I Come in Peace

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A sword. It is said to be the weapon of a warrior, such as a knight. It is said that it is a symbol of a gateway to spiritual life, as well as a representation of many meanings, such meanings include intellect, seeking power, aggression, decision, and action. In this case, it is the symbol of a samurai sword. The symbol of peace. It's an object of peace. And it is waiting in the dark, getting ready to be unleashed for a task, that it desires to finish for so long. A task that it's desperate to do. But it needs a Seeker to help him with its quest, a Seeker that will finally help it obtain the goal it has been desiring for so long, a Seeker, who will be convinced into taking the object.

William Smith was the son of a mechanics worker, who he had to grow up with, when his mother had died when he was only a 8 year old. His father has always been very busy, is doesn't always spend time with his son, but instead is used to work as a mechanic at a factory. His father, while he does work more rather than spend time with his son, is well aware of what he is doing, and tries to at least stop earlier so he can get to know his boy better. This is something that William hoped could last forever for him. There have been times where he at least gets to see him, mostly in the holidays, or when he is on break, and he is always there to try and make up for the lost time that he never gets to make with his son.

Unfortunately, one fateful day, something happened to the job that he is working in. A bit of the machines in the factory start to malfunction, despite the fact that many of the workers present checked and saw that it was okay. Either they missed a spot, or that it appeared after they checked. Whatever the case was, it began to malfunction and caused severe problems. It was the even the worse time to do so, as William and his Father were present, with the Father giving him a tour around the entire factory. When the father begun to realize what had happened, he ordered his son, William to get out of the factory, so that he doesn't get killed inside of it. William tries to get his father out as well, but the Father told his son to not stop him this time, and told him that, he needs to live, not for him, but for his mother, whom that he loved so dearly. William, on the verge of tears, saying that, he wished he could spend more time with his father, which the father admits he could as well. The father and William than finally spoke out, sayin goodbye, and that they love each other, before William left, with his father gone behind, trying to fix the problem that is causing this in the first place.


It is a sound that William could never forget. The sound of the Factory violently exploding...with his one father dying within. The loud, chilled scream that he could never forget. It is this very sound, that will haunt William

...for the rest of his life.

After that, he was no longer the same person that he once was before in the past. In the past, while lonely as he has been, he at least had some form of cheerfulness that resides in his very body, inside of his very mind, who only had one purpose, which is to be with his dad. But now, he no longer feels like he has a purpose, and felt like his life had no meaning, to the point that he felt like trying to end his own life. But the thing is, he remembers his Father's words, and decided that he would not do that, and that he has to find a purpose for himself so that he can get a life. But the problem is...he has no idea how to make a life and a purpose for him to have. And because of this...he feels worthless. But that will not be the case no longer...because soon...

...Somebody will be the one to give him purpose.

10:30 P.M. Oregon City...

Oregon City...it is a city that is housed by over 31,000 civilians. It is a very peaceful place to be in, and is also a place where you can have a peaceful and beautiful home. Sounds pretty good to have, right? Well...not exactly. After all, there is a hidden nature when it involves the city as a whole, especially when this Seeker is about to find out completely by someone unknown to him.

This soon-to-be-Seeker is in the form of a human male with lush green eyes and blonde curly hair that reaches behind his back. He is wearing a black jacket with a hood, with the jacket itself reaching down to his knees. He is wearing jeans and steel-toe boots, and is pretty tall in height, about 5'4. And yet, despite his height, he is about the age of 15.

He is walking back home, after he had been looking for a job, which he wasn't very successful for, and in spite of it all, he kept trying to find a purpose in the life that he desired. But unfortunately, he couldn't find it. It was as though fate is preventing him from getting what he desires.

"Guess i couldn't find another one. (Sigh). Why can't my life be so easy to do anyway?"

But as he spoke this...he felt something, the feeling of being watched. He turns around...but there was no one there. He than turns back...by realized that there is something terribly wrong right now. He's looking around...and saw that the civilians have disappeared. It was as though some unknown forced destroyed them. As he looked around, a inhuman voice spoke out.

"You know...it is not nice to be sulking around, William."

This sudden voice spoke out his name, as he looks around, in a fighting stance, and spoke out.

"Who is it? Show yourself."

The voice chuckled, as he spoke out.

"Do not be scared. I am here to help."

As the voice spoke out, William saw his shadow extend, before going onto a wall, where it begun to change into a doorway. The door than opened, and out came a entity. It has a humanoid shape, but that's it. It has skeletal black hands, and it has a hood over its face. The face isn't shown, but William sensed that...there is something dark and horrifying underneath the hood. A horror so great that any mortal being would be scared to death just by simply looking at its face. William steps back from the entity, and spoke out, horrified.

"Who...who are you?"

The entity chuckled, before speaking out.

"Who I am...it never matters. But believe me...I am person that will help you in your cause."

William, suspicious, than began to speak out.

"You...you know-"

But the entity interrupted him, as it spoke out.

"About the death of your father...yes...as well as the reason why."

William, interested, spoke out.

"You know why? Than what was the cause?"

The entity chuckled, as it spoke out

"The reason that this...factory malfunctioned, wasn't because of an accident. It was because of someone. Someone that had caused the Malfunction. And it is a person that has slaughtered countless innocents over the centuries."

William was wide-eyes by what he said, before speaking out, in a low tone.

"Who did it? Who was the one that killed my dad?"

The entity than spoke out to him.

"Unfortunately, he knows when his name is being called...and if I told you...he wound kill you. However...there is something that has a history with this person, and it to is itching for bloody vengeance."

William, looking up with an enraged, yet determined expression on his face, than spoke out.

"Can you take me to it?"

The entity than laughs, before speaking out.

"Don't rich just yet. Before you do this...I have instructions on how to get this object. So listen to me very carefully, and remember my words. Because they are going to be the reason for your goals, if you desire to complete and kill the one that was responsible for this terrible life that you have."

William than looked at the entity, before speaking one word.


3:00 P.M...elsewhere

William was in front of a mental institute, with a look of determination now present. The entity has told him some tasks for him to do in order to accomplish his goals, and to get the object that resides there. He just hopes that he can do this task correctly.

He than calmly stomps to the Mental Institute, and opens the door. While he may look like he has a walking problem, inside, he is seething with rage, after hearing from this entity that his father had been murdered, and now, he desires revenge.

He than walks to the Front Desk, and spoke calmly, yet clearly.

"Hey, excuse me."

The person at the desk as a bit alarmed, and he continued with a demand.

"I want to see someone calling himself, 'The Holder of Peace.'

The man, who seems to be afraid of the name, than spoke out.

"Please, speak calmly."

But William, who is starting to have his patience tested, spoke out again.

"Take me to The Holder of Peace."

Although he spoke calmer, the voice he speaks in is filled with cold blizzard-like fury, like snow is about to freeze the person in front of him to death. After hearing him a second time, the man at the front desk has scared, but points to the direction of the direction of where the Holder might be. He walks there, and never turns back. He knows why he shouldn't turn back.

'If you were to turn back, the man at the Front Desk will flip the switch to lock off the door behind him, leaving your trapped. Keep walking until you reach it.'

He continues to walk, until he find a beautiful door, one that shouldn't be possible by humans hands. He was about to flip the door, but William stops, as he calms himself, because the entity told him to do so.

He than enters the door, and when he went through the other side...he was met with such a beautiful sight. The area around him is a beautiful, open-aired temple, with ivy curling up the marble pillars and exquisite mosaics embroidering the walls. He heard the door behind him lock, but he didn't care, he needed to speak to this Holder.

As he walked, the entities that reside there have now arrived. They resemble monks, but he senses that there is something rather...inhuman about them.

Surprisingly, they were able to speak his language, and they cared very kind to him. And in returns of the way they act, he to responded kindly back to them, but spoke out.

"I wish I could continue speaking, but I've got an important task to do. Do you know this person is? The Head of the Order. I need to speak to him."

The monks agreed to take him there, and he was lead to a man, and he is sitting at a chessboard. It was the Temple's Abbot. There is a figure that is standing across from him. It resembles a hooded figure of some sort, and William felt something so...so evil coming from this hooded entity. He than walks away from the entity, and goes to the man that is wearing Beige Robes, who seems to have a friendly, yet very brave aura surrounding him, and it is something that is calming William down.

William bowed his head, and spoke nicely to the man that's wheezing the beige robes.

"Why do they gather, Father?"

The man in the robes opened his mouth, as if he was about to speak, but than...


Suddenly, a frightening howl of rage than appeared out of nowhere, causing William to flinch. He turns around to see the figure across the room, it's face contorted with absolute unyielding rage. He than draws a sword. It was beautiful...far more beautiful than any sword that he had ever seen, and yet...at the same time, he feels pure, undeniable evil ozzing from its very blade.

William was too slow to react, and was kicked in the chest by the hooded man, right into the stomach.


He was kicked so hard, blood began to come out of his mouth. He coughed and coughed, and tried the best he can to stop the bleeding. But while he does that, the hooded figure is charging at the monks. They tried to fight back, but they were killed before they realized what happened. Blood, guts, and limbs flied around the entire temple, as William looks in utter horror at the sight before him.

Than, as the Hooded Man charged at William, with the sword raised, the Abbot made his final move, and to William's shock, the man stepped in William's defense, and jammed the sword into the right eye of the warrior, it is called the Black King.

The man than fell to the ground, and begun to hold his face, screaming and crying at the top of his lungs in uttermost agony. Blood is shown to drip down from his very face, as they eye on his face has been destroyed by the weapon the Abbot had attacked him with. Normally, this would make a normal human unconscious from the immense pain, or even kill them if they are weak enough. But sense he isn't a normal human, he is strong enough to live against the pain, although he still feels it, like he's a normal man. William began to stand up, and look at the hooded man. William's face is blank, and doesn't look sympathetic at the man, considering what he had done to the other monks, but he does look up at the Abbot, and kept his focus on the Abbot himself, who than turn around, and answers the question that he asked the robes man.

"The reason they gather, is because they desire to bring everything to their will, dominate, kill, destroy, take, and enslave. When they have been gathered, this has lead to the war between the holders, the seekers, and all creatures throughout the realms as a whole. Even the gods themselves have begun to wage war, and began to choose which side deserves the most saving, and which side deserves to die. They are gather for the sake of bloodshed, cruelty, and slaughter. They kill others like they are lambs to be sacrificed. Many people die everywhere, everyday, every night, everything. Many innocents had their eyes destroyed, their minds breaking, their souls sniffed out of their bodies like fire doused on water. They are at times killed by their very own bodies. Controlled, their hands would prevent them from breathing their air, rip off the hearts of many, hung them by their own entrails, and disemboweled by their very own weapons, their very own items that they had used against their enemies. Their corpses become a plague for a disease of no cure, and spreads and spreads its influence with no end. Those that had survived, however, had to be forced to serve people against their will, being whipped, cut, forced to the lust of others, they are forced to do stuff that is against their very nature. Forced into the acts of cruelty that they hadn't want. And their executions are just as worse. They would be forced to-"

The Abbot continued to speak and speak about this even more, but it was making William feel like his own head was about to blow, due to the immense cruelty of the wars that had been present in the last. Thankfully, he had been hardened by his will and his newfound rage, otherwise, he would have been most likely dead from the story the Abbot had told. But the ending was what surprised him.

"In the end...however, they forged a weapon...a weapon powerful enough to deal against the armies that had come before the one wielding it. He slaughters than all, in the blink of an eye, as the entire sky rained with blood, bone, and flesh of those that had been killed by the very blade that was meant to embody peace, and after that, he used his sword to bring forth peace among the realms, even after leaving behind a legacy of vengeance's blood. The sword, however, was too much of a powerful weapon to wield...so they instructed me to hold onto the weapon, and keep it hidden...until the next person will come to use it. The next person that will be the one that will spread true peace across all the realms that have existed. The realms that haven't died."

But after the story had been done, William than looked at the ground to see the man...only to his shock that the man is gone, and left behind a bloody picture...a gear, in between the man, as well as an aftermath...which involves the explosion of the building...called a factory. That is when he finally realized who that was.

"That person...the one you attacked...he murdered my father...I will get him for this act of cruelty that he created."

William hissed in uttermost rage. He felt like he was ready to blow his top. But the abbot than spoke out to him very calmly.

"And you will...but you will first need this weapon if you wish to kill the one that murdered the parent that you deeply loved."

He than reached under the table with the chessboard and pass you a scabbard, richly jeweled and inlaid with gold.

William recognized the sword that is before him. It was filled with the same energy as the one he had seen from the man that had went berserk. But the design is very, very different. It didn't take long for him to realize, that this must be the sword that was used to end the war that the Abbot had told him in the story. He can feel the power...and it was so...otherworldly.

While he was feeling hesitant to pick it up, his body responded the opposite. He walks over to the sword, he picks it up, wipes the blade, and buckles it.

The good father than points and gesture William to the face of the warrior, who had a hood down, revealing his face. The face is unlike what all mortals have ever seen. It was beautiful more beautiful than any human, and only a god can match the face he has. But William pays no attention to the face, and walks over to the warrior, and looks at the Abbot, who nodded his head, and spoke out only one word...all for William to remember, forever...


Suddenly...a blinding, flashing light had appeared out of complete nowhere, and William had to cover his eyes to protect his vision. But when the light died down...he is back at the Mental Institute once more...only, he's 2 blocks away from the asylum. He stepped back onto the sidewalk, just as a car suddenly came onto of nowhere, and almost ran into him. William than looks down at the sword he had gotten. He pulls on the handle, and takes out the sword to see its appearance.

He doesn't know why...but he feels the Sword's sentience. And they both feel one thing that they desire in common:They both want to find the Black King...and kill him for the suffering they had caused. William to his Father, and the Sword to the White King, the Object's previous owner. And the both of them won't stop, until Vengeance...


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