Chp.11 Unexpected Help

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We left off on (YN) getting his concentration back and avoiding being angry, he was now able to use his future sight quirk with the focus he has gain back already as Izuki's whole arm was stuck into (YN)'s mochi stomach...

(YN): Unstoppable Donuts!

(YN) summoned two huge loop holes from the ground as they were floating bedside him in the air as two huge edge Haki arms appeared out from them...

Izuki: Wh-What?!? Their bigger than before!

Izuki was trying hard to free her arm out, (YN) then let Izuki's arm go as she backed away and ready to fight back...

(YN): Max Power Mochi!!!

(YN)'s manipulated one huge Haki arm as it stretched towards Izuki as she was ñor strong enough to black the punch, instead she got hit from it, being flying away crashing towards a building....Izuki was able to barely recover as she stood up as she notices the second huge Haki arm coming towards her as she again got hit and sent crashing through the building and out of it...

(YN): I won't give you one more inch...we're going back to phase one.


D-Damn...That hurt..way more than his punches from his bodies...I-I can barely move...crap, I have no choice but to hide somewhere...I have to regain my strength and stamina if I have to keep fighting (YN) at 100% recovery...I then started running away as quickly as possible for him not to find me, I then ran into a little building as I rush in and closed the door quietly to not make noise or he will find me...

-(YN) POV-

I then went to look for Midoriya and then again...she was gone somehow? Did she gave up already?? No, that can't be...I have to find her, she must be around here somewhere...I can feel it.


I then sat down on the ground, legs cross and arms as well as I looked myself at the mirror...

Izuki: My strength and stamina wear out...if the battle goes longer, then he won't be able to focus and not concentrate enough to use his future sight quirk very well, I have to become stronger enough to beat him and faster than him...damn, what would All Might say in this kind of situation I'm dealing with??

Suddenly I started hearing All Might's voice in my head as he tells me in my head...

All Might's Voice: Young Midoriya...Let me tell you a valuable lesson about quirks. Quirks can become even stronger in a heat of a battle. The more you face against tough villains, the stronger and better you will get. Keep that in mind sweetie, you'll thank me later and soon you will see yourself as a strong hero.

After hearing All Might in my head, I somehow got some Hope and confidence, if I Keep this up in the battle against (YN), I will be able to have a chance to defeat him...I wanna surpass him. I wanna defeat him with my full strength!


Meanwhile, (YN) was walking to look for Izuki to continue his battle...

(YN): Wonder Where could she be? It's not like she just run away and gave up...that'll be a shame for her. This battle was getting intense and really good...not only that...she's really good at fighting, she's always getting confident, Hope, inspired, and not a quitter...somehow...I'm starting to like her...Tch! The hell am I saying?! I need to focus finding her and-

Izuki: (YN)!!!!!

(YN): Hmm??

Izuki hurts out from the building as smoke was covering everywhere as it started to clear slowly, as Izuki appeared...

Izuki: I..Am..Here!

(YN): Good to find you...but we just got back tog we her, don't get too wild. Even if you ran away, since I'm your opponent, no one wouldn't jeered on you. So what I'm saying is...Why did you come back?

Izuki: ...

(YN): You chose death over the shame of others thinking you ran away?

Izuki: Chose death?

(YN): Or you've noticed that you are still not matched for me, either that I got punched a few times and still fight back and come beg to be my ally?

Izuki: Beg? Heh, cut the crap...I only defeat you!

Izuki rushes towards (YN) as she started throwing rapid punches to him, but (YN) started dodging them like nothing with his arms crossed as she backed away from him...

(YN): Come to defeat me? You're not given...such an option!

(YN) was ready to continue his battle against Izuki as he and Izuki started rushing towards each other for their epic battle, as they were battling, meanwhile as they were, there people being shown hiding behind some was the league of villains! They were hiding somehow from (YN) and Izuki for them not to be seen...

Twice: So, what are we doing again???

Dabi: Damn twice how stupid are you!

Twice: Hey I just wanna know! What's the next plan anyways??

Tomura: Patience, Twice. Right here is the perfect spot for our plan. Besides, Toga will do the work, right?

Toga: You bet ya! Glad I was able to keep this silent blowgun i had and these poison needles as well.

Tomura: Excellent. That way, you can poison Izuki, bring her down so we can help (YN) get the chance to defeat her and then...We'll do the rest of of his work..killing the heroes!

Spinner: But, I thought he doesn't kill his opponents, just defeat them with all he got??

Tomura: Thats the thing spinner. If he didn't kill the heroes he has dealt with here in UA, then we will as soon he finishes off with Izuki. Toga, get ready!

Toga: Right on!

Back to the fight, Izuki then was on her knees as she was losing the fight against...(YN) then uses his right mochi arm to take out his he does and ready to use it on Izuki, Toga put the poison needle inside her silent blowgun, as she does, she aims it towards Izuki as she blows the needle towards her right leg and hit...

Izuki: Wh-What the....?!?!

Her right leg was feeling weak and sleepy as she was brought to one knee on the floor

(YN): Take This! Mochi...

Izuki: C-Crap...!


Izuki can barely move cause of her right leg being weak and not able to move it at all, she tried to dodge (YN)'s trident But failed as she then got hit from his trident on her left side of her stomach...she creamed in pain to notice (YN) left a hole in her left side of her stomach, blood was coming out and spilling as well, the league of villains started to seem surprised the fact Izuki is getting hurt badly..on the other hand, (YN) wasn't. He didn't expect Izuki to get hit and dodge it like nothing, but she did. Izuki falls down to the floor as she continues screaming in pain...after that, she then tried getting herself up the fact she can't cause of the hole she has on her stomach, blood still spilling out...she then surprisingly was able to get on her feet...

(YN): I can't believe you slip...!!!

(YN) rushes towards Izuki as he viciously kicks Izuki towards her face, sending her crashing towards a building...he then screamed her name..

(YN): Midoriya!!!

He somehow was getting upset and angry again the fact Izuki got hit from his trident and didn't dodge it...why???

Tomura: Great shot, Tomura.

Toga: Thanks!

Twice started laughing...

Twice: HaHaHaHa!! Did you look how stupidly she fall!?! HaHaHa-

Magne: Shhhhh! Zip it Twice! Don't make too much noise or he will find out!!

Twice: *giggles* right sorry...

Tomura: ...If we keep this up, maybe he will thank us for what we have done for him. Or better...he can be one of our next member of league of villains.

Back to the fight, (YN) leaps towards Izuki as he then again strikes his trident to Izuki, this time she was able to dodge it as (YN) started chasing after her...while Izuki kept dodging (YN)'s trident, this is what he tells her while trying to strike her...

(YN): Just a moment of carelessness...and the fight will be decided!

(YN) continues to strike his trident towards Izuki as she keeps dodging them...

(YN): Im sure that you will know that!!

Izuki then dodged out of the way as (YN) miss hitting Izuki rather than her, he hit the building and destroyed Izuki moved out of the way, she notices several loops of holes appearing above her...

(YN): Mochi Anemone!!!

Several punches were striking at Izuki as she was lay down behind her back, the punches were continuing striking at her for a while, after that, the loop holes disappeared as Izuki was lay there badly baldy injured...(YN) was heavily breathing of anger and then started to calm himself as he did...

(YN): I was just starting to think highly of you...but you disappointed me!

Izuki was laid there, locked out for a while until she then slowly opened her eyes and starting to get up slowly and painfully as (YN) was just standing there, crossing his arms waiting for her to get up, and she did, but her right leg was still weak of the needle she got shot...

Dabi: Shes getting you??

Tomura: No! How is she able to get up from that beating!?! Toga!

Toga: Right! Another shot coming right up!

Toga started putting a poison needle on her blowgun as she gets ready to shoot it, she then blows her blow gun as the needle was shot out of it and coming towards Izuki, in Izuki's POV, Izuki suddenly then started to see something shiny coming towards her, she notices it as it looked like a needle, and at the same time, the needle was making her sleepy as she slowly falls down to the side as the needle misses her being shot it...

Tomura: Sh-She dodge it!?!

Izuki completely falls to the ground...

Twice: But she fell down! Pffffffffft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Spinner: Twice shut up!!!

Twice: *Wheeze* I can't!! HaHaHaHa!!!!

Dabi: Twice!!!

As Twice continues to laugh hardly, (YN) started to hear some laughter from him, he then notices something, in his POV as everything was going slow motion for him, he notices a needle that was coming through beside him as it looked like it was going after Izuki and it did and that's where Izuki fell down and dodged it...he then looks from where that laugh was coming from and recognize that laugh and voice....

(YN): Twice?!

Twice then stopped laughing as Magne realizes (YN) looking at their direction...

Magne: Twice you dumbass! He looking straight here!

Tomura: What?!!!? Twice!

Twice: ...Oops.

Tomura: Twice! YOU....YOU-

(YN): Oi! League of villains...

(YN) shout at them as Tomura turns around, shaking nervously a bit...

(YN): By any chance you had to do with this??! A needle going right after Izuki??!

Tomura stood quiet for a moment, the villains as well... Tomura then said...

Tomura: Yes.

(YN) then grabbed his trident as he then started walking towards them...talking about them...

(YN): So, it was guys? You somehow used a silent weapon to shoot Izuki with a poison needle the intense battle, her concentration broke up for a moment, I knew there was something odd about it...I didn't expect her to get hit but either way she got hit from my trident, punched a hole on her stomach and left it a deadly wound! Do you bastards really think I'd want that sort of dishonorable victory?! Fuck no! Tomura!

Tomura: !?!?

(YN): Did you do this?!

He continues walking towards them as Tomura responded back to him sayin...

Tomura: . . .Of course. But hear me out, we had to help you, we watched you fight her since the beginning and we witnessed .... you got punched by her.

(YN): !!!!

Tomura: And Well, we wanted to help you out. So I asked Toga to use this silent blowgun with poison needles to shoot Izuki and gain weak strength so you can gain victorious! And look what happen! She now lost some weakness in her body and you were able to injure her! So your welcome! And besides, we were thinking if we actually helped you, you can thank us for what we are doing! Come on (YN), think about it! You and us, joining together to take out all the heroes in the world and we can show these pathetic heroes who we really are!?! And you can as well, even better, you can become our next leader! Right guys!?!

Dabi/Toga/Spinner/Twice/Magne/Mr. Compress/: Yeah!

Tomura: So...what do you say, pal??

(YN) appeared infront of the villains as he stopped at stared at them right towards them...

(YN): What the hell your thinking and talking about, you idiots!?!

(YN) grabs his trident with both arms as the sharp knives was turned around facing (YN)'s stomach and he suddenly and shockingly stabbed his meld with his own trident...

As he did, he takes his trident out of his stomach, leaving a big hole on it as he drops his trident, having a hole on his stomach spilling blood out...the villains were shocked to see what just happened...

Tomura: Wh-What?!?!!!!! Wh-Why?!?!!

(YN) stares at Tomura to his eyes as he then grabs his scarf, as he does, he started staking it off slowly...

(YN): When rivals are fighting...don't patronize them!!!

And so, (YN) as revealed his mouth finally, showing his sharp teeth's, with deep scars on both side of his mouth...the villains were shocked to know that (YN) has shown them his mouth, which he never does since what All For One actually did to his mouth while their fight back then...

(YN): If you feel like laughing at her, then you're gonna have to laugh at this as well!

Tomura was speechless for a moment the fact (YN) revealed his mouth towards him and the villains...Then he then replies to him...

Tomura: How...pathetic!

(YN): ...

Tomura: What the hell did you become!?! Always clam, noble and strong! The perfect way you are! Villains who admire you! But you stabbed yourself on your own worthless!

Tomura walks up towards (YN)...

Tomura: Youre not the (YN) I knew, we knew! How pathetic! That mouth of your look stupid!

Dabi: Hehe, it actually does.

Twice: HaHaHa!!! I can laugh at those one!

Tomura: Really disappointed at you!

Tomura spits at (YN)'s face...(YN) just stood there as he started to have flashbacks of kids and adults afraid of him of his mouth when he was a kid, he can remember hear them saying to him "What a monster he looks!" "Ew! Who wants to be friends with a weirdo like him!" "What a freak!" After the flashbacks, he wipes off the spit from his face as he turns around and walks away from Tomura...

Tomura: Oi Oi! Say something, stupid!

(YN) stopped as he stares at Izuki as Izuki was waking up as she couldn't get up from the needle she got shot from her right leg, still weak and not able to move it, she then notices (YN) standing a very far distance away from her, and realizes him not having his scarf on and showing her his mouth....onto the next chapter!

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