Have Fun!

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Y/n was in the kitchen with Tom cooking dinner that night.

They were going to eat with Dylan secretly, so then Kylee and Harrison could have a cute date together.

"Do you think Harrison's going to be mad?" Y/n asked as she drained the spaghetti.

"I don't think he will," Tom shrugged, "He'll be to tired to think, and once he is able to, he will probably be happy about it."

Y/n smiled, "Well, where do you want to go?" she asked, they didn't want to be in the house awkwardly being there while Harrison and Kylee ate dinner.

"Don't we have to take Dylan with us?" Tom asked.

"Yeah," Y/n grumbled, frowning a bit, "But it'll be fine."

Dylan than walked into the kitchen, "Yeah, Haz is definitely asleep," he said, "I sat there for about five minutes poking his face every so often, and he didn't wake up."

"He better wake up soon, Kylee's going to be here in an hour," Y/n said, "Well, I guess we should eat now."

She plated the spaghetti, topping it off with store bought marinara sauce and meatballs. Tom helped put them on the table and they sat down and started eating.

After they finished eating, they quickly cleaned up. Dylan went and woke Harrison up, and helped him get ready, so Y/n and Tom could heat and plate the food, and make the area more romantic.

When they finished that, Y/n quickly changed into something more fitting to go out in public, since she was wearing a pair of sweatpants and one of Tom's shirts. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a graphic tee and walked back out to the kitchen.

Harrison had just walked out as well, looking confused, since Tom and Dylan were getting ready to leave, "Why's there only two plates? Shouldn't there be five, because Y/n's friend is coming over? And are you three leaving?"

Y/n smiled, "About that- oh there's the door, I should go get that," Y/n walked over to the door, "Hi Kylee!"

She hugged Kylee and let her in, "So, change of plans, Tom, Dylan, and I are going to leave," Y/n said, as Tom and Dylan walked out the door, Harrison and Kylee's eyes widened.

"Wait what?" Kylee asked, "Y/n what are you doing."

"Have fun on your date!" Y/n exclaimed walking out the door.

Kylee and Harrison awkwardly stood there, not saying anything.

"Uh, hi, I'm Kylee," Kylee said, breaking the silence.

"Nice to meet you, Y/n talks about you a lot," Harrison smiled, "I'm Harrison, or you can call me Haz."

"It's nice to meet you too," Kylee smiled.

They walked over to the table, Harrison pulled the chair out for Kylee, then going to go sit down.

"This was definitely not what I was expecting," Kylee laughed, "But I can't say that I'm mad either."

"I can say the same," Harrison smiled, "You look stunning tonight."

Kylee blushed, saying, "Thank you, you look very handsome."

"You can thank Dylan for that," Harrison said, a light pink tinting his cheeks.

Kylee laughed a bit, "I could see him doing that, he's always had a good taste in fashion."

They talked and ate, while Tom, Y/n, and Dylan were driving around Los Angeles.

"How do you think their date is going?" Dylan asked.

"I feel like it could be going well," Y/n shrugged.

"How could it go bad?" Tom asked.

Dylan, who had sunglasses on, looked over them to look at Tom, "A lot of thing, I may have never been on a date," Dylan said, "But I've watched plenty of Chinese Dramas Ivy sends me, to know how it can go wrong."

Y/n laughed, "I wouldn't take you to watch Chinese Dramas," Y/n said, "Plus, they're dramas, it doesn't mean it's actually going to happen in real life."

"That's what you think," Dylan sighed, "You've been on a total of zero dates with other guys besides Tom."

"Dylan, I've been in plenty of dates," Y/n said, "The date we have Kylee and Harrison on right now is not going to end horribly."

"Just wait till we go back and find Kylee crying," Dylan sighed.

They ended up driving around, and just talking, then going for ice cream.

Kylee and Harrison were having a good time, unlike what Dylan thought, they talked and acted as though they had been friends for forever.

"This must've been what Tom and Y/n were like when they met," Kylee said, "She said they both hit it off really well, and very quickly."

"That's what Tom said as well," Harrison agreed, "He said that one second she was just some random girl, and the next second it was as though they had 'known each other forever'."

Kylee laughed, "They are way too cheesy with each other for not being married already," she said, "Only if little Y/n would let him propose."

"They'll get married soon enough," Harrison replied, "But they're not important right now."

Kylee smiled, "That's right."

They finished eating, and went and sat on the couch, Harrison had his arm around Kylee, which she didn't mind (she secretly was freaking out). Harrison pulled up a movie, more specifically, Ant-Man.

"Ooh, I love this movie," Kylee said, "I don't think Paul Rudd ages."

"I don't he does either," Harrison grinned, "Might have to ask him what his secrets are."

During the movie, Kylee ended up laying her head on Harrison's shoulder, which secretly made the both of them very happy. Harrison had helped do that by pulling her closer to him, which Kylee didn't object to.

Once they finished the movie, they sat there in each other's presence, not saying anything, but still trying to (but failing) to not make it awkward.

That's when Y/n, Tom, and Dylan opened the door, Harrison and Kylee quickly jumped apart, not sitting as close as before.

"I told you, Dylan," Y/n whispered, "she's not crying."

"Crying?" Kylee asked, "Why would I be crying?"

"Because you're living a Chinese Drama-" Y/n covered Dylan's mouth so he couldn't say anything more.

"Well, we're going to go to our rooms," Y/n said, "You two do what you want to do."

"Yeah, you could do anything," Dylan said, winking. Y/n quickly dragged him away.

"Have a nice night," Tom said following Y/n.

Once the three of them had left, Kylee and Harrison burst out laughing.

"I can't believe I'm friends with those three sometimes," Kylee laughed, "They can be total idiots."

"I understand, Tom can be a handful," Harrison nodded.


was that an earthquake?
or did you just rock my world?

see ya later bee bro's

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