(Chapter 14) Date? Yes please!

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*Days later*

*Your POV like always*

Sugar is still here and she keeps showing up out of nowhere....like, I'm starting to think that I'm imagining her in some places!

Like I will be sitting in class looking out the window AND THERE SHE IS! And I just see her swaying back on forth on her feet looking up into my classroom...man...I need less creepy friends...

'Boring. Boring. Boring. Can this lecture be any more boring..? Oh wait....It just did..' Sometimes I think of strange things whenever I'm bored, I don't mean to but it just happens. Like yesterday I was in a similar life threatening situation and I started thinking about whether or not war is a pineapple related to Vivian....don't ask why...

When the bell finally rang everyone burst out of  their seats to wherever it is the do on the weekend...did I mention it was Friday? Oh I didn't..? Well IT'S FRIDAY! Joy...

Since I had so much homework to do and I would like to do it today, I decided not to go to the host club, even though I wanted to...just a tiny bit...

'*sigh* I think I might be a tsundere...WHELP! Off to home...Oh look Sugar is there...'

"Hey I thought you would be waiting for me at the host club.?" I asked Sugar

"NAAAhhhh! I know you! You were gonna go home today and work on homework even though you really wanted to go!" She replied

'Wow...my exact thoughts...' "U-um how did you know that?"

"Shhh young one, in time you shall learn..."

"I shall learn what?"

"About the one that stalks the night bird" She smiled as if what she said made sense...k then...

"Um...Ok sure...whatever you say."


"Ok! Sheesh! You don't need to scream it!!"

"Well neither do you." She said all 'sophisticated' and normal...what a weirdo...

*At home*

"Soooooooooo~ How's it been" Sugar said laying upside down on my bed

"What do you mean?" I ask her from my spot at my desk, not even looking up from my boring homework

"I meannn~ How's your day? How's your 'problem'? How's your love life~?"

I blushed at the last comment "First of all my day has been boring. Second I'm not so sure of..I think it's getting a little better..And third is I DON'T EVEN HAVE A LOVE LIFE!"

"Yeah, sure, keep dreaming hun~" Sugar said with a slight smirk


"Is your problem getting better cause I'm here~~~~~~"

I decided not to answer...

"Oh! I see it's cause you will eventually have a date with Honey! Good for you! Get a man and be so happy, I bet he'll help a lot with your prob-"

"STOP IT! JUST STOP PLEASE! This is stupid so just be quiet...I'm trying to do my homework after all....AND WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU HELPING ME?"

"Oh yeh right I did say that didn't I? Welllll~ I changed my mind!"

"Curse you Sugar! You are gonna be the death of me one day.."

"Nahhhh~" Sugar said giggling

Just then I heard my name being called from one of my servants, eager to get away from the pink-headed freak I quickly answered their call by rushing downstairs

"Oh! (Y/N)-Sama! There is someone at the door for you. We went ahead and let him in since he said he knew you and he looked harmless" The servant said to which I nodded 

'Yep thought so..' "H-hi H-Honey..W-what are you doing here?"

"Oh, (Y/N)-Chan! I came because you didn't come to the host club and I needed to tell you something!" Honey said bouncing out of the chair he was once sitting in

"Oh well, sorry..I-I had a lot of homework to get d-done...B-but w-what is it you w-want to t-tell me?"

"That sweet shop I told you about opened up! So...I wanted to know if you wanted to go there with me."

I looked at him, blushing slightly...ok maybe a little more

"W-well not today! M-maybe like tomorrow! Maybe at I don't know 1?" Honey quickly said after a couple seconds

"W-well o-ok. I-I would l-l-love to" I said smiling at him a little

"Ok! And I will come pick you up since you probably don't know where it is!" Honey beamed with a huge smile on his face

Then after talking a little about nothing Honey had to leave and I headed back up to my room 

'I guess this is a date..?'

"SO! WhatdidItellya?" Sugar said from behind my open door once I walked in making me jump

"W-w-w-whaaat!" I yelled surprised that she was there and that she knew


Eh Imma stop it there .-.


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