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Sawyer froze in absolute terror. The sharp sounds of cracking and tearing making his body seize as his blue eyes widened. Looking up from his hands to watch the horror that was happening right in front of him. Sharp, pearly white teeth striping through flesh and bone cleanly as satisfaction oozed off of their every move. The snapping making him flinch before the 

It was like watching an animal. A predator without a care in the world trying to scarf down all it could before it was too late. To a gluttonous point that was almost too difficult to watch.

Maddox froze as he was noticed, mouth closed around a chicken wing as he furrowed his brow. Not sure why cowboy was looking at him like that.

"D-did you just bite THROUGH YOUR WINGS-"

The blond tilted his head curiously, his mouth still chewing through the crackle in his maw like it was an adequate enough answer. Lips curling cluelessly as Sawyer watched him swallow with genuine fear in his heart.

"Why not? You pay for the bones too-" he popped the rest of the half-eaten one into his mouth as he watched him shiver in disgust. Were teeth even that strong? I mean the bones are cooked too so maybe that made them not as hard or something, but, why?

If it's going to be anyone, it's probably going to be him-

He waved the thought out of his head as he watched him happily eat. It was strange how close he grew onto him in the short time they spent together, mainly because of how much trouble he seemed to get in with such minimal effort, the Hewwit boy just felt like keeping an eye on him was... right. Yet at times like these, he can't help but think he was raised by some other species who only had a vague idea of what people were. The normal ones at least.

Elias walked through the kitchen with a glass of what did not look like water in hand. Eyeing both boys as he plucked a cold fry from the table, the leftovers the other boys left at the mercy of the only three still awake. At the very least, Sawyer already lost whatever was left of his appetite.

Maddox was asleep all day with what seemed like a fever, doing a mildly concerning sleeptalking thing that Darek and Robin thought would be funny too record. But it didn't seem to do much as it only disappeared without a trace, besides leaving him famished. Sawyer thought he might as well sit with him as he ate, make sure he didn't do anything stupid while he was up at night alone. He nearly fell through the second floor far too many times for him to be comfortable with.

"Gross," Elias said simply as he watched Maddox with mild fascination as he, almost, literally inhaled another wing. Taking a drink from his glass before looking at Sawyer with a small nod. "Planning on babysitting all night?"

Sawyer nodded lightly, choosing to look away from the heresy happening right in front of him into Elias' tired eyes. "Going out for a smoke?"

He nodded as well, watching Sawyer's body seize up again as another sharp crack came from Maddox. He wasn't as appalled as the other man was, given what he's done he doesn't think he has much right to be, he's mainly surprised that he enjoys it as much as he does. "Want to join me?" Five minutes away from the blond disaster wouldn't hurt. As much as he felt the kid wasn't all there, he knew he had the two cents to know to chew before he swallowed. 

He stood up from his near broken stool with a sigh. A breath of fresh air also seemed nice, and then a puff of what is most definitely not could ease his nerves that had been gnawing at him since they came here. It's been... a lot. To say the least.

"Don't choke-" Sawyer pointed his finger as Mads shook his head. Standing up himself to go grab a drink from the fridge. Wondering mildly if there was any juice left as Sawyer and Elias strode out the back door.

The night was quiet. It wasn't but an hour ago that the moon finally rose up and Robin passed out on the horrible excuse of a couch. Making both Aiden and Darek drag him to to bed, where they soon followed. How strange how in only a few days... They all just... Felt used to each other.

Sawyer gently looked at Elias as the moonlight danced across his features. The dull glint gracefully touching his face as he put a cigarette between his lips. Pulling out that lighter he liked do much up to his mouth to use it. Before realizing that he did invite Sawyer out, and nearly forgot he was there as the plume of smoke drifted from his lips the southern boy was looking so intently at.

"Ahem-" Elias shook the carton as Sawyer snapped back to the moment. Slim fingers taking one as he did what the Durden boy did. Except when it came to light it.

He was already fishing in his pocket to pull his lighter back out when Sawyer leaned it. Watching the confusion swarm his brown eyes as he pushed lit his cigarette with his. Taking a deep inhale before turning back up to the dim stars.

They stood their in silence. Looking up at the sky as they watched the smoke dance and meld into the air down to the stubs the put out under their shoes. Not a words spoken between them as their hearts seemed to pound in their ears for no good reason. Just ready to go back inside and distract themselves until worst.... Literally came to worst...

"Mads are you finis-" Running a hand through his dark curls eyes finding Maddox happily chewing still, oblivious to the hideous thing sharing his meal just beside him. Voice catching in his throat as be bristled. Oh god... Where rats even able to get that big-?

A weird sound fell out of his mouth that made Elias and Mads quirk a brow following his gaze before they both jumped as well. Holy hell it was horrid-

Elias made a move towards it, not very surprised that a monster like this was living in his dump, but more by the fact that it had the gall to show up in all its matted, mangy, glory.

The Daniel's not seemed panicked. Watching as it turned it's yellow eyes towards him in a hiss. Not sure why, but definitely not liking it.

"Ey, Blondie, I got it-" Elias said quietly before he had a freak out. Wondering suddenly if he was as petrified by these things like he was those pigeons outside.

But as the rat glared at him, his expression quickly changed. Sawyer saw it as he hugged the wall. Really not wanting to get near that thing, which was nothing like the mice he saw once in the library. He looked, offended almost... Before suddenly looking angry.

Before any of them could react, Maddox snatched him up. Holding him in his left hand as it made a horrid squeak/squeal. The blond furious until his eyes began to water.

"Ow!" It bit him, they could tell by the way he flung it down. Tears streaming down his furious face as he brought his leg up over the stunned rat. That crunch sound. Now coming from the floor under his boot.

They all stood there, frozen to their spots as Maddox cried into his arm. His foot rising again as he stomped down again, very hard, to the point that the floors vibrated a bit as be did.

"It bit me..." He choked out. Sawyer's stomach turning as he pointed to a spot on the floor he really didn't want to look at. Elias looking a bit nauseated as well as he looked at the place he knew he would have to clean up.

"U-uhm... It's alright. Sawyer, go fix him up." Elias mumbled for a moment as he looked back up to Maddox's pink face. Genuinely wondering how this kid managed to be.... So... Odd.

The Hewitt boy nodded. Rasing his hand for the blond to follow, leading him to the restroom like a little kid who fell.

Really trying to get that crunch noise out of his head.




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