Don't Get Hit By Cars

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Y/n was walking around campus with David since they had Creative Writing together that year.

"Is that Y/n L/n?" a student asked as they passed by.

"I think so, I didn't know she went here," their friend said, "Isn't she dating Tom Holland."

Once they passed, David and Y/n laughed, "I thought it was pretty well known that this is the college I go to," Y/n said, "Or I guess I'm only visiting my super cool friend."

"That I am," David said, taking a small bow, making Y/n laugh even more, "I am also your only cool friend."

"I don't know, David," Y/n said, "I think Harrison is pretty cool."

"I'm your only cool American friend," David said, "Is that better?"

"What about Kylee?" Y/n grinned.

"Kylee is okay, she was better before she started dating Harrison," David told her, "Now she won't shut up about him like I called her and all she told me was about how 'Haz is such a romantic, he came and spent a day with me in Atlanta."

Y/n laughed, "I believe that," she said, "But you can't blame her for being in love."

"Right," David said, "I have to blame you."

Y/n rolled her eyes and was about to say something when someone behind said, "Laughing about me, aren't you?"

Y/n almost jumped into David's arms, "Dude, you scared the crap out of- oh it's you," Y/n said, it was only Olivia, "Yeah, no we were laughing about our own lives, not yours."

David sighed, and said nothing, he didn't want to get involved in the argument, "David, back me up," Y/n said out of the corner of her mouth, but David just shook his head.

"Looks like you were," Olivia said smugly.

"Actually no," Y/n said, "David is just minding his own dang business like you should be doing."

Olivia opened her mouth, but quickly closed it and walked away.

"Nice one," David said.

"Thank you," Y/n said graciously, "Well let's get to class."

In October, towards the end of the term, Y/n was always exhausted, she was studying all the time, and if she wasn't studying at night, she was texting or face-timing Tom. She knew long-distance relationships were hard, but they were a million times harder when you were in college and when your relationship is public and big news, so people who you don't know you ask you about your boyfriend, all the time.

"Okay, I want a nice little piece of writing, since it's almost end of term, I'll let you chose the topic," Y/n's Creative Writing teacher, Professor Henderson announced to the class.

Y/n sighed and looked at her blank document, and started typing aimlessly about memes. At about the ten-minute mark there was a loud thud.

Everyone looked to see where it came from. David only had to look directly to his left, there was his best friend, who had fallen asleep typing mid-sentence.

"David," Professor Henderson said, "Could you wake Y/n up. I do not permit sleeping in my class, even if that student is famous, and has met my favorite actor countless time, Robert Downey Junior."

"My boyfriend and I, ate dinner with him and his family one time," Y/n muttered in her sleep.

"What did she say?" he asked.

"She said that 'she and her boyfriend ate dinner with him and his family once'," David quoted.

"Huh, must be an interesting story," Professor Henderson said.

David finally nudged Y/n and she quickly sat up, "Welcome back to class, Y/n," Professor Henderson said.

Y/n gave an awkward smile, "Sorry, I stayed up late studying, and then talking to my boyfriend, because he insisted on talking longer," Y/n said, "He claimed he missed my voice."

"Well, since most of you are tired, why don't we have Y/n tell us one of her many thrilling stories," Professor Henderson said, "Of course, if she wants to."

Y/n nodded and got up, walking to the front of the class, "Well, I guess I can tell about the time I met Thomas," she said, "Although it is a very cringy story."

During fall break, Y/n was sitting in the living room when Dylan came and collapsed on the couch, smiling, giving a dreamy sigh. Only leading to one thing, a girl.

"Who's the girl?" Y/n asked, not looking up from her phone.

"Who do you think?" Dylan said, "I've liked the same girl for as long as you and Tom have dated."

"What did Ivy tell you then?" Y/n sighed, she knew Dylan liked Ivy, and it was pretty obvious that Ivy liked him back, but he still hadn't done anything about it.

"Ivy said she liked me," Dylan said.

"Oh- I already knew that," Y/n frowned, Dylan gave her a wild look, "What? It was pretty obvious, like Kylee, David, Tom, and I knew from the beginning."

"How did I not notice?" Dylan asked.

"I don't know, it was pretty obvious," Y/n said, "We all thought you knew I'm pretty sure we even had a conversation about how you thought you two were to young to date."

Dylan frowned, "Well, I just found out she likes me back," he huffed, "Can you let me be happy?"

"Okay, fine," Y/n said, "Wow, congratulations, have fun having a long-distance relationship, at the age of sixteen."

"Thanks," Dylan said, sarcastically, "I'm going to go tell some people who care."

"Wait-" Y/n said, causing Dylan to stop, "Did you at least tell her you liked her too?"

"Of course I did," Dylan said, "I'm not that stupid."

Y/n rolled her eyes and turned back to her phone.

"Tell me everything about you and Tom," Kate Duncan said, as they sat in the Creamery, eating lunch.

It was December now, and Y/n still hadn't seen Tom since September. Which she had to admit was getting a little hard for her, after all, she had spent two months constantly with him, and before that, they were only apart for the most two months since Tom occasionally flew to Utah when he wasn't filming Avengers: Infinity War.

But now, she had only called him about every almost every day, which was still a lot.

"I don't know Kate," Y/n said, "It's been hard not seeing him or waking up in his arms for four months, and I'm not sure when he'll pop the question."

"That's tough," Kate frowned, "But you'll survive, you did survive a deathly drop in an elevator."

"In a movie," Y/n laughed, "Plus, Thomas was the one to save all of us."

"Now you're smiling," Kate smiled, "I knew that would work."

Y/n raised an eyebrow and frowned, "What about now, huh?"

Kate rolled her eyes, "We get it, Y/n," she said, "You're an amazing actress."

"Thank you, Miss Duncan, " Y/n smiled, giving a small bow, "I appreciate the compliment."

"You're welcome," Kate said, "Now, what are your plans for Christmas."

Back in London, Tom was sitting in his room trying to figure out what to do. He had picked out a ring so he could propose to Y/n, but he still hadn't asked her parents for permission or picked the perfect place to propose to her.

"Haz!" Tom yelled, "I need your help!"

Harrison walked in, leaning on the door frame, "You requested my help?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm stumped," Tom said, "I have no clue where to propose to Y/n."

Harrison walked over to where Tom was sitting and sat next to his best friend, "Well, the first step is getting the ring."

"I already picked it out," Tom said, pulling out the ring, it was simple, and just what Y/n had described to him.

"Well, I don't want something too flashy, so something simple, a nice diamond, one band. I don't need my finger to be taken over by a ring, but something that just expresses, 'I love you'," Y/n had told him, "But I would love anything you picked out for me because all that matters is that I get to spend the rest of my life with you, even if you are an idiot."

"It's beautiful, mate," Harrison said, "Y/n is going to love it."

"I know," Tom grinned, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her, she just completes me."

Harrison clapped a hand on Tom's shoulder, "I don't understand it, but you love her and that's all that matters," he said, "So, what places do you have in mind?"

"Well, I thought about maybe where we first met," Tom said.

"Didn't you meet in a cruise port?" Harrison asked, "The only way you'd get in is if you were on a cruise, and I don't think you'll want to spend that much effort."

"What about the premiere?" Tom asked.

"No, too flashy," Harrison said, "I would go somewhere less crowded, with paparazzi, somewhere with meaning to the two of you."

Tom thought about it for a second when an idea came to his mind, as though a car hit him.

"I know the perfect place."


if i could rearrange the alphabet
i'd put u and i together

see ya later bee bro's

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