03. Before I Wake

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Rhea surveys my face, staring at what she likes to call 'her masterpiece'.

She has spent the last forty-five minutes swiping and brushing and slapping so much make-up on my skin that I feel as though I am caked in the stuff. Although, when I turn to the mirror, I see that the overall look is actually really subtle. The tops of my eyes are smoky, my cheeks a rosy pink and most importantly, the bags are no longer so pronounced.

"Perfect," Rhea declares with a smile. "I must be a magician or something."

Both her and Saige chuckle at the joke, ignoring my grimace. Saige chucks an emerald green shirt at me which I throw on without bothering to argue. I'm glad I didn't, it matches my white shorts nicely. The whole outfit is both casual and comfortable. It's something I would have chosen myself.

"I'm so glad you decided to join us," Rhea gives my hand a soft squeeze. Her dark red bikini is visible through the material of her white baby doll dress. She's quite fond of going for late night swims in the lake after a few too many drinks. "It's not the same without you."

"Me too." Saige says, grabbing her brown leather handbag and throwing it over her shoulder. "Let's go have some fun."

I send a quick text to my parents letting them know that we are heading to the lake house and pass my phone to Saige to keep in her bag. I don't really like to carry one around and she is of the opinion that hers 'completes her outfit', so the arrangement works well for both of us.

I have to admit, it really does look nice with her navy blue dress.

We decide to walk the short distance instead of taking Saige's car. The lake house is only two streets over and the night air is cool so the short trek is actually pleasant. We link arms, with me in the middle, each of my best friends on either side.

I feel like they are leaving me with no escape.

And I want to. I want to turn around and go home. I had hoped that as the day had progressed, my dream would drift further away. But it still clings to me, a memory I can't shake, joining all the others that I wish I could forget. But Saige and Rhea had been so excited at the prospect of my attendance, and I don't want to let them down.

I try to convince myself that I will be okay, but as the lake house comes into view, my hesitant smile is wiped away by the memories that crash into me. It was a night similar to this one, except instead of the clear skies that we are graced with today, a storm had been brewing. Heavy clouds had hung in the air, dense and thick with rain.

I stop short, remembering the way that blood had felt on my hands and under my feet. The foul taste of bile as it clung to my mouth. The tears that had cloaked my eyes and ran down my cheeks.

"Audrey, are you okay?" Saige's worried voice brings me back to the present. Under the moonlight I can see the concern etched on her face.

"Fine," I whisper. But I still can't get my feet to move.

"Just say the word," Rhea reassures me, unlinking our arms and pulling me in for a hug instead. "We'll turn around right now and go home."

I want to take her up on her offer. Seeing the lake house at night is different from the glimpses I catch of it during the day. But if I do that, I'm just postponing the inevitable. I have to face my demons eventually. I can't be scared forever.

"No," I manage, ignoring the ice that creeps through my veins. "No, I'm ready."

We approach the lake house slowly, the music getting louder the closer we get. By the time we reach the door it is almost impossible to hear each other talk over the bass that booms from the speakers.

Sweaty bodies are packed into the main room and smoke floats through the air like a thick fog. To the left, just under the balcony on the upper level is the counter, already loaded with all different types of drinks. A small dance floor has been cleared in the middle where a few people are bumping and grinding to the beat.

"I'm going to go find Brennan," Saige shouts, fighting to be heard over the noise. "I'll be back now!"

Rhea answers her but I can't hear what she says. I wish someone would turn the volume down slightly. I feel like the floor shakes beneath my feet from the vibration of the speakers. I point to the bar counter, convinced that I'm going to need alcohol to make it through the night.

Fun. You're supposed to have fun.

Rhea trails behind me, clinging onto my upper arm so that we don't lose each other in the crowd. I search through the glass bottles, settling on vodka and pouring a hefty amount into a plastic cup. It burns as it slides down my throat, but not as much as being trapped in this room does.

I look up at the upper level. At the railing that has recently been fixed. At the bar counter I am currently standing right next to.

There are too many people. There's not enough room. I can't breathe in here. I can't be in here.

"I'm just getting some air," I yell at Rhea, hoping she can hear me. I don't wait for her to answer, slipping past a couple who seem to be looking for a quiet place to make out and heading out back.

The lake looks just as beautiful in the moonlight as it does during the day. The water is a dark blue instead of azure, the colour of spilled ink. The trees that surround the shore are just dark silhouettes, illuminated by the stars that hang across the velvety sky like diamonds.

"Party too much for you?" The sound of Carter's voice makes me jump, almost tripping over my own feet as I turn to face him. "Whoa, there. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." But I'm not. My heart is racing and my breath is coming out in heavy bursts. "You just startled me."

"You're not fine. God, you're shaking. Come here." He pulls me against his chest, wrapping his arms around me. I feel so stupid getting so worked up over such a small thing. I'm weak. Too weak. The memories are eating me alive, eroding away my insides like acid.

I should never have come here.

"I'm sorry." I wipe under my eyes and push away from him. "Sorry, I'm making such a fuss. I'm okay now though."

"Do you want me to take you home? No one would blame you."

His eyes are so blue I could drown in them. He doesn't look at me like I'm crazy, as most people would. Instead, his face is full of understanding of friendly concern.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just going to stay outside for a while." I'm going to stay out here all night; there is no way I'm going back in there. But I don't tell him that.

"I'll stay with you." He threads his fingers through my shaking ones, holding them steady. "I'm not going anywhere."

My heart skips a beat at his kindness, at the feel of his warm hand in mine. He smiles, and it is the best thing I have seen tonight. My worries seem to slowly ebb away as he looks down at me. His other hand comes up to softly trail along my cheek and I hold my breath as he leans closer.

And then, from just inside the house, a bloodcurdling scream rings out, carving the air in two.

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