Call Me Z

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The next morning Tom and Y/n got up, they left the hotel and made their way to the set.

"Are you excited for your first day on set?" Tom asked, Y/n when they got out of the car.

"Of course," Y/n said, "But I'm also like really nervous, what if I mess up?"

"It's not a live show, they can take as many shots as they need to," Tom said, "But I would try to not mess up, they don't like to take too many shots."

Y/n gave a small nod, "I guess we'll see what happens."

They walked in, and a man came up to Y/n, "You're Y/n L/n, right?" he asked.

Y/n nodded, it was Jon Watts, "Yes, I'm Y/n L/n."

"I'm Jon Watts," he said putting a hand out, Y/n shook his hand, "Now, Tom will show you to your trailer, and they will get your hair and makeup done, and then when you finish, just come back out here."

Y/n's eyes widened, that was a lot of instructions, but she followed Tom, to what appeared to be her trailer.

"Have fun," he said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, "I'll see you when you finish getting ready."

Y/n smiled, and walked in, "Are you Y/n L/n?" a woman asked.

"That is correct," Y/n said awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Wendy," Wendy said, smiling, "If you could sit down in this chair, Damon should be here soon to do your hair."

Y/n nodded and sat down.

"So hon," Wendy said, grabbing some makeup products, "Where are you from."

"I'm from Utah," Y/n said, "I'm in college, but now I have to do it online, since I'm doing this movie."

"I heard it's really pretty in Utah, is that true?"

"It is," Y/n shrugged, "But it's either really hot or really cold, you're lucky if it's in between."

Then someone else walked in, "Hey, Damon," Wendy said to who Y/n assumed was Damon, "This is Y/n L/n, she's the new actor on set."

"Ooh, the famous Y/n, RDJ told me about you," Damon said, "And so did Tom, first day I styled his hair he told me lots about you, and he did the same thing just barely."

Y/n blushed, "Really?" she asked, "He's my favorite."

Damon smiled, "Ah, young love," he said, he walked over and inspected her hair, "I'm going to have fun doing your hair."

Y/n smiled.

After what seemed like an hour (It was about fifteen minutes) Y/n's hair and makeup was done, she had also put on her outfit, which was just a simple tee shirt with a pair of black jeans.

After she finished getting ready she walked back out and she saw Zendaya. Y/n started freaking out, out kept it contained, she was technically co-stars with her now.

Y/n saw Tom sitting off on the side on his phone, so Y/n walked over to him.

"Hey, Thomas," she said.

Tom looked up and grinned, "Hey actor girl," he replied, "You look good."

Y/n smiled, "You look good too, Peter Parker," she said, "I heard you were talking about me."

Tom slightly blushed, "Who told you that," he said awkwardly, "Was it Damon?"

"It may have been him," Y/n said.

"Are you Y/n?" someone said.

"Yes," Tom said.

Y/n turned around and just about died, it was Zendaya. Zendaya notice, and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you," she said, "Tom has talked a lot about you."

"That's what a lot of people have told me," Y/n said, still freaking out on the inside, "Nice to meet you."

"Tom! We need you on set!" someone shouted.

Tom got up, and gave Y/n a small kiss, "I'll see you in a little bit, Love."

Y/n's smile grew a little bigger.

"So, how long have you and Tom been a thing?" Zendaya asked.

"Uh, a couple of months, but we didn't make it public till last week," Y/n said.

"I saw those posts, and a lot of hate posts," Zendaya told her, "I know how those post are, if you wanna her want to talk about it, I'm here to talk about it."

Y/n nodded, "Yeah, I figured that would happen as soon as Tom posted those photos," she said, "But I've been doing fine, other than the paparazzi, they make me want to die."

Zendaya laughed, "I feel you, they don't really understand personal space."

"I know right," Y/n said.

"Zendaya! We need you on set!"

"I guess I got to go," she said, "It was nice meeting you, Y/n."

"Nice to meet you too, Zendaya," Y/n said.

"You can call me Z," Zendaya said, and she walked away. Leaving Y/n in shock.


people are catching corona
but the only thing i'm catching is feeling for you

people in like 3 years are either going to have major flash backs about corona or still be living this nightmare

see ya later bee bro's

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