Chp.5 The Atagonist Has Arrive

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Seems like the students are doing great with their training...I wonder what's taking Aizawa to come back? I bet he's probably in just sleeping bag...hehe, that's Aizawa. Anyways, looks like their training is up, we should call if for today so they can rest for today and be ready for the upcoming exam they will have soon...

All Might: Alright you all, your training ends here, time to go and rest for your upcoming exams.

Kirashima: Aw jeez, I wish we can train some more, I'm becoming more manly than before!

Denki: Yeah, and I don't even get to use my new special attack! Oh well, we might as well save our stamina and energy for the exams.

Kirashima: Yeah. Yo Izuki! You guys! Let's go already!


Our training ended as we were all about to head over to our dorms already, man I'm surprised I get to use my new attack on my training, but I still gotta work on it, I almost pulled a muscle while swinging that kick to the boulder, anyways, I was wondering where could Aizawa-Sensei be? He's always with us when we're I had to ask All Might...

Izuki: Say, All Might?

All Mighy: Ah, young Midoriya, what is it?

Izuki: Well I wondering where's Aizawa-Sensei? He's always here with us when we're training...

All Might: Oh..Well, he said he had other stuff to take care of so I let him do his business, don't worry, he's-

As soon we were all heading over to the exit of the gym gamma building, we then heard the windows above the doors shatter as a person was somehow being tossed from there, the person was tossed from the windows from outside, as he fell down to the ground, we then all rush towards the person and realizes it was Aizawa-Sensei?! What the hell happened to him!?!

Kirashima: Aizawa-Sensei!!!

All Might: Aizawa!!

Bakugo: What the!?! The hell happen to him!?!

Midnight then checked on Aizawa...

Midnight: He's seriously injured! It looks like he's been beatin up badly somehow! Aizawa! Are you alright?!? Can you hear me?!

Aizawa: Y-Y-You guys...have...t-to get...out of here...

Izuki: Wh-What?!? Why?!

All Might: Aizawa! Where is he!?!

Bakugo: He?!! Who the hell are you talking about All Might??'

All Might: ...So...He actually came...!?

Bakugo: Damn it All Might! Who are you even talking about!?!

Suddenly, the door started slamming like if someone was trying to kick the door down...the door then was knocked out of the way as we all see a shadow silhouette...he started walking towards us as we started having our guard up...he then revealed himself...he then stop walking and stood still...

(YN): So, that's one hero down, a lot more to go.

Kirashima: What the!?! Hey who are you!? And what did you do to Aizawa-Sensei!?!

(YN): Can't you see? He has been beatin up so badly, he couldn't even stand a chance against me. As far as for all of you heroes, you won't as well.

Tokoyami: Tch! He's a villain as I can see. What's your purpose coming over here?!

(YN): My purpose? *scoffs* never knew you heroes are so eager about every plan the villains are up to. Fine, but before I even's good to see you, All Might.

All Might was looking a bit nervous to realize that the threat knows him already...and also...he was a teenager...unlike the other villains who tried their best to take away Bakugo...

All Might: Midnight, Take Aizawa with you and get him over with recovery girl quickly! And announce all the students in Class 1-A to get here now!

Midnight: Got it!

Midnight carried Aizawa as she ran off with him to take him to recovery girl and announce the students from Class1-A to arrive at the this the threat Shigaraki was talking about?! Then I must see what he does...

All Might: So...I'm guessing your name is...(YN)??

(YN): Indeed...I am (YN). And my purpose here in to defeat all of you heroes and take you down so I can show those pathetic villains how a true villains finishes the job.


What the??! Why would he tell us that like that?! And...why does he look so...calm..:I expected him to act like some sort of crazy, lunatic, psycho villain...he's...different...

(YN): After I'm done with you heroes, there's one hero I wanna fight. A hero I'm looking for.

Izuki: Looking for a Hero??

Kirashima: Aw come on now! Don't tell me the league of villains sent this dude to capture Bakugo again!?


Suddenly, an explosion came from behind the others as Bakugo was floating in the air and landed on the ground in front of them, far distance from (YN)...

Bakugo: If you really wanna capture me and take me with the league of villains again, then you have to fight me first! Let's go you bastard! I won't hold back!

Izuki: K-Kachan! What's are you doing!?!

Bakugo: Shut it, Deku! Don't get in my way you bitch! Now come on you villain, let's go at it right now!

(YN) then stood there, arms crossed as he stood silent for a moment...

Bakugo: Well, what are you waiting for you bastard! Fight me!

(YN) then said...

(YN): First off...I'm not working with those worthless league of villains...their useless to me. Every plan they make, fails. As always. And I'm more surprise that the symbol of peace has manage to take down the symbol of evil, Which is my other reason I don't work for them. Such an embarrassment, and here I thought he was a true villain...but I was wrong all along...and second...No, your not the hero I'm looking for, Kachan.

Bakugo: Nrrrgh! Don't call me that, that's just a stupid nickname she always call me! The names Bakugo Katsuki!

(YN): Katsuki Bakugo...No.

Bakugo: Huh?!!

(YN): Your not the hero I was looking for.

All Might/Midnight: What?!

Kirashima/Denki/Tokoyami/Izuki: WHAT?!?

Bakugo: Wh-What?!! Then who the hell your here for then?!!

(YN): . . . I am looking for Izuki Midoriya.

Bakugo: WHAT?!?

Bakugo turned around facing Izuki as Izuki was confused and shocked to know a villain like (YN), looking for him...Izuki then said...

Izuki: I-I'm Izuki...Midoriya.

(YN): I are Izuki Midoriya. You look strong as I expected.

Izuki: W-Well-

Bakugo: HEY!

(YN): Hmm?

Bakugo: The hell you have against Deku?!!? Why do you want her anyways?!?

(YN): ...Do not worry about it. What you gotta worry is all of you are going to be defeated.

The rest of Class 1-A arrive to the gym as they notice (YN)...

Tenya: We have come just in time! Where is the villain?!

(YN): I see...there's more of you.

All Might: Everyone listen up! Be careful with him, he has dangerous quirks!

Sero: Quirks?! You mean this villains has more than one?!

All Might: I'm afraid so...listen heroes! Remember about your training! Take him down with everything you got! No holding back! Show him what heroes can do!

All the Class 1-A heroes we're getting ready to fight as they charge up their quirks for battle...

(YN): I wish you all the luck to go against me. Just to let you all know, no matter how hard you try to even touch me or take me down, there's no way all of you will win...not even at the same time.

Bakugo: Ha! That's where you wrong! As you can see, your gonna have to deal with me first and then through these bastards! Cause I'm better than everyone here!

(YN): Really? So how come I'm only looking for Izuki??

Bakugo: ...Buddy you have seconds to prepare yourself cause I'm about to blow the fuck out of you!

(YN): Oh really?

His red eyes started to glow...

Momo: Hey look! His eyes! Their...glowing!?

Jirou: That has to be one of his quirks...

After that, he then said...

(YN): Heh, that's a quite attack you got there, Bakugo. But that attack won't do nothing.

Kirashima: Attack?! But Bakugo hasn't done anything yet!

Bakugo: Cut the crap! I'm tired listening to you! Prepare to DIE!

Bakugo started rushing towards (YN) as he then leaps to timid air as he started spinning around somehow...

Bakugo: Take this!!! Howitzer...

Izuki: Kachan wait!

Bakugo: IMPACT!!!!!

Bakugo caused a huge explosion has it went towards (YN) somehow...

Bakugo: Ha! Not so tough at all!

As the smoke was barely clearing away, Bakugo realizes (YN) was still standing, not even looking damaged or hurt at all, he was still standing there, somehow he had his right arm up towards Bakugo's explosion as it somehow was blocked, with one of (YN)'s Haki ability...

Bakugo: Wh-What?!!!

(YN): Told you...that attack was useless.

(YN) grabbed Bakugo by the hair, pulls him forwards as he massively punches him straight to his gut with his right hand Haki ability, Bakugo spat out blood as he was sent flying towards the others as Kirashima, Izuki, Denki and Sero caught him...he then somehow was having trouble breathing

Kirashima: Bakugo!

Izuki: Kachan! Are you okay?!! Breathe slowly!

Bakugo: *gasping for air for a moment* A-Ack!! *breathing heavily* D-Damn it...Wh-what was that?!? H-How didn't he went down...that was my strongest...attack!

Denki: Not only that, his arm change somehow after he blocked it, it some sort of metal armor.

Kirashima: Not only that, how the hell did he know that your attack wasn't gonna work on him!?!

Izuki: Because it didn't!

Kirashima: Huh?! What do you mean, Izuki??!

Izuki: Think about it you guys...his eyes, glowing all of the sudden, then after that, he immediately told Kachan that his attack won't work on him...and no longer than a second, Kachan went for it and use his attack on him just like the villain said before! And look now, the attack didn't affect on him and just took like it was nothing...he knew that Kachan was gonna use his howitzer impact attack...

Denki: But how tho?!?

All Might:! That can't be!

Asui: What is it All Might, Ribbit??

All Might: of his quirk powers...allows him to see slightly through the future!

Everyone: What?!?

Everyone stood shocked and nervous to here one of (YN)'s time see slightly through the future...

(YN): Well I'll be All Might, you've figured it out already. Very surprised.

Todoroki: This is going to be tougher than we thought, How are we suppose to know what can he predict, if we use our attacks on him or even our fighting skills, he'll know it before we even do it.

Kirashima: Bakugo, you okay??!

Bakugo: Y-Yeah...damn, I don't know how, but that punch made me spat out blood. It's unbelievable for what I felt.

(YN): Are you guys going to fight? I really wanna deal with all of you first...then I'm going after Izuki Midoriya.

Todoroki: Midoriya?! Why??!

All Might: No time to explain young Shoto! We have to deal with him first! Like I said heroes! Give him everything you got!

Everyone: Right!

As everyone started to get ready to fight against (YN), Izuki then goes up to All Might..

All Might: Young Midoriya!?

Izuki: I have to take you somewhere safe! You can't be here, it'll be too dangerous if we cause destruction.

All Might: But-

Suddenly, All Might realizes that now that he's retired and not able to hold onto his strength, Izuki was right on that one...

All Might: Alright then, Young Midoriya.

Izuki: Right! I'll be back everyone, just gotta take All Might somewhere safe!

Kirashima: You got it, Midoriya!

Ochaco: Dont worry about us!

Tenya: We'll do our best to take down this villain!

Bakugo: Tch! Whatever!

As everyone was getting ready, (YN) was on his battle stance...

(YN): Get ready, cause This will get nasty and painful.

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