So You Think you Can Tap

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Y/n was in the studio, where she would be teaching, putting her tap shoes on.

"Excuse me," Y/n looked up, there was a girl with blonde hair, who looked to be around Y/n's age standing there, "Is this the beginning tap class, ran by Y/n L/n?"

"Yes," Y/n said, standing up, "I'm Y/n."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, I'm Phoebe, Phoebe Mack."

"Nice to meet you, Phoebe," Y/n smiled, "If you could go and change into your tap shoes and stand somewhere in the studio."

Phoebe nodded and went to go change into her tap shoes, as another person walked in.

This time it was a boy, who looked like he was in high school, which was a surprise for Y/n, but she was willing to teach people of all ages.

"Hi, I'm Y/n," Y/n greeted him, "You're here for the beginning tap class, correct?"

"Yes," he said, "I'm Duncan Emerson, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, if you could go change into your tap shoes, that would be great."

Y/n helped everyone get ready, her class had about thirty people in it, which was a lot, but Y/n was slightly confident that she would be able to do it.

"Well, welcome everyone," she said, once everyone was settled, "I'm Y/n L/n, but you probably already knew that, but, I'll be your instructor for the next two weeks."

Everyone nodded, some people shifted, causing the room to be filled with taps.

"Okay, so let's go over some rules," she smiled.

69. if you somehow ever teach a tap class, or any class on that matter, make sure you go through the rules. Make them feel slightly intimidated of you, they'll listen to you if they're slightly scared of you. If you really aren't that intimidating, then just be nice, they might not listen as well, but at least you're not mean.

Y/n went through warm ups, and the different tap sounds for the first half an hour, then moving to shuffles.

"Okay, brush, spank, do that with me," Y/n said, doing a brush (striking the ball of your foot on the floor), then following it with a spank (like a brush, but striking backwards).

Everyone did as Y/n did, "Great, you now have done a shuffle, which is an important move in tap," Y/n said, "Such as when you're doing a, maxi, buffalo, time steps, and cincinnati's to name a few. But just as a warning, people call a cincinnati a lot of different things, so just know that what I call it is not what other people call it."

The group nodded.

"Does anyone have any questions about shuffles, or should we get started with learning some simple steps?" Y/n asked looking around the room, when no one said anything, Y/n proceeded to say, "Let's start with an Irish, which, guess what? Has a shuffle."

Y/n had a blast teaching her class, and was disappointed when her hour and a half was up. However, she wouldn't have to wait long to teach again, since her next class was the next day.

"Have a good day," she smiled, as people started to pack up, "Make sure to practice for at least ten minutes, make sure you're separating your sounds, so they're distinct. Maybe tomorrow we can start learning the song I have to teach you."

People said thank you as they left, and Y/n was left in the studio by herself. She went through the choreography for the dance to "In Summer" from Frozen, was going to hopefully teach the next day.

"Fl-ap, fl-ap, ball change," she muttered as she was doing the moves, when the door opened, Y/n looked at the mirror covering the wall, and smiled.

"Y/n?" Y/n turned around, it was Tom, "Oh, I'm in the right place."

Y/n gave a small laugh, "Yes you are," she said, walking over to him, her shoes tapping as she walked over, "How were your interviews?"

"They were great, but less fun without you around," Tom said, wrapping her into a hug, "Darling, you really make everything better."

"I'm not sure about that," Y/n laughed, pulling away, "But whatever you say, Princess Tom."

"Darling," he whined, "Do you really have to keep calling me that?"

"Yes, yes I do," Y/n laughed, "Except, right now you look like you could be a modern Prince Charming."

"Are you saying I'm your Prince Charming?" Tom smirked, "Because I would save my damsel in distress."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "I don't need anyone to save me," she said, "I can save myself."

Tom chuckled, "I know you can," he said, "So, how was your first class?"

"It was great," Y/n grinned, "I think the rest of it is going to go well, most of my students, that's weird to say, but anyways, they catch on verily easy, so far."

"Well, you're a great teacher," Tom said, "Maybe you could even teach me how to tap a bit."

"I would love to," Y/n said, "Do you want to go explore the city a bit?"

"That would be nice," Tom said, "Are you ready to leave right now?"

Y/n nodded, and started to walk back to where she put her stuff, "Of course, just let me put my stuff away, and change my shoes."

The two of them left the building, hand in hand, and walked down Broadway, when Tom stopped on the side.

"I have a surprise for you, Darling," he smiled, Y/n was intrigued, she had no clue what he planned, but she was eighty percent sure it wasn't a proposal.

"What is it?" she asked, watching Tom's hand move to his pocket.

"These," he pulled out two tickets, "I bought up two tickets to see Anastasia tonight, since you said something about wanting to see it."

Y/n had the biggest smile on her face, as she kissed Tom, Tom smiled as well when she kissed him.

"You really are the best," Y/n said, after they pulled away.


do your legs hurt
from running through my dreams all night?

see ya later bee bro's

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