Ch. 30: A Little Longer

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I couldn't move. I couldn't even breathe. Still as a stone, I sat there, panicked, as I listened to the unknown footsteps echo around the empty bathroom. Based on the fact that Mason's arms were now wrapped around my waist in what could best be described as a goddamn Heimlich, something told me he probably wasn't handling this new development much better himself.

"I'm telling you, she was flirting with me," another voice said insistently. "She looked right at me and smiled!"

"She was jogging. Everyone smiles at the people they pass. The hundred-year-old Asian grandpa smiled at you too, remember? Does that mean he wants to fuck you?"

This conversation quickly devolved into a series of petty snipes and arguments. However, what they were talking about was the least of my concerns. I was much more concerned about when they would finally leave again.

Aside from the immediate frustration of being stopped mid-fuck, I'd really rather not have anyone know what we were doing in here. Though I had a pretty strong gut feeling that they wouldn't be the type to do it, there was always a small possibility of them calling the cops on us if they found out. An outcome that could safely be called "inconvenient" at best.

However, all those troubles left my mind in an instant as I felt Mason's lips brush against my ear.

"Lean back against me and lift your legs up."

His voice was a barely audible whisper. Even if the room was dead silent I doubt anyone but me would have been able to hear him.

It took a second for what he was saying to finally make its way through the fog of my easily overwhelmed brain, but once it did, I followed his directions. I scooted onto his lap until my back was pressed against his chest and lifted my legs up off the ground, hugging them to my chest.

A slightly awkward position, but nothing necessarily "uncomfortable." I could easily hold this position until they left. Plus, even if they did bother to peek under the door to check if anyone was there, they'd only see one set of feet.

Those, of course, being the positive points of Mason's plan. The negatives, however, were another story.

This entire situation was completely and wholly unsexy. I mean, I was actually hiding in a public bathroom terrified that, at any moment, a couple of random strangers could catch me with a man, who was not my husband, balls deep inside of me.

Yet, despite all those things working against it, my body, somehow, was not swayed in the slightest as it focused all its possible attention on the way Mason was filling me up right now.

Maybe it was the position we were in, or maybe my body was just tense from everything that was going on, but whatever the reason, he felt fucking huge. I mean, he'd never exactly been small, but it never felt this big.

Although my brain knew that this was neither the time nor the place to be focusing on something like that right now, my body was not so easily convinced. I was literally aching for him to start fucking me again. My sweet spot was practically begging me to reach between my legs and play with it, just to get some sort of relief.

This resistance and discomfort, of course, led to some involuntary squirming. A minimal amount, but given the current situation, still more than either of us seemed able to handle.

Mason's soft, stifled moan sent shivers running down my body. A feat which only helped to increase the "tenseness" inside my body.

Without a word, his hand loosened from my waist and slid down to my thigh. Sparks danced across my skin as he trailed his fingers along it, brushing aside my skirt as he slipped them between my legs.

Just a gentle touch. A small brush against my sweet spot. That's all it was. But the pleasure it created nearly sent my body into convulsions. I gripped my thighs so tightly I could feel my nails digging into them, biting down on my panties to avoid making any sound.

Again, his lips brushed against my ear. Although, this time, there was more amusement in his voice as he spoke.

"You know... those guys out there don't really bother me," he informed me, teasing my sweet spot. "I'm still good to go if you are. Unless, of course, you don't think you can keep your voice down."

Was he out of his goddamn mind?! There were two strangers literally feet away from us right now and he was honestly thinking about continuing? Forget daring, it was downright stupid. I don't think he could have made a worse suggestion if he'd tried.

So, why was I so tempted to do it?

I knew it was a bad idea. I mean, hell, I had enough trouble keeping my voice down earlier. The panties would help dampen the sound a bit sure, but it's not like they completely eliminated it. Not to mention the "distinctive sounds" that came with sex. Obviously, nobody was making mac n' cheese in a bathroom stall, so I doubt it would take them too much brain power to figure out what was happening if they overheard us.

But, again, when has fucking in a public bathroom ever been logical?

I leaned my head back against his shoulder, spreading my leg slightly. A subtle hint, but one that didn't take much for him to pick up on. He immediately grabbed my thighs and started grinding inside of me.

A very small whimper made its way out of my mouth before I caught myself and choked it back. Though a feat in and of itself in my horny haze, I still managed to pick up a bit of what the people outside were saying.

"I'm just saying, Dude, shit like this is why Kathy-"

"Ugh! Will you stop with the fucking Kathy thing already?! Why is she always your default somehow?"

Yup, completely a non-issue. I wasn't even sure if they knew one person was in here. Let alone two.

Which meant I could focus more on actually enjoying myself. Not that that was hard to do. Especially with the way Mason was teasing me right now.

His fingers rubbed and circled my sweet spot like he had it memorized. I felt like I was melting from the inside out. His free hand slipped under my shirt and made its way back to my breast, tugging my bra down gently until my nipple was exposed. He pinched it gently as his tongue trailed along my neck.

It was all a rich flurry of sensations and pleasure. And one that made it very hard for me to keep my voice under any kind of control. My entire body tensed up as I tried desperately not to make a sound. Although based on the small grunt he let out as I did, I couldn't help but wonder if maybe he was doing that on purpose.

Whatever his motivation though, that didn't stop my body from blazing like a fucking five-alarm fire. He just felt so good. Sweat slid gently down my thighs as my legs began to tremble uncontrollably. Close. I was so fucking close.

The sound of cackling from outside the stall briefly caught my attention but I brushed it off immediately. Let them hear. Let them fucking catch me. I didn't care anymore.

Then, all at once, it hit me. As he shifted, his hard member pressed against just the right spot inside of me and sent a surge of pleasure racing through my body. My vision went white and hazy as I choked down on the panties, trying my hardest not to scream out in pure ecstasy. The sound of my juices trickling and splashing against the hard concrete floor sent a thrill racing down my spine.

Apparently, the sound of liquid on concrete is pretty damn distinctive though. Not two seconds later, the voices outside stopped. And when they started again, they were much lower than before.

"What the fuck? Is that guy pissing on himself or something?" one of them muttered quietly to the other.

"Shh," the other hissed quickly. He spoke in low, angry whispers. "Dude, shut up. What if it's a fucking junkie or something?! Let's just get out of here before he notices us."

The next thing I heard was the hurried sound of footsteps retreating from the bathroom. Well... at least they were gone now I guess. Good thing too, considering my body didn't really have the strength to keep my legs up anymore.

I let out a small, muffled moan of relief as I lowered them back to the ground. However, not two seconds after that, I felt Mason's hands squeeze my thighs gently. Although a little louder than what it'd been a second ago, his voice was still very low as he spoke.

"Hey, don't leave me hanging here," he teased, moving his hands back to my hips.

Right, he hadn't finished yet, had he? It was a bit of an odd situation for me. I wasn't used to being the one who finished first. If I even got to finish at all. But I guess that's why I was fucking Mason now and not Phil. And I certainly didn't want to leave him hanging.

I pulled the panties out of my mouth and smiled at him, dangling them off my fingers enticingly. "Well, what are you waiting for then? Fuck me."

He wasted absolutely no time in taking me up on that offer. His hands slipped under my thighs and lifted my legs, spreading them wide. He didn't bother trying to be subtle or holding back anymore. He slammed into me again and again, sending a fresh shower of sparks through my body as each thrust grazed against my still sensitive sweet spot.

The main event had already happened for me. The evidence of that was clearly splattered all over the bathroom floor by now. So, why did my body still feel so good? Why was I still craving him just as much as I had before we started? I wasn't sure, but one thing was more than clear to me: he was craving me just as much.

His thrusts slowed and became deeper, his fingers gripped my thighs tightly, and his low moan filled the air around us. I shivered slightly as I felt him pulsing inside of me.

After a minute, his grip loosened. His labored breathing tickled my cheek as he let my legs lower back to the floor.

We stayed that way for several minutes. I think we both needed the time to compose ourselves, if not actually rest. He played with my hair absentmindedly, twirling it around his fingers. I rested my head against his shoulder, letting myself be soothed by the thumping of his heartbeat as it slowly returned to a normal rhythm.

"So..." he started slowly, finally breaking the silence between us. "Something tells me cleanup isn't going to go as smoothly as it did yesterday."

I snickered a bit. "Well, there's no shower for sure, but I'll think we'll manage."

"You sure you're going to be able to go home like this though? This place is a hell of a lot farther away from your place than across the street."

"Yeah, but there's way less of a chance of me bumping into somebody I know here. Plus, I'll be driving home," I explained. "Basically, I just have to survive the walk from the driveway to the house without bumping into anybody. And even if somebody shows up, I can just scurry inside and make an excuse later like I was worried I left the stove on or something."

"Guess that makes sense. What about your husband though?" he asked.

"Not home," I said, shrugging.

Again, I could feel the air shift around that simple answer. He wanted to ask more. I know he did. But he didn't say a thing. Instead, he cleared his throat and patted my thigh gently.

"Well, lucky us then. Still, we should probably head out of here soon. I don't want to get trapped if a couple more innocent bystanders happen to walk in on us again."

"Good point," I said standing up.

Not my brightest move though. Pulling a cork from an overfilled bottle is never a good idea. But doubly so when that bottle also happens to be upside down. Not two seconds later, I again heard that distinctive sound of liquid on concrete. I frowned down at the small, milky puddle forming between my feet.

"Ugh, I feel kind of sorry for whoever has to clean up after all this," I muttered, mostly to myself.

"Don't, I'll help them out," he commented, zipping up his pants. "It's probably better if we leave separately anyway. Why don't you head home? I'll clean up a bit and head out in about five minutes or so."

I mean, it made good sense. Last thing we needed was anyone to catch us walking out of here together. Especially if those guys from earlier were still hanging around. Still, just like yesterday, I found myself reluctant to say goodbye.

"You're sure you don't need any help?" I asked, trying to find any excuse to stay with him just a second longer. "We made a pretty big mess."

"Nah, I got it, " he insisted, smiling. "Just promise you'll call me later after you get cleaned up, okay?"

I was a little surprised. Not about the call itself, more about the way he phrased it I guess. It'd be one thing if he said to call so he knew I got home safe, but the way he said it made it sound as if he wanted me to get settled in at home first for some reason.

Whatever his reason though, I guess it was the least I could do considering he was taking one for the team with the cleanup here. I smiled and gave him a small nod.

"Sure, I'll talk to you then."

"See you, Maggie. Drive safe."

I unlocked the stall door and walked out. As the door closed behind me I took a brief glance at the panties still in my hand. Crumpled, chewed, and damp. I grimaced slightly at the sight. Well... I definitely wasn't taking these home anymore.

However, "waste not, want not" had always been a philosophy of mine. While obviously not my first choice, I couldn't deny that leaving the bathroom in this condition might draw some unwanted attention. I rinsed them in the sink briefly before using them to clean up what I could, tossing them in the trash on my way out. At least now I didn't have to worry about leaving any suspicious stains in my car, I guess.

A dark cloud formed over my head at the thought of my car, and with each step, the gloom seemed to take over more and more. I tried to comfort myself with the idea that I'd be talking to him again soon. But, of course, that didn't do much to help me now.

As I unlocked the car door I glanced one more time in the direction of the bathrooms. I knew he would probably wait around a few minutes before coming out, but I still couldn't help but feel that small spark of hope that I might catch one last glimpse of him before I left.

Of course, I didn't. And I couldn't stand around here all day waiting for him either. Especially since that completely defeated the purpose of us leaving separately in the first place.

With a heavy sigh, I opened the door and got inside the car, closing it behind me with a reluctant thud. I gripped the steering wheel tightly, taking a deep breath as I forced myself to shift the car into reverse.

"Just a little longer, Maggie," I murmured to myself, pulling out of the parking lot. "Just a little bit longer."

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