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"My Lady, Our Guest Mr. Lau Has Arrived." She stated boredly. "Okay, send them into my Study please." "Yes, My Lady." I smiled at her and cleaned myself up slightly before going into the study. "Good Morning Mr. Lau." I bowed slightly to him. "Good Morning Lady Amanda." I sat down at my desk, and looked at him boredly. "It's come to my understanding that my company is having problems with your trading company?" I asked curiously. "Oh yes, why for some reason we aren't getting much shipment from you." He stated with his usual average smile. "Oh well. I talked to my company only yesterday morning, and apparently they've sent enough packages for trade. It isn't-" "I don't mean to interrupt but Breakfast is served." I stood up, and looks frustratedly at Lotus, and nodded. "Thank You, Lotus. Come on, we mustn't be so slow." I walked by him, and went downstairs into the Dining Room. "Ah, what a lovely room. So elegant, and beautiful. You never fail to amaze, My Lady."

I looked at him warily as Lotus placed the dishes Infront of us. "Today for breakfast, we will be eating a Grilled Salmon dish. With hash browns, and sweet bread." Lotus bowed to us as we began to eat. "This Morning for Mr. Lau. We have a sparkling fruit champagne to compliment the taste of the food." My butler Charles poured carefully into the glass pulling away, when a drop of juice falls. My eyes widen at it falling as Lotus suddenly held out a napkin catching it quickly before it hit the table. I felt myself relax as I continued to eat. After we were finished, we returned to the study waiting on Tea. "To continue our conversation-" "oh don't you worry, My Lady. I shall check up on your company goods." I leaned back against my chair with a frustrated expression as he had interrupted me.

After the breakfast meal with Mr. Lau, I had gone upstairs to change. While I was being dressed, my maid Yuki came in and handed me a letter. "Thank You." I said in a hushed tone. My eyes widened slightly as I saw that the letter was from Ciel Phantomhive. I grew nervous as I stood up, and opened it.

"Hello Lady Amanda. I'd like if you would join me today for Tea. - Ciel Phantomhive." I read it at least 10 times until I officially decided that it wasn't misread. "Lotus, prepare the carriage. We're going to the Phantomhive Manor." I ordered her sternly, and went downstairs, as Lotus nodded and left. I called all 4 of the servants. The Female Twins "Lilly" and "Mary". My Maid Yuki, and My other male Butler "Charles." I stood Infront of them, all taller than I. "I'm going somewhere on business. I hope in time that I'm gone, you all tidy the manor." I stood by the door patiently as Lotus gave me my coat, and I began to climb into the carriage.

The ride there was bumpy. It was a quiet trip with not much interest. As we arrived at the manor, Ciel's Butler had come and met us. I thanked him silently as he helped me out of the carriage. I walked inside with butterflies in my stomach. Not because I like him or anything but last nights encounter left me uneasy. I mentally noted to not freeze up like last night. I followed his butler upstairs, and into a study room. "Good morning, Lady Amanda." Ciel stood up and greeted me with a plain look on his face. "Good morning, Lord Phantomhive." I said back, smiling. We sat down at a small table, Ciel looked over to his butler. "Sebastian, bring us our tea." I looked behind me and saw Lotus eyeing Sebastian. "I don't mean to be rude, But My lord. Why did you invite me?" Ciel leaned back against his chair and smirked. "I quite enjoyed your company last night. You gave me entertainment that I haven't had for a long while, My Lady." I furrowed my eyebrows at the word entertainment. "But how did my impolite behavior give you delight, if I may ask?"

Ciel lightly shrugged. "You just lightened up the party with your curiosity." He stopped talking as Sebastian came in and poured us each a glass of tea. I sipped mine, and focused my gaze on him. "My Lord, you wouldn't just invite me here for no reason." He smirked at my words and set his tea down. "You're very smart, Lady Amanda." I smirked back at him as I drank my tea. "Well Lady Amanda, I wanna form a contract with you." I felt Lotus tense up behind me at those words. "What are you proposing, My Lord?" I asked politely setting my tea down and gazing at him. "I ask for your help on an investigation." He said with no emotion, Lotus relaxed behind me. "I want you to assist me on a case. For her Majesty is distressed over chaos in the city. I must rid of it, so her majesty may rest." I nodded my head at those words, They were familiar.

"In the city, several murders have been committed. With no lead on who the Killer may be. With no trace on the exact victims." He told me with a serious expression, I listened carefully. "Normally I wouldn't ask anyone for help, but I want to acquire your intelligence." I looked at him with a surprised expression. "My Lord you are much more intelligent than I." He gave his famous smile, and his eyes flashed red for a second. Or at least I could have sworn they did. "Let's just say, I long for your company." He replied.
I apologize that this chapter is shorter than the first but I promise the next chapter will be much more interesting. c:

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