Can You Say That Again?

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Y/n called an Uber, so the two of them just had to wait for it to get to them, they just chatted about life again.

"You know I think later today we should play Minecraft," Tom suggested.

"Of course," Y/n replied, a smirk forming in her face, "And you know, I do need to find some more diamonds, so that'll be great."

The Uber pulled, Y/n quickly looked at the information to make sure it was the right car, after she made sure it was the right one, her and Tom made their way to the car.

When they got in, the driver gave them a polite hello, and did a double take.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but are you Tom Holland," they asked.

"Yes, I am Tom Holland," Tom replied awkwardly, with a small smile on his face.

The driver nodded and said nothing more, and drove them to the restaurant.

When they got to the restaurant, they thanked the driver and got out of the car.

"Rancheritos?" Tom asked.

"Yes ma'am" Y/n replied, though her eyes widening when she heard herself, "Uh I meant to say yes."

Tom chuckled, "It's fine," he assured her, "What kind of place is this."

"It's a Mexican place, it's personally one of my favorite places." Y/n replied.

They walked in and ordered, Y/n got a breakfast burrito, Tom ordering a Carne Asada Fries Burrito.

After they ordered, they went and sat down, and waited for their food.

"So, how long have you been coming to this restaurant?" Tom asked.

"Uh, not sure," Y/n replied, "Basically my whole life, these restaurants are everywhere in Utah."

"Really," Tom said, "It smells rather good here."

"Y/n," the worker shouted, Y/n got up and grabbed her and Tom's food.

They ate and talked about everything under the sun.

When they finished, they went back to Y/n's dorm.

"So what movie are you filming right now?" Y/n asked.

"Well, I'm not really supposed to tell you..." Tom said.

Y/n frowned, "Tom, I already know that they're filming a Spider-man movie, is that what you're filming?"

"Oh right," Tom replied, "Yes, that's what I've been filming."

"That's fun," Y/n smiled, they were almost to her dorm room when Y/n got a call.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket, she had never seen the number, but she answered the call.

"Hello?" Y/n asked.

"Is this Y/n L/n?" the person on the line asked.

"Uh, yes it is. Can I ask who is calling me?"

"Right, this is Jon Watts."

Y/n's eyes widened, "The Jon Watts? Okay yeah cool."

Tom shot her a confused look, "Jon Watts?" he asked.

"I've heard a lot about you from Tom," Jon Watts said, "He said you were an actor, is that correct?"

"Yes, I am an actor," Y/n answered, it would be an understatement to say she was only panicking a little.

"Well, we're short an actor, one of our key actors left to go be in a different film," he said, "We we're wondering if you would be able to fill that spot."

"I would love to," Y/n said with a smile, until it dawned on her, "but I'm currently a college student, I'm not sure if I would even be able to leave."

"You go to Brigham Young University?" he asked, "Because we already called them to see if we could have you come film and count it as experience."

Y/n opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"In that case, then yes, I would love to."

"Great," he said, "We know Tom is there with you, we already bought you a ticket for Sunday to fly out to Atlanta."

"Thank you so much."

"It's nothing, see you on Monday."

Jon Watts hung up, Y/n slowly put her phone back into her pocket.

"Y/n, Love, who was that?" Tom asked.

Y/n hugged Tom, "It was Jon Watts," she said still shocked, "I'm flying back with you to be part of the movie."

A huge grin broke onto Tom's face he hugged her back, "I can't believe that," he said, "We'll be working on the same film now."

Y/n laughed, "Yeah, I can't wait."

"What about school?" he asked.

"Apparently all of it will be considered as experience, but I'm guessing it'll mainly be online." Y/n said, "Oh shoot, I need to tell my parents."

She pulled her phone out again, and called her Mom.

"Hello? Y/n?"

"Hi mom, is dad and Dylan there with you, I have something I need to tell you guys."

"Did Tom propose?" her mom asked.

"Woah, mom, slow down he's been here for two days, and no he didn't propose."

Tom gave Y/n a confused look, "She thinks I proposed?" he said to himself.

"Y/n, I had to stop crafting for this," Dylan was now there, "it better be good."

"Hi, Y/n," her dad said.

"So, I might be flying out to Atlanta in Sunday to be in a movie," Y/n said.

"Y/n!" her mom exclaimed, "When did you find out?"

"Woah, mom you're going to make me deaf," Y/n said moving the phone further from her ear, "I just found out, but don't worry, I'm still going to be getting my degree."

"Y/n, remember me when you're famous," Dylan teased.

"How could I forget you?" Y/n smiled, "I had to live with you for eighteen years of my life."

"Y/n we're so proud of you," her dad said, "You'll do great things,"

Y/n tried not to cry, "I'll miss all of you, I promise I'll still talk to you guys, but I have to go."

"Bye," her family said.

Y/n hung up and turned to Tom, "Well, I guess my mom really wants us to get married," she laughed.

"My mum also has the same thought," he laughed.

"Well, I never thought any of this would happen, like never," Y/n said, "But like what Mary Poppins says, anything can happen if you let it."


you can't spell virus
without u and i

who got that musical reference? i know i did i wonder why
well anyways i painted my room so that's why it took me forever to update again oops

see ya later bee bros

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