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Someone was knocking on the door then opened it .

"Morning Mani." It was Kennedy. She came and took a seat on the bed.

"Morning Kennedy. Sleep well?."

"Yep, did you?" She asked me.

I nodded while rubbing my eyes.

"Well it's time to get ready . There's a spare brush in the bathroom cabinet ." She said .

"Okay." I got up and went into the bathroom. I tested out the shower and set it to the right temperature. But before I went in, I brushed my teeth. Then stripped out of my pyjamas and went into the shower.

When I had lotioned and come out, I saw an outfit laid on the bed for me.
Orangey/tan ripped jeans and a black jumper.

I went downstairs and saw Tj and Kennedy.

"Ayy, look who's here." Tj said giving me a hug.
I giggled and hugged him back.
Me and Tj have been getting closer. Almost like a brother to me.

I sat on the barstool at the kitchen island. The three of us just spoke and spoke. My phone started ringing.

I rolled my eyes and wondered whether to pick up the phone . I was still really upset and didn't feel like talking to mom or dad.

"I guess that your mom?" K asked.

"Yeah." I locked the phone and brought my attention back to Tj and K.

"So Mani, how's you and Chris?" Tj said.

"There's nothing between me and him. I'm not interested either." I said

"Yet..." k said.

"Never." I said laughing.

"Damn," Tj laughed.

Minutes went by then me and K went to the car.

"Bye baby. I love you." Kennedy said to Tj.

"I love you too baby." He said pecking her lips.

We walked out the door.
"You two are goals." I said squealing.

She just laughed quietly and started the ignition.

I met up with Tj and my bros at the trap. I got hit with the smell of thick weed. I just wanted to be on cloud nine right now and I needed some head. There was something about Mani that I missed. Either her company or that sexy ass face of hers. But I ain't no motherfucking softie. She did me dirty by shutting the door on me so I will too. Ain't nobody do that to Christian fucking Lawrence.

"Yo bro." Tj said dapping me. We went to our office. We were smoking the fattest blunts and I didn't even know what we were doing.

Tj left the room to sleep in the guest room. He was high.

"Kalishaaa!! Bring that ass down here." I yelled laughing to myself.

Kalisha was the money counter. She is the hoe that I use to please myself.
She was wearing a bra and panties. She was fine, not gonna lie.

"Hey baby." She said sitting on me. I licked my lips and put my head back as she did her thing. She kissed my neck then unbuckled my trousers. She moved to my lips and I dodged. I don't like these hoes around my lips .
She pulled down my boxers and stuffed my partner into her mouth. She was doing everything which felt so good . She slurped and slurped and even slurped up all the cum. When she finished I gave her $50 and she left. I put my stuff away and went to sleep right there in the chair .

I woke up and checked the time on my phone. It was 4:26pm. I went to the main room and saw Tj there.

I pulled him to the room to talk to him.

"Bro, I gotta talk to you." I said

"Aight what's up?" He asked

"I wanna kidnap Mani. So she spends time with me." I said smirking

"Bro, you outta your mind?" Tj asked me laughing.

"No nigga I'm cool . She ain't gonna talk to me any other way so I made my decision." I said laughing

"Bro what am I gonna tell Kennedy huh ?" He asked.

"Ion know Bro . Ion know." I said rubbing my head.

"I'll just tell her you wanted to spend some time. That ain't lying." He said smiling.

"That's my nigga." I said dapping him.

"So when you gonna do it?" He asked.

"As soon as possible."

2 days later


I was walking to the store to buy some stuff. Yes I'm still living with K and Tj. I have spoken to my mom and dad yesterday and I told them I just wanted some time alone. Finally ! Tyrone hasn't been home either. Me and him still talk though .

Once I finished shopping. I started to walk back until something dropped from my bag. It was a dollar bill. I reached to pick it up then a black sack was covered over my head. Next thing you know, I was in the seat of a car off to somewhere I don't know.

My heart was racing and I was kicking all over the place. Until i heard a familiar voice .

"Calm down Mani." He took of the sack and smirked at me. It was Chris.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. I was sat in the passenger seat and he was driving.

"Nothing." He said bringing out his phone .

"Your sick. How did you find me and let me go right now !" I said to him. I was disgusted.

He laughed got me out of the car because my hands were tied. We were in a unfamiliar location.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"My second humble abode." He said opening the door. He pushed me, not to hard , into the door.

"This will be your home for a while." He said switching on the tv.

"Chris!!! You must be joking. I've got school, parents, friends." I said semi-yelling at him.

He smiled and sat me down. I slapped his hands of me.

"Everything is taken care of. I'll take you to school. Just tell your parents that your with a friend for some days and Kennedy and Gabrielle can always see you here." He said beginning the game on his Xbox.

"Just don't tell anyone your here." He said.

"Chris what's wrong with you?" I asked him. I went to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. I tried to open the window to jump out but it was still locked.

"Chris... if you don't let me out I'll ..." I said calmly but stopped.

"You'll what?" He said calmly.

I threw my purse at him but he dodged.

"What about clothes?" I asked him.

"Like i said, everything's gucci Mani. Damn chill the fuck out." He said.

"Punk ass." I said to him then went upstairs. I'm showing him that I'm not afraid of him if that's what he thinks.

He followed me and we both quickened the pace . Seconds later, he was chasing me.

I ran into a room that seemed pretty empty and shut the door. I must have been dumb because this nigga opened the door in a second.

"Okay, Okay . I quit." I said putting up my hands.

"Just know I never quit." He said smirking.

I sucked my teeth.
"I'm sleeping here." I said.

"You wish Mani. I have plenty of space in my bed." He said.

"Nigga i ain't sleeping witchu." I said.

Just then my phone rang.
It was Kennedy.

Ken: Mani where are you?!
Me: I'm with Chris.
Ken: Oh, I'll give you some time together then .
She said giggling.
Me: Okay, I'll talk to you later.
Ken: Bye Mani
Me: byee

This nigga was staring hard as fuck burning a hole in my face.
"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He said walking out. I followed him downstairs and we sat on the couch.

"So there's a party next week. You comin'?" He asked me.

"Nope." I said popping the p.

"Damn, why ?" He asked.

"Actually I don't know. I'll think about it." I said.

"I wanna go to McDonald's." I said.

"You were just out Mani." He said which was true.

"But I'm hungryyy." I said getting up.

"I'll take you. Your not taking that ass out of my sight." He said looking at it and licking his lips.

"Chris ? How did you know where I was?" I asked.

"I know everything." He said smirking. "Let's go." He said.

We left and went to the McDonald's drive thru.


We pulled up at the drive thru machine.

"Whatchu want baby girl?" I asked Mani.

"Big Mac!" She said like a baby. I laughed and said it through the speaker thing. I ordered fries and a coke for myself and a Big Mac and Fanta for mani.

"That's $9.49 please." The lady said.
Mani reached out her hand with a $10 bill.

"It's cool Mani." I moved her hand and paid with my own money. I got the change and the food and we went back to my place.

Mani had eaten that in less than 5 minutes. She was so fucking hungry but it was funny and she looked cute as fuck.

She was laying in one couch while I was in the other playing 2k.

"I wanna play." She said coming over and sitting next to me.

"No Mani, bet you can't even play." I said focusing back on the game.

"Pleaseeee." She said tugging the console of me.

I sat back and watched. Mani was actually really good. She looked at me and smirked which turned me on. She was looking so good.

She handed me the controller .

"Shit Kimani, you're good."

"Thanks." She said.

Her phone started ringing.

She rolled her eyes and answered.

Mani: Hey dad.

Her dad: Mani, I want you to bring your ass from wherever you are back into my roof or your gonna see what's coming for you.

Mani: Yes sir.

Her dad: Good, be safe.

"I have to go." She said packing her stuff.
She frowned a bit which showed me she wanted to stay.
"I know I heard. It's hard to believe but I loved your company Mani. Come over tomorrow after school?" I said smirking at her.

"I don't know if that can happen. I'll see because I enjoyed your company too." She said smiling at me.

This girl was so beautiful. There was something different about her.

"Aight I'll drop you off ." I said grabbing my keys and we left.
I did want Mani to stay the night with me but since Mr Calvin wants her home, it has to happen.

I stopped in front of Mani's house. She lived closer to me than I thought. She got ready to open the door then stopped.

"Bye Chris. Thank you for the ride." She said smiling. She pecked my lips. I licked my lips and pulled her in. This time it was a mini makeout sesh. She grabbed my shirt and slowed the kiss then walked out like nothing happened. This girl was messing up my head for real for real.


I smiled as I walked onto the porch. I fixed myself then opened the door. I saw mom dad ty and Jordyn.

"Hey Sis." Tyrone said hugging me.
I hugged my mom then dad before hugging Jordyn.


We spent some time as a family together. Crying our eyes out of laughter.

It was time to go to bed and I Jordyn and I went to my room. She was actually a really cool sister. There was no doubt she wasn't our blood.


Hey guys. My names Jordyn Calvin and I'm 20 years old. I know you guys are confused but let me explain the story.

So my mom had me at 15 years old. My dad was 18. They both said they weren't ready for kids so they gave me up for adoption. I was adopted by a new family. They were not bad but I knew once I got to 18, I wanted to find my real family. The states helped me find my parents and after two years, I was reunited with my biological mother and father.

While Tyrone and Kimani were away due to anger, my mom told me why she gave me up for adoption and so did my dad. They told me they didn't want to tell ty and mani earlier because they didn't know how they'll react. I understood everything they said. Even though I felt pain that they gave me away, I understand that a 15 year old will find it difficult to take care of a child.

I wanted to have some more sister to sister time with Mani so we went to her room to talk. She is the nicest and prettiest sister ever. We both have the massive ass and pretty face from our mom, lol.

"So how you doing." I asked.

"I'm good, I'm so happy I have an older sister like you. I've always wanted and older sister because I knew that role wasn't for me." She said. We both laughed.

"Well here I am." I said spreading my arms out. She gave me a big hug and it felt so special.

I explained to her the whole story of why I was adopted.

"Wow." She looked really shocked.

"But I'm happy your here now sis ." She  said smiling really hard.

"I'm happy too." I said. I really was.

"And I'm sorry for acting like a dickhead when you arrived." She said looking down.

"It's alright. I understand because if I was in that situation I'll act the same." I said trying to comfort her.
We talked some more before I asked her a question.
"Mani who was that boy you were with?" I said being nosey and smiling .


I looked at her like she was a damn alien.

"How do you know i was with a guy?" I asked her kinda shocked.

"I'm your older sister , I know everything." Jordyn said cheesing hard.

"Alright alright. He's called Chris." I said smiling.

"Oooh. Do you like him?" She whispered like a little girl.

I shook my head no really fast.

"Sure? I've been in your situation before so I know if your lying and you are lying ." She said to me.

"Welllll. I don't think I'm lying." I said. I actually wasn't sure what I felt about Chris.

"Well. If you need any relationship advice im the expert." Jordyn said. We both bust out laughing. I loved Jordyn already. She was just like me.

There was a knock at the door.

"Kimani and Jordyn, it's gone past midnight and y'all still laughing your damn heads off. But it's nice to see you two getting on." My dad said.

"Oops sorry dad. I guess I'll go to bed. Goodnight Mani." Jordyn said kissing my forehead and cheek.

"Goodnight sis." They both left my room and i went to bed .

I started drifting of to sleep until I heard something at my window . I was scared as fuck and was too scared to check. My window was left open because I needed some air in but I regretted that choice . Something or someone fell into my room.

"Chris?" I asked quietly.

He got up and straightened his clothes.

"What the hell are you doing here ?" I was fuming. If I got caught with him here I'd be dead. Dude was definitely outta his mind.

" I was lonely." He said looking directly at me.

"Why didn't you go to your hoes house?"

He sucked his teeth and shrugged.

"Well I can't send you home and I'm not taking you out of this room before you get me killed by my parents." I said.

"Yess mam." He said smiling.

I rolled my eyes and turned in my bed. Then I felt Chris' big body come behind me . He put his arm over me and I could feel his soft breathing behind my ear. It was sending chills down my spine. I smiled and shut my eyes finally before dozing off.

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