Chapter I

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Midorikawa's Point of View

I am sitting on my bed with my best friend by my side. Kiyama gives me big yellow envelope and he encourages me to opening it and checking the contents. With curiosity I opened the envelope and pull out of it a high-quality sheet of paper. 

-Wow, that's a really great photo-I said with appreciation. The photography shows Hiroto. The boy lay on floor. His stright, blood-red hair running down to the floor in the artistic disorder. His lips're parted. Like they're promising something. It looks like he's about to whisper something. Also his half-closed eyes looked mysteriously. They have the alluring and inscrutable expression.  In turn, white shirt, turquoise Ribbon, roses and a large amount of red color harmonize with redhead beauty.

-Thank you- he replied with a slight smile.-Yuriko is very pleased with it. She gave me a copy as a memento.

-Yuriko is . . . -I start looking in the memory of some information about this woman. In vain.

-I was recruited by her. She also is the head of the editor-I nod. We both fall silent . Silence gravitated toward me, so I decided to stop it. 

-Hiroto. Could you tell me something more about this studio, these pictures, about all of this. All the time you avoid this topic!- I get angry, a bit angry.  However, it's probably not surprising, right? After all, my best friend's hiding  something like this, and I am worried for him.   The boy sighed heavily. The smile disappeared from his face. I feel . . . a slight remorse. Oh no, he's not going to drive me in guilt!

-Hiroto . . . -I started again. I did not want to attack him or make him the trouble. 

-No, Midorikawa. I can't-he replied, he got up and walked away, leaving me alone in the room.  I collapse with a heavy sigh. Bravo. I upset him, got him into trouble  or irritated him. Delete the as appropriate. What I found out? The fact that Yuriko (last name unknown) is the boss and she caught him. Who is she? How it looks like? How old is she? What is her personality? Ambitions? Plans and objectives for Hiroto? I do not know, I do not know, I do not know! 

To sum up: I don't know anything that would give me confidence that I'm unnecessarily worried. Silly? Maybe, but I don't care about it. 

Behind the door I heard a cry of Reina. Hm . . . Well, during yesterday's dinner  she said that she was going to go the next day  to the cinema with her classmates. I wasn't able to think about something more, because she- like a storm- plunges into my room . Without knocking, because knocking left to rest.

-Midorikawa! Help me!-she moaned desperately. I fell over the eyes.

-Reina, after all, you know that I don't  paint your nails. I do not want and I can not- after hearing this she makes a face. 

-That's not what I mean, and you know that it was a unique situation-and she showed me her tongue. I laugh.My relationship with her lately has improved lately. I'm very happy bacause of it.

-So how can I help you?- I replied. She's about to tell me what is the problem when she noticed photo lying next to me.

-And what is it?- With curiosity she makes a step in my direction and, as soon as possible, I hide picture of the redhead. The secret is the secret. I've promised not to talk to anyone about this topic. 

-Nothing, only old rubbish- I bite my lips.  It is not nice to lie, but sometimes you have to. The question is: will she buy it or not?

-Mido.... Is everything alright?- She askes worried. I feel the upcoming remorse. Again. 

-Yes. This... This is... my family... but I have not seen it yet- I stutterd and turn my gaze. I don't want to look in her eyes. A sense of gulit. I guess she thought it's hard for me 'cause she hugs me.

-Alright, everything is alright. I am here with you. I,  onee-san, otõsan. Everyone . . .

I have a wonderful sister. I patted her hand. 

-Thanks, Reina. Wesmiled to each other and after that she pull away.- So what did happen this time?

-Oh! I almost forget. The movie starts at 16:30... Did I tell you what the plot is?- I give her  a dirty look.- Ah... nevermind. It lasts... quite enough. And after that we- my friends and me- are going to hospital to visit Chinatsu, it'll take about half hour and...

-The heart of the matter, Reina, the heart of the matter- I cut her. 

-Ah, of course. I'll come back after twilight, probably alone. I need penlight but I lost my. Saginuma isn't here, and I do not know where he could be. Our beloved duo in the last fight broke down a few items, including a few flashlights.Hiroto has only one effective and he will- like every night- need it.-She dropped with each word with the speed of a machine gun.

-So what?-I asked her knowing what's going on.

-Since you looove me so much, Mido, your sweet sister- she wincked I get up out of bed and I go over to my desk. I take out from my pocket a small key and with its help, I open the drawer in the desk. I take out the two items.

-Here you are-I give her  torch, and then the second thing-watch out for yourself .

-Pepper spray- she calls concerned. And she look first at it, then at me. Her eyes widened in surprise.

-Where did you get it?- She growled. I shrugged. 

-It's from the time I was in national team. The detective gave it to me. He suspected that Kageyama might pop out with something. Again. I had no oppurtinity to use it but I decided to keep it. You know how to use it, don't you?- She noded. 

-Well. Watch out for each other and say hi Chinatsu from me- I patted her shoulder. She got up from my bed and makes her way to exit. 

-Hey, Reina! -I cried, when she lied her hand on the doorknob. She turns and I call out to her- Have fun!

She didn't respond. She doesn't have to. Reina smiles to me. Smiles the sweet grin of her. 

 I lay her hand on the doorknob. She turned, and I I called out to her:-have fun!-did not respond, did not have to. Sweet smile which she sends me is more than enough.


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