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DAY 795


Jimin gulps, glancing around at the people he hasn't met. Well... fuck. He saunters over to the big pot where Katherine is cooking, humming ever so slightly. There's two others near her. A younger girl, probably the 'Sky' that Ves mentioned before, and another girl younger than Jimin but definitely an adult.

"I don't believe we've met," he says, doing a small nod. The three girls turn, Jimin shooting them a charming smile. For the first time in his life, the charming smile doesn't woo them. They simply blink. "Jimin." He desperately tries not to show his nervousness. He's sure he's failing. Failing miserably.

"Julia," the woman replies, Jimin shaking her hand.

"Did I scare you off immediately? Is it the weird smile?" he asks.

Julia chuckles and pats him on the shoulder, "Not yet, but I don't think we should take any chances. Sky, search him."

The young girl pokes his stomach harshly, Jimin groaning and wincing. "Was that... really necessary?" he asks with a huff.

"Very," the kid replies with a smile, stepping back by Katherine's side.

"Nice to know I'm welcomed," Jimin says. Julia offers him a smile and shakes him off. "Do I get to meet the others, or do I have to stick around here for now?"

"You can do either or. We're not doing anything important right now," she replies, helping Katherine with the cooking. Jimin stays back on the balls of his feet, his eyes casting over to the other kid. Sky. He furrows his brows, noting how she appears to be scanning over the environment. Ves said she's not like him. She didn't adapt as easily as Ves, but Jimin's not sure if that's entirely true based on the way she appears to be observant. Just because she's not great in combat doesn't mean she doesn't have her own skillset. Jimin's learned to never underestimate kids. Never.

He kneels, the girl turning to face him. "Wanna show me around the outskirts? I haven't really had much chance to explore yet. Assuming that's okay with the adults." Julia and Katherine don't voice any complaints, so he motions to Sky to make the decision. She narrows her eyes, but eventually nods and stalks off in the other direction.

Jimin follows, observing how she goes about her day. Even the basics such as her posture can be a clue. She seems a bit stiff, but her posture is far from slumping. Maybe a dancer like him? Or maybe she was forced to have good posture growing up. One of the two. She strides as she walks, taking short, controlled steps and keeping her weight center. Smart tactic. If someone bumps into her she'll have more control over her body. Jimin didn't even realize he does the same when he walks until he notes it in someone else.

"If this is a game to get me to like you more, it's failing pretty miserably. I doubt I'll ever like you," she says. Okay, ouch. Jimin's a bit hurt by a kid. A kid. Maybe that makes him pathetic or sensitive, but ouch.

"You know, we're gonna be living together for the foreseeable future, being a bitch to me is not in your best interest. Maybe the others, but not to me."

"Why?" she asks.

"Because I'm the only one here who has extended experience with the outside world. If you were smart, you'd either spend time befriending the right people, or try your best to befriend everyone. Maybe both, but focusing on the right people first is the best way to go."

"Is that what you're doing? Befriending Y/n and Jungkook and Namjoon? Even Fiona and Louis? Is that your game here?" Jimin would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed by her sharp words. They may sting a little, but it's a sign that this kid is actually a pretty useful asset.

"Maybe. I'd say Y/n is much more than a friend now."

Sky gives him a side eye he's not sure he's comfortable with. "So you're sleeping with my boss?"

"For a kid, you're quite vulgar."

"For a new adult, you're quite bitter."

It's Jimin's turn to give her a side eye. "Well played kid, well played. Ves made you sound like some My Little Pony loving girl who didn't really care about the apocalypse."

"Oh really? Guess I'll have a word with him later," Sky replies, taking him to the back gate. "This is our most vulnerable point, we always have people guarding it. Speaking of..." She points to the figure guarding it, and Jimin lights up when he sees the familiar face.

"Hey Fi," he says.

Fiona dips her head in a nod. "Sky giving you trouble?"

"Only the good kind." He covers Sky's ears. "Any zombies trying to fuck with us?" Sky takes his hands off her ears, Jimin shooting her an amused grin. To his surprise, she actually returns it.

"Not yet, but that changes based on the hour." She points to the blood splattered on the metal of the gate. "Normally we have to stab em' through the gate. Don't be surprised if Namjoon gives you this job every once in a while. The most boring one, especially if you're alone. And I hate to break it to you buddy, but your girlfriend doesn't do gate duty. Since she leads our scavenging missions, Namjoon likes to give her a break from something as boring as this."

"My girlfr- oh, Y/n. She's not my girlfriend."

Sky crosses her arms over her chest. "Didn't you just say she's more than a friend to you?"

"I meant we're besties! Why can't two people from the opposite sex be friends? Fiona, we're friends!"

"No we're not."

"Okay, ouch, I'm deeply hurt. But the point is I can have friends on the opposite side and not make out with them. It's not like it's a huge challenge, I've had plenty of girl friends before. Emphasis on friends," Jimin rambles.

"Does he ever stop talking?" Sky asks.

"No, not really. You should see him out on mission though, he's not too bad out there. Honestly it was terrifying to see him come up with a plan so fast." Fiona points to Jimin. "But don't think you're getting out of this. Everyone and their dead grandmas can see that you and Y/n are a thing."

"But we aren't."

"Okay so you will be one day. Am I wrong?" she asks. Jimin stays quiet. "Uh oh, someone's got a big fat crush on one of our superiors. This will be interesting."

Jimin leans against the brick wall next to the gate, standing a few feet away from Fiona while Sky keeps her position in between the two. "I don't want it to be fake, y'know?" Fiona raises a questioning brow. "I really like her, I'll admit that, but she's also the first woman I've seen in months. What if it's just built up frustration and as soon as we have sex - sorry Sky." She shrugs. "Those feelings go away?"

"Well, Jimin, to be perfectly honest with you I don't think she's getting laid either. Jungkook and her hooked up once at the start of it all. That was a disaster, they got so awkward it was insane. We had to push them back together and they agreed to never see each other naked again. Point is, she's in the same boat as you. If you tell her your concerns, she'll hook up with you and you can see if they stick or not."

"Man I wish it was that easy, I don't really have that kind of confidence," Jimin replies.

"Yeah right. You charmed pretty much everyone here the second you showed up. You realize half the campus is in love with you?" Fiona asks.

"No way. I haven't even met half the campus yet."

"Exactly why it's so concerning. No one's seen an attractive guy in ages. Even the dudes are turning gay for you. Shit, I'm married but I have to admit you're attractive as hell. Y/n's one lucky bastard to have you going after her not gonna lie. Cute and bright. A deadly combination."

"That may be the nicest thing I've ever heard her say," Sky says, snickering.

Jimin softly smiles, but Fiona seems a bit on edge. "Hey kid, thanks for taking me here. Can you give us some space?" Sky nods, waving goodbye before departing. Jimin's quick to shift his weight towards Fi. "Something up?"

"You're good. Maybe a little too good," she says. "No one's able to guess my moods, not even my partner most of the time. What's your secret?"

"I've seen enough people to know when someone's lying. Only problem is I can't tell if you're lying to me or yourself."

"Maybe to everyone, even myself. I'm not sure what to do to be honest." He furrows his brows. "It's nothing you can help with. Everyone's so strong, and I'm trying to be. I am, but no matter what I can't shake the question," she explains.

"What question?"

She sighs. "Why? Why be alive if this is our lives. We hunt for food every couple days, inevitably lose the people we love, die in some terrible way. We can never not be aware of our surroundings if we want to survive. There's nothing. No hope left, all we can do is wait around until we die."

Jimin observes her, finding the scar on her neck that he noticed not long ago. "Are you saying we should give up?"

"I don't know."

"Fi, hope doesn't have to come from the world. It doesn't have to come from a shed of light that the zombies might go away. It doesn't have to come from the people outside who might or might not want to hurt us. It can come from the people around us. The only reason why I'm still alive is because the groups I was in gave me hope, it gave me hope that I have a reason to keep fighting. The zombies, environment, food to a certain extent... it's not why we're alive. Bad shit happens, bad shit happens every day whether we're in the apocalypse or not. What matters is the people we meet along the way. That's what shapes us. This shit, the world, and our main problems? It could be temporary. Honestly, it probably is. I'm sorry shit sucks, but none of us can do anything about it. How about we focus on the things we can do something about? If we stop worrying about the things we can't control and focus on what we can, life will get a lot less stressful. A lot more real, too."

She keeps her eyes on him as he stops speaking, fearing that he went on too long. He feels a bit bad talking so much, but her smile soothes his nerves. "Every day I think you might change thanks to everything around you, then you do something only Park Jimin would do and all those thoughts go away."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"You should. You're right, after all."

Jimin slyly smiles. "Oh I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

Fiona rolls her eyes. "You're right, happy?" He nods, so she chuckles and continues. "You're not nearly as bad of a guy as I thought Park."

"Don't say that yet, I could still steal your food." They both grin at each other, Jimin choosing not to ask about the scar yet. They just got into a positive mood, no need to bring it down. Before either of them can speak again, another voice rings out in the area.

"Hey old man."

Jimin turns to see Ves striding over, stopping once he's only a couple feet away. "I'm not that old, you'll be my age eventually."

"I'm sure the universe itself will be gone by the time I get that old."

He shoots Ves a sour but joking look, Ves picking up on the amusement and softly smiling. "I'll see you around Fi. Protect that gate well, yeah?" Fi nods, Jimin going over to Ves and the two walk away. As soon as they're out of earshot of Fiona, Jimin turns to him. "Any reason why you're bothering me or is it just becoming a hobby of yours?"

"A bit of both. Mostly a hobby. The face you make is hilarious to be honest."

"Ha I'm so amused." The two of them return to the main courtyard, Jimin pointing out each face he doesn't recognize. There's plenty. He wonders if he should introduce himself, but he'd probably forget their names within a minute. Instead, he turns to Ves. "Anyone important I should know?"

"Nice strategy, but I couldn't tell you that. Still a kid, remember? Don't exactly know what's important to you. You know Jungkook and Katherine, I'd say nowadays you need them most. Become their best friends." Ves pauses to sharply nudge Jimin. "Or fuck Jungkook's best friend. One of the two."


"What? It seems like you want to fuck her."

"Who taught you that word?!"

"The porn magazine in Joon's office." Jimin groans, placing a hand on his face. Really Namjoon? He decides against pressing, choosing to instead keep a disappointed look on his face. "Haven't I said it before?"

"I'm choosing to pretend you haven't."

Ves eyes him, then, he snorts. "When's the last time you got laid? At this point, I might have a better chance and I'm half your age."

"Not even," Jimin says, scanning his eyes over the area until he sees familiar faces. Sky's back in this area, her running around and checking the interior walls. Huh. She's not a fighter as Jimin guessed earlier, but she's far from what Ves described. Maybe Jimin should take a mental note of that. "And I don't know Ves. Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you kiddo."

Ves pretends to yawn. "Boring motherfucker."

Jimin tickles his neck, Ves laughing and attempting to pry him off. Jimin doesn't let up until Ves practically shoves him. He chuckles, ruffling Ves's hair as he's known for doing. "Call me boring one more time."

Ves blinks. "B-O-R-I-N-G."

"Okay, that's it-"

"Boys, boys," Katherine says, approaching. Jimin stands at attention as if he were in the army, Ves nudging him. Jimin nudges back. Ves nudges him again, Jimin nudging back again. Ves nudges- "Are you two done being children?"



Jimin and Ves glare at each other, Katherine sighing and running a hand through her hair. "You know what? Never mind. Ves, I need some help in the nurses office. Jimin, I hate to ask this but one of our guys has been up in the watchtower a while. Care to relieve him?"

Jimin dips his head. "Of course." She thanks him before taking Ves away, Jimin left alone again. He watches Ves and Katherine go, making sure they make it inside safely before he turns on his heel and saunters away. His life has changed dramatically these past few days, but one thing's for sure...

He loves that kid. He loves Ves a lot.

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