2. An Old Face

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In Shadows

Chapter Two

An Old Face

Gina didn't know what to do.

She though she'd be able to handle this. She'd done it in Australia; transferring to a new school, adapting to the language and the way the school ran. She'd done it once, she was sure she'd be able to do it again without much fuss.

So, Gina had left her home on her own, her bag swung over her shoulder. She'd waved to her mother, her father having left early for work, and headed down to her new middle school, Teiko Middle, on her own.

Along the way, Gina had been a little nervous, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. It was natural to have a few butterflies in your stomach

It wasn't anything she couldn't handle. Gina had felt reasonably confident - well, as confident as her rather reserved self could be - as she rounded the turns that led her closer and closer to Teiko.

That was until she had seen the school.

The school was huge, and a few stories high. Gina had halted in her tracks as she approached it. Her eyes bulged. Her school in Australia had been nothing like this. In her old school, it had been reasonably small, and all the buildings were single storey. There were a few courts and an oval, and a room reserved for music and drama, but that was about all that had comprised her school.

Of course Teiko was massive in comparison. Gina supposed the largest building in the middle was the main school classrooms, and the other buildings were numerous gyms. Everything looked crisp and professional - a far cry from the warm brick structures used for the classrooms of her old school, and the outdoor courts.

Forget the people she didn't even know, the school itself was intimidating.

As Gina stood, frozen speechless, she overheard snippets of conversation as people passed, completely at ease with each other. She felt herself feel a little lost, and panicked. She tried to distract herself from the large school before her and focus on the conversation of the numerous people to pass her. She barely managed to grasp what their conversations were about.

That just proved how much more accustomed she still was to the English language. She might have spoken Japanese on occasion at her house in Australia, but that had been discouraged since at that time, English was their mostly used language. There had been a greater need for them to practice speaking English in comparison to her family's background language.

But now, Gina wished dearly that they had spoken Japanese more often, so she wouldn't feel as out of place as she did now.

Come on, Gina, get yourself together. You can't panic like this, she scolded herself.

Her resolve set, Gina breathed in deeply, repositioned her glasses a little further up her nose, then made her way inside the gates.

Her head down, Gina quickly made her way through the grounds as quickly as possible. She heard the second and third years calling out to new first year students, encouraging them to join their clubs. Gina veered away from that crowd, not bothering to look up as she turned.

However, that had been a mistake, as she felt herself collide with someone.

A soft, feminine voice gasped, followed by the sound of several heavy objects meeting the ground. Gina turned around and cried out to find she had bumped into a girl with pink hair, who had just dropped all the books that seconds ago had been in her hands.

"Ah, gomen!" Gina squeaked, a little frantic. Her nerves really were starting to get the best of her. She bent down and hastily proceeded to help the other girl collect her books.

"No worries." The pink-haired girl smiled kindly as she accepted the books Gina held out to her. The two stood up. The other girl frowned a little as she gazed upon the bespeckled girl before her. "You seem lost. Are you a new student?"

Gina nodded once - a small bob of her head. "Yes. I just - transferred here." She frowned at the way she had hesitated slightly, due to her need to think back and recall certain words in Japanese.

The other girl beamed, her eyes lighting up. "Well, welcome to Teiko, then! I'm Momoi Satsuki."

Momoi Satsuki's greeting had definitely been warm and welcoming. Gina smiled in response. "Gina Tsukino." Upon realising her mistake, Gina's eyes widened and she shook her head wildly. "No, gomen, it's Tsukino Gina."

Momoi's eyes furrowed a little bit. Gina felt a little bit like she was being studied. "Have you been speaking Japanese long?" Momoi inquired, tipping her head slightly to the side.

"No. I lived in Australia and spoke English for a number of years." Gina looked down. "I spoke some Japanese but I'm not perfectly fluent yet."

"This must be hard for you." Momoi sounded like she was genuinely sympathetic. "Have you got a timetable?"


"Can I see it?"

Gina looked at Momoi for a moment and then nodded once. She seemed kind and friendly enough. Gina handed her timetable to the pink haired girl, who quickly grasped it, smoothed out a crinkle in the paper, and looked it over.

A smile formed on the girl's face and she looked back up. "You're in the same class as me! Here, I'll help you around, okay?"

Gina flashed a shy, grateful smile at Momoi. "Thank you. I'd like that."

Momoi smiled kindly, and fell into step beside the black-haired girl.

Momoi was an invaluable guide, explaining everything there was to know about Teiko as she directed their way to class. She spoke a little slower than most other people engaging in conversation, and for this Gina was grateful. It gave her time to process the words in her head and understand what Momoi was saying.

They reached class just before the bell went. Upon their arrival, Momoi sent one more smile Gina's way before going to sit at her desk, beside a well-built, dark-haired boy, whom she seemed to be on good terms with. Gina shied a little away from the boy. He had rather strong, intimidating presence about him.

Getting up to introduce herself to the class was definitely a nerve-wracking experience, but Gina surprised herself in being able to speak without stumbling over her words. Her seat was far from Momoi's, unfortunately.

The rest of the school day was spent with Gina focusing as much as she could in classes, hoping to get a hang of the Japanese language once again. At lunch, she spent time with Momoi, and they just talked. Gina felt herself becoming more and more at ease with Momoi with each passing minute. Momoi was definitely a friendly, approachable person.

When the day ended, Gina walked out with Momoi, relieved that her first day at Teiko had ended. She looked forward to going home and losing herself in music, or perhaps a good book.

Before she could ask Momoi if she lived in the same direction as her house, the pink-haired girl stopped before the entrance to a gym. She turned, looking at Gina with apoogetic eyes. "I've got to go now, Gina-chan."

"Huh?" Gina blinked, and turned her head in a quick, sharp movement toward her friend. "How come?"

"I'm one of the managers for the boy's basketball team here. I need to go and help out."

"Oh. I see."

Gina looked down, a little deflated. Basketball. She bit her lip. It was the sport that her sport, netball, was based on. Someone had taken the rules of basketball and changed them to create netball, a similar yet entirely different sport.

It was just another reminder that she could no longer pursue the sport she had been so talented at. Gina felt at a bit of a loss now she couldn't pursue her favourite sport. She didn't know what she should try and pick up.

One thing was for sure - she didn't want anything to do with basketball.

"Do you want to come?" Momoi asked presently, dragging Gina from her thoughts. "I'm sure we can get another position as manager for you..."

She didn't even get to finish her sentence, for Gina shook her head wildly. "Oh no, that's fine. I have no interest in basketball.. Or any club, for that matter." Until I find something I'm comfortable with, at least.

"Is that so?" Momoi narrowed her eyes a little in concern, but the expression faded as quickly as ut had come. She smiled. "Alright then. You'll be fine without me, right?"

Gina nodded. "Yeah, I was going to go home straight away, anyway."

"I see. Well, in that case, I'll see you tomorrow Gina-chan!"

"See ya, Momoi!"

From day one, Something Gina and Momoi Satsuki had considered themselves close and treasured friends.

*          *          *

It had been months since Gina had last seen her friend. While they had been unseparable during middle school, they found themselves attending separate high schools. Gina attended Seirin due to distance, while Momoi ended up attending Touou Academy to follow her childhood friend, Aomine Daiki. 

During that time, Gina had dearly missed her friend. Saki was one of the greatest friends she could ask for, but she was still no Momoi. Talking on the phone only paled to seeing each other in real life.

So when Gina saw Momoi running for her, pink hair bouncing on her shoulders, she found herself scrambling to her feet in an instant and running for her friend, throwing her arms around her. The two laughed as they embraced.

"Where have you been?" Gina exclaimed as they separated. "I've hardly heard from you since we went to different schools!"

Momoi laughed, her face lit up with a bright smile. "I could ask the same of you."

"Ah, true. Well, I've been at school, mostly... and at home." Gina flushed lightly. "I'm not really into clubs."

"I know. You were like that in middle school as well. Seems like a long time ago, doesn't it Gina-chan?"

"It does. Goodness, Momoi, I missed you so much." Gina hugged her friend once again.

A small bark came from behind them. Gina yelped at the sudden noise, jumping back away from Momoi and whipping around. She placed a hand over her heart when she remembered the little dog back there. She smiled fondly at the dog, but it started to wander off. Gina's eyes followed his path, which proceeded to widen when the dog came to a stop at someone's feet.

There's someone else here? When did they arrive? Why didn't I hear him?

The figure crouched down to pet the dog. Gina gasped, recognising the shock of blue hair. "Kuroko-kun?" she spluttered, a little more louder than usual, staring at the figure who was only slightly taller than she was, yet still so easy to miss.

How long has he been there? And why didn't I notice him before? He must have come in with Momoi.

Oh. Gina felt her face split up into a wide grin. He came in with Momoi? Gina chuckled inwardly, recalling Momoi's not-so-secret crush on Kuroko Tetsuya.

Kuroko appeared unfazed as her sudden exclamation. Gina guessed that people jumping in surprise at his appearance wasn't an uncommon event. "Hello," he greeted.

She shook her head in amazement. "Jeez, I didn't notice you!"

"That happens a lot," Momoi noted. She giggled, and look up at Gina with bright eyes. "Like the time you first met him, remember?"

Gina thought back for a moment and chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "Ah, yes. At least no one laughed."

*          *          *

With a small sigh, Gina kicked at the ground beneath her. A small speck of dust rose in the air, slowly dispersing so she couldn't see the small cloud anymore. Gina checked the time on her watch. Momoi should be nearly finished at the club soon.

She had been waiting for a friend for about five minutes. She had stayed behind after school to use the library in order to revise for upcoming exams. When she'd finished, she had realised it was close to the time where Momoi would be finished with the basketball club, and decided to wait for her friend.

"Oh, Gina-chan! What are you doing here?"

The familiar voice made Gina look up, a smile on her face. Momoi dashed down the steps from the gym toward her, waving her hand. Gina raised her hand and waved back to her friend, but her hand froze in mid-air. Slowly, it dropped back to her side, and her smile slowly faded away, being replaced with widened eyes as she caught the people who stood behind her.

"I was... waiting for you, Momoi..." she said weakly, but her focus wasn't on her friend any more. It was on the four people who were coming out of the gym behind her. They were all taller than she was (particuarly the one with the purple hair), so much so that Gina felt like an ant, and collectively had a very intimidating presence. 

Are these the members Generation of Miracles that Momoi was telling me about? Gina suddenly felt very nervous.

Momoi had told her some time ago about the Generation of Miracles, as they'd been dubbed. This team was currently the strongest out of any middle school basketball team, and this had become undeniable. The five starters were all incredibly strong basketball players, stronger than any of the opponents they had encountered. The games they played in resulted in crushing results for the other team, and they won by very large margins. Each member had their own individual skill that set them apart from any other basketball player in the country.

Momoi started. "Oh, I forgot, introductions." She gestured to the four boys. "Gina-chan, this is Aomine Daiki, Kise Ryouta, Midorima Shintaro, and Murasakibura Atashi. They're members of the basketball team."

Gina had taken a few notes on the names as Momoi pointed them out. Aomine Daiki; dark hair, and didn't look like the sort of person you'd want to cross. Kise Ryouta - she already knew his name, since she'd seen his face in the magazines for which he modelled. His smile even more charismatic in person. Midorima Shintaro; green hair, glasses, and for some strange reason carrying a thick dictionary. And Murasakibura Atashi; the tallest out of anyone there by a long shot, he had purple hair, and was munching on a bag of sweets.

Gina bowed quickly. "H-hi!" she squeaked, feeling unsure of how to act around such an intimidating group of people. She found if strange, considering the number of strong teams she'd come across while playing netball.

Maybe her sudden attack of nerves came from the overlwhelmjnf presence and strength these four omitted, or maybe it was because they were more built than any other netballer she'd come across. Whatever it was, it made Gina's legs shake in he boots.

One thing was for sure: all she wanted to do was leave.

Deciding to wait for her friend at the gate, Gina walked back a few paces. "Ah, I'm sorry Momoi! I forgot - I need to get home now!" Gina turned around, and started making her way back. "I'll see you later - ah!"

She felt herself collide with a small figure. She cried out, and heard a surprised exclamation from the other person as they both collapsed to the floor. GIna braced herself with her hands, and winced she she felt the rough surface of the ground graze the palms of her hands.

She looked across at the person she had run into - a rather smal figure, with blue hair. She couldn't make out much else of his appearance at the present moment. However, she could tell that he wasn't much taller than she was. That was saying something; Gina wasn't exactly the tallest person around.

"Ah, gomen!" she fretted, looking across at the blue-haired boy. Her face was pulled back into an expression of distress, and her cheeks were also crimson as she folded her skirt down.

One thing she didn't like about these uniforms: the skirts. She missed being able to wear trousers or skorts, like she had back at her old school. And even if she wore the dress, then at least the skirt reached her knees.

The boy she'd run into only smiled in her direction. Miraculously, he didn't looked annoyed at all. "Don't worry," he said, in a rather calm manner.

Gina felt herself relax at his voice. He really isn't annoyed, is he? The crimson blush slowly faded from her cheeks.

"Tetsu-kun! Gina-chan!" Gina whipped her head in Momoi's direction as her friend ran toward them.

Tetsu-kun? Gina looked across at the blue-haired boy beside her. Is this the person Momoi mentions often, the boy she really likes?

"Are you okay?" Momoi asked the both of them, offering her hand.

"Fine, Momoi-san." The boy took Momoi's hand and allowed her to help him off the ground.

Gina smiled at her friend. "I'm fine." She suddenly became aware of a hand being extended in her direction. Gina looked up, and her cheeks once more heated up as she saw the blonde-haired Kise Ryouta offering his help. "Ah, thank you Kise-kun!" she squeaked, and was helped off the ground.

As soon as she was standing on two feet once more, Gina dusted herself off quickly. Her cheeks were still warm, and she found herself struggling to meet the eyes of the four gathered around her.

What a way to make a first impression!

"Oh, one more introduction." Momoi gestured in the blue-haired boy she'd knocked into. "Gina-chan, Kuroko Tetsuya. He's also a member of the basketball club's first string."

Gina's eyes widened. "Really?" Compared to the others, his presence is underwhelming. He looks like someone I could get along easily with. Does he even participate in matches?

She found the answer later - that Kuroko Tetsuya did indeed participate in matches, and was good enough to be known as the Phantom Sixth Man of the Generation of Miracles.

*          *          *

"Ah yeah." Gina chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck. Even today, she still flushed as she remembered that one instance. She looked up at the blue-haired boy before her with a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry about that, Kuroko-kun."

"Don't worry. It was a long time ago."

GIna smiled at him, and then flicked her gaze between the two. "So, what are the two of you doing here?"

Kuroko bounced the ball once. "I was going to show Momoi-san my new technique."

Gina nodded. "Oh, I see. I probably shouldn't stand in the way then." She made her way to the sidelines, her own ball tucked under the crook of her arm. She knew now might be a good time to leave, but she couldn't help but be curious of what Kuroko might be about to show Momoi.

Kuroko held the ball in his hands. "I haven't perfected it yet, but you can use this to make up with Aomine."

Aomine? Momoi was in a fight with Aomine? Gina's eyebrows furrowed, curious, but didn't question the subject. She knew Aomine and Momoi were childhood friends and that Momoi was rather worried about him, which was why she had gone to Touou Academy instead of following Kuroko to Seirin. It was unusual for the two of them to get into fights.

"What?" Momoi blinked, looking at Kuroko uncertainly. "But -"

Gina guessed the rest of the sentence. Isn't it wise, since she'll tell Aomine about it? Gina knew that Momoi's position as manager at Teiko had mostly revolved around her collecting data of players from other teams. It was a task she was very skilled at. Momoi could collect all past and present data of the players she was researching and use them to predict her opponent's next move, and his future ones. She was highly intelligent.

"It's fine," Kuroko interrupted. "I mean to use it, and I won't be able to hide it from him until the next time we play. Could you take a defensive stance?"

"Huh? O-okay -" Momoi did as Kuroko requested, lowering her centre of gravity and positioning her arms in front of her.

There was a small pause. Gina found herself leaning forward, intrigued as to what would happen next. Kuroko bounced the ball, and began to dribble forward toward Momoi. From Gina's position, when he passed her, it looked like an ordinary dribble.

But that didn't explain why Momoi's eyes suddenly widened, and her mouth fell open. She was stunned, frozen to the spot. Her eyes darted in all directions. 

Something Kuroko had just done had obviously startled her. 

"Momoi?" Gina called, approaching her friend. She looked at Momoi with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Tetsu-kun just..." Momoi shook her head, apparently lost for words.

Gina looked across at Kuroko. She felt her own eyes widen a fraction. Curiousity began to spike within her. What had Kuroko Tetsuya done that made her friend become speechless? From Gina's perspective, it had looked like an ordinary drive past Momoi. So what had made it so special?

She found herself itching to know.

Gina cleared her throat. "Could... I see how it is?" She asked in a quiet voice, looking across at Kuroko out of the corner of her eye when she spoke.

If Kuroko found this request strange, he didn't show it. He just nodded in her direction. "I don't see a problem with it."

Feeling a little apprehensive, Gina walked on to the court, and Momoi slipped back to watch from the sidelines. She watched Kuroko pick up the ball and take his place before her. Gina didn't know what to expect. She knew Kuroko was known as the Phantom Sixth Man of the Generation of Miracles, but had never seen him in action.

This was going to be a first for her.

Gina took a stance similar to Momoi's, watching Kuroko intently. He bounced the ball in place, getting ready to dribble. She nodded toward him once - she was ready.

Kuroko nodded back. He changed his body position slightly so he was facing her and boucned the ball, beginning to dribble. He came forward at her...

And then, vanished.

And not vanishing as though he passed her... he vanished from her sight all together, like time had skipped forward. He had been in front of her just a second ago. She hadn't even seen the movement that had caused him to pass her! 

Gina gasped, and flicked her eyes wildly around, searching for him.

"What... just happened..." she breathed, staring at Kuroko with wide eyes. She couldn't believe what she had just witness. She knew Kuroko used misdirection to divert attention from himself, since Momoi had mentioned it, but this was something else.

Was it even possible to vanish from sight while dribbling the ball?

"Vanishing drive," Momoi softly explainied, coming to stand beside Gina as though understanding her confusion. "If he manages to perfect this...

"It'll really become an unstoppable drive."


before anyone points it out, no, I have not forgotten akashi. he's the captain and honestly, quite a difficult character to overlook! but don't worry, he will be featuring in time - you can't attend teiko without having at least heard of akashi seijuro!

sorry for how rushed this chapter was - i've been busy all weekend with homework and revision and on top of that i was sick, so i didn't get around to writing. but i'm mostly free today so i quickly got this chapter out, hopefully it's stil to your liking xD

things start picking up a little next chapter! this one should be up on time, though, since i only have about seven days of school left, so homework levels should definitely drop after friday xD

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