Chapter 6 - Once around the world

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"Hey, buddy. Are you feeling better?" Sam looked up at Malcolm, who was sitting next to him, patiently waiting for him to wake up. "I hear these dreams are giving you a lot of trouble." Sam sat up and felt that his sore muscles had already noticeably subsided.

"It's much better. We've taken things slower the last 3 hours, although no less wildly."

"You're really having a blast, aren't you? Wouldn't it be nicer to be together in real life?" Malcolm asked him with his biggest grin and winked conspiratorially.

"Mal, we're not doing what you think. We're just having fun and using dreams to see and experience things that we probably wouldn't experience in real life. At least not like that. Penny surprised me with a visit of an Theme park of superlatives."

"Theme park? Now don't tell me you're into that kind of thing?"

"Don't tell anyone. If people knew that I, fireman Sam, who is always concerned about safety and order, goes on the wildest rollercoaster rides, they would certainly no longer take me seriously."

"You have worries!" Malcolm laughed loudly. "People would probably think that you really aren't afraid of anything and would just admire you even more. But I understand that you sometimes have the urge to let yourself go and slip out of your role. It's nice that you can do that with Penny. Could you at least confess your feelings to her in your dream?"

"How do you know..." Sam asked him in shock and blushing.

"I'm a police officer, Sam. Plus, I have eyes in my head. It's actually hard to miss...not with you two. So, how are things going for you?"

"I've never been more sure that I could have a chance with her than I am now. I almost kissed her in every dream if we hadn't been constantly interrupted and it seemed to me like she wanted it too. "

"Then let's see that we can get you out of there so that you can finally finish this and hopefully not just in your dreams. It's time for you to be happy, my friend," Malcolm replied with a smile and gave Sam an encouraging hand on the shoulder."I gave your information to Newtown. They are still waiting for Professor Pickles. He probably knows all the bunkers that were in the entire Newtown district. Unfortunately he is at a conference in Cardiff. So it will take a while for him to get back and help us. He's coming to the police station with a police unit from Newtown at 6 p.m. with a map showing the bunkers. Let me know if you want to be there", he informed Sam of the latest findings and patted him on the shoulder again.

"Now let our patient wake up in peace, brother," Helen said with a smile as she sat down on Sam's other side and began taking blood from him.

"What's this, Helen?" Sam asked her, now confused.

"You've been on long-term medication for almost 12 hours. I have to check your vital signs and blood values ​​regularly to see what it's doing to you."

"They certainly won't monitor Penny like you monitor me," Sam objected bitterly.

"I'll do it all the more thoroughly when she gets back, Sam. Promise," Helen replied with a mild smile. "Penny is strong and healthy. She'll take it well, just like you do. Just see to make the most of it."

"I'm really worried Helen. What if we don't find her in time and Polonium causes her to starve or the medication does have a negative effect on her," he replied quietly.

"We'll find her Sam and she'll jump around here again, sing funny songs, play jokes with you and support you in missions like she always does," she said to him with a smile.

"Thanks Helen...Can I sleep again now?" he asked meekly and she laughed loudly before turning on the supply of the sleeping pill.

"Sleep well Sam and have a good time."

Sam raised a questioning eyebrow, but knew he wouldn't get an answer from Helen and felt his eyes closing in the next moment.

He appeared on a bridge and the next moment he was hit by a huge wave of ice-cold water. He gasped sharply and turned around in confusion when he heard a very familiar, yet extremely amused laugh.

"If we actually go to an amusement park, please remind me to take a camera with me," Penny said during her fit of laughter. She was well protected behind a window and when he looked around, he saw the departure of the water ride, where another gondola was already racing down. He hurried and ran behind the window, just as the next wave hit it.

"Very funny," Sam muttered as he took off his t-shirt and wrung it out. "What does this mean when we drive into one? I thought that was a done deal?" He got no answer and after putting on his shirt, he spotted Penny leaning against the window, watching him, smiling. "What's wrong?"

"I'm enjoying the view," she replied curtly, a light blush spreading across her cheeks, before she stood up and walked over to him. "I was hoping you'd show up here. It's only fair after everything I've got in the gondola all on my own," she replied with a smile and Sam looked down at her. She was also completely soaked.

"Then we should wish for dry clothes, right?" he asked and just a moment later it happened. "I could really get used to that. It makes things a lot easier," he added with a smile.

"I think it will definitely lose its magic at some point. Shall we go for a walk?" she then asked him and he nodded with a smile and took her hand. She looked up at him sheepishly, but laced her fingers with his and they walked forward, smiling as Sam filled her in on Malcolm's latest progress.

"You're so calm? What's bothering you?" he then asked her when she didn't say anything.

"I'm a bit conflicted. On the one hand, I would like to be free again and with... you," she objected sheepishly. "On the other hand, I'm really enjoying my time here... with you," she then added and Sam stopped and stood in front of her.

"This doesn't end when you're free. We can keep dreaming as long as the effect lasts or Polonium reverses it. Maybe not as often, but you would be with us again and...we could do it to make one or two of  your dreams come true."

"I'd be curious to know which ones that would be," Penny replied with a smile and closed her eyes for a second as his hand rested on her cheek; enjoying his touch as her emotions went crazy again.

A fountain of fire erupted from the ground next to them and they recoiled.

"Holy sparks. What kind of topic is this?" Sam asked as they found themselves facing an oriental-looking building.

"Looks like the Arabian Nights," Penny replied with a shrug.

"What makes you think of including something like that in your dream?" he turned to her again, smiling.

"I don't know, I always loved watching Aladdin as a child."

"Because of the funny Genie?"

"Because of the scene with the flying carpet. I... always dreamed that a prince would kidnap me on a flying carpet. Girls' fantasies," she told him sheepishly and Sam smiled mildly.

"Don't forget that thought. Stick with it!" he asked her and stood with his legs apart, only to find himself standing on a flying carpet in the next moment that looked as if it had come out of a Disney movie."May I introduce you? Persian, the carpet. Do you trust me?" he asked her with a smile and held out his hand, which she immediately took with a laugh and sat down on the carpet with him.

"Where are we going, my prince?"

"Wherever you want to go, Princess. By the way, the Arabian Nights costume suits you extremely well."

"What costume?" Penny replied confused.

"That's exactly it!" he replied with a grin, as Penny thinking of it was enough for her to sit next to him in one from one moment to the next.

"Samuel Jones!" she replied, but her laughter belied the seriousness of her voice as the carpet flew away and she happily hooked onto his arm.

"I don't have to sing 'A whole new world' now, do I?" Sam then asked her teasingly.

"I know it will be like that, even without your singing," Penny replied, smiling and resting her head on his shoulder, and he sensed that she didn't just mean the flight with the carpet.

They flew from the pyramids of Egypt to the Statue of Liberty in New York. They followed the Great Wall of China and stood in the evening light of the Paris Eiffel Tower to admire Paris at night and saw Berlin, London, Tokyo and so many more cities.

"The whole world in 2 hours. Nobody can do that so quickly," Penny then sighed happily as they just flew there.

"Everything is possible in dreams."

"But not for two people to experience the same dream."

"Right. Where would you like to spend your time until I come back?"

"The beach on the cliffs. If you come back, I would look forward to a sunset in your company."

"I would love to," he replied with a smile and a moment later they were already standing on the beach. Penny still had her arm entwined with his and Sam now placed his hand over hers on her forearm as it began to fade. "See you soon. I'll hurry up."

"I'm waiting for you."

"Unfortunately you don't have a choice either," he replied sadly.

"I'd wait for you too if I had, Sam. That'll never change." She smiled at him so brightly that his grin must have looked stupid, but she didn't see much of it anymore because it disappeared completely.

To be continued...

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