(Chapter 12) Halloween Party

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Before I start this chapter I just wanna say sorry for not updating quickly, school is gonna start soon for me so I won't be able to update as quickly. HOWEVER I am not going to stop this story I plan on finishing it, and then sometime later start another story.

That is really it Thanks for reading if you did! ^u^


~Reader-chan's POV~

After that little 'fight and make up' thing with Honey everything kind of went back to normal

Besides the hallucinations that have failed to go away -_-

But here I am again, in the host club, with Honey, eating cake, what a surprise!

It was after all the clients had left and everyone was talking to each other while they (Haruhi) clean up

"Hey (Y/N) will you be coming to the Halloween party the host club will be holding?" Asked the twins

"Ehh maybe...To be honest I was just planning on staying inside watching horror movies all night"

"Oh c'mon (Y/N)" The twins begged

"But (Y/N)-Chan I wanted you to be at the party" I heard Honey say and I looked at his adorable face with pleading eyes 'STAHP BEIN SU CUTE' I thought to myself

"F-fine...I'll go...." I gave into the adorable beast named Honey....

"Yay!" The 'beast' cheered 'It's too cute!' I squealed inside my head....ehhh what is he doing to me T-T

"Ok, w-well I have to get going...b-bye see ya later"

"Bye (Y/N)-Chaaan!" 

~Time skip to le party~

I had arrived at the party and was right outside the host club doors 'It sounds noisy maybe I should go home...' But before I could even turn around Haruhi opens the doors

"Hey (Y/N)! C'mon in! Nice costume by the way" She says

"O-oh um thanks..." (Btw you's wearing a Link costume ;3 If u dont want to wear that just change it .-.)

When you walked in you were surprised to see boys there too, but what surprised you even more was the fact that Samual-san was there

"Miss (L/N)! I have been looking for you!" He said while coming over to me

"S-samual-san...w-what are you doing here??"

"I just told you I am looking for you! Do you mind if we talk in private?"

"U-um sure.."

~Small time skip~

"So first of all how do you know what school I go to"

"Oh that! Well I can't really tell you...at least not yet"

"That's suspicious Samual-san...." I deadpanned

"Anyway! I have been looking for you, I was wondering why you haven't called me ye-"

"You sound like a lonely girlfriend...." I cut him off

"Please do not interrupt me Miss (L/N)..." He said with a sigh

"Fine, fine..."

"Well, I was wondering if you hallucinations have gone away?"

"O-oh, W-well of cour-"

"And please do not try to lie..."

"F-fine, No they haven't went away I think they got worse..."

"Miss (L/N)! If you do not do anything about this the consequences will be extremely severe! You NEED help and if you won't come to me for it I will tell your parents about this and get them to force you!"


"No you can not I can see you are going downhill fast, please do not try to hide it Miss (L/N)..."

I just stayed silent

"Miss (L/N) I have decided...I am going to inform your parents about this and we will help you-"I quickly looked up and glared at him

"You may be able to tell them but that doesn't mean anybody can help me except for me." 'I keep hearing so many voices telling me to do bad things to him...and my parents..Can I really do this by myself?'

I started crying out of frustration and fear. Before I new it I was crying my eyes out...

~Samual's POV~ Oh yeh ;3

'This girl really needs help...these problems are becoming too much for her...'

"Miss (L/N), please calm down everything is going to be okay"

As soon as I said that she got up and ran away

"Well looks like I should call her parents now.." I said to myself then proceeded to call her parents





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