Chapter 2

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I cryed while we hugged. I can't believe he waited 15 years for me to come back home. He let me go.

"Dante thank you!!!" I said whipping my tears.

"For what!?" He asked.

"For staying put in Phoenix Drop after all these years... I can't believe you waited for me all that time." I said.

"You are my lord, Aphmau I'll always follow your commands." He said with a smile.

"Speaking of lords...." He began.

"What!?..." I asked.

"Its been 15 years Aphmau. Levin and Malichi are grown men now!!!" He said.

"My babies are WHAT!?!?!?!" I said.

"There not babies anymore. Come I'll lead you to them!" He said walking down the path of stairs.

I followed him down and we stopped at what used to be the wheat field. Now it just a bunch of tall grass and flowers.

"Wow everything did change!" I said looking around.

"Well not everything. Someone has been taking care of your house while you were gone." He said.

"Who!? Let me guess you!" I said.
"Nope you'll see." He said and I followed him to Kiki's barn house.

"Where are all the animals!?" I asked.

"Kiki took as many as she could with her." He said.

"Wait Kiki isn't here!?" I asked.

"Aphmau the day you and everyone disappeared everyone went in a panic. We had search parties all over the place and no one could found you. So you and the others were declared dead. Everyone was devastated and some people started to leave cause they were heart broken and this village brought back memories of you and the others. In the end a lot of people left but some stayed hoping that one day you'll come back home." He explained.

"Oh!" I said.

"But don't worry, Kiki didn't take all the animals. There's a bunch of hamsters underneath the barn house!" He said and continued walking down the path.

Could that mean that Sean Connery and Cuddlezilla had babies!!!

I followed Dante to the new gates of Phoenix Drop.

"Wow that's a big tree!" I said out loud.

"Here we are home sweet home!" He said.

"M-Mom!?" I heard someone say.

I looked up to see a grown version of Levin. He ran down a latter and opened the gate. I ran over and hugged him.

"Levin your so grown!!!" I said while letting go and tearing up.

"Heh yeah I guess..... um can I talk to you. Sorry if this is all so sudden." He said.

"Of course we can talk Levin!" I said smiling.

"Mhm hmm, follow me!" He said and I followed him to his house.

"T-This is the old lords house!" I said as I entered.

I sat down on one of the couches and Levin on the other.

"Wow after 15 years I get to have my mom back!" He said tearing up.

"Aww Levin it's okay, I'm here now!" I said wiping his tears.

"You've grown so much!" I said.

"I can say the same for you...I think! Sorry it's been so long and I've forgotten how you looked a little but when I saw you in front of the gate, I knew it was you mum!" He said.

"Where were you all this time!?" He asked.

I explained to him everything about the war, Garroth, Zane, the amulet, and Irene's Dimension.

"Wow so every minute there is a year here! I can't imagine how you feel!" He said.

"I'm going to get better, I'm taking things slow to get used to the change of time. Anyways enough about me. How are you and Malichi?" I asked.

"Well Malichi is out trading with Logan and Yip but they'll be back tomorrow morning. And I well.... I took position as lord of Phoenix Drop!" He said worried.

"Levin that's wonderful!!!" I said excited.

"Your not mad I took your place... if you want you can have your position back I'm fine having you as a lord!" He said.

"Levin why would I be mad? Your the rightfull lord of Phoenix Drop. Your father was the old lord of this place. I just took over after disappeared!" I said.

"Yeah I know about my dad. The thing is that if your sure I'll remain as lord but if you decide to have your place back you can take it!" He said.

"Don't worry that will never happen!" I said.

"Gah! We've been talking for hours! You should go and find the others I'm sure they will be happy to see you!" He said.

"Oh! Well one question. Who's the person that kept caring for my house all these years?" I asked.

"Me and Malichi!!! We just wanted something to remember you by!" He said.

"Thank you Levin!" I said as I left.

I walked over to Katelyn who found herself to the gate.

"Hey!" I said.

"Mhmm I wonder if O'Khasis has changed!?" She said.

"Umm I don't know why don't you ask around!" I said.

"Oh Aphmau! Sorry I was just thinking out loud." She said.

"Its okay I'm trying to find the others! See ya around!" I said and left.

I walked around to a small house and knocked on the door.

"Hello!" I said and knocked again.
A little girl with light blue hair and cat ears answered.

"Hello person! I'm Netoette~tan who are you!" She asked.

"Oh my name is Aphmau!" I said.

"Aphmau? APHMAU!!!! Come in mama would be so happy to see you!!!" She said letting me inside.

"Your Mama?" I asked.

"Netoette why is the door open again! Kawaii~Chan told you to close it!" Kawaii~Chan said coming in the house.

"A-APHMAU~SENPAI!!!" Kawaii~Chan said and hugged me.

"K-Kawaii~Chan!" I said as we let go.

"Oh Kawaii~Chan is so happy to see you again Aphmau~Senpai!!! Kawaii~Chan prayed to Lady Irene that one day you'll come back. Kawaii~Chan guesses that Lady Irene heard her prayers and brought you back!!!" She said as tears rolled down her cheek.

"Aww Kawaii~Chan please don't cry!" I said.

"Don't worry Aphmau~Senpai these are only tears of joy!" She said wiping them away.

"Look at you Kawaii~Chan you've become more.... KAWAII over the years!!!" I said.

"You haven't aged a bit Aphmau~Senpai!!! Whats your secret and where were you all these years!?!?!?" She asked.

"Oh it's really a long story. I'd love to tell you but I was hoping to say hello to everyone first!" I said.

"Oh Kawaii~Chan understands! Maybe you can come over for dinner tonight???" She asked.

"Of course, I'd love to!" I said smiling.

"Oh and this is Nekoette~Tan... Kawaii~Chan's daughter!!!" She said blushing.

"WHAT!?!? Kawaii~Chan I'm so happy for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!! who's the farther??" I asked.

"Dante~Kun!" She said getting redder.


"Well maybe he was so happy to see you that he forgot to tell you something like that. He still wears him old armor, of course Kawaii~Chan washes it but, Kawaii~Chan can tell right when he saw you his eyes just light up!!! We've all missed you so much Aphmau~Senpai!!!" She said excited.

"Thank you Kawaii~Chan, I'll stop by for dinner later when I get to see everyone else first!" I said walking out the door.

I can't believe they had a kid. I'd expect Dante and Nicole to be together but I guess the world is just full of surprises!!!


Anyway guys that's all for today!!! With me since the beginning will be updated tomorrow!!! ≧﹏≦


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