.

"Right but dad might look for us-no wait," This is a very excellent chance for me no-not only me but us, me and my sister to escape and go back to Tiffany's apartment. That's right, I'm taking my sister with me this time and I don't care if that old man will get mad again.

"Unnie, what is it?" she asked again.

"Krys, do you want to come with me to your Tiffany-unnie's apartment?" I asked back.

"I always wanted to be with you ever since you left. I can't stand being locked in that house anymore," Krystal said.

Poor girl, being locked in that jail like house but no more worries, because I'm taking her with me this time and I promise she'll never experience that thing again.

I smiled and patted her head. "Don't worry, Soojung. I'm taking you with me now, away from that man," I said then she gave me a hug and thanked me.

Now, how should we escape? We don't have any car to use for our escape. Oh come on Jessica! Think of a way! Think! Think! Think-Yuri.. that's right. I can ask her to give us some ride!

"Soojung, do you have any idea where's Yuri?" I asked.

Krystal nodded her head.

"Where do you think she-"

"Looking for me?"

Suddenly, she was there in front of me smiling while me; all I can do is smile back.

"You were looking for me?" she asked again.

"Yes, well.. you see.."


Everything was so silent and the only thing that makes some noise inside the car was the radio. Beside me was a driving Yuri, at the back was a sleeping Krystal and Amber. It's been thirty minutes when we left and since the place where the party was held is a bit far from Tiffany's apartment, I'm sure this is going to be a long drive. So I guess I better sleep for a while and thank Yuri again later when we're finally there.


[Normal POV]

"Would you please shut up Donghae?!" Mr. Lee shouted at his son who keeps on telling him that Jessica was already taken.

Mr. Lee was getting annoyed and at the same time, he can't believe what his son told him about Jessica having a relationship with someone else instead of his son. It was alarming for him and he wanted to know if Donghae was telling the truth because if ever it happened to be true, that's going to be a big trouble. A very big trouble for his and Mr. Jung's plans for them will be ruined so it better be not true.

"But dad! How am I going to shut up?! I can't believe it and I will not accept it! Jessica's mine!" Donghae shouted back.


"Jessica, wake up!" Yuri said for the 10th time while slightly shaking Jessica's shoulder to wake her up.

It's already quarter to eleven when they finally reached Tiffany's apartment and Yuri has been trying to wake this beautiful blonde beside her for almost ten minutes or so but still no response from the blonde. She never thought that Jessica can be this hard to wake up but she won't give up, she'll wake her up no matter what.

"Jessica, please wake up!" Yuri said again and was shaking Jessica's shoulder again.

No response.

She sighed and continued doing the same thing until Jessica let out a light groan and shifted her position. She was now facing Yuri. Yuri was suddenly stopped from her track at the moment she finally had a nice view of Jessica's sleeping face. Even when sleeping, Jessica still looks so beautiful but not until the moon gave her some of its light and that just made her look like a sleeping Goddess. She's so gorgeous..

Yuri was fascinated at what she was seeing right now. Such a beautiful view in front of her, I'm staring at perfection. Yuri continued staring at the beauty in front of her until her eyes fell on those luscious lips. She was captivated by those lips until she let herself be lost and mindlessly move closer to have a better look at the Goddess in front of her. She cupped Jessica's cheek and let her thumb caress those luscious lips.

While she was doing that, she didn't know it was slowly waking Jessica from her sleep. Suddenly, Jessica's eyes slowly opened and Yuri stopped from caressing her lips but didn't take her hand off her cheek. Yuri remained cupping Jessica's cheek while Jessica just stared at her. Her vision's a little bit blurred but she can tell that it's Yuri who's cupping her cheek.

Finally, when her vision's not yet blurry, she was able to see Yuri clearly and the fact that Yuri was still cupping her cheek, she's not giving the younger girl any unwanted signs. Instead, she remained in her position enjoying the warmth coming from Yuri's hand while staring at her.

After a few minutes, Jessica decided to break the silence by asking, "Are we already here?"

Yuri pulled her hand away from her cheek. She smiled and nodded. "Yes, we're finally here,"

"That's great," she said smiling back then she turned to look at the back to see if the youngsters are still passed asleep.

"Seems like their deep in their sleep," she said turning her gaze to Yuri.

"But we have to wake them up," Yuri said.

So they proceeded on waking the duo at the back. They had a hard time with the duo but after a few attempt, finally they're awake.

All four of them went out of the car and made their way to Tiffany's apartment. Jessica knocked a few times and even ringed Tiffany's phone. After a few minutes, Tiffany finally opened the door and was so surprise to see them.

Once they were finally inside, Tiffany gave Jessica a tight hug.

"Oh Jessi, I miss you so much!" Tiffany said with a small pout.

"I miss you too, Fany-ah," Jessica said as she smiled at her best friend.

Then she turned to look at Krystal and smiled. "It's been a long time, Krystal,"

"It is," Krystal said as she returned the smile.

Tiffany then turned to look at Yuri and Amber and smiled as well. They smiled back at her.


"Thanks a lot, Yuri," Jessica said flashing Yuri a sweet smile.

"It's nothing," Yuri said with a toothy smile why scratching the back of her head.

Jessica giggled. She poke Yuri's nose then Yuri rubs it and beamed at her again.

"Anyway, it's getting late. I should go now, goodnight," Yuri said as she smiled at her again. She was about to go back to her car where Amber was waiting for her when suddenly, Jessica grabbed her wrist, stopping her from going somewhere.

"What?" Yuri said.

Jessica bit her lip as she stared at Yuri. There was an awkward surrounding them as they continued staring at each other's eyes. Then suddenly, Jessica cups Yuri's cheeks and leaned in for a kiss. Yuri was caught off guard at the sudden kiss as she was not expecting the blonde to do that. Since Yuri was in a state of shock, she was not responding to Jessica's kiss which made the blonde break it and looks at her with a pout.

Yuri could on stare at her and wonder why she was pouting. When her brain's back to normal and everything that happened was played again in her head, she realized that Jessica was pouting because she didn't kiss her back.

"Jess.. Jessica, s-sorry about that-"

"Why are you not kissing me back?" She asked still pouting.

"I.. I was.. I was caught off guard.. I-I'm sorry," Yuri stuttered.

Jessica sighed. "Enough with the sorry thing," she said then she pulled Yuri by the collar and kissed her.

This time, Yuri was now able to respond to the kiss. Yuri then wrapped her arms on Jessica's waist as she pulled her closer to deepen the kiss. While Jessica, she encircled her arms around Yuri's neck as she kissed her back. The two shared a passionate kiss under the bright moon and they just pulled away from each other when they felt the lack of air. Panting, they smiled at each other.

"Ah hey, I think I really have to go now. It's pretty late, my parents might kill me," Yuri said.

"Okay, I understand," Jessica said with a smile.

Yuri smiled back. "Thanks,"

She was about to head to her car again when suddenly, Jessica stopped her from the second time by hugging her from behind. "No goodnight kiss?"

"Eh?.. 'kay," Yuri turned around and kissed her Jessica's forehead. "There you go,"

To be fair, Jessica gave her a kiss on the cheek as well and smiled. "Goodnight~"

Yuri chuckled. "Goodnight," And with that, she went to her car and started driving. Jessica went back inside the apartment as well with a smile flustered on her face.

These two, they're not yet a couple but they do kiss a lot. They're just waiting for anyone of them to confess, blurt everything out, and say those three magic words. And at this point, they do know that a teacher-student relationship is strictly prohibited but they don't really care especially Jessica, because for her she's not a really teacher and playing that role will end soon.


[Yuri's POV]

"Hey! Yuri! Hurry up!" Yoong shouted.

"I'm coming! Just wait a second!" I shouted back as I hurriedly put on my neck tie and blazer. Afterwards, I quickly grab my bag and went out of my room.

Outside, there I saw an annoyed alligator inside her car, impatiently waiting for me. I'm dead!

"Oi you dork, get in!" she said frowning at me.

I quickly went inside then she turned on the engine and started driving.

"Yoong, I'm so sorry! It's the alarm clock who didn't wake me up, blame it!" I said.

"And it's you who didn't set the time that's why your alarm clock didn't let out some annoying sound that'll disturb your sleep! So still, I blame you!" Yoong said her eyes never leaving the road.

I sighed. "Fine, it's my fault,"

"It's really your fault," she said once again.

I just let out a sigh as I stared outside. We only have twenty minutes left and it's all because of me. So in order to avoid being late, we must hurry.

There was a couple of silence between me and the alligator but not until she asked me about Jessica..

"So you mean to say, she's hiding?" she asked again.

"That's what she says," I said.

"Hiding from her own father who's even willing to sell her to that Donghae fish just to reach the top?"

I nodded.

"Pff.. what a lame dream.." Yoong said.

And about that thing, it keeps on bugging me since last night. I don't know what's up with Mr. Jung to do something like that. He must be in mental..

"Anyway, about the fish we saw last night, what's your plan with him?" Yoong asked.

Ah that fish boy, Donghae.. I want to kill him. "Salvage him?"

"You'll get into jail if you do that, babo," she said.

I chuckled. "I'm just kidding,"

"So what are you going to do with him?" she asked again.

"Now that, since he made me boil in anger, I feel like messing with his life until he kneels down in front of me, asking for forgiveness," I said seriously.

"Then do it,"

"No.. not yet,"

"Not yet?" she repeated as look at me through the rear view mirror.

I simply nodded my head. "But why?"

"This is not the right time for that, we should wait,"

"So you're going to wait 'till he and Mr. Jung do something to your girl?"

"I won't let that thing happen. I won't let them do something to Jessica. It's just that, there's a right time for everything like messing with their lives,"

"And for Jessica, I'll definitely save her," I added.

That's right, I'll save her because I can't stand seeing her like that. A princess like her deserves a quiet and worry free life so me, as her soon to be prince, I'll do everything just to save her.

"It seems like, Jessica's in a big trouble huh,"

I nodded. "Well then, you should really save your princess from the bad guys," Yoong added with a toothy smile.

I chuckled and said, "I will,"


Chapter 9: Fake Relationship, Lovebirds, Bugs Everywhere

[Normal POV]

Mr. Lee slammed his hands on the table as he glared at the man across him, Mr. Jung, who's not even glaring back or even showing any expression. It's the usual face he always let everyone see, stoic yet so cold.

"What is the meaning of this?!" He shouted at him, still glaring.

"I told you, I don't have any clue about what your son is talking about!" Mr. Jung said as he eyed Donghae who's seated beside his father.

Mr. Jung's and Donghae's eyes were locked. So at this very moment, they were having some staring battle. Donghae on the other side can't help but gulp and shiver in process due to the coldness Mr. Jung was giving him. Though, Mr. Jung is the expressionless man, when you look at his eyes, you'll see the emotions that he holds and its good example is right now. Donghae was able to see how angry he was and that he can't believe what he just told them.

There was a couple of silence as the staring contest just continued with Mr. Lee glaring angrily at Mr. Jung who was staring at Donghae and Donghae staring back at him nervously. Mr. Lee didn't seem to notice what's going on between his son and Mr. Jung but not until his gaze fell on the man across him. He followed Mr. Jung's gaze and saw that he was staring coldly at his spoilt brat son, Donghae.

His son was in a very big trouble. Just like Donghae, he can see as well the anger and the I-don't-believe-you look in Mr. Jung's eyes. Well, to be honest, he too can't believe what Donghae said about Jessica having a relationship with someone else few days ago and right now when he can't take his annoying son's mouth and called Mr. Jung right away to talk about this stuff.

Mr. Lee let out a loud sigh.

"Enough with this, Jung," he said.

Before taking his eyes off the annoying boy, he shot Donghae a death glare and finally stared at his father. Donghae gulped again and mentally asked, Are the Jungs really like this? Throwing deadly glares at someone when they're angry?

Mr. Lee let out a loud sigh again as he sat down once again. He stared at Mr. Jung who was looking at the window behind him then at his son, who's fidgeting on his seat. He's scared.. sigh.. he's so unmanly and a spoilt brat at the same time.. Mr. Lee thought as he mentally shook his head, then Mr. Jung suddenly speak.

"Donghae, who's this person that Jessica was having a relationship with?" Mr. Jung asked calmly as he turned to look at him again.

"I think her name is, Yuri. Kwon Yuri," Donghae said as he was trying his best to avoid looking at Mr. Jung's eyes. 

After hearing that name, the two men turned to look at each other. They were quite surprise to know that Jessica was having a relationship with a Kwon. They really can't believe it like, really, really, can't!

Mr. Lee turned to look at his son once again and asked, "Are you sure?"

Donghae nodded his head. "I'm so sure, why?"

Mr. Lee quickly shook his head and said, "Nothing, never mind," as he turned to look at Mr. Jung and gave him a nod. Mr. Jung gave him a "It can't be!" look.

Donghae on the other side was silently watching their weird interaction with a frown. What's up with this two?! He mentally asked. He wanted to know what's going on with those two and why his father suddenly shook his head and say it's nothing right after he asked him why.

He let out a sigh as he decided to interrupt those two's weird interactions.

"Would you two please stop that staring game and tell me what's up with this Kwon Yuri?" He asked.

"It's nothing," Mr. Lee simply said.

"I don't believe you! Come on! Tell me what's up with her!" Donghae shouted annoyingly.

Mr. Lee sighed in frustration. "I told you, it's nothing!"

"No!" Donghae shouted back again.

This brat.. "Donghae, I don't want to die here because of heart attack. So please, get out of here now,"

"But dad.."

"Get the hell out of my office now!" Mr. Lee calmly said as he pointed his index finger at the door.

Donghae could only sigh as he stands up from his seat and exited his father's office.

"Finally," Mr. Lee said as he took a deep breath. His son doesn't know a thing about Yuri, which is the sole heir of the Kwon Enterprise that is now ranking number one while Liu Industries is now at the second spot.

The two mentioned companies was like, they just exchanged their rankings. It was kind of unacceptable for Mr. Lee and Mr. Jung because they envy those two companies especially the Kwon Enterprise. And to be added, that's the reason why they decided to make a proposal to each other by making an engagement with their children because they believe that they can beat the Kwons and Lius by combining their companies.

And speaking of the engagement between Donghae and Jessica, they really can't believe that Yuri was in between the two.

"We must do something about it. We can't just let the engagement to go away just because Jessica was having a relationship with Kwon," Mr. Lee said.

"I know, but I think we must investigate first. I want to know if their relationship is for real or not," Mr. Jung said.

"But why?" Mr. Lee asked.

"I know my daughter. She can do stuffs like fooling me or whatever, risky or not, she can do everything if she wanted to,"


"Damn it!" Donghae cursed under his breath as he went inside their car.

He stared angrily at their driver through the rear view mirror and said, "Drive me home!"

The middle aged man just nodded his head.

Donghae was in the middle of cursing under his breath while staring outside. He knew that his father was hiding something. He knew that it's all about the girl Jessica claimed as her girlfriend name, Kwon Yuri. He wanted to know what's up with that Kwon Yuri that made his father and Mr. Jung conversing in a weird way.

Pff.. what's so special with that girl? Well, not a thing, I'm so sure with that. He thought as he continued staring outside.

Donghae really don't have any idea what's Yuri's identity and about her fake relationship with Jessica, his future wife. He wants to admit that Yuri's beautiful but really annoying. He wants to know everything about Yuri and its relationship with Jessica because until now, he can't really believe that Jessica's into girls and that he can't really accept it.


[Jessica's POV]

"Oh my God! Jessi, you're in a big trouble!" Tiffany said in horror.

I chuckled as I patted her shoulder. "It's not that big, Fany-ah and besides, I can handle it. So don't worry about me," I said as I gave her a wink and chuckled again.

Tiffany then slapped my arm with pout. "How can you say that it's not a big trouble for you? Don't you know that your father might come in my apartment again to get you after knowing that you made a fool out of Donghae again and for kidnapping your sister?!"

"My, my, Tiffany, of course I know it and besides it not a big deal you know. I can always find a way to get out of that mansion and how to scare his little bodyguards," I said with a smile as if what we're talking about is nothing.

"You're so carefree," Tiffany said with a sigh as she face palmed that made me chuckle again.

Well, we were talking about me and Yuri having this so called "relationship" which is fake just to make a fool out of Donghae so he would stop bugging me and we were talking about me again taking my sister with me. Tiffany's right, I'm really in a big trouble and my father might come to her apartment again to get me and let me feel his wrath after knowing what I did.

I know he's already aware by the fact that Krystal's not in the mansion because of me and I know he already knew about this (fake) relationship I have with Yuri since Donghae's always there to bug him and Mr. Lee every time I do something funny, embarrassing, or whatever to him. Donghae's always like that so I guess, dad already knew it and he's already discussing things to Mr. Lee to straighten up everything.

Just like what Tiffany said, I'm really in a big trouble but things like this are already common and I'm already used to it. That's why, at this very moment, I don't really care about it and all I care about for now is to enjoy every single thing around me before I think of a best way to handle this trouble I was in, because I know, this little game of hide and seek that I started have to end soon.

I let out a sigh as I stared at the wall clock. Our break time's almost over. We better get ready.

"Tiffany," I called as turned to look at her.


"We only have ten minutes left, we better get ready," I said.

She simply nodded her head and started arranging her things she needed for her class. I did the same thing.

The two of us are the only one left inside that faculty room while the other teachers are in their classes. We're a bit different with them because unlike them, we don't have any advisory class and that we were given for at least twenty minutes break before our third class to start.

After we're finally done, we went out of the faculty room and started heading to our destinations. But while we were in the middle of walking, Tiffany suddenly asked me if Yuri already knew the thing about my engagement with Donghae. I was stopped dead.

"No, not yet," I said in almost a whisper.


[Normal POV]

Inside a certain café, Krystal and Amber could be seen seated near the window with the owner seated across them. The youngsters were asking Taeyeon if she knew a thing about their sisters.

"Well.. there's one thing that I know," Taeyeon said.

Krystal's eyes lit up as well as Amber who turned her head's direction to Taeyeon. "What is it then?" Krystal asked.

Taeyeon smirked. She knew it, these two are really interested with Jessica and Yuri's relationship. But she won't say the truth that Jessica likes Yuri in a romantic way or else, Jessica will take her dear life is she tells these two about it. So to avoid being killed by the princess, she'll just tell them that..

"Come on unnie, tell us please," Krystal said.

"Fine, those two, they're just like friends," Taeyeon said with a grin. Friends with benefits!

"Friends?!" Krystal and Amber said in unison with the same are-you-even-serious expression.

Taeyeon nodded her head. "That's right, friends only and nothing more," she said still grinning ear to ear.

Krystal and Amber looked at each other then at Taeyeon. "Seriously unnie?" Amber said.

"Yes kiddos, they're just friends. Why? Expecting something from your elders?" Taeyeon shot back and yes, still grinning.

After hearing that, the straightforward younger Jung instantly nodded her head without even thinking that the café owner in front of her is already in the middle of thinking some unwanted things. Taeyeon on the other side was already laughing to death in the inside. The duo in front of her are still innocent so she better stop this or else Jessica will take her dear life if she got to learn that she corrupted Krystal's mind and Amber's.

Taeyeon mentally shook her head to erase every single thought she's keeping inside her mind. She just chuckled and patted Krystal's head. "Well, sad to say but there's really nothing special going on with those two. They're just friends," she said as she smiled at them.

The duo let out a frustrated sigh. Taeyeon noticed it and it made her chuckled again. These two, such a bug with their sisters. She thought to herself as she watched them sigh and shake their heads in frustration. Krystal on the other side can't believe what Taeyeon said. She can't believe that there's nothing special going on between her sister, Jessica and Yuri. Especially Amber, who saw them share a passionate kiss and hug that night when they drive the Jung sisters back to Tiffany's apartment.

That's right, Amber here saw her sister and Krystal's sister share a passionate kiss and hug that night. She was surprised to see them be that affectionate with each other. And just like Krystal, she can't believe that after that passionate kiss and hug that she witnessed, there's just friends?! What the.. what are they? Friends with benefits?

At this point, that is how Yuri and Jessica could be seen because of what Taeyeon said about them being friends only. If Amber's going to put it that way, it's really like; they're friends with benefits but not really. If only they knew the truth that their sisters share the same feelings with each other they won't have any hard time asking their sisters' close friends about it. But then again, as of Yuri and Jessica, neither one of them wants to go first and talk about it or start a confession and make them official already.

Amber let out a sigh then she said, "Maybe we should stop this,"

"No, we're not stopping!" Krystal said.

"What the... seriously?!"

Krystal nodded her head and said, "If want to know their real relationship status, we're going to do everything!"

"This is going to be a very long day~" Amber said with a sigh while Taeyeon on the other side could only chuckle at their antics.

"You know, if you really want to know if those two are already together, try asking them," Taeyeon said.

"Right but.." Krystal paused.


"But what if they say something like, there's nothing going on between them?" Krystal said. Amber nodded.

Taeyeon grinned. "Well.. if that's the case.. they're just denying it,"


[Yuri's POV]

"Hey Jessica, I'm done!" I said as I wave my notebook in the air lazily.

"Come here, let me check it," she said with a smile.

I lazily stand up from my seat and walked towards her. Then I put my notebook on her table without even saying any word. She started checking and right after she was finally done, she gave it back to me with a smile. Well, I'm not really in the mood, I mean, I'm so sleepy right now but I don't want to be rude for not smiling back so yeah, better smile back before she give me some killer pout.

So that's it, I smiled back at her and went back to my seat. I sat down and didn't bother looking at her as I rested my head on my table and closed my eyes. I'm so sleepy right now that I didn't even bother joining Yoong with her pranks few hours ago before classes starts and that I didn't even bother staring at Jessica while she's in the middle of discussing our new lesson few minutes ago.

I know Jessica noticed it but at this very moment, I really don't care on what she's going to do with me because I'm so sleepy like seriously! I want to sleep~

Before finally entering my all time favorite dreamland, I let out a yawn. I was about to fall asleep when suddenly, I felt a warm soft hand cupping my cheek. I opened my eyes slightly and lifted my head slightly as well to see who it is. Well, I know its Jessica but I just can't ignore her so here I am, staring at her blankly while I wait for my vision to go back to normal. It's blurry that's why.

After a few seconds, finally, my vision's not blurry anymore but I'm still staring at her blankly. She was standing in front of me with a small pout while cupping my cheek. I knew it, she's wondering why I'm so off today.

Since there's the only two of us inside while the others are outside, (probably at the cafeteria or maybe at the field eating their lunches with their friend) Jessica's able to do anything and everything she wants when there's the only two of us left alone like this and so do I.

My mind's off as well, so the only thing I can do is to stare at her like this. She moves closer while I just watch her sit on my lap. She was still cupping my cheek and pouting then suddenly she asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I'm just sleepy," I said as I mindlessly wrap my arms around her waist and rested my head on her chest.

She let out a sigh then she started poking my nose. "You didn't sleep last night?"

"Kind of," I said as I captured her index finger using my mouth. Then I closed my eyes and continued licking and nibbling her finger which caused her to somehow let out a low groan.

That's right; I didn't sleep last night because I was busy reading comics that's why I'm so off today but right now.. pff.. I feel like a drunken man with this burning feeling inside of me by just licking and nibbling the hell out of Jessica's finger and it will just make me feel like a drunken man if ever I happen to take her right here, right now.

"Y-yuri-ah.." she called out.

I opened my eyes slightly only to find a beautiful blonde biting her lip while blushing slightly. I guess I made her like that with what I'm doing with her finger. I smirked at her and shot her a questioning look.

"What does it taste like?" she asked.

I released her finger and pulled her closer to me until our faces were just inches away from each other. "It doesn't have any taste.." I whispered as I let my tongue lick her lip. "But this.. it's so sweet.." I added with a smile.

She smiled back and encircled her arms around my neck. "If I let you have some free taste, will it wake you up?" she asked back, still smiling.

"Maybe?" I said, unsure with my answer. She giggled then she finally closed the gap between us. I returned the kiss and pulled her closer to deepen it. She responded with the kiss then without even asking any permission, I instantly plunged my tongue inside her mouth and started exploring its inside. Soft low moans have escaped from her mouth as I let my tongue continue its work.

I opened my eyes to take a quick peek and there I found her slightly red, eyes are tightly shut, and also, she has a tight grip on my blazer. I removed my tongue and kissed her tenderly. She returned the kiss and we just continued exchanging moves until it's time for us to end this lip lock game when air is necessary.

When we regained some air again, she quickly pulled me for some hot kiss. She did the same thing. She inserted her tongue inside my mouth and yes, I moaned. After the tongue battle, she went back on my lips. She started licking and nibbling my lower lip until sucking her lip suddenly popped out of my head. I smirked and did suck while I let my hand wander inside her polo.

After the satisfying moan that she was giving me, I decided to stop sucking her lower lip and kiss her again. Well, this time slow and passionate. We continued tasting each others lips until we were lacking for some air again. We break the kiss.

Both of us are panting heavily especially her. She looks so damn hot right now and it's making me smirk like an idiot. Still panting with her face slightly red, she leaned her forehead on mine. "Why are you smirking?" she asked.

"Because you look so damn hot and beautiful at the same time while panting like that with your face flushed," I said still smirking while giving her some pecks.

She giggled. "Silly, anyway, still sleepy?" she asked as she pulled away.

I shook my head.

"So it's effective," She said with a smile.

"Very effective," I said smiling back.

She giggled again. Then she stands up and started straightening up her clothes.

"Anyway, I have to tell you something," she said.

"What is it?" I asked as I leaned my back on my chair.

"About Krystal and Amber.."


"So, Jessica was being bugged by those two as well especially Krystal about her relationship with you?"

I nodded.

"I see.. how lucky you two are," Yoong said with a smirk.

I sighed. Damn that smirk.. she'll tease me again and for sure it's all about my fake relationship with Jessica again.

"How lucky you two are to have such annoying sisters," she said again, still smirking.

"What's so lucky to have someone bugging you all the time?" I shot back.

"Well.. you'll learn how to be patient!" she said with a toothy smile.

"Patient your face, Yoong," I said with a sigh.

Well honestly, Amber was bugging me as well but in indirect way just like what Krystal was doing to Jessica. Just like Krystal, she too was asking Yoona and Sooyoung if I'm having special relationship with Jessica. I thought the shikshins will tell her everything but since they were curious why Amber was asking them questions like that, they chose to be silent and act as if they don't know what she's talking about.

That was a big help! And I'm so thankful they did that or else, I'm so dead. Amber will surely tell mom and dad about it. I know that little punk will do that because she likes to mess with me as well just like this smirking alligator in front of me.

And speaking of the smirking alligator, it makes me wonder if she even gets tired of smirking like that.

"What's up with that smirk?" I asked.

"Because I'm your best friend, I decided to give you some tips on how to get rid of your sister," she said, still smirking.

I sighed again. "And what is it? Torture her to death?"

"Mm.. kind of!" She said with a toothy smile.

"Oh come on, Yoong. I'm not that brutal just like you! And besides, that's child abuse!" I said loudly.

She chuckled. "Yes, you are! You turned into one brutal punk when fish boy and his shrimp bodyguards took your princess,"

"And that's.. true.. but.. seriously, I'm not going to do such thing to my sister," I said.

So she started giving me tips and yes, just as I thought, torturing Amber, locking her to her room, threatening her, and stuffs. Those's what she was giving me the whole time while I could only stare at her blankly and wonder if same thing will happen if ever she got to have a little sister or brother who will always be there to bug her all day long.

That's too much!

She continued giving me nonsense tips until it was switched on how to keep my keep Jessica. I just sighed and shook my head. She was teasing me and yes, it's all about my fake relationship with Jessica. She was giving me tips on how to keep Jessica and she even told me that I should do everything Jessica asks me to do like keeping her awake 'till midnight! The hell! Keep her awake 'till midnight?! What was that? An intense making out session?! Holly.. that's so hardcore!

"So remember Yul, if ever she asks you something like that, don't hesitate keep her awake 'till midnight!" she said with a wink.

That's too much~ I'm not like that~!

"Seriously Yoong, don't tell me that's how you handle your innocent girlfriend?" I asked back with a sigh.

The grin on her face grew wider. It's an evil grin now. Don't tell me she's really doing it to Seohyun!

"What if I say yes?" she shot back, still grinning ear to ear.

I mentally face palmed. Please tell me I'm just dreaming! "God! Yoona! What have you done with Seohyun?!"

She laughed and banged her fist on the table. Eh? What's up with her?

I gave her a questioning look.

"Easy Yul, I'm not a rapist like you," she said, grinning again.

What the... "Me? Rapist?" I repeated. Damn, it's making my jaw drop.

First, Sooyoung who interrupted her wonderful story. She was guessing that Prince Yuri went inside the sleeping Princess Jessica's room to rape her and when she said that she was looking at me with an evil grin. And now, Yoona, she was telling me that she's not a rapist like me? What the... is it always me to be blame when something's going on between me and Jessica and do I even look like a rapist?

She nodded and said, "Yes, you're a rapist. Remember what you did to Jess-"

Sh*t! That mouth! I'll get into trouble if the other students here inside the cafeteria heard it! "Don't you dare say her name, Yoong," I said.

The grin on her face grew wider again. "Oh why not?"

"They might hear!" I hissed.


"The other students!"

"Why not?"

Oh damn, if only this alligator's not my best friend and she doesn't have any connection with me, I already killed her! But.. but.. I'll get into jail if I do that!

She chuckled and patted my shoulder with her kendo stick. "Peace men!" she said with a toothy smile.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I stared somewhere and yes, Yoong's already laughing to death. She continued messing with me by making me remember every single thing that happened with me and Jessica. I could only manage to say shut up every second while my cheeks and ears keep on burning.

This continued again and again until we saw a petite girl angrily stomping its way towards our table. It was..

"Where's your giant eating machine friend? Where's Choi Sooyoung?!" she asked angrily.

"Sooyoung? I thought shikshin's with you?" Yoong said as she watched the girl take the seat beside her.

"Yeah me too, I thought Sooyoung's with you," I said.

"That giant.." she said as she clenched her fist tightly.

Well this girl is Sooyoung's girlfriend, Lee Soon-kyu or rather known as Sunny. She's one of my friends as well and despite the fact that she's umm.. small she's the leader of the cheer leading squad of the school. And now, wondering how on earth Sunny bunny turned out to be Sooyoung shikshin's girlfriend? It's all because Sunny bunny's delicious cookies that Sooyoung often steal few months ago and until now.

After stealing Sunny bunny's cookies, Sooyoung will tease the latter about her height. Then the bunny will call the giant as the eating machine. Sooyoung will call her shorty and that's it. They will start calling each other names until one day, Sunny started ignoring her because she had enough of her. Sooyoung felt bad so she apologizes for everything and then Sunny got to learn that Sooyoung was just teasing her because the giant likes her a lot.

So that's it! The apologizing thing turned into confession. Simple as that! :D

"Anyway, why are you so angry bunny?" I asked.

"Because that giant broke my Nintendo DSi!" she said.

"Eh? Seriously?" Yoong said.

Sunny just nodded her head.

She was fuming. She's really angry and it seems she's going to kill Sooyoung for breaking her Nintendo DSi-

"Yo! Bunny! Look! It's Sooyoung!" Yoong said as she pointed her kendo stick at Sooyoung who was standing at the doorway of the cafeteria.

"CHOI SOOYOUNG!!" Sunny shouted as she quickly got up and run towards her.

While being lectured by her girlfriend, Sooyoung can't help but look at us and mouth a help. We just laugh at her and watch her face Sunny bunny's wrath.


[Normal POV]

"Are you sure with it?"

"Yes, I'm so sure with it. I'm going to ask Sica-unnie directly since Taeyeon-unnie and Tiffany-unnie keep on telling me the same thing," Krystal said.

"I'll do the same thing since Yoona-unnie and Sooyoung-unnie are the same as them while Seohyun-unnie, she doesn't know a thing with my sister and yours," Amber said.

"I see.. hey I gotta go now, Sica-unnie's here!" Krystal said at the moment she saw her sister with Tiffany enter the café she was in.

"'Kay, bye and good luck!"

"You too!" she said as she quickly ended the call and put her phone back to her pocket.

Krystal and Amber started this bugging game two days ago and still, they're not yet giving up even though they always get the same answers again and again but this time, they decided to ask their sisters directly about it.

On the other side, Tiffany quickly went to her girlfriend's side and gave her a tight hug and quick peck on the lips which caused Taeyeon to blush. Jessica chuckled at the sight of blushing Taeyeon.

"Tiffany! Get off me!" Taeyeon said as she tried her best to release herself from Tiffany's hug.

Tiffany pulled away with a pout. "You don't want me to hug you?"

Aish! Stupid Taeyeon! She mentally slapped her forehead. "No, no, no! It's not that! It's just that.."

"What?" Still pouting.

Taeyeon lowered her head to hide her red like tomato face and said, "The customers might see," in almost a whisper.

"I don't care!" Tiffany said as she hugs her girlfriend from behind and kissed her neck softly.

Taeyeon's face was now bright red as well as her ears. Tiffany continued kissing her neck which earned her a loud "Tiffany!" from her girlfriend.

Jessica on the other side who was just in front of them can't help but laugh at them. She grabbed the rag and threw it at them. TaeNy turned to look at her then she said, "Don't make out in a public place like this," with a grin. 

Jessica's statement just worsen Taeyeon's blush while Tiffany just chuckled.

While in the middle of making fun with the café owner, Jessica felt someone hugging her from behind. She turned to look at her back only to find a beaming Krystal. Krystal hugs her again.

"Anyway, your sister keep on asking me about you and your student, Yuri, since yesterday," Taeyeon said as she pointed at Krystal.

"Me too, Jessi," Tiffany said.

Jessica turned to look at Krystal again and asked, "Is it true?"

Krystal nodded.

"And why is that?" Jessica asked again.

"Because you two look like a couple. So unnie, are you having a relationship with Yuri-unnie?" Krystal asked back.

She knew it. She knew that her sister's going to ask her about that thing since for the past few days, Tiffany and Taeyeon was reporting to her that Krystal keep on asking them about her relationship with Yuri. It's kinda annoying for Jessica and she wanted Krystal to stop bugging her about. But at this point..

"So unnie, are you having a relationship with Yuri-unnie?" Krystal asked again.

It seems like Krystal won't stop so maybe it's time for her to bug her about Amber as well.

"Soojung, I don't have any relationship with Yuri," Though there is but it's fake..


"It's true Soojung so please stop it now or else I'll tell Amber-"

"I'll stop!" Krystal quickly said before Jessica could even finish her sentence.

Jessica smirked and patted Krystal's head. "Very good,"


"Are you sure unnie?" Amber asked.

"100% sure. Now please get out of my room before I eat all of your pocky," Yuri threatened while Yoona who was sitting on her couch can't help but laugh at them.

After hearing that Yuri's going to eat all of her pocky, she quickly went out of her sister's room, afraid that Yuri might eat her stock.

Right after Amber was finally gone, Yuri sighed in relief. "Finally, no more bug,"

Just like what Krystal was doing, Amber was bugging her sister as well. Yuri was quite annoyed about it. She can't take the bugging thing about her and Jessica's relationship because she had enough of Yoona's endless teases and pranks and she doesn't want Amber's endless bugging to be added. She's afraid she might die at such a young age because of too much headache she's getting if ever Amber's bugging was to be added.

She sighed again and closed her eyes. This is nerve cracking.. She thought to herself when suddenly she heard Yoona chuckle. She opened her eyes and turned to look at Yoona whose busy staring at the ceiling of her room.

"You know, if I were you, I'll ask Jessica to be my girlfriend right away so you won't have to face this headache Amber was giving you and besides, you love Jessica, right?" Yoona said still staring at the ceiling.

"Yes.. I do love her.." Yuri said in almost a whisper but still, Yoona manage to hear it.

"If so, do it. Confess to her and make her yours," Yoona said.

Yuri didn't but just let out a heavy sigh. She always say that there's a right time for everything but at this moment that they were talking about her and Jessica, she don't know if there's a right time for asking Jessica to be her girlfriend. Well as much as she wanted to ask Jessica to be her girlfriend, she can't because she don't know how to.

"But Yoong, I don't know how to. I don't have any idea how am I going to ask her," Yuri said.

"Just say, "Jessica, be my girlfriend," simple as that," Yoona said as she turned to look at Yuri.

Yuri sighed. "I know! But don't you think it sounds so random?"

"Well it is but since you're the one who's going to ask her and not me, you should work on that one. Do it your style," Yoona said with a toothy smile.

"Yeah.. do it.. my style.. how frustrating.." Yuri said as she buries her face on her pillow.

Yoona chuckled. "You can do it Yul!"

"Yeah~ I can do it~" Yuri said gloomily.

"Eh what a chicken.. you really can or else I'll put your name in my "To Beat The Crap Out" list,"

"Hey! I'm not a chicken!" Yuri shouted.


Sooyoung went inside the café with a paper bag on her hand. She stand near the doorway for a few seconds to search for her girlfriend but no luck, there's no bunny in here..

She let out a sigh and was about to exit the café when suddenly she heard someone call her. "Sooyoung!" It's a familiar voice but she knows it's not her girlfriend. She turned around only to find a waving petite girl with a grin on her face at the counter. It's the owner of the café and her friend. She walked towards the counter where the owner was.

"'Sup giant?" asked the owner.

"As usual, I'm still tall unlike you," Sooyoung replied with a grin.

The owner or rather Taeyeon's face turned dark. She doesn't like the answer she got from her friend because it's all about the comparison of their height again and speaking of height, that's her biggest problem. She's already 20 but still her height's not improving and somehow because of this height she has the tall shikshin often tease her about it.

"What a rude kid, get out of my café," she said, glaring at the grinning Sooyoung.

Sooyoung chuckled and slapped Taeyeon's arm playfully but even though it's a playful one, Taeyeon still stumbled slightly. "I'm just kidding, Taengoo~" she said.

"You're always kidding with my height," Taeyeon said, still glaring.

"Well, blame yourself for not sleeping in the afternoon, for not eating foods that will make you grow, and for not drinking a bunch of milk!" Sooyoung said with a sly grin.

"I'm drinking lots of milk now!" Taeyeon said.

Sooyoung just chuckled and patted Taeyeon's head. "Very good~!"

Sooyoung and Taeyeon chatted for a while. Their conversation was all about food, food, food, food, and Taeyeon's cousin, Kim Hyoyeon which is Sooyoung's best friend. Just like Taeyeon, Hyoyeon's not that tall so she likes to mess with her height as well but other than that, she hangs out with Kim Choding a lot every summer vacation.

Their conversation went on and on but not until Taeyeon saw a short girl (like her) with a laptop went inside her café and take the seat near the window then she opened her laptop. It was Sunny, one of Taeyeon's customer and yet, the tall shikshin's girlfriend.

"Sooyoung, seems like your girlfriend's here," Taeyeon said as she look at the girl seated near the window who didn't seem to notice Sooyoung.

Sooyoung followed Taeyeon's gaze and saw that her girlfriend's finally here. I smile suddenly formed on her face. "I knew it! She really came!" she said then she turned to look at Taeyeon. "Hey buddy, I'm leaving you for a while 'kay" she said once again as she patted Taeyeon's shoulder then she quickly went to her girlfriend.

Taeyeon just chuckled.

Sunny on the other side didn't seem to notice that her tall girlfriend was already here as well. She didn't bother looking at the counter where her girlfriend was a while ago or anywhere the moment she went inside to see if Sooyoung was already here or not.

She continued surfing the net until she felt a moist thing on her cheek but was gone quickly. She turned to look at her side and saw a tall girl holding a paper bag with a toothy smile. It was Sooyoung, her girlfriend. Instead of smiling back, she let out a sigh and went back on surfing the net.

Sooyoung who was expecting to see her girlfriend smile felt a pang of pain. She thought that Sunny had forgiven her already but it seems not because she still can feel the coldness Sunny was giving her. She takes the seat across her and put the paper bag on the table. She put her hand on top of Sunny's and stared at her with sad eyes.

"Sunny.." Sooyoung called.

"What?" Sunny shot back as she looks at Sooyoung.

"Sunny, please forgive me. I didn't mean to break your DSi," Sooyoung pleaded.

"Fine, we're okay now," Sunny said in a cold tone as she went back on her laptop.

Even though Sunny declared that they're okay now, she's still cold and Sooyoung can feel it.

The shikshin frowned. She stands up from her seat, move to Sunny's side, and without giving signs, she cups her cheeks and kissed her girlfriend. Not aware of what Sooyoung might do, Sunny was caught off guard by the sudden action she got from her girlfriend. She has her eyes wide open and she can't even move a muscle. Sooyoung breaks the kiss and stared at the surprised Sunny.

"Sunny bunny, please forgive me. I bought you a new one," Sooyoung pleaded once again.

Sunny was still in the state of shock. She just stared at the pleading Sooyoung as she was trying to register every single thing that happened. When everything was finally registered in her head, she felt a little bit of guilty for being cold towards her girlfriend so she decided stop acting cold and just forgive the poor giant.

"Sunny bunny please," Sooyoung said.

The bunny smiled at her as she cups her cheek. "Apology accepted," she said.

A smile suddenly appeared on Sooyoung's face at the moment she saw her girlfriend smile at her. Sunny stands up from her seat and gave her a hug. Sooyoung returned the hug and even kiss her forehead. After a few seconds, Sunny breaks the hug and said, "Don't you dare make me mad again or else I won't forgive you anymore,"

"I'm not going to do it again, I promise!" Sooyoung said.

Sunny smiled again and gave her a hug. Then she whispered, "I love you, shikshin,"

"I love you too, bunny," Sooyoung said with a smile.



Donghae crumpled the paper and threw it on the bin.

"So that's Kwon Yuri," he said as he sat up from his bed and stared at the bin where the paper that contains Yuri's summarized information was.

All this time, he thought that Yuri's just another girl but he was mistaken for thinking like that because Yuri's a Kwon. She's way richer than him and he hates it. She's at the top and he hates it. That's why he's going to do something and that is, "Mess with her life,"


Chapter 10: From Fake to Real

[Yuri's POV]

"Break time!" Sooyoung shouted.

Everyone went back to the bench to have some quick rest while the others stayed on the field and rest there instead.

Sooyoung went back to the bench where her girlfriend, Sunny bunny was while Yoona and I went back to our usual spot. As soon as we finally reach our spot, we sat down. Yoona took out two bottles of water from her bag and gave the other one to me. I thanked her and started drinking it like what she was doing.

Today is Friday and likewise, we're here again at the soccer field for some practice. Earlier this morning, Yoong was called to see the principal to its office. Yoong didn't do anything nasty today. It's just that, the principal called to discuss about our upcoming match with the Kourin Academy's Kourin Slayers next, next, next week. Just like our team's previous match with the Seiju Red Knights, this match with the Kourin Slayers will be another friendly match but for this alligator beside me, it's no friendly match for her.

Sigh, every friendly match we were in, our alligator captain, Yoona, will always think of it as a serious one. For her, even if it's a friendly match or not, it's still a match no matter what if any of our opponent team's players did something like accidentally bumping her, she's going to take her revenge by kicking the ball really hard towards the person. It's a foul right, but she has her style to don't make it look like a foul and in order to avoid having this red card. Then, after the person was successfully hit on the nose or anywhere, you'll just see that person on the ground curling up in pain or sometimes when he/she got hit on the nose, expect to see some blood.

That's the alligator Yoona. She can really be evil in times like that but so far this year, hopefully, actions like that never happened anymore unlike last year. Well, last year's matches can be considered as a bloody one because of this alligator and not to mention, she almost get caught when she was beating the crap out of this numb skull who tried getting into her pants when she declined this boy's invitation for some dinner in some fancy restaurant in a rough and harsh way right after the match.

Well, I can't blame Yoong for doing that because that boy's IQ is so low that he didn't even manage to understand that Yoong doesn't want to waste her time with a dumb like him. Oh damn, if I were Yoong, I already killed him for trying to get into my pants just because he can't take the fact that I will never go on a dinner with him.

I sighed as I poured the remaining water on my head.

I'm so tired but it's not yet time for us to finally take a really long break. We still have 2 hours to practice.

"Tired?" Yoong said.

I nodded. "You?"

"Hell yes but we should end this practice first before finally taking a pretty long break in our houses," Yoong said as she hangs her towel on her neck.

"Definitely yes," I said.

There was a couple of silence between us again as she closed her eyes and let the air blew her.

I looked around and saw everyone resting. I tried to look for a certain blonde but no signs of her for today-oh w-wait, I forgot she and the other teachers are having some serious meeting that's why she's not here today to watch me-I mean OUR practice.

I sighed again when suddenly my eyes fell at Sooyoung shikshin and Sunny bunny. Those two, there they go again with all these lovey dovey acts after their little fight few days ago.

Sunny bunny was feeding Sooyoung shikshin with her cookies again that Sooyoung loves to steal back then. Sooyoung was already choking to death because almost every second, Sunny was forcefully inserting the cookies inside her mouth but that's not big deal with the shikshin. She will quicken her chewing and swallow it right away but I think that's no use either because Sunny's so fast. She keeps on doing the same thing until Sooyoung finally choked. Sunny quickly gave the water and Sooyoung started drinking it.

These lovebirds, they never fail to make me laugh.

So right after Sooyoung finished drinking, the worried bunny gave her a hug and it looks like, she was apologising for doing such thing. Sooyoung just smiled at her then suddenly, the bunny pulled her for a kiss. Her eyes went wide and I'm guessing she's surprise by the sudden move she got from her girlfriend. (I knew it because it often happens to me whenever Jessica will suddenly grab me.)

I shook my head and decided to give them some privacy. They're too mushy anyway.

"They're too mushy but sweet at the same time," Yoong said.

I turned to look at her and saw her looking at me with a grin.

Aish.. that troublesome grin again..

"They are," I said as I stared at the blue sky above us so I can avoid seeing that alligator grin of hers.

"When are you going to confess to Jessica?" she suddenly asked.

I flinched a little. I never expect her to ask something like that so suddenly but since she asked me about it, I already have everything planned and I want it as soon as possible like tomorrow but I don't know where I am going to set the place. Actually, there's one place that is playing inside my head and that is the park but if I use that place, it will be so common. So that's it, my only problem's the place.

"Dunno.. maybe tomorrow?" I said.

"Then do it," she said.

"I can't,"


I took a deep breath. I turned to look at her and said, "I don't know where to set the place,"

"That's it?"

I nodded then she started chuckling.

I frowned. Did I say something funny?

"Why are you laughing?" I asked still frowning.

She shook her head, patted my back, and grinned at me.

"Yuri, Yuri, Yuri, my dearest best friend, you know I can help you with that thing," she said, still grinning.

Oh my God.. here we go again with that grin slowly turning into an evil one. I just hope this helpful.

"You see, we've been practising really hard these past few days that it's making us so damn tired. So as a caring captain, I'm going to give everyone of you some break," Yoong said.



The practice finally ended. Before we part ways, Yoong made some announcement regarding about tomorrow's practice. She said that since everyone's working really hard for our next match, she decided to give us a break. Everyone cheered and thanked Yoona right after she said that and speaking of that break, it's effective for tomorrow. Meaning, there's no practice tomorrow because of me.

Yoong not in the mood to practice for tomorrow so she decided to give the soccer field to me for tomorrow's event. At first, I was like, "What the hell? You're giving me this place?". Well, seriously, I really can't believe it but later on, I began to learn to accept it and besides, the field's not that big or even small. The field's already enough for tomorrow's event.

I closed my locker, grab my paper bag where my soccer uniform was, and went out.

Right after Yoong's announcement, most of us headed home right away while some went back to change and wait for their friends outside the building. I and Yoona were one of those who decided to go back, take some shower, and change into our school uniform.

While walking through the hallways, I saw a certain blonde went out of the faculty room with her bag. It seems like Jessica's heading home now..

I didn't waste any time. I quicken my phase until I end up running not giving any care that someone from the student council might come and see me running. I held her wrist. "Jessica!" I panted.

"H-hey.. Yuri.." she looked so surprise.

I chuckled. Well I did surprise her by just doing that.

"Sorry about that," I said as I continued panting.

"It's okay though you really surprise me," she said with a smile.

I smiled back. That smile, it never failed to make me feel all fuzzy, warm, and all in the inside.

"Anyway, is there anything you want from me?" she asked.

This is it! "Good question. About that, are you free tomorrow?" I asked seriously.

Please say yes! "Hmm.. let's see..." she paused for a while and started thinking then after a few seconds.. "Yes, I'm free tomorrow," she said with a smile.

"Score!!" I said loudly as I jump and down happily. Damn! This is it!

"Umm.. Y-yuri, are you okay?" she asked.

"Err yeah! I'm just happy!" I said with a toothy smile.

She giggled and pokes my cheek. "Silly.. anyway, why are you asking me if I'm free for tomorrow?"

"I just want you to see something," I said with a smile.

"And what is it?"

"You'll see," I said then without saying any word or any signs, I leaned forward and gave her a quick peck. Afterwards I run away shouting, "See you tomorrow at 7PM! I'll fetch you anyway!"

After shouting that I continued running all the way out of the building with a big smile flustered on my face. I'm not yet asking her to be my girlfriend but the moment she said yes, I felt so happy. Well maybe because I'm too excited for tomorrow that's why.

I arrived at the parking lot, to Yoona's car and saw her already inside. I went inside the car then she started driving.

"You saw her?" she asked.


"Oh.. no wonder, you're smiling like an idiot again," she said with a grin.

I chuckled. "Who wouldn't be happy to see a beautiful girl like her?" I said.

That's right, Jessica's really a beauty. She's like an angel-no wait, she's a goddess! Definitely a goddess and tomorrow, I'm going to make her mine so no one will ever try getting her especially that Donghae boy.

"Yeah right, anyway, what about the piano and the lights?" Yoong asked.


[Normal POV]

While driving, the duo, Yoona and Yuri, discussed about the event for tomorrow that will take place at the soccer field. The discussion went on and on until they finally reached Seohyun's school and as usual, they saw Seohyun standing at near the guardhouse where she usually waits for her girlfriend.

Yoona gets out of the car and made her way towards her girlfriend leaving Yuri behind. Yoona was all smiley while walking towards her. By just the sight of her girlfriend, it's already enough to make her smile and feel all fuzzy and warm in the inside as well as Seohyun. Just like Yoona, by just the sight of her, it's already enough to make her smile. These two youngsters really do love each other and what they feel for each other will never come into an end.

Finally, when she was about to reach her girlfriend, a boy suddenly came running towards her girlfriend. She stopped for a while to watch them. The boy was talking to Seohyun with a smile on his face. The smile the boy was wearing was quite annoying for Yoona and she's sensing something from him. The boy continued talking to Seohyun until he pulled out a letter from his pocket and gave it too Seohyun. A faint blush suddenly appeared at the boy's face as he scratches the back of his neck. Seohyun gave him an apologetic smile as she handed the letter to him then she turned to look at Yoona who's watching them and point a finger at her.

Yoona smiled back at Seohyun but when she turned to look at the boy, her face darkened and gave him a she's-my-girl-back-off look and patted the kendo stick she was holding on her shoulder lightly. She did it in purpose to tell the boy to back off. The boy got what Yoona was trying to tell him with the look he got from her. He shivered and turned to look at Seohyun. He was asking her something and probably it's all about Yoona. Seohyun just nodded her head and then she patted his shoulder and run towards her alligator girlfriend.

Yoona smiled as she enveloped her beloved Seohyun in her arms. Seohyun giggled as she returned the hug. Once again, Yoona turned to look at the boy with an evil grin then she turned to look at Seohyun. She touched Seohyun's chin and leaned in to capture her lips without even giving any signs. Seohyun was surprise by the sudden kiss she got from Yoona that she wasn't able to kiss her back but after a few seconds, finally, Seohyun returned the kiss as she encircled her arms around Yoona's neck.

The busted boy has his jaw drop on the ground. He can't believe that Seohyun's not joking or making an excuse for not accepting his letter that contains his feelings towards the girl and that when she said that she already have someone which is Yoona. He just can't believe it and he's not even taking drugs to say that he's just hallucinating and everything's not true because his eyes won't tell lies. So right now, the movie in front of him is real.

Back to the kissing maknaes, Yoona quickly pulled away when air becomes necessary for them. She chuckled at the panting girl trying to catch some air in front of her.

A fain blush suddenly appeared on Seohyun's face. She slapped Yoona's arm playfully and hugged it afterwards as they started walking towards the car.

"Sorry," Yoona said still chuckling as she carries Seohyun's bag.

"It's okay," Seohyun said her head still hanging she was hiding the blush on her face.

There was a moment of silence between the two as they continued walking. Yoona on the other side was still curious about the letter the boy gave to Seohyun. But honestly, she has a feeling that the letter's a so called "love letter" but still she's not yet sure so maybe it's better to ask her girlfriend about it.

"Seohyun," she called.

Seohyun tilted her head up to look at her. "Who's that boy and what's that paper thing he gave to you back there?"

"That's my classmate Jung Yonghwa and the paper he gave but I returned quickly, it's a love letter," Seohyun simply said.

Yoona made an 'o' shaped mouth after hearing the boy's name and especially the paper thing that turned out to be a love letter. Just as she was thinking, it was the so called "love letter" and since the boy named, Yonghwa, gave it to Seohyun, there's no doubt that he's in love with Seohyun and maybe planning to make a move to get her. But sadly, Seohyun's already taken and she's mine forever. So he better back off and never try bugging Seohyun or else, I'm so going to put him in my "To Salvage" list.

Seohyun on the other side who was staring at just smiled. She was getting the feeling that Yoona's planning something dark again and at the same time, she felt as if Yoona's jealous by the tone of her voice when she asked her about whose Yonghwa and what the thing Yonghwa gave her was.

"Why do you ask anyway?" Seohyun asked.

"Nothing, I just want to know," Yoona simply said.


Yoona nodded.

Seohyun smiled. She knew it! Her girlfriend's jealous! But if that's the case, she's going to do something about it to calm her down.

She intertwined their fingers and kissed her on the cheek. Yoona turned her head to have a good look at her. "Don't worry, I won't let him take me away from you," Seohyun said as she smiled at her reassuringly.

Yoona smiled back and kissed her on the forehead. Whenever Seohyun say a thing like that to her, she knows to herself that Seohyun mean every single word that she says.

"I love you," Seohyun said.

"I love you more," Yoona said.


[Yuri's POV]

"Hahaha!! That what-the-hell look's so priceless!" I said as I curled up on the seat, laughing like an idiot at the look the boy just made when he saw Yoong kissing Seohyun.

Poor boy, seems like it's his first time to witness a kiss being shared with both girls. What a dumb.. I'm so sure he thinks Seohyun's not yet taken that's why it looks like he's planning to make a move. Well, he made a mistake because the alligator already got her and soon those two's going to get married before they could even finish college. I'm so sure with that!

I continued laughing not even bothering about the maknaes getting inside the car.

"Hi there, Yuri-unnie," Seohyun greeted with a smile.

I smiled back at her but still giggling as I tried regaining my composure.

"What's up with the psychotic laugh, Yul?" Yoong asked with an evil grin.

I chuckled. "I saw everything,"

"And what can you say about it then?" Yoong asked again.

"Cracked me up especially that what-the-hell look that boy just made when he saw you and Seohyun kissing," I said.

"That's what he gets. Next time, I'll put his name on my "To Salvage" list if ever he tries to do something funny to Seohyun," she said, still grinning as she turned to look at Seohyun. Seohyun just chuckled and slapped her arm playfully.


"Finally, we're here at the mansion. You can get out of my car now, Yuri," Yoong said as she stopped in front our mansion's door.

"Thanks alligator," I said chuckling as I patted her shoulder.

"No problem~" she said with her infamous alligator grin.

I went out of her car and bid my goodbye. She did the same thing and drove away. I went inside the mansion only to find our maids and butlers lined up. They greeted and bowed their heads. In return, I greeted back and smiled at them. Before I could even go upstairs, a man in his late 40's came to inform that mom and dad called him a while ago to tell me to stay here 'till Sunday so that Amber has someone to stay with her while they're away for some important business meetings abroad.

After informing me about it, I thanked him and went upstairs to my bedroom. I opened my room only to find a certain short-haired tomboy girl playing my Xbox. I closed the door behind, throw my bag on my couch, and crawled on my bed.

"Welcome home, unnie," said Amber, her eyes never leaving the flat screen.

I smiled and ruffled her hair making it messier. She chuckled as she continued playing while I grab my pillow and hugs it tightly.

Tomorrow's going to be the day that I'm going to make our fake relationship into a real one. I can't wait for tomorrow. I can't wait to make her mine. And I really can't wait to tell her how much I love her.

I smiled again as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Tomorrow's going to be one of the best days in my life..


[Normal POV]

The very next day, Yuri woke up early. She went downstairs for some breakfast before heading to Yoona's house afterwards so they can start their work at the soccer field. Right after she finished her breakfast, she quickly went outside, to the garage where her motorbike was. She climbed on it and drove away with a big smile on her face.

She arrived at the Im residence and there she saw a certain doe-eyed girl kicking her soccer ball here and there at their backyard. She called her. Yoona instantly stopped kicking her soccer ball and turned to look at the owner of that voice who just called her. She grinned at the moment she saw her best friend, Yuri.

"Seems like the great Kwon Yuri's pretty early today eh?" Yoona said.

Yuri chuckled. "It's because the great Kwon Yuri's excited to see her soon to be girlfriend,"

"Yeah right," Yoona said, still grinning as she went inside their house. Yuri followed her.

Once inside, Yuri sat on the couch then, Yoona told her to wait for her there at their living room while she take some quick shower. Yuri just nodded her head.

After a few minutes, finally, Yoona went back at the living room where Yuri was. The duo went outside, to the garage, and went inside the car.


At Tiffany's apartment, the Jung sisters, Jessica and Krystal, could be seen running around. Jessica was chasing Krystal who has her blue dolphin plushie that Yuri gave to her the day they first went to the amusement park. Krystal was waving her blue dolphin plushie in the air while asking her if she's going on a date with Yuri later.

Jessica could only say "Give it back!" every time Krystal brings up that question because she can't say no or yes. She can't say no because Krystal will continue asking her about it until she finally say yes. She can't say yes as well because she knows that after that Krystal will start asking her questions about it and worst, Krystal might start bugging her again about her relationship with Yuri.

"Soojung~! Give it back~!!" Jessica whined as she sat down on the couch.

"Answer my question first, unnie~" Krystal said as she gave her sister a wink.

Jessica groaned. This is slowly getting into her nerves.

She stayed still and glared at her sister but the glare seems like it's nothing for the younger Jung. Krystal just keep on playing her blue dolphin plushie that she got from Yuri while saying, "Sica-unnie's in love with Yuri-unnie~" in a sing sang tone. And by just hearing that, Jessica can't help but bit her lip as her ears and cheeks were slowly heating up. She can't hide the fact that she's really in love with Yuri but then again, she just can't say that Krystal's definitely right or else, it's the end of her life. Endless bugging will happen again.

Krystal continued saying the same lines in a sing sang tone as she continued playing with her sister's plushie. Two minutes have passed and she's still doing the same thing. She didn't even bother stopping because she likes it when her sister's trying to burn a hole on her head just because she's guilty. She didn't have to ask her sister if she's in love with Yuri because there's no doubt about it. It's written all over the blonde's face anyway. It's just that, she wants to know if her sister and Yuri's in a relationship and dating. But Jessica keeps on telling her that there's not a thing between them but she still insist because she can feel it and besides, Taeyeon told her and Amber that if they keep on saying that there's nothing, they're just denying it which is true.

For the nth time, Jessica let out a sigh. Krystal turned to look at her and smiled. "So are you going to tell me now?"

Jessica mentally face palmed.


"Finally, we're done with the piano and the lights," Yuri said as she let out a big sigh.

Yoona sat down beside Yuri who's comfortably lying on the grassy field. "Water," she said as she gave the other bottled water to the tanned girl. Yuri thanked her. She sat up and started drinking the cold water Yoona gave her. After she's done drinking, she stared at their work with a smile on her face. Everything was perfectly arranged. Yuri thought.

"Good luck with the confession thing, Yul," Yoona said.

"Yeah thanks,"

"And just in case you forgot what to say, forget about it ask her right way!" Yoona said with a toothy smile.

Yuri just chuckled.


Time really flew fast. In just twenty minutes, it's already seven in the evening and it'll be the time where Jessica or any of them who's inside the apartment, will suddenly hear a knock that comes from a certain tanned-girl.

Jessica was checking herself in front of the mirror. Behind her was her best friend, Tiffany, giggling at her. Jessica was starting to get annoyed with the entire giggle her best friend was making. She turned around and saw Tiffany covering her mouth.

"What's so funny?" Jessica asked with a small pout.

Tiffany shook her head. "Nothing,"

"Then why are you giggling at me?" Jessica asked again, still pouting.

"It's nothing. It's just that.. it's the first time I've seen you checking out yourself in front of the mirror. I mean, you're already beautiful! So why bother doing that?" Tiffany said.

"I just want to make sure-"

"That you look stunning so Yuri won't be able to say a word when she sees you," Tiffany finished with a grin.

A faint blush suddenly appeared on Jessica's face. She lowered her head slightly to hide the blush on her face but then, Tiffany can still see it. Tiffany giggled once again making the blush on Jessica's face to turn into a deep shade of red.

Tiffany was some kind of right with what she said. Jessica was doing that so when Yuri sees her, the latter won't be able to say a word. But seriously, she really don't have to do it because just like what Tiffany said, she's already beautiful and no matter what she do, surely, for Yuri, she's still beautiful and it will never change. Yuri thinks that she's perfection anyway.

"Jessi, Jessi, Jessi, so in love with the girl named, Kwon Yuri~" Tiffany said with a smile.

"And there's no doubt about it," Jessica added as she sat down at the edge of her bed.

Tiffany nodded in agreement. "But Jessi, you said you told her everything about you the night you two met at this party, yes?"

"Yes, what about it?" Jessica asked back as she turned to look at Tiffany.

"Does that mean, even your engagement with Donghae three months from now, is included with those things that you tell her?" Tiffany asked.

"Oh that.. no.. I didn't tell her.." Jessica said as she lowered her voice.

"Eh? Why?"

Jessica shrugged. "Dunno.."

It's true. She didn't tell Yuri that, three months from now, she will be engaged to Donghae. And as far as she remember after two months of being engaged with him, her nightmare of marrying Donghae will come true. The more she thinks about it, the more it makes her sad. She wants to forget about it but that's just way too impossible knowing that in just a matter of time, she's going to meet her biggest nightmare.

She sighed and shook her head. "This sucks.." she whispered.



A certain raven-haired girl could be seen standing at the doorstep. She was rubbing her cold hands together while silently mumbling "You can do it Yuri! You're the great Kwon Yuri anyway!" to herself. After a few minutes of doing the same thing all over again, finally, she took a deep breath and decided to knock on the door.

In just a mere second, the door opens revealing a certain jet black-haired girl. Yuri smiled at the girl in front of her and so Krystal did the same thing.

"Hi there Yuri-unnie!" Krystal greeted with a smile.

"Hi Krys," Yuri greeted back and smiling back as well. Then she suddenly asked, "Where's Jessica anyway?"

"She's inside her room. Unnie, are you going on a date with her?" Krystal asked back with a toothy smile.

Yuri let out a nervous laugh. She was about to say something about Krystal's question when suddenly, an angelic voice came to save her from Krystal's deadly question. "Soojung, would you mind if you help your Tiffany-unnie wash the dishes?"

Krystal looked at her sister. Jessica was just beside her and was smiling at her but for her it's more of a killer smile.

"But unnie.."

"Come on Soojung, go to the kitchen now and help your Tiffany-unnie," Jessica said.

Krystal groaned but she didn't move away from her spot. She just stared at her sister and so Jessica did the same thing. Yuri on the other side, who's watching the whole commotion between the Jung sisters, can't help but shiver at the cold aura coming from them. As the Jung sisters continued staring like that with each other, as if they're trying to burn a hole on each other's heads, Yuri can see some sparks coming from their eyes and this is getting bad.

To break the scary atmosphere surrounding them, Yuri decided to do something about it like grabbing Jessica's hand so all attentions hers. Jessica turned to look at her and so Krystal did the same thing. Yuri just flashed them her toothy smile and said, "Err.. I.. I think it's time for us to go.. i-if you don't mind.. Krys,"

"I think so too," Jessica agreed.

"Okay, okay, I'm going now~ Have fun with your date, Jessica-unnie~" Krystal said, winking at the now blushing Jessica and quickly rush off to the kitchen laughing.

Jessica went out with her head still hanging and still holding Yuri's hand. She was hiding her blush but Yuri managed to see it. Yuri just smiled as she decided to keep her mouth shut about it and just led both of them to her car.

There was a complete silence between them throughout the whole ride. Only the music that is coming from the radio could be heard. Yuri's eyes were on the road not even daring to leave it for a few seconds to have a quick glance at the goddess beside her. Jessica was so damn gorgeous tonight well not only tonight but every day. Yuri smiled at the thought of the goddess beside her.

Jessica on the other side was staring outside the window. Even though there's a complete silence between them, she don't feel so awkward about it in fact, she finds it relaxing. Well maybe because of the music but honestly, while staring outside, she can't help but wonder where they are going. So she let out a small sigh and finally turned to have a good look at the driving tanned girl.

"Yuri," she called.


"Where are we going?" she asked.

Yuri smiled. "About that.. we're going to my favorite place," she said then she put out some fabric from her pocket and gave it to the gorgeous blonde beside her.

Jessica stared at the fabric on her hand for a little while then she shot Yuri a questioning look followed by a, "What is this for?"

"We're near. Please cover your eyes with that thing," Yuri said, ignoring her question. Without saying any other word, Jessica covered her eyes with the fabric Yuri gave her.

No words for spoken once again until Yuri finally stop the car. Yuri went out then she opened the door for Jessica and help her get out of the car afterwards.

"Yuri-ah, it's so quiet here. Where are we?" Jessica asked as she hugs Yuri's arm and holds its hands tightly.

Yuri chuckled. "Scared?"

"Kind of.." Jessica said.

"Don't be, I'm here anyway," Yuri said as they continued walking.

After a few walks, finally they reach their destination and still, Jessica has her blindfold on. Yuri turned to look at the left and saw her friends, namely, Yoona and Sooyoung standing there grinning at her and mouthing, "How sweet!" "Prince Yuri's proposal's about to begin!". She can't help but cover her mouth and chuckle quietly.

Yuri gave the duo the signal to turn on the lights. The duo got it and did what Yuri wants them to do. After the lights were finally on, Yuri gave the duo thumbs up and grinned at them. Then, she turned to look at the goddess in front of her. She smiled and whispered, "Once you hear something, you can finally remove that thing off your eyes,"

Jessica nodded. She smiled once again and head towards the piano. She sat down, took a deep breath, and started playing. Once Jessica heard the sound coming from the piano, it made her go curious so she quickly remove the blindfold off her eyes and there she found a tanned girl playing the piano and smiling at her at the same time.

It's her hair and her eyes today 

That just simply take me away 

And the feeling that I'm falling further in love 

Makes me shiver but in a good way

Jessica moves a little closer.

All the times I have sat and stared 

As she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair 

And she purses her lips, bats her eyes and she plays, 

With me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say

Yuri smiled at her as she continued playing and so she does.

'Cause I love her with all that I am 

And my voice shakes along with my hands 

Cause she's all that I see and she's all that I need 

And I'm out of my league once again

Jessica was in awe. She can't find the right words to describe how amaze and happy she was at what she sees.

It's a masterful melody when she calls out my name to me 

As the world spins around her she laughs, 

Rolls her eyes and I feel like I'm falling 

But it's no surprise

'Cause I love her with all that I am 

And my voice shakes along with my hands 

'Cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea 

But I'd rather be here than on land 

Yes she's all that I see and she's all that I need 

And I'm out of my league once again

Right after Yuri was finally done playing, she stand up and went back to the smiling Jessica who's out of words.

"Hey.. uh.. I'm sorry, if my voice's kinda husky and stuffs.." Yuri said as she nervously laughs while scratching the back of her head.

Jessica giggled. "Silly, it's not. I totally love it," she said with a smile.

"Great.. well.. now that you said you love it, I want to tell you something," Yuri said.

"Go on,"

Yuri took a deep breath. She held Jessica's hand and stared at her mesmerising eyes. "I know it's kinda weird that instead of taking you to the park or somewhere else, you ended up here in my favorite place, the school's soccer field. I love this place but I love you more," Yuri said.


"Jessica, I love you. I really, really do love you and I want you to be my girlfriend,"

Surprise by the sudden confession, Jessica can't say a thing but that doesn't mean she's not accepting the tanned girl's love for her. It's just that, she can't believe that it's already happening. It's like a dream but no, it's not. It's all real!

"So Jessica, will you be my girlfriend?" Yuri asked, more like asking Jessica to marry her~

Jessica smiled. "Yes Yuri,"

"You're my girlfriend now?" Yuri asked again with a big smile.

"Yes, I'm your girlfriend now," Jessica said, still smiling.

"Score!!!" Yuri shouted, jumping up and down. Jessica can't help but laugh at the tanned girl who's running around and jumping up and down while yelling, "Finally, Jessica's my girlfriend! She's mine!!".

Well, even Yuri can't even it. It's like a dream but it's not because everything was real and if it's a dream, she doesn't want to wake up anymore. She's going to stay there forever with this beautiful girl in front of her. She smiled and cupped her cheek. She stared at those mesmerising eyes once again. She lost again as well as the gorgeous blonde who's staring at hers as well.

Slowly, Yuri leans in and captures those luscious lips. Jessica closed her eyes once she felt Yuri's lips started moving on its own. She returned the kiss and encircled her arms around the taller girl's neck. Yuri wrapped her arms on the blonde's waist and pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. They continued kissing, tasting each other's lips and just parted when air becomes necessary for them.

They smiled at each other as they were once again being engulfed by a complete silence. They continued staring at each other until it's already time for them to break it.

"I love you Jessica," Yuri whispered softly.

"I love you too Yuri," Jessica whispered as well.

Yuri gave her a quick peck on the lips and hugs her afterwards. Jessica returned the hug then Yuri started whispering I love you again and again that made Jessica's smile grew wider. In return, Jessica did the same thing.

"I love you so much Jessica," Yuri whispered.

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