28. Believe in You

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In Shadows
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Believe in You

There were screams and cheers from everyone, as the team pounced on Kuroko, their yells and cries mixed together as they congratulated him on stopping Murasakibara and ensuring the team's victory. Within seconds Gina was among them, pushing through the crowd of players and found Kuroko, proceeding to throw her arms around him. "Semifinals!" she crowed. "You did it, Kuroko!"

Kuroko laughed. He was smiling, a brighter smile than Gina had ever seen him wear before. Gina grinned and quickly pressed her lips to his before the umpire called for the players to line up on court, and she retreated back to the bench.

The formal proceedings finished, and the participating players spoke their own congratulations to each other. Gina thought she heard Murasakibara claim that he'd quit basketball, but rolled her eyes. She knew that he'd really never do such a thing.

But what struck her most was Himuro and Kagami, face to face, and agreeing that they would no longer call each other brothers. The sight dampened her bright spirits and she cursed under her breath. Boys are idiots, she thought, beginning to understand where Momoi had been coming from.

"Good work, guys," Riko called when the team returned to the bench and gathered their things. "We can celebrate later. The next teams are waiting."

"Whoever wins that game will be our opponent tomorrow," Hyuga called. "Let's head upstairs. The semifinals are next!"

And after that, the finals. Gina grinned. One game at a time, they were getting closer to the final match - and becoming the best in Japan.

As they walked off court, they passed the next team, dressed in white and blue. The tall, blond figure of Kise Ryouta walked past them as he joined his team on court.

"I'll be waiting for you at the semifinals," Kuroko said.

Kise grinned. "'Course!"

Of course we'll see him. He won't lose to anyone. Gina grinned and followed the team.

Before they reached the lockers, Riko was asked aside for a quick question. After giving them orders to head to the lockers and wait for them, Riko joined the person who had pulled her aside. Gina noted the band on the side of their arm; press.

"I wonder what they want Riko for?" she mused.

Kagami shrugged. "Beats me."

When Riko returned, they'd been making all sorts of speculations.W hat she informed them that they'd be doing something not one of them had considered: an interview.

"An interview?" Hyuga repeated.

"Yeah, Basketball Monthly," Riko confirmed. Gina's eyes widened. Basketall Monthly? They only made reports on the strongest schools. "Meaning they have an eye on us too."

The magnitude of the event hit everyone; there were murmurs and widened eyes throughout the room.

"I wonder what they'll ask?" Kagami wondered.

Riko shrugged. "How the game felt... Ambitions from here... Stuff like that?"

Pretty standard questions. Gina licked her lips. She wondered that, as the team's manager, she'd be expected to answer questions too, or if she'd be looked over as not important enough.

"Seriously" Hyuga muttered. He'd turned a little paler. "I'm getting nervous."

Even if he wanted to get away, he won't be able to as the captain.

"You're no good at that stuff," Izuki commented dryly.

"Don't brace for it," Kiyoshi said. "Just act natural."

Riko nodded. "Right, relaxed is the best way."

Hyuga took in a deep breath. "You're right," he muttered. Putting on his captain's face he stood up and called, "All right, all you guys, let's relax!"

But no one relaxed. From the moment they met their interviewers and were arranged into position for photos, everyone was so uptight that Gina was surprised if anyone managed even a small smile.

As one of the 'officials' she was dragged into the photo, seated on the end of the bench beside Kiyoshi. Kuroko stood behind her. Gina had looked back before the photo took place and sent him a nervous smile. Out of everyone, Kuroko seemed to be the calmest. Then again, he probably had to deal with the press all the time when he played at Teiko. He was probably used to it.

We never received attention like this when I played netball.

Questions were asked, about past games and player's personal bests. Gina had a few questions directed her way, mostly about how she thought the team had progressed and what she thought of Kaijou. She answered to the best of her ability, and was relieved when they moved on from her quickly to focus on the other players, who had more interesting replies than she did.

When the interview was over, Gina breathed out in relief. "Thank goodness," she muttered, standing up. "That was the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever endured."

Behind her, she could hear Izuki complain about not being able to use one of his puns, and Hyuga yelling at him to shut up.

"You did well," Kuroko said.

"I didn't need to answer many questions, though," Gina said with a shrug. "I'm not very interesting when compared to you, Kagami, or anyone else on the team." She snorted. "The expressions on their faces when Koganei-senpai had to translate for Mitobe-senpai were priceless."

Kuroko too laughed a little at the reminder. "But they almost forgot about me."

Gina shook her head. "I couldn't believe that. They'd just taken your photo, too."

Kuroko smiled. A second later he paused, and slowed down his pace. Wondering what had caused that reaction, Gina looked behind her.

She saw what it was: Himuro was leaving the building, his head bowed. Gina flinched, recalling how he and Kagami had talked when the match finished and they called off their relationship as brothers. Even though he'd agreed, she knew that Kagami hadn't wanted it to end.

"You heard what they said after the match," Gina said with a heavy sigh. "Do you think they regret it? I know Kagami definitely does."

Kuroko nodded. "Himuro-san as well."

"What idiots," Gina muttered, rubbing her forehead. "Someone needs to knock some sense into them."

Kagami was just ahead, lingering behind the rest of the team. Gina and Kuroko exchanged a look and nodded. It would be better to face the problem now rather than later.

"Kagami, hold up a minute," Gina called. She placed her hands on her hips.

Kagami turned, to see both Kuroko and Gina staring at him. "What?"

"I'm really mad right now," Kuroko said. His face was expressionless, but they could all tell that he really was mad.

Kagami started. "What? Why?" he yelled. "We just won the game!"

"The problem is what happened after that." Kuroko frowned. "Are you happy with what happened with Himuro-san?"

Kagami stiffened. "I can't help that," he muttered, turning his gaze away, though Gina caught the flash of hurt and sadness in his eyes. "Win or lose, we're not brothers anymore. That's the promise we made."

Gina rolled her eyes, resisting the urge to hit him - it probably wouldn't do much but make him more upset, instead of knocking sense into him like she wished she could. "Are you two stupid?" she grumbled. "Kuroko, show him."

Kuroko nodded and reached into his pocket. When he withdrew it, he was holding Kagami's ring out in his palm.

Kagami stared at it, almost like he'd seen a ghost. "I told you to throw that out!"

"I couldn't. If anything, it sounded to me like you were asking me not to," Kuroko said. His expression was serious. "I won't deny how you felt then. However, it is really so difficult to continue being brothers and rivals? I'm sure Himuro-san has all sorts of feelings too. But deep in his heart, he understands.

"He just walked outside, in case you were wondering," Gina said with a shrug. "Now go and sort this out properly, or I'll do both your heads in."

Kagami stared blankly at the ring for a few moments longer. Then snatched it up and yelled, "Thanks, Kuroko, Gina!" as he ran after Himuro.

Gina watched him go, a wry smile on her lips. "Do you think he'll manage to do it without screwing up?"

"I think so. Even Kagami-kun's not that stupid."

"True," she laughed. Hoping that everything would be resolved between the two, Gina and Kuroko followed their teammates to the stands, to watch Kaijou's next match.

*          *           *

The team managed to find seats together and watched the proceeding warm ups. Saki had sent Gina a text - she had wanted to stay and meet up, but her parents wanted her to return home and help close up the shop and clean up, and to tell everyone else congratulations on her behalf and to look out for her when they played in the semifinals. Gina quickly sent back a text assuring her friend that it was okay, and that they would all be looking forward to seeing her the next day.

Kaijou was against a team in red - Fukuda Sogo. Gina frowned when she didn't spot Kise warming up, and wondered where he could possibly be.

With barely a minute to spare, Kise came running on to join his team. Almost at the same time Kagami reappeared at the top of the stands; they could see him searching for Seirin.

"Hey, Kagami! Over here!" Koganei called. Kagami spotted them and hurried over, taking his seat beside Gina.

"Welcome back," Kuroko said, leaning over Gina to look at their red-haired ace. "How did it go?"

Gina bit her lip when she saw the expression on Kagami's face. His eyebrows were pulled together, and a frown was on his lips. Something hard was in his eyes. Oh please, he and Himuro can't have fought even more! Unless something else happened?

"Kuroko... you know of a guy named Haizaki?" Kagami asked, after a pause.

Kuroko froze as though he'd been shocked. "How do you know that name?" he demanded, wide eyed.

Kagami's expression darkened. "I just met him."

Gina had been stunned by the expression on Kuroko's face. Kuroko was generally good natured, but for a moment Kuroko's eyes narrowed. Who is this guy, if he made Kuroko react like that?

She asked Kuroko about it, which drew the attention of everyone else as well. Kuroko informed them about Haizaki, who was a past teammate at Teiko, and was replaced by Kise when the blond joined the club. Apparently Akashi had ordered him to quit the club after Kise arrived, partly because of his violent behaviour and partly because Akashi saw more potential in Kise.  

"He was a selfish guy and simply uncontrollable," Kuroko finished grimly. "But even so, its a fact he was a starter on the main team. There's no doubt he's a powerful player."

Wonderful. Gina looked back to the court, where the teams were getting ready. Kise was there, facing another boy with dark hair, a stony expression on his face, who was undoubtedly Haizaki. Show him, Kise.

And show him Kise did. Though, for the first three quarters, Gina had been scared that Kaijou would lose. It wasn't as though they were playing bad. It was Haizaki. He was like Kise, able to copy any move, but Kuroko explained that Haizaki changed the rhythm of that move to suit him. That move couldn't be used by that individual again, after seeing their original rhythm disrupted. Kaijou's offence only continued to weaken as the match went on and more and more of their moves were taken. It was affecting Kise, too, who looked like he was losing his battle against Haizaki.

Then Riko pointed out that Kise was probably suffering from an injury - in the quarterfinals of the Inter-High, Kaijou and Touou had played against each other. Aomine had sustained injuries from the fierce showdown, but Kise had probably walked away with injuries, too. His foot, Riko had deduced.

With five minutes to go and Kaijou trailing and Kise looking like he had no spirit left, Gina thought Kaijou would inevitably lose. But then Kuroko was standing and shouted, being the miracle Kaijou and Kise needed just like he was so often the miracle when Seirin needed him most.

His words must have sparked something in Kise, or at least given the blond new hope, for he played with new vigor than before.

And not only did he play with more vigor; he was copying the moves of the Generation of Miracles.

Midorima's high-projectile, long-distance three-pointer, which was unable to miss. Aomine's change of pace and formless shots. Murasakibara's block that allowed no person to score. He copied them all, overcoming his long term block of being unable to copy the moves of the Generation of Miracles.

And their moves were the only things Haizaki couldn't pillage.

In the five minutes remaining, he used them all. And in that five minutes, he brought Kaijou to victory. The stadium erupted into cheers and Kise was surrounded by his teammates, all congratulating him on being able to secure their win. 

Gina watched the celebrations with a smile on her face. And when Kise turned to face Seirin, there was a grin on his face; a promise to play them tomorrow, a promise made been the two teams since their practice match together before the Inter-High, according to Kuroko.

Kise would be their opponent in the next match. Gina found herself excited at the prospect, but also a little nervous, too.

When they played him, he would be more dangerous than ever.

*          *          *

They'd said goodbye to everyone, and now Gina and Kuroko were approaching their houses. They walked close together, shoulders brushing against each other as they discussed parts of the match, and the game against Kise the next day.

Gina shivered as they walked. "Is it possible for the nights to get any colder than they already are?" she breathed. She hugged her arms around her chest, squeezing them close to try and keep some of the heat in.

Kuroko looked at her, concerned. "I wish I had a spare jumper to give you."

"Don't worry. We only have to walk for another five minutes or so. I'll survive." Gina grinned at him, which wavered when another shiver passed through her body. Damn school uniform! Could they have made it just a little bit warmer, perhaps?

Kuroko frowned, worried. He moved closer and wrapped an arm around her waist. Gina leaned into him, trying to fight off some of the cold. "Thanks, Kuroko," she breathed. She wanted to kiss him, but were sure her lips would be ice cold.

They walked like that in comfortable silence for a while. Gina decided that tomorrow, she was bringing a scarf and gloves with her. It might not protect her fully from the cold, but anything helped.

"Two more days left of the Winter Cup," Gina breathed after a while. The thought stumped her. Ever since she met Seirin, they'd been preparing for the Winter Cup. Now it was coming to a close, with only the semifinals and finals to go. They'd done so much preparation, and the tournament would be finished so quickly. She chuckled. "We might finally be able to have some quiet time together when it's all finished." Between school in the morning and games in the afternoon, hardly anyone in the team had time to anything else other than prepare. 

"I hope so," Kuroko agreed. 

"We'll have to celebrate Seirin's victory," Gina mused. They were approaching the street where they'd have to separate. Her heart lurched; she didn't want to part from Kuroko just yet. They hardly got to have time together like this. 

"We haven't won yet," he said. 

She laughed. "But I know you're going to win."

They reached the end of the street. With a heavy heart they came to a stop.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," she breathed, her breath forming fog in Kuroko's face.

"Of course," he agreed. Gina tilted her face up and accepted a kiss, then hugged him quickly before they parted ways.

cheesy ending i knoooow ahhhhhh

the interview, i had to at least mention it... xD

the next match is probably my favourite in the whole series, then again, kaijou and seirin are my two favourite teams (with rakuzan close behind!) though i'm going to try and be brief when it comes to writing that ep, probably focus more on the ending and beginning because kise's perfect copy. i mean. it's pretty damn amazing.

i'm going on holiday with my family for a few days tomorrow so i won't be updating until i get back, which is monday! i'll be be writing, though, so i can post some things when i get back! 

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