lucky me

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legacy high au has my heart ❤️


Looking up at the clock, her blue eyes rolled as she felt another piece of paper hit the back of her head. Twenty more minutes. That was all she needed. Twenty more minutes, check up on the big rock head, then she could feel at ease the rest of the day. Another piece of paper. She looked over to where the teacher was writing on the board. Paying no mind to whatever her students were doing as she wrote another equation. Giving Robin enough time to turn around. Glare. And pick up the notes thrown at her.

/Hey! Birdy you look sadddd/

Her eyes spied the crudely drawn crying face near the bottom and scoffed folding it back up and placing it beside her, before opening the second.

/Birdy, don't ignore me, I have another present!/

Robin's brows furrowed as she finally turned around to look at who they came from. Her eyes spotting the smiling face of someone she should have expected way earlier. Her lips curled tiredly before rolling her eyes. Watching Rowan take the move like a fatal wound to his ego. Quietly laughing to herself as the teacher called their attention forward.

Class zipped by faster with her mind occupied, jumping at the bell as it rang loud and clear. Student's scrambling to make their ways to their next classes all around her as she fiddled with the notes again. Robin wasn't in the same rush. She had her music classes next, and they never minded her being a minute or two behind if she just looked sorry, it also helped just being her. Standing she grabbed her things, all she had to do was find out if her brother was okay, then continue on with the rest of her day like normal. Make sure he's okay, then go. Like normal, like normal.

She absently chewed at her lip as she remembered how he looked this morning. He usually never let her drive them there (He didn't trust she had enough practice was his usual excuse) but this time without a word he sat in the back seat, laying down as if he couldn't even manage to sit upright. He seemed sick. The way here she asked if she should just turn around, have a sick day together if he didn't feel too well, to not force anything and just do nothing for once so his head could rest after working himself like a dog all week. But he completely and utterly refused. The stubborn idiot he always was. He even bolted out the door the moment they got there. He was such a big baby. But he had her worried.

"-Robin? Robinnnn. Robin? You're getting really good at this ignoring me game. Or did I die and you just can't see me? Robin-"

She blinked back into reality. Looking at the mildly panicked face of Rowan as he stood beside her, hand waving over her face as he tried to get her attention. The band-aid over his chin catching her attention first as she reached over to touch it. Making him stop in his tracks.

"Nope... You're still there. I was just thinking." She pinched his nose. Grabbing her bag and tossing it over her shoulder. Already heading past behind him. "I don't have much time today, Ro. So-"

 "Hey hey hey, don't just pass me up I told you I had something for you." He followed right on her heels, "I promise this time it won't be a kiss. Not that you let it happen the first time." He grinned as he remembered the stinging slap. She had quite the pair of hands.

"Rowan please I need to go see my brother-"

"Okay okay here." He cut her off as his feet skittered in front of her, the movement so quick the girl thought he might just fall flat right in front of her. But the teen got his balance as he watched her bite back her grin with a cheeky one of his own.

"Look. I know you liked the strawberry ones, but I wanted to bring you something different." He's never seen someone so excited to try anything like this before meeting her, if he didn't know better, he'd probably say she's never had candy before.

Her eyes widened as he procured a pack of skittles from his pocket. One he swiped from someone's backpack earlier in the day. "I have a feeling these will be your new favorite."

"Rowan, I can't-" She pouted as she tried to hand them back, as much as she did want to try them, but he just pushed them back into her chest with a lopsided smile.

"Yours. Share with your brother, tell them they're from your future boyfriend." He winked. "I won't keep you waiting then-"

Before Robin could even try to refuse again, or get over what he had just said, he left her standing with her candy and pink cheeks. Brows furrowed before she realized what she was up too. Hurrying back down the crowded halls with her Skittles held tight.


He panted. Finding it hard to draw in breaths with how suffocatingly hot he felt. He clenched his eyes shut, trying to keep his vision from swimming as he tried to read what was on his page. But he just felt the pounding in his head grow all the more.

The teen was shaking in his seat. As if he was chilled to the bone as he tried to gather himself together. He never got sick. Octavian Dumoes Lumis never so much as had anything more than a cold when he was a kid. He took care of himself. More than most teens his age would. So now, it felt unbelievable that he had somehow gotten to this point.

He bolted up in his seat. Swaying lightly as he swallowed hard at the lump in his throat. Wordlessly did he stumble to the door. Ignoring the eyes that followed and the teacher's worried calls to him as he burst out. Eyes all on him as Henri swallowed hard from where he sat, hands drumming on the table as whispers on the boy's pale complexion before he so suddenly burst out flitted through the air. Worry rising up in his throat as he wondered what was going on. He wasn't even waiting the few minutes left of class to leave either. And he surely didn't look like his usual blunt and serious self-

"Henri- Go make sure he's alright."

His thoughts halted as the teacher made a worried wave towards the door. Naturally wanting to keep tabs on Octavian, as one would if they were to have something bad to to the schools biggest dollar sign on their watch. He felt a shiver crawl up his spine as he scrambled to follow orders. Pale hands frantically packing up his journals and papers as he stood not a second later.

Before the eyes that shifted to him lingered too long he slipped out the door, blond head flitting each way before he found his tall figure stumbling down the hall.

"O-Octavian! Slow down one second-" Henri took a few steps forward as he watched him continue down without a care. Biting his lip as he tried to keep up now.

"Octavian are you oka-" He nearly reached him to grab onto his shoulder, flinching as he came to a full stop. His heavy breathing reaching his ears as Henri felt his worry grow.

He slowly looked over his shoulder to where Henri stood, hair messy, and in places, stuck to his forehead that seemed to glimmer with sweat. His dark blue eyes seemed unsteady, as if barely able to recognize him at all as they looked through him.

"I'm okay..." He said quietly. His voice shaking in a way Henri never imagined it could sound before. Stunned for a moment completely by how he saw his... class partner look. Even in his head was he still reluctant to use the word friend. "Henri..." Octavian sighed, as if he found it hard to string his words together.

"L-Lets go to the nurse," The shorter teen tentatively reached out for him now as he watched him waver again on his feet. Hand gently on his shoulder as he felt him shiver under his touch. Pulling his hand back as he shrugged it off. At least he thought he had, until he realized how quickly he was sinking to the floor.

In a panic he dove forward, arms around his chest in trying to break his fall. Octavian collapsing as the bell rang.


"If you call her believe me, my brother isn't the only Lumis to bring down hell fire-" Robin had her hands shaking by her side, struggling so hard to not reach forward and do what Henri could only assume would be something violent to the man infront of her.

Their feet stopped infront of the door Octavian was laying down behind. The way Robin towered over the man infront of her even at the same height made the teen wonder how such intimidating aura's can be hereditary. He knew they where too busy to notice him, but that didn't stop him from jumping up as Robin began yelling again.

"I want to take him home! He's my brother and that wretch on our records has nothing to do with us anymore!" She pressed a finger into the tie of the man infront of her.

"-like I said before you're underage, you can't leave campus without guardian permissi-"

"HE IS MY GUARDIAN, and you won't let him give me my permission because he's 'unfit' at the moment! Let me-"

"I understand this is your brother but we can't let you both continue making up your own rules." He cut her off as she seethed. Letting out a sigh that seemed a bit more panicked than before. "I won't call the emergency contact. But if you want him to go somewhere. Get someone else to take him. A friend of his who's 18. Another relative. Someone who can release him. Even an ambulance if you like-"

She shook her head feverently as he put his head in his hands.

"You have ten minutes to figure it out before I send you back to class." He muttered as he left her standing in frustration. Robin looking like she's about to kick through the door infront of her before something else happened. Something Henri didn't expect as her face grew soft. Eyes begining to water.

"R-Robin-?" He was not good with crying. Even if he did it more than he liked to admit. And cutting her off from it seemed to be the right decision as she turned at the sudden sound. Barely recognizing who was by them this entire time.

"Henri?" Robin grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him much closer than he could say he liked as her wet eyes glittered. "Oh goodness you're the one who dragged him in weren't you? Thank you so much."

The short blond was wrapped into a hug before he could refuse. Stiff in the unfamiliar warmth as she seemed to not know when was uncomfortably long. "I told him to stay home today. But he's such a huge idiot he doesn't know when to pace himself."

"Robin I-I-" He tried to see how he can get out of her hold, but she cut him off as a gasp spilled from her mouth.

"Wait a second-" She finally let go of him. Eyes wide as she looked over his small form. He didn't seem much older. In fact she almost felt he was a bit more on the younger side. But he was in the same classes as her brother. Henri could see the dots connect in her head.

"Please take him home for me. I know you're 18. You can check yourself out!"

"But Robin I can't-"

"Please! I can pay you for the day, and personally explain to your teachers why you left. You can take our car too! Please please please. You're the only one who can do this right now." Her eyes flickered to the floor. Not wanting to say what was left on her tounge. They didn't really have anyone else left. "Please. Henri. You're the only friend I've ever heard of him having."

When someone begs like this it's almost difficult to find a way to get out of what you don't want to do. And Henri felt like Robin knew this as she looked at him with big blue puppy dog eyes that looked so much like his.

He didn't even hear himself say yes as Robin pulled him into another hug. The only thought running through his mind being a sarcastic and panicked:

lucky me....


alex writing things? where will it go-? :D

I think I already have a solid second part for this but it was a little fun thing I forgot to post for Xandra_Dee and me ❤️

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