Belief-(And the fools that will follow)

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The crowd hushed as they focused on the two boys. 

Wilbur, having just arrived, quickly turned towards the focus point of silence, hoping that Tommy was there, the spell accidentally teleporting him to the middle of the throne room. 

That's the scene he expected, but never in a thousand scrolls did he think that the Majesty of Dream and The New Captain of the Guard would be standing there, holding one another. 

Wilbur felt his jaw drop. 

He never thought that the rumor from a few villagers would turn into a real affair. 

The prince pulled away from the captain's grip, red in the face. George coughed. "Are you alright, your Majesty?" He asked quietly. 

Prince Clay looked like he was choking on something. 

Suddenly the crowd burst into excited whispering. 

Then a few started clapping until the entire room was filled with such excitement that Prince Clay had to rush to his throne to regain calm, George following him afterwards. 

"Greetings, guests and citizens!" He called out, trying to ignore the way his face was already flushed from the first few minutes of the celebration.

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