You were never mine..

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That smile is not mine

Those words are no more mine..

Your shoulders are no more mine..

The heart I claimed mine is no more mine..

And never ever gonna be mine..

"Is it that I don't deserve you?
Or is it that I don't deserve anything?
Is it that I'm not enough for you?
  Or is it that I'm not enough for anyone?"
Do u really had to leave me muddled up with these??

You occupy my soul whole
While I was merely a passing cloud for you..

Shook me off..
Oblivious of how much you really mean..

Maybe this is what really life is..

People come and go
While some stay..
Maybe you weren't meant to stay but go..

Maybe I'm in fault for trusting you..
   A bit more than myself
  A bit more than you deserve..

Maybe my love for you was too deep
      A bit deeper than you deserved
That it left me in an abyss..

Everyone changes..
     Who am I kidding..
Well you are not an exception..

Thank you..
for leaving me shattered
  For leaving me hopeless
  For leaving me devoid of any emotion..

Thank you for this lesson..
  not gonna let history repeat itself ever again..
Thats a promise..

"I am over it..
    I am fine..

I'm not new to rejection or to deception..

Its something i always expected
Well not from you maybe..
But I saw it coming..

I know i will get over it..
Flower in full bloom and
Soar even higher than i did

The pain raw and wrenching
   Lingers in every single part of my shard heart
Knowing that you are not mine..
        You were never meant to be..

Peeps how u all?
  I muddled this poem didn't I?
Well the feeling was too strong for words..
Made me numb
       It wouldn't be wrong to say speechless or wordless would be a better one.,
Yet i had to try..
Words being my only saviour..

Sorry if i didnt meet ur expectation im human after all *sighs*

So until next time..
Allah Hafiz lovelies😘😘😘


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