35. Birthday Surprises

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In Shadows
Chapter Thirty-Five
Birthday Surprises

When Kuroko's birthday finally arrived, Gina was ready. She and Momoi had everything planned out to the last minute - from when they'd arrive, when Saki should arrive with the food; everything they could think of, they'd planned. 

Gina had wanted to race straight to Kuroko's and hug him and wish him a happy birthday before pressing his present into his hands. But she made herself wait so he had time to wake up and spend with his family.

After sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast while absently flipping through a book and tapping her foot against the ground, the time to leave finally arrived. Gina called a hasty goodbye to her parents and ran out the door.

She didn't stop running until she reached Kuroko's. She rapped on the door and, when it opened, Kuroko was standing there.

"Happy birthday, Kuroko!" Gina yelled, jumping into a hug. Kuroko held her back and they stayed there in the threshold for a moment, just holding on to each other and basking in the other's presence.

When they separated, Gina handed her present over. "I hope you like it," she said, biting on her lip as he opened it. 

The paper fell apart, revealing a book Kuroko had mentioned that he'd wanted to read. Gina told him to open the cover and he did, his eyes widening when he saw the scribble in the corner.

The author of the book had been in Tokyo recently to do a book signing, and Gina had decided to buy his book for Kuroko's birthday, and had gotten it signed as well. 

"Gina..." Kuroko trailed off and looked up at her, momentarily rendered speechless. He stepped closer to her and kissed her; Gina sank into it, closing her eyes. "Thank you," he breathed, when they parted.

"Oh, it's no problem," she said, turning her head away. "I was just lucky he happened to come to Tokyo recently..."

They stood in silence for a while, though Kuroko was watching her flush with a fond smile. Hoping to move on from the moment, Gina checked the time on her watch and gasped. "It's time to go! Come on, Kuroko, Satsuki and I have planned everything!" With that she grabbed Kuroko's hand and dragged him away.

The basketball courts weren't too far away, so they arrived there just in time, having walked the entire way at a leisurely pace hand-in-hand. Gina beamed when she pulled Kuroko on to the court and everyone was already there, grinning when they spotted Kuroko.

"Happy birthday Kuroko/Kuro-chin/Tetsu/Kurokocchi/Tetsu-kun!" 

Kuroko didn't say anything, but the bright, wide smile on his face spoke so much more than words. 

They all gathered and talked for about five minutes, giving Kuroko the usual birthday wishes, but before long they were dividing themselves into teams to start playing already. Momoi would keep an eye over the game to ensure fair play, but Gina didn't think they'd have to worry. It was Kuroko's birthday, after all. 

As everyone played, Gina moved closer to Momoi and bit down on her lip. "Akane's not here..." she muttered, watching as Aomine performed a rather spectacular drunk.

Momoi sighed, seeming to deflate as her breath escaped in one large puff of air. "I guess it's a bit much to expect her to come... especially since her meeting with Akashi-kun didn't go to well..."

Gina blinked. "Really?" Even though the two hadn't properly spoken in a while, she thought that they would've been able to easily fall back into their old friendship once they talked a few things over.

Momoi nodded. Her gaze turned downward. "Akane-chan said she got really emotional and things went downhill for her... But I thought she would've come for Tetsu-kun. She probably relied on him most in third year, they really supported each other."

"I see..." Gina frowned and returned to the game, trying to focus on that rather than dwell on Akane and Akashi's relationship. This was Kuroko's birthday, 

The more she watched everyone play, the more Gina found herself wishing that she could join in. This match was unlike any she'd seen the Generation of Miracles play before, friendly, with teasing comments being passed down the court and smiles on everyone's faces. Aomine and Kise were in the middle of a heated competition, but they still looked like they were enjoying themselves. Kuroko was passing around the court and looked just as happy as he did with Seirin, and that was enough to put a smile on Gina's face well.

A small part of her was itching to get out there and play a sport once again, even if she'd never truly played basketball before.  

Kuroko must have noticed that she was on edge - how, Gina didn't know, especially since he had been on court and therefore mostly focused on the game - and approached her."Do you want to play, Gina?"

Gina laughed, and shook her head. "I probably won't be much good... basketball's so different from netball. I'll catch the ball and not move, I will be afraid of contacting, and I'll be three feet to defend... I can see it now." Old habits die hard, I'm afraid.

"Then why don't we play netball?"

Gina blinked. Hang on... did he really just suggest...

When she did confirm that yes, Kuroko had just mentioned netball, and yes, he had suggested they play her old sport, her jaw fell to the floor. "What?" she squeaked. "But no one else has even heard of netball before, let alone would want to play it!"

"You can explain everything

Gina's mouth fell open, but she couldn't form words. She couldn't get them past her choked-up throat. She could only stare at Kuroko, shaking her head in disbelief.

"But it's your birthday, Kuroko!" she eventually spluttered. "Don't do things just to suit me!"

He took her hand. "I'd like to learn the sport you enjoy."

Gina frowned and stared directly at Kuroko, waiting for that little telltale sign that told her that really, Kuroko didn't want to do this for himself, but was only thinking of her.

But he looked so earnest, so sincere, that Gina was struggling to convince herself he was lying. It was like he really wanted to get to know the sport she loved.

Gina sighed. "Okay," she relented. "But I'll warn you now, I'm now sure everyone else will enjoy it!"

Kuroko called the break and explained the new plan. Since it was Kuroko's birthday no one questioned it, though Gina thought she caught s few grumbles - most likely from Aomine.

Gina quickly rattled off the rules. Certain rules, such as the three feet to defend, didn't seem to fit well with the basketballers, who were used to being able to defend from any distance. She had to set up the court so it somewhat resembled a netball court, with lines being marked by people's jackets.

After she finished with the rules and setting up the court she explained positions to everyone. They wouldn't have enough players for a full court game, so they settled for half court.

Gina took the Goal Attack position, which had been the position she was so used to playing back in Australia. Naturally, Midorima went for Goal Shooter and Murasakibara, who claimed he couldn't be bothered running, took Goal Keeper. Gina was a little less thrilled when Aomine became her opponent, but her spirits rose again when Kuroko joined her side. Kise and Akashi went to the opposing team.

Gina groaned and rubbed her forehead when she noticed that Akashi had no opponent. "We need one more player..." With an apologetic sigh she turned to Momoi. "Satsuki, you'll have to play. I'll try and umpire as best I can from where I am..."

"Um, hello?" a new voice called.

Everyone turned around at the voice, so familiar but one that hadn't been heard in a long time. There was a general outcry of her name as Hirai Akane slowly walked closer to their assembled group.

The brunette smiled nervously, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes raked out the court until she spotted Kuroko, whom she tried to smile brighter at. "Happy birthday, Kuroko. Sorry to arrive so late... I wasn't sure how you'd all feel about seeing me after so long." At this, her eyes flicked instantly to Akashi, and Gina realised she was talking purely to him. She recalled what Momoi said about the last meeting between the two not having gone well. She bit her lip, hoping that there'd be no animosity to mar the atmosphere.

But Akashi didn't look even the slightest tense. "Akane, don't be ridiculous. Of course you're welcome."

Akane's lips slowly turned upward, and she approached them with more confidence than before. Gina looked back at the others, and noticed that they all appeared pleased with Akane's return. She wondered if they'd missed her much since Teiko.

"Hey, Akane-chan, perfect timing!" Momoi chirped. "We were about to play a game of netball, and we need an extra player!"

Akane's face went blank at the word. "What's that?"

"Gina-chan will explain. Now join us!"

Akane wavered only for a moment before she nodded. "Sure." Her eyes were lighting up, and Gina smiled. She could only imagine how Akane must feel, to be among her friends again after a year of separation.

Gina quickly explained the rules to her. When she reached positions she paused, realising their predicament. "You'll have to play centre... Against Akashi. That shouldn't be a problem, right?"

She thought that Akane might be a bit hesitant, but the brunette looked back at her childhood friend with a soft smile. "No. It shouldn't." She ran over and stood in front of him. Gina saw her like move. She couldn't hear what Akane said, but Akashi smirked, like he was agreeing to a challenge.

The game started, and from the get go, Gina was about ready to crack up. From the beginning it was obvious everyone was more suited to basketball, moving to dribble the ball before they remembered they couldn't do that, and generally struggling to adapt to the rules. Gina didn't know how she was able to run around, leap in the air and catch the ball, her body remembering all the old movements when really, she was so close to laughing the entire time. It was a struggle against Aomine, but one she revelled in, remembering how she'd love the challenge back in Australia. 

By the end, Gina was in stitches, and collapsed to the floor holding her sides. "That was the best netball match I've ever played!" she choked out. Her stomach was aching and she wasn't sure how she was still breathing, but she couldn't stop.

"Says you," Aomine grumbled. Gina smothered a giggle with her hand. 

Kuroko sat beside her and smiled. "That was fun."

"It was hilarious," Gina corrected through her laughter. What I would do for Amber and the rest have to seen that!

It took another five minutes for Gina to calm down completely, though she snorted on occasion. Everyone took a break for a few minutes before Kise leapt to his feet and exclaimed eagerly, "Oi, let's play again! Basketball!"

"Akane, would you like to play?" Kuroko asked. Gina noticed that a look of longing had crossed Akane's face when basketball had been mentioned, and made a move as though to get up before deciding against it.

But at Kuroko's offer she left go her feet. "Sure," she agreed eagerly. She looked at the others, and her smile faltered. "If I join, we won't have even teams..."

"Gina!" Aomine called. "Join us!"

Gina raised her hands. "I'll weigh down my team," she protested.

"Nonsense," Kise said breezily, swinging an arm around her shoulders. "This is just for fun, Ginacchi!"

Gina hesitated, but upon seeing the earnest expression on Kuroko's face she relented. "Okay. I'll play."

They quickly divided themselves into teams; Akane and Akashi were quickly paired together by Momoi, who had a mischievous smile on her face. Murasakibara and Midorima joined them, leaving Kuroko, Gina, Kise and Aomine on the other team.

As she'd predicted, Gina didn't handle the ball much. Aomine, Kise and Kuroko handled that, though sometimes she'd receive a pass and attempted a play. More often than not she'd pass within seconds of holding the ball but she didn't care - she was having fun, and so were the others.

Gina was startled by how good Akane was. She wasn't on the same level as the others, that was for sure, but she was quick and nimble and agile. She was laughing too, a bright smile on her face; Gina thought they'd be seeing that expression more often now.

They played for what felt like hours, and only stopped playing when a bright voice called, "Hey, everyone! I bring food!"

"Saki!" Gina called, spotting Saki make her way toward them carrying a a huge tray of food. She quickly ran over to assist her friend; the tray was so wide Saki almost had to stretch her arms out completely to carry it. Holding the other end as they walked further in to the courts Gina smiled at her friend. "You're a lifesaver."

"Just doing my job," Saki said. They placed the food down at the side of the court, and Saki breathed out, wiping her head across her forehead. Her eyes met Kuroko's and she smiled. "Happy birthday, Kuroko."

"Thank you, Saki-san," he said sincerely. "These look delicious."

And smell delicious too, Gina thought. Everything looked to still be warm. Gina's mouth watered and her stomach started growling. She hadn't realised how hungry she was until she saw the food in front of her and remembered how long it had been since she'd last eaten.

As everyone crowded around, Saki placed her hands on her hips. "Cake first!" she called firmly, and she looked so serious about the matter that no one dared to argue with her.

There was a chorus of happy birthday, and Gina almost toppled over laughing at how ridiculously off-key everyone was, but it brought a smile to Kuroko's face, and in the end that was all that mattered.

Saki cut everyone slices, and Gina sank her teeth into the fluffy cake. She moaned, closing her eyes to savour the flavour. "Saki, you can cook my next birthday cake," she said, to general laughter.

The food disappeared way too quickly. Gina sighed. She'd forgotten that Aomine and Murasakibara had abnormally large appetites, which rivalled Kagami's. They were able to devour half the food available easily. Gina had to grab a handful of food for herself before it all disappeared.

Still, she wouldn't have had it any other way she thought, leaning against Kuroko's side. They all sat in a loose circle, even Saki, who they'd convinced to stay. Gina laughed and shifted her head on Kuroko's shoulder, joining in with everyone's conversations. She never thought that she'd be so comfortable around the Generation of Miracles, especially since they'd all looked so intimidating when she first met them.

But she laughed when Kise's cried that she was stealing his Kurokocchi away from him, and Aomine proceeding to roll his eyes and hit the blond. Murasakibara was complaining about the lack of snacks, Akane was joining in everything with a teasing comment here and there like she'd never been apart from anyone. Akashi seemed more at ease than she'd ever seen him. He didn't talk much, but he'd occasionally make a comment or manage a small smile. Midorima just sat there as though this was too much effort, but Gina caught the occasional smile on his face and knee really, he wanted to be there.

They didn't play much basketball for the rest of their time together, but when it came time for them to leave Momou excitedly called for a group photo. Saki agreed to take it, and grabbed Momoi's camera as the former Teiko Basketball Club gathered, with the five players and their two managers. Gina stood to the side, hesitant to join. She might have gone to Teiko, but she hadn't been part of the basketball club.

But Kuroko insisted, and did Momoi, and Gina found herself squeezed between Kuroko and Kise. She adjusted her glasses and looked up as Saki called for them all to smile. Gina inched closer to Kuroko, wrapping an arm around him and grinning at the camera. There was a flash, then it was over, and Saki cheerily called that it had been a good photo, though her eyes twinkled.

Momoi checked the time and regretfully said they'd have to go now, especially since Murasakibara and Akashi had a long way to travel before they got back to their respective schools, and Kuroko had his Seirin party to go to.

Before they could all leave Akane called hesitantly, "Hey, Akashi-kun, can I talk to you quickly?"

He looked briefly surprised by the sudden request, but reset his features into his usual calm composure and nodded. "Of course."

Together, they walked to the far end of the court. All eyes were on them. Everyone there - except Gina and Saki - knew of their history.

"Let's hurry up, everyone," Momoi called, breaking the silence. She smiled at the sight of the two.

"But Momocchi!" Kise cried. "Can't we hear what they're saying?"

"It's private, you idiot!" Momoi snapped back, folding her arms. "Don't intrude on them!"

Kise sighed heavily, and Aomine rolled his eyes and dragged the blond away. Gina rolled her eyes and followed after everyone, her fingers laced through Kuroko's.

But she did look back to see the brunette and redhead talk. Akane's lips opened and closed as she rambled, but she quietened when Akashi placed a hand on her shoulder and said something. The words looked like they were firmly spoken, but they must have been a reassurance, for Akane's lips slowly spread into a hesitant, almost disbelieving, smile.

Yeah, Gina thought, turning away to leave them be. It looked like they'd be okay.

They all would be.


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