what made you...??

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Perfection is what you
      Granted me..
Craze for passion is what you
      Instilled in me
Flying- a dream
      You made me soar high up..
I always questioned my existence
     You crowned me with confidence
Success- I always wanted
     You made me conquer heights
A soul filled with many insecurities
     Under your shade..
      In your compassionate lap
Made me bloom into the
      Strong girl I am today..
Fuel for my life
      Is your mere existence
With you by my side..
     The 7 heavens are my limits
A tiny new born caterpillar filled with fears
      With you now a beautiful butterfly full of colours
What made you think
      I will not need you anymore..
What made you think
      I am strong on my own....
What made you think
      I will still be the same without you
What made you think
     I will know happiness without you showing me..
You are the one who always did..
My only source of bliss...
Beautiful moments with you..
     Alive in each every veins of mine
Pure memories filled in my soul
     Unable either to let them go
Hell scared to hug them close
The girl, whom you lead to perfection
    Crumbles alive into a whirlpool of worries
With each and evey milli second
Which passes by..
Each and every sense of mine
    Yearns for your familiar bliss
The only cure for my broken soul..
The world in my hands
     Was my one and only dream
A single day with you..
As back then..
     Is what now my heart weeps for..
Your angel is no more
    Wings clipped, glow long lost..
To think you did this..
      Why..? Why..? Why..?
Hell yeah! I do walk,
Hell yeah! I do breathe,
I do talk
A corpse walking on earth
My soul long dead
    With You!!!
What made you think
   Without you I will survive..

Hey guys..

Here comes the second one??

Like it?? What do u think??

Please keep on voting and comments..

And ur absolutely allowed to point out my mistakes

P.s: I m not a professional..

So see ya peeps..❤❤
Until then..

Allah Hafiz lovelies😘😘😘

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