Where Are The Snacks?

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The next week was basically just the same routine, Y/n became fast friends with Jacob Baton and Laura Harrier.

Things were not the same with Zendaya, she was nice and all just distant. She and Y/n had only talked a few times, it always was when Tom was around.

But Y/n didn't think much about it, she was trying not pass out after working so hard, she hadn't stayed up since they got there.

"Tom I'm becoming a morning person," Y/n told him one morning in the car, "I'm not going to be able to stay up after we finish filming."

"I bet you will," Tom chuckled, "You did well when we were on the cruise, we got up pretty early every morning."

"That is true."

Although Y/n was tired all the time she was still very enthusiastic, she had met Michael Keaton, which left her in a shock, along with the time she ran into Jon Favreau on set.

"Wait Jacob," Y/n said, in a hushed voice. She and Jacob were hanging out while Tom had to film some scenes, "Is that Jon Favreau?"

"I guess it is," Jacob said, shrugging.

Y/n's eyes widened, "Dude, you know how cool he is?" she asked.

"The coolest," Jacob said, "Hey, Jon, have you met Y/n yet?"

"Bro, way too soon," Y/n whispered.

"I haven't met her yet," Jon said walking over to them, "So you're the famous Y/n L/n."

"Yeah, that's me," Y/n said, she was basically frozen in place, he put a hand out and Y/n awkwardly shook it.

"It's nice to finally meet the girl who's name's been going around set," he said smiling, "You're pretty famous around here."

"I'm pretty famous?" Y/n asked, "You're like really famous."

Jon chuckled, "I guess I am," he said.

"You have no clue how long I've wanted to meet you," Y/n said, "I think since the first Iron Man movie."

"That came out in 2008 right?" he asked, Y/n nodded, "Eight years, that's a long time."

"Yeah," Y/n said awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck, "I've been a fan for way to long, I think I was eleven when it came out."

"It's nice to meet a fan who's been a fan since the beginning," Jon said, "Not to mention working with them now."

"Yeah this is crazy," Y/n said, smiling, "I'll let you get back to what you were doing, but it was nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Y/n." Jon said, and he left going back to what he was doing.

"That has probably been the most interesting thing that's happened to me," Y/n said turning to Jacob.

"What about meeting Robert and Tom, and then eating dinner with both of them," he asked, "Or meeting me."

"True," Y/n agreed, "Meeting you was definitely very interesting."

"Hey," Tom said walking over to them, he was in his suit, "I heard you just met Jon Favreau."

"Yeah, it was Jacob's idea," Y/n said.

"I am a genius," Jacob smirked.

Tom nodded, "Jon told me that you said hi," Tom said, "He also told me that you seemed like you were freaking out the whole time."

"She was," Jacob laughed, "You should have seen her face, when I called him over her eyes went huge."

Y/n nodded, "Well I've wanted to meet him for eight years now," she said, "Am I not allowed to freak out?"

"No, you are," he said, "It was just hilarious."

"Okay I get it," Y/n said smiling.

"Are you guys having a party without me?" Laura Harrier asked.

"No, but we can since you're here now," Y/n said.

"It's only the coolest party on set," Jacob agreed.

"Well, where's the food?" Tom asked, "You can't have a party without food."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "You can Tom," she said, "Plus I know where you keep your snacks."

Tom's eyes widened, "Is that why they keep disappearing?" he asked.

"Uh, yes," Y/n said, "Hey, you're the one who chose to get really good snacks when we went to the store."

"You could have just asked, Love," he said.

Y/n sighed, "I could have, but what's the fun of that?"

"It's like you two are married," Laura smirked.

"They basically are," Jacob said, smirking as well, "Tom just has to pop the question."

"I turned twenty, like three months ago," Y/n said raising an eyebrow, "I think I want to wait a little longer."

"What are we talking about?" Zendaya asked walking up to the group.

"We're talking about how Tom and Y/n act like they're married," Laura told her.

"I could see that," Zendaya replied, Y/n could sense a hint of something in her voice, but she wasn't really sure what it was.

"Anyway," Y/n said changing the subject, "Tom if you wont get the snacks I'll get them while you're filming."

"Tom! We need you for a scene, and we also need Zendaya!" a stage manager yelled.

Tom frowned and gave Y/n a quick peck on the lips, "You can grab some, just don't eat them all, and you cannot tell anyone where I hid them."

Y/n gave a small laugh, and nodded, "I swear I won't tell anyone."

Tom nodded, and left Zendaya following him.

"Looks like your party went from five to three," Laura informed them.

"Hey, it's still a party," Jacob said, "We just need food now."

Y/n nodded, "I'll preform the dangerous mission and get the snacks, I'll be back in like two minutes."

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can i follow you?
my mom always told me to follow my dreams

see ya later bee bro's

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