In The Dead of Night

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I run for my life.

Behind me are cries, yells, shouts... like some crazy nightmare. Flashlights dance in the darkness but everything else is unclear, and a little blurred thanks to my blind panic. My pyjamas serve as little armour from the shocking cold around me, and my sandal-clad feet are unprotected from the crumbling snow serving as a thick blanket over the usual grassy floor. Everything is scarier in the dark, and each new noise or direction sends a wave of shivers through my spine. I just want to go home.

But my home is destroyed. They are searching for me because I have done terrible things, though I have said so many times: I never meant to do what I did. I never wanted to hurt any one... my family.

I am close to tears as I carry on running - stumbling - through the trees, occasionally letting out tiny squeaks as freezing cold water drips onto my neck and trickles down my back. The cold is unbearable and I am so terrified that my legs keep on pounding, despite my desperate want to stop and hand myself in to my pursuers. As though my body wants me to die slower.

Panting, I feel the ground level out under my numb feet. I peer through the blackness, spotting no trees and realising I am in a clearing. Wracking my brain does not help me decipher where I am, as I have never really explored these woods before. Maybe when I was little, but not now. I am completely helpless.

Heavy thumps behind signify my hunters catching up once more. I haven't managed to regain my breath before I have to run again, this time sprinting freely with what little energy I have left. I hear more heavy breath - this time right beside me - and look down to find four beautiful wolves running next to me. They are not aggressive, so calm I start smiling, laughing, until my eyes are flooded with tears. I'm so scared and the sight is so uncommon, and I can't control my emotions. I sob in joy and fear, my tears flying behind me and disappearing onto the ground.

Then, as suddenly as the wolves appeared, they are gone. I am left alone once more, still crying and shaking. The darkness looms in front like an inescapable monster as the trees approach again, and I carry on running, running so hard my legs ache. I swear I hear a gunshot and I spin around, close to screaming...

And then I fall. The shock of cold hits me like a wall and I gasp, hurriedly pressing my lips tight shut. First rule of not drowning: don't try to breathe.

My legs kick and jerk underneath me, bubbles flurrying up and around my face like tiny, frantic fish as the cold grows heavy. It pushes onto my body and makes my movements slow, sluggish, until I am straight in the water, hands by my sides and head up as though I am trapped in some watery straitjacket.

Chest tightening, I squint up and see the weak sun reflecting through the clear ripples like a prize I suddenly long to win. Chunks of ice float on the smooth surface, broken from the snowy banks, like strangely-shaped white water lilies, and I am left chanting in my head; fall or fly? Fall or fly? Fall... or fly?


My legs kick and my head breaks the surface with a gasp like a dying fish. Water droplets spray the air and catch the light, masquerading as beautiful diamonds before falling to the floor and smashing - useless. Suddenly the shouts make their way to my ears once more, and my heart flutters in dread as I stumble to my feet. I am slow and unsteady, unable to find my bearings nor my strength because of the cold that's enclosed my mind, my body and... my soul? Nothing seems right any more, and yet nothing seems wrong. The screeches behind me cut off and the snow fades, taking the trees and lake with it until I am left in darkness. Darkness except for... light.

Shining, sparking, shimmering like some almighty being has sprung into radiance before me. I almost need to shield my eyes, before it pulses kindly as though telling me not to be afraid. Like the sun wavering through the translucent water, I am drawn to it - I want it. I want it to help me and guide me and love me like the wolves did. It looks friendly, though I'm unsure what IT is. A silver sphere of pure light, but is that all? Is it something else? How has it transported me to this place where there is peace and dark and quiet?

Fur runs against my fingers and I instinctively pull away, frightened. But I can't be frightened when I see the wolf nuzzling my leg, its strong muscles disguised by sleek grey hair that's warm and comforting to the touch. How it got to the dark room with me; I do not know. All that matters is that it remembered me and came for me when I needed it.

There is stillness - until the wolf moves towards the light, pushing me with it. Feeling my uncertainty drain away I follow willingly, feeling the brilliant warmth coming off the sphere in waves. Together, we go closer, closer, closer, until finally I am there in front of it, and it's welcoming me into its home like a loved relative I've always wanted.

A final smile. I step into the sphere and feel the floor disappear from under my feet. I am weightless, and...

I am happy.


A little boy watches from behind a tree, seeing a girl just older than him stop abruptly after a couple of weak stumbles. She wears spotty pink pyjamas and plain white sandals, clearly unsuitable for the freezing conditions. Immediately the boy recognises her to be like him. On the run for something she didn't do. He watches as her eyes glaze over, and she takes slow steps forward like she is finally at peace. Movement beside him makes him jump aside, and his eyes widen in awe as an amazing, fully-grown wolf limps past. Blood soaks its flank, turning the slate-grey fur scarlet, but the beautiful creature remained strong, powerful. The boy sees the girl flinch as the wolf rubs its head against her outstretched fingers, before settling again. They walk a little further, together, before the girl crumples to the floor, still smiling in obvious peace. She curls in on herself, covering her body, and the wolf nestles beside her.

And then they are still.

The little boy lets out the breath he didn't he had been holding, and stares at the girl and the wolf, curled together as one. He feels his heart slow, his breathing deepen, and feels the world fade to silence. The trees around him fade to black... except for one radiant light directly before him...


Hope you liked!

This was my English writing... so I randomly decided to put it on Wattpad! Yay!

Lots of parts are influenced by the singer Aurora, so feel free to check out some of her songs!

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RandomPhandom xxx

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