Ch.5. In Love With Pudding.

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{I Don't own Nanbaka}

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Kailina had no clue what was going on, neither did she want to let go of whoever she was hugging at the moment, last thing she remembered was being with Raya on the bench, and than someone had decided to come and knock them out.

Soon her eyes fluttered open and she looked to notice she was hugging Raya, and she also took notice they were in a cell she noticed Upa and Liang in the cell and the fact Raya was staring at her, Kailina let the white haired female go as she sat up.

"Where are we?" Kailina asked as she got off the ground, she made sure she was still wearing her clothes from before , she checked to make sure nothing was missing and noticed the boys had cuffs on and her and Raya did not, that would probably mean they were underestimated. 

"Underground cells, a prisoner escaped and they put us down here after we got defeated" Liang said, he refused to look the girl in the eyes, the last thing they remember was trying to help and now they were here and Qi had decided to betray them, "They didn't put cuffs on you both because your not prisoners and don't hold a threat".

"They think women pose no threat apparently" Raya said rolling her eyes as she got up, they were locked in a cell and the possibility of escape was not certain for they had surveillance dolls watching them, strange corpse looking things that smelled of blood that almost had the white haired female go into a frenzy, "I guess they haven't met us, and Kai the hunger is getting worse please tell me you have the substitute on you".

Kailina's eyes widened as she reached into the pocket looking for something she checked both, and realized it must have fallen out, she was going to give it to her once they were alone but now this was bad, she had to risk exposing her friend, "It must have fallen out, this is bad Ray we need to get you out of here before someone dies" that had the boys confused, and her words were forgotten when people fell on them.

Kailina felt weight on her chest and blushed slightly seeing the fact someone landed face first into her chest, and that someone was Jyugo who had gave her a small smirk before getting up and offering her a hand and she took it letting him pull her up as the others got hit on the head by Liang.

"If my calculation's     are correct , which they normally are I just need a hair pin to get us out or a small explosive" Raya mumbled as she searched her pockets for something and smirked pulling out a small box of matches, "Hey Kai you have that perfume you took from your brother ?".

   "Yeah, you thinking of making an improvised explosive because this stuff is flammable, but we can wait it seems like Jyugo already beat you to it" Kailina said as she noticed the cell already open and the cuffs on the ground, and she also noticed the boys staring at them strangely.

"Bummer I wanted to explode something" Raya pouted as she put away her matches and grabbed Kailina's hand, the two exited and paid no mind to the boys as they made their way forward with nothing really stopping them till   they heard yelling and saw someone flipping something off.

Raya and Kailina paid no mind as the men were freed but Raya did notice the fact when the boys were explaining what happened and the fact her brother had been captured she noticed worry flash in her younger friends eyes.

"Are you worried about Kiji San?" Trois decided to ask the brown haired female and that had the group come to a stop as they awaited the females answer, he knew they were siblings so he knew she was probably worried but he flinched a bit at her glare.

"Why would I care about him, he's an idiot, I never really thought of him as a brother, and he's weak so it's no surprise he was caught" Kailina said her tone cold as she walked ahead of them, and her words had some flinch even her tone.

"He may be annoying but you have no right to say that about your own family" Uno told the female and noticed she was ignoring him and watched as the white haired female moved closer to the brown haired female.

"Don't go down that path" Liang told the girl as they turned the corner, they had a plan which is to find the other guards and now seeing how bitter the girl was he had no clue why she would hate her own family that much.

"You have no idea what I've been through, you have no clue what real pain is like, and he's an idiot for trying to blame himself" Those words the brown haired female just said had them all confused but they had no time to question as they had to run from the dolls, with Uno screaming of how scary they were.

Kailina had said those things for a reason she didn't need them to worry about her, she didn't need them to think of her as week because she worried about her own older brother, in truth Kailina was worried she just hid it very well and Raya was helping her not worry.

Soon they had gotten to a room and begun to look around as Raya took notice of the fact how the green haired boy seemed to be in pain and that had most try to find water for the boy and instead of water the boy had been given a juice box that Kailina had in her pocket.

Soon everything would either go downhill or change for the better, they may win or loose, but someone may have a secret revealed about them, a secret that would soon shed some light and a secret that one had tried so hard to keep.

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