Chapter 11

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I'm running again. Through those same unfamiliar woods from before.  My heart pounds as my heart rate rises.

A sense of déjà vu hits me. I've been here before. I know what's about to happen.

Something flashes in front of me, causing my steps to falter, but unlike last time I don't fall. I circle around trying to find who's coming before they find me.

A twig snaps behind me Swinging towards the sound, I find him.

"H-How? You-" I stutter as he stalks toward me. I back up with his every move.

Moving faster than any normal person should, he's in my face with his hands wrapped around my throat.  My hands automatically move up to try and tear his hands away but his grip is too strong.

His eyes are lifeless as his grip tightens. He lifts me, my feet lashing out trying to connect to something. His arms raise over his head, and I look down at the person I thought I could always trust.

"You were supposed to be mine!" He screams and everything goes dark.


My eye wrench open as I take in gulps of air.  I frantically search my surroundings and sigh in relief. I'm at home in my own bed surrounded by my many pillows and the wonderful scent of oranges and cigarette smoke.

Wait, what?

I try to sit up but my arms and legs are weighed down by the body that is practically wrapped around me. The Elliot Hart lays beside me with his presence wrapped around mine. Apparently throughout the night I had decided his arm was better than any pillow I had. Elliot continues to sleep with one armed secured around my waist and the other underneath my head.  His legs were innocent during our sleep; however, mine were not.  One leg had found its way in between his, bringing us even closer, and the other sits on top of his leg.  Since our bodies are turned into each other, our faces are only inches apart, breathing in each others essence.

Trying to gently move myself out of his grasp, I slowly move backward. I untangle my legs from his and right when I think I'm out, his arms pull me back in. Both arms wrap around my shoulders and bring me into his chest. My cheek presses flat against him as he pulls me in even close. He mumbles against the top of my head and squeezes me tighter.

Whelp, that didn't go as planned.

I know exactly when Elliot wakes up because his entire body tenses. The arms that are wrapped around me go rigid and he slowly pulls away like he's afraid he'll spook me. When he's finally a safe distance away, his eyes finally come to reach mine.

Giving him a tiny wave, I mumble "Hi."

I'm left with no reply as he stands up. His hands extend above him head as he stretches out. I wince when I hear some of his bones cracking as he continues to stretch. When he finally turn back towards meet, Elliot pins me with a pointed glare.

"For someone with all these damn pillows, you would think I wouldn't wake up with a back ache," His hand splay against his lower back and he bends over. I grimace as I hear more cracking.

I giggle as I watch Elliot twirl and bend in various directions. My favorite part is when he bends straight over, touching his toes. With his back to me, I have the perfect view of his perfectly round ass. Mm, good morning to me. When the sound of my laughter reaches him, he looks back up at me and cocks his head.

"What? You think my pain is funny?" he grins back at me. Elliot straightens.

I shrug my shoulders as he makes his way toward me. Step by step, my grin slowly fades. The look in Elliot's eyes makes my heart beat rise. He leans over me, placing a hand on either side of my head.  I flatten myself against my bed as Elliot climbs above me.

Leaning forward, his cheek presses against mine as he whisper in my ear, "Not so funny anymore, huh?"

He pulls back just enough that our noses touch. Our eyes stay connected as Elliot runs his fingers down my cheek, caressing me. My eyes dart down to his lips. His mouth is slightly parted as we stare at each other. When my eyes come back to his, I notice that he's staring at my lips as well. Wetting my lips, I lean into him and Elliot follows my lead.

Knock knock.

"Hello? Chloe, are you there?" Mrs Judy's voice is faint as she yells from the front door. "'I'm here to pick up Mrs. Andrews for her day at the Senior Center."

My heads drops down to the pillow beneath me. Really? Every time. Elliot grumbles as he moves off the bed. I'm pretty sure I heard him say "fucking cock blocker," but there's no way to be sure.

"Yeah, that's fine Ms Judy!" I yell into the air. I hear the faint shuffling of Gran and Ms Judy, followed by the front door closing.

My bed moves as Elliot sits up and swings his legs over. "So," he looks over his shoulder at me, "What are we doing today?"

My eyebrows shoot up, "We?"

"Yes, we. You just tried to take my innocence away and you don't want to hang out with me?" Elliot rises from the bed, turning to look at me.

Laughter bubbles in my chest. "What?! I did not-," I jump up from the bed and grab a pair of clothes, "You know what, I think I'm just going to jump in the shower and when I come out," I poke Elliot in the chest, "You will be out of sight."

Leaving him in the bedroom, I make my way into the bathroom across the hall. I slam the door shut and immediately turn on the shower. Undressing as quickly as possible, I hop under the hot water. All my muscles instantly relax at the feeling of the water cascading down my body. Bruises still covered most of my stomach and neck, but even in this short time they had begun to fade. I let the water run over my face, my worries washing away with it.

I finally leave the comfort of my shower when the water begins to turn cold. Stepping out, I towel off and get dressed. I slide on a pair of black sweats and an old oversized Metallica t-shirt. My hair drips down on my shirt, wetting the back of it.

Opening the door of the bathroom, I'm met with a puff of cool air as the built up steam leaves the room. Throwing my dirty clothes into the laundry basket, I check out the house to see if Elliot actually left. Glancing into my room, I let out a sigh of relief and feel a twinge of disappointment when I see that he isn't there.

My stomach decides in the moment to let out a huge roar. Wrapping my arms around my clenching stomach, I turn out of my room and head towards the kitchen. My thoughts are filled with images of bacon and eggs. My stomach growls again when the smell of pure, delicious coffee hits my nose. My eyes close at the pleasure that comes from the scent. A smile grows as I come to the conclusion that Elliot must have made me some coffee before he left. It isn't until I reach the kitchen that I learned I was completely wrong.

Halting in my spot, I take in the scene before me. Sprawled out on the leather recliner in the corner of the room sits Elliot, the end of his hair dripping with water, matching mine. His legs are propped up as he reclines the chair all the way back. However, that's not the most surprising thing I find in my living room. Sitting hip to hip and hands intertwined, Alex and Rebekah are placed comfortably on the couch across from Elliot. I clear my throat and all three intruder's head pop up as they realize they aren't alone anymore.

Elliot's eyes trace my body landing on my chest becoming aware of my bra less state. The combination of my dripping hair and unprotected chest created a wonderful scene for Elliot to place his gaze. His eyes slowly move from my chest up to my eyes. Our eyes stayed locked.

Our gaze is finally broken at the sound of feet slapping against the floor moving toward me. A flash of dark skin and curly hair meet me right before I'm ambushed.

Arms wrap around my neck as Rebekah pulls me into her embrace, "Oh my gosh, Chloe! I'm so glad to see you." My hands lay dormant at my sides as Rebekah pulls back. Her smile is contagious as Alex comes up behind her.

"I hope its okay that we tagged along with Elliot. We just thought it would be so fun to all spend the day together." Rebekah claps her hands in excitement as Alex throws his arms around her shoulders.

Before having a chance to respond, Elliot climbs from the recliner and makes his way towards us. "Apparently since we aren't to the sharing showers part of our relationship, I ran home real quick. But these two leeches saw me and latched on. I still haven't been able to lose them."

Shaking my head, I pull away from the group and drag my feet towards the heavenly smell that brought me here in the first place. I wrap my hand around the voluptuous shaped mug that Chelsea gave to me for my birthday last year. The two very generous sized tits are placed perfectly so that when I go to take a sip of coffee, my mouth just so happens to meet the exposed nipples of the faceless women on the mug. Chelsea said that this was the perfect cup for me because it's "the closest you'll ever get to being a lesbian."

The curves of the mug create the perfect fit for my hand to caress it. I grab the pot of coffee and my mouth drools as I watch the dark liquid fill my cup.  Grabbing my French vanilla creamer and douse my coffee in it, changing the once deep, rich black to a now light, soft caramel. Closing my eyes, I bring the addiction to my mouth. I turn back towards the group I'd left behind. I let out a sigh of satisfaction as the warm liquid moves down my throat.

After the warmth of the coffee fills my entire body, I reopen my eyes to find the three of them staring at me- more accurately- at my cup. Alex just brushes it off because he has one very similar to it at home courtesy of Chelsea, while Rebekah darts her eyes away from the sexualized mug. Elliot however, has his eyes matched on my mouth as I wrap my lips around the opening of the mug. The exposed breast finds its way back into my open mouth and I can't help the grin that surfaces as Elliot's eyes widen.

Gulping down the last bit of coffee, I gently place the extravagant mug into the sink. "So," I moved towards the group, "What are we doing today?"

Rebekah instantly brightens, "I had this amazing idea! I thought maybe we could all go swimming at this lake we passed on the way moving in!"

Nodding my head, "That sounds great! I could really use some sun." I look down at my sunless arms.

Elliot's breath tickles my neck as he sneaks up behind me, "Mm. I wouldn't mind seeing you get wet for me."

I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I pull away from the chuckling boy behind me.

Letting everyone know that I'm going to get ready for the day, I head back to my bedroom and start getting dressed to be around people.

Throwing on some of my favorite clothes over my aqua blue bikini, I look over myself, silently checking off my mental checklist. Bikini? Check. Jean capris? Check. Plain white tee? Check. Vans? Check.

Just as I'm about to head back out to meet with the others, my door is thrown open. Elliot barges through heading straight for me, his face a mask of pure concentration.

My mouth opens to scold him for just coming into my room unannounced - again - but I'm stopped when his hands cup my face. My eyes widen and I let out a shocked breath as his face comes down to me. His lips meet mine in a ball of passion. I'm tense at first, shocked at the feeling of his soft, warm lips against mine. After a second, my body relaxes our lips move together in perfect harmony.

My own hands come up to rest on top of Elliot's. I hold him to me, our lips slowing. As we pull away from each other, Elliot lightly nips my bottom lip, pulling another gasp from my lips. Our foreheads touch as we lean against each other and the two of us catch our breath. Our hands meld together; the need to keep touching becoming undeniable.

A laugh burst from me, "What the hell was that for?" I take a step back so I'm able to see his eyes, but our hands stay intertwined.

Before giving me any type of answer, he pulls my body into him. His lips mold against mine once more, but this time more gently, sweeter. He ends our kiss much too quickly and give me his signature cheeky grin.

"Do you know how long I've wanted to do that? I've been waiting to do that since I saw you for the first time," Elliot places a cheeky kiss on my forehead, "And I'm tired of getting interrupted every time."

Elliot grins down at me and pulls me in for another kiss.

"Damn," He plants another kiss on my lips, "I think I'm addicted to you now."

Our lips meet again, this time with more passion. All pent up frustration from the last few days immediately leaves my body as Elliot's tongue tangles with mine. Seconds turn into minutes as we lose ourselves in each other's embrace. Having moved unconsciously onto my bed, my legs wrap around his waist, pulling him closer into me, as he gently holds himself above me.

A loud pounding on the door finally pulls us apart. My eyes latch onto Elliot. His swollen lips and red cheeks match mine as we our breathing slows.

"Okay, come on you guys. If you two don't stop making babies in there, we're going to be late," Alex chuckles as he yells through the door.

Elliot and I both laugh as our foreheads lean against each other. Standing up, Elliot brushes out the wrinkles in his clothes and offers me a hand. A light again as the smile on my face feels to become permanent. Placing my hand in his, Elliot pulls me up and into his arms. His arms finds its ways around my shoulder and he pulls me out the door.

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