A Need for Speed

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Drystan was able to bring both William and Thomas back to their homes without being noticed, although he had to go back to William to bring Thomas his Overcoat back, since William still had it.

But it really bothered Drystan, when he got called into that situation. The man they were fighting, he has an object that has nearly killed the group. If Drystan hasn't used his claws to force the copies to betray each other, than surely, they would have been killed, and the objects in his friend's possession would've been taken. So to see that a seeker of all people coming to get them is very troubling. Which is why Drystan needs to find an object that could one day help them.

Drystan is shown to be pacing around in his room, waking back and forth, as he tries to think of a solution to the problem that him and his friends might possibly be in should this ever happen again.

He puts his hand on his chin, as he began to think of a way to help his friends.

"I should practice more on how I use my scythe and my claws, but that would not be enough for me to help the others. No, I need to do something else. I need to find an object that could help me in this situation."

Drystan looks down, before looks at the book. He than clenched his fist, as he goes over to where the book is, sits down onto his bed, and flips through the pages to find an object that he believes would help him in this situation that could repeat itself. Clearly, he needs to be more prepared than he ever was. He flipped through the pages as much as he could, until he found one that he thinks would work for him.

"Hmmm...The Holder of Speed..."

He looks down, but he doesn't start reading it. Instead, he begins to communicate with the One-Eyed Seeker.


Inside Drystan's Mental World...

One-Eye was sitting on the ground, while looking down at the water that is in front of him, seeing his reflection stare back at him...until he heard Drystan's voice, calling down towards him. He looks up at the sky, which is cloudy, and than he spoke out to him.

"What is it, Drystan? You need me for something important?"

Drystan than spoke back to him.

"Yeah, and it is a little important. And it is abilit an object that I am looking at right now. I want your opinion on it, so that if we can use it."

One-Eye looks around a but, before he shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

"Alright than..."

He than stood up from the ground, as he looks up at the sky, and he spoke out.

"...I'll take one look at it."

Back in the real world...

Drystan's pupils have shrunken down a little bit, meaning that the One-Eyed Seeker has taken control of the body once more, all just for help Drystan with one small thing. He than looks down at the book that is on the lap, and looked at the title. He held it up to his face, and began to read through it, so he can think about whether to get it or not. He looks at the page for a few minutes, before he finally looks up, and than back down at the page again. Than...he speaks out to Drystan.

'Actually...this is a useful object for us to have. But...why tell me to ask for my opinion, Drystan?'

Drystan than spoke back to One-Eye to answer in return.

'Well...I've been thinking about the situation that we and the other 2 had...you know...the thief that we fought yesterday, the one with the rifle object and all of that? Well...I've been wandering if we should get another object that is useful to us, in case we will have to deal with a situation such as this again. Which is why I am asking you, so you could get your opinion on this object that I am showing you.'

The One-Eyed Seeker looks down at the book...before he tightened his grip, and spoke out.

'It is pretty obvious, actually. I think we will need it, in case we will have to deal with seekers such as the one we fought against again. This is the only way we'll be able to stand against any type of seeker that might attack us for our objects.'

Drystan nodded slowly, hoping that the One-Eyed Seekers judgement is completely correct. The One-Eyed Seeker than looks down at the ground, as he spoke out to himself quietly.

"Although...I wander what type of speed it will give me. Will it give me actual superhuman running speed, or will it simply enhance something else that is related to being fast, such as agility? Guess we'll have to find out by ourselves."

As he spoke to himself, Drystan than spoke out to the One-Eyed Seeker in the mind.

"Soooo...do we get the object tonight?"

The One-Eyed Seeker shook his head.

"No...you must rest. I have already exhausted energy from fighting the Seeker. Do not do this while exhausted."

Drystan was Dilantin for an entire minute, before he than spoke out to the One-Eyed Seeker.

'Okay, I understand."

The One-Eyed Seeker sighed in relief and smiled a little bit, relieved that Drystan is going to rest.

"Good. And now...I think I'm gonna let you retake control of your body. Sleep well, Drystan."

The One-Eyed Seeker looks forward, and his pupils grew to normal size, meaning that Drystan has retaken control. Drystan looks down at the ground, and sighed, before he turns back to the bed, and than back at the book. He than puts a bookmark at the page of where the Holder of Speed is at, before he stands up, raises the covers, and than goes down under the bed, as the chains rattled on his torso. It is strangely comfortable, despite how the chains are made of metal, which is normally a very uncomfortable thing to have all over your torso.

He looks around the room that he is in with his only seeing eye, before he than closed his eyes, and succumbed to the sleep of seduction, as his eyelids grew heavy, and he than feels his sight be consumed by blackness. And thus is what Drystan is going to need, so he can regain his energy, and be ready for the trial that he is going to do by tomorrow.

The next day...

Drystan began to walk on the sidewalk, as his hands have been covered by the black gloves that he has picked up in order to cover up the claws that he has gotten from the Holder of Treachery. It is clear that he is going to have to cover up his body parts more often, so that nobody finds out that the Objects are real, at least...the normal people.

As he continued to walk, he than turns around, and saw that there is a mental institute, and it has less people parking there. Drystan than took a deep breath, before he than starts to walk up to the mental institute, and than opened the doors to go inside, and walk around the place that he is in.

Inside...the place looks as though it is the most peaceful of all the mental institutes, because some of the patients that are present in the institute are shown to be happy and acting like little children. Of course, this made the feeling of uneasiness become way more present within the depths of his kin way more than before.

But he than took a deep breath, so he does not panic, and he than goes foraged toads the person at the desk. He spoke out to the person present.

"Excuse me..."

The man than leaned in a little closer to Drytsan, to hear what Drystan has to say...before Drystan than spoke out.

"I would like to see...The Holder of Speed."

Than...a sudden reaction has occurred. The worker...he became motionless. Drystan than takes a deep breath, and he turns around to see that everyone is now as motionless as the worker. This means that he is on the right path. But it also means that there is a drawback when in regards to this part of the trial. As the book stated, it will become harder to breath, as the air around him gets heavier. Which means that William needs to breath in as deeply as he could, so that he can make the air with him last longer. Not only that, but he has to think about his greatest failure. And it is one that he already knows...which was that he has never escaped his old home sooner.

But as soon as this came into his head, he is already on the move, and is wandering the halls of the institute that he is in.

He looks around the halls, as he tries to find the person that he needed to find in this trial. But it is getting a little difficult, as he is trying the best that he can to breath, due to now long be able to breath normally inside this trial. Thankfully...he was able to give himself a good enough head start, as he wanders around the whole institute in order to find the person that he needs to find.

As he walked around...he than noticed a small shape in the corner of his eye...which is among him turn around...and he than noticed that...there appears to be a leg of sorts right next to a table, and it was small, almost childlike.

He squints, as he tries to see if it is what he is looking for...and it is...the person that he is looking for...and it is in the form of a small child.

Drystan looked very interested at the small child before his right eye, as he sees the ball that is in his hand. The ball is a very important thing for him to note, as the book warns him of this part...and it is going to be the most difficult part for him to do. He needs to give it back to the child, as soon as it is given to him, and he disappears. But the problem is...he will have no idea where the child is located at, and it has to be underneath a source of light.

"Ahh man."

Drystan spoke out, as the child than walks towards him, and Drystan takes note on how the child is holding it in his hands. The child than gives it to Drystan, and Drystan holds it in the same way that the child is doing it, before the child smiled and spoke out loudly to Drystan.

"You're it!"

Drystan than sees that the child is running away as fast as it could, and it was giggling. The laughter of the child is bouncing off of the walls, and the echo than hits the position of where Drystan is standing at now.

Drystan...seeing the child finally disappear, than started to make his move in the one way he knows how:running.

Drystan began to ran as much as he can, gripping tightly on the ball, and did all that he could to try and find the child that has given him the ball. But it was so difficult, that it is very comparable to finding a needle in a very large haystack.

And the entire building...the building is the large haystack. And Drystan stopped where he's at, as he's unsure just how long he can survive. So...he spoke out to the One-Eyed Seeker.

'One-Eye...I...I know that I said that I need to do this on my own without your help. But...I think that...this time...I really need your help. This is a lot more than I thought I found handle. So...for once...do you kind helping me inside of the trial that I am trying to preform now?'

The One-Eyed Seeker than spoke out to Drystan in a rather mocking, and rather friendly voice.

'You do not need to ask twice, Drystan.'

He than took control...and he began to realize why he is actually asking him for help right now. He is actually having trouble breathing, as he noticed that the air is getting heavier, which made the One-Eyed Seeker see the reason why he is asked to help him.

"Okay...maybe I should not be playful when he asked for help next time."

He than began to look around...and he saw the environment around him began to twist and bend, but this is because of the fact that he is now unable to gain air as much as he did. So...without wasting anytime...he make his move, and began to try and find the person that he is looking for.

But the problem is...the child's voice is echoing everywhere, his giggling is bouncing off every walls, and it sounds like that he is in every room. But even the One-Eyed Seeker knows that he is in a room somewhere, and it has to be with the ones that had a light under it. But the problem is...he does not know which light source will have the child beneath it.

But he knows bette than to try and walk around to find the child. But he also knows that if he runs, he is going to be loosing air much faster than when he walks. So...with the choice to either walk or run..,he chose to walk. He'll run when he needs to get out of the place that he is in.

The One-Eyed Seeker began to walk around the corridors carefully, looking for anything unusual that mist mean that the child is somewhere in the area that he is in. He walks around, as he notices that he is starting to lose his sense of smell...and he is also loosing his sense of touch. His sight is getting a little blurrier by the passing minutes.

But he cannot let these downsides get in the way. No...he shouldn't. He needs to find the child so that he can get out of here.

He continues to walk and walk and walk, looking around as carefully as he could, and finds anything unusual...until he sees something in the corner of his eyes...a bright light and it was coming from a room.

Looking into it...and...bingo.

He sees that there is a lamp inside of a dark room of sorts, and under the light...was the same small child again, and he is smiling at Drystan in a rather innocent manner. Drystan runs forward, and than gives the child the ball back, which the child accepted in a very happy manner present. When he did that, Drystan went out of the room, and began to run back towards the main room, and hopes that he can find the exit out of this. Right now, though...it is becoming very difficult, due to the fact that he has used up a lot of air, and is now having way more trouble breathing. He can feel his eyes watering, as he tries to find a way out, he can barely hear, he almost feels like he's numb. He has nearly collapsed, and almost nearly scraped his arms and legs and his face, and he had to force himself to get out of the way as much as he could, as to not get injured so much because of how the lack of air is impairing his senses. He has no idea how long he can do this, but even so, he needs to keep on running as much as he can, and not walk around, lest he runs out of air much sooner than expected.

He continues to run and run and run, he can feel himself loosing his touch in the world, he can almost see his vision beginning to completely fail him, and when he almost feels like he is about to die...he found the door to the way out of this trial. So with the last of his speed, he ran as fast as he could, and gets close to the door, before he went out of the door, and went outside.

He than ran to the door to the exit, and closed it, as he collapsed onto the ground, breathing as deeply as he could, in order to get as much of the air outside as possible, so he can fill up his lungs that have grown empty of the air that he needed to survive.


He kept breathing in as much as he could, as he needs to take the time to take in as much air as possible...before he finally looks up...and he can see clearly again, he can now hear as good as he was before he entered the mental institute, and he sense of touch returned. Drystan than retakes control again.

"Oh my god. Oh...my...god. I thought I was going to die!"

Drystan shouted at himself, as he began to pick himself off of the ground, and looks to see the outside world, which is still as brught as it ever has been.

Drystan remained frozen in place...looking at the surrounding area, before he took a deep breath, and exhaled out, now breathing normally after he has finished with the trial that he was in before.

He than looked around, and than walked, before he spoke out.

"Well...guess it is time to see if I can use the object that I am given."

He than began to run, but...the way he ran was much more faster than before. He much more faster than a normal human, but only slightly, as he resembles a blur of some kind. But when he jumps at another direction...it is far more faster than even his running, as it almost looks like it happened instantly, and that he is in one place to another place. And at the same time, the windows of the shop that has has landed in front of has the glass cracked and the pavement that is behind Drystan is cracked.

'Woah...okay. That is very useful, I can admit. Witb this superhuman agility that we have, there is going to be little chance of anyone to actually hit us. Let's see them try killing us with just pathetic measly guns. Bet we can even dodge the fastest round ever shot!'

But Drystan...he is rather unsure of what to think of the superhuman levels of agility that he now has. Is he really fast enough to dodge the fastest bullet? Well...he'll have to find this for himself another time. For now, he is going to go back to his home, and hopes that he can finally catch a rest for his time inside of the trial that he has to force himself in. So, hiding in a alleyway, he puts on his hood, goes back into his pocket dimension, and than puts it off again, sending him back again, and this time, he is back inside of his house.

He than goes onto his bed, and puts his head on his pillow, and he closed his eyes...as he waits until he is fully recover. And besides...it paid off for him when he was done with the trial. He got what he needed. He has gotten...


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