Union of the Seekers

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The Voice, who is now possessing Drystan, is now walking at nighttime. The Scythe of Smoke and Ashes is in his hand, with smoke oozing out of the purple sphere, as if they are itching for something to kill. The blade of the scythe scrapes against the ground, as he looks around the entire place. Just recently, he was able to obtain a new Object called the Object of Eisoptrophobia. And, needless to say, it was a very strange one, and yet was able to prove itself to be useful in the end. The object took on the form of a tattoo on his forehead, which consist of a black outline similar to a cloak, and a red flame that ignites with wrath. The black cloak outline symbolizes Drystan and his desire for solitude, while the flame embodies the Voice and its desire to protect Drystan. Now he can command the reflections of other people, and, in a unique way, as a result of his Split-Personality Disorder, Drystan can talk to the Voice in the Mirror, or the Voice talking to Drystan in the mirror. The appearance is also different when in the mirror. While Drystan looks like a 13 year old that wears a ragged long coat, with black pants and shirt, as well as having 2 of the eyes still intact, the Voice resembles in older version of Drystan, but with only one eye, the intact eye, shown, as the face is shadowed underneath the Cloak of the Sky. He is even shirtless, while also revealing his average muscular build, due to having the chains wrapped around his torso. When one of them take control, the other would speak into the mirror, while the reflection would simply step away and let them speak away, and always has a smile present on his face.

And just right now, the Voice is looking at a broken mirror, to Drystan, as he seems to look a bit worried about something important.

"Hey, you don't seem to hear anyone coming, do you?"

Drystan spoke out to the Voice, who closed his eyes, and as he prepares to focus on his hearing, a sound of wood snapping was heard. This made the Voice open his eyes, and spoke out.

"We gotta move, now?"

Drystan spoke out.

"Is there really someone coming?"

The Voice nodded, and spoke out.

"Yes, and it does not sound friendly at all. Hang on."

He than puts his hood on, as he has teleported away, into the pocket dimension, and than opens his hood to teleport to another area with a more, clean mirror, with the area they are in next to the woods.

The Voice turns to Drystan, who reappeared inside of the mirror.

"Are we safe?"

Drystan spoke out, with the Vouce nodding his head.

"For now we are, yes. So what is it that we need to talk about?"

Drystan looks down, thinking about his words, before he speaks out.

"I've been think, about the reason we have been getting these objects. And...it is making me worried about them. The question I need to ask is...why are we even gathering them in the first place? I mean...We are using it to keep ourselves safe, yes. But I'm wondering, what else are we collecting them for? And why are these objects even scattered in the first place?"

The voice, at the words that he heard, actually was hesitant. To be honest, even he does not know why he is even gathering the objects with Drystan in the first place. In al honesty, he just wants to gather the objects to simply protect Drystan, and even though they had to suffer some emotional trauma, they were able to get it. But the other reasons, even he is not sure exactly why. As he began to speak, he thing heard something.



"You are not taking it away from me!!!"


Drystan heard it as well, and spoke out to the Voice.

"What are you gonna do?"

The Voice simply turned around, and spoke out.

"I'm gonna check it out. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen. Okay?"

Drystan nodded, as the Voice turns around, and runs to the source of where it is all coming from. From the way it sounds like, it is as though a battle is happening from within the forest, which was shown when a tree almost landed on top of the Voice, who had than turned to smoke and dashed out of the way.

He began to run, until he hears more noises such as shooting, metal against metal, and screams and cries battle. Clearly, something is going on, and The Voice will find out what is going on.

20 Minutes ago, inside of the forest...

William Smith is walking a bit inside of the forest. He had came here to see the beauty of the fresh green leaves, and the sound of crickets.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As he looked around, though, he sensed a presence nearby. It is near a type of lake, which he sees beneath some of the bushes. He doesn't know why, but he feels compelled to come to this place, as he feels like there is in fact something he must find.

He walks, slowly and quietly, he goes to the source of where he is feeling it. When he got close enough, he sees a young man, wearing a black leather longcoat, black boots, and some white pants. On his head is a cowl, similar to an executioner's cowl, and on his hand is a shield.

It didn't take long for William to realize what it is. This thing is an Object of some sort, along with the cowl, because who would where such things in a modern time like this? He took a deep breath, and spoke out.

"Excuse me!"

But the second he said that, the man instantly turns around, and attempted to strike him with his shield, using the cutting edge to strike his neck to decapitate him.


William use his sword to block the attack, while also getting pushed back by the man's strength.

"What's wrong with you?! I was just seeing if you were okay?!"

But he sees the man's face, which is blonde hair, and his eyes look bloodshot. The man than shouts out.

"You...you are here to take my objects!!"

William shouts back to him.

"What are you talking about?! I'm not here to take your objects!!!!"

He than swings his sword to distance the shield, before he grabs onto the man, and headbutts him.


The man held his head, as he cried in pain. But the man wasn't going to give up, as he suddenly vanished into the darkness. William simply puts on his cloak, and vanished as well. The man comes out of the shadow, giving William enough time to kick the man into the ocean.


The man shouted out the top of his lungs, as he fell face first into the filthy icy cold water. Thankfully, he closed his mouth before he hit the water, but his back was still hurt from the kick that happened.

William than ran forward, and leapt into the air, and was about to strike him. But before he could.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


He turns around, and his gauntlet blocked the sudden shot that came out of nowhere. William lands feet first into the water, and looks to see a red head male with brown eyes, holding a rifle, and 2 smaller guns at his sides.

Thomas was here as well. He has been doing a similar thing that William has done, except that he only starts to enter the fight when he heard the noises coming from the other side. When he saw William about to seemingly kill the man, he intervened, and shot William in the Gauntlet to stop him.

"So, you're one of those thieves, huh?"

William simply looked at Thomas as if he was crazy.

"What do you mean? That crazy man was the one that attacked me first!!!"

Thomas slid down on land, and spoke out.

"Except that it looked like you were the one that started it. He only has a shield. You have a sword."

William snarled, as this guy doesn't know the whole story. The man with the shield stood up, and spoke out.

"Let's get him."

Thomas nodded, as he began to shoot William with his 2 Guns, the Widowmaker and the Gravebringer. But William used his sword and gauntlet to block and deflect the attacks back at Thomas.

The crazy blond man tried to strike him from behind, but Thomas simply jumps in the air, and the shots almost hit the man. Thankfully, he has the shield, an object, to block the bullets, which are destroyed upon impact with the surface of it.

"Sorry about that!!"

The man nodded, as he knows that he didn't mean it. But as he looked, suddenly, he gets kicked again, this time way more harder than before. William, clearly isn't amused now. He than rushed towards Thomas, and began to battle against him. He slashes at him multiple times, and Thomas was able to use his guns to block the King's Sword.

Thomas than parried the sword strike before he shot a bullet towards William, who avoid it. Thomas fired another one from his other small gun, which William blocked with the Hand of Obedience. Finally, Thomas used his rifle at close range, and fired. Thomas dodged the first one, and jumps back, before using his sword to slice the bullet into to, hitting something in the distance. In fact, all the bullets and deflections that the 2 seekers had made, the they had set off something.

As soon as the Shield Man stood back up, suddenly, he was hit by a pair of feet that landed on top of him, as well as a cry of distress happened, when another pair of feet landed in front of his face, splashing mud and worms onto his face.

What William and Thomas didn't know was that their shooting and deflecting caught the attention of the other Seekers that had also appeared in the area. When that happened, the Seekers began to accuse the other and are now beginning to fight in order to kill each other.

The ones that had appeared is a man with a black goo at his side,

and female with a small marble in his hand that makes a variety of colors in her hand, that drives someone mad when they try comprehending it.

The man than points his right finger, which had a cut, and the black goo attempted to touch the female. But the female used the marble in her hand, and the Earth beneath her raised her up, which the goo hit. She than made a plant to make a bridge and get out of there, but the goo touched the bridge, which starts to blacken.

She jumps off of the bridge, and falls down into the ocean, which expands, and saved her life. She than shot it into the air, made an ice spire, and made flames come out of her hand. The man than made the black goo come to him, and blocks the flames before it had any chance to touch him. As he blocks the attack, suddenly, another man came out of nowhere, holding a box in his hands, and when he opened it, something so incomprehensible came out of the box, forcing the man to command the Black Goo to block it.

As the females on the ice spire looks, suddenly, a glyph forms out from behind the lady,

and as soon as she realized that something is clearly wrong, she turns around, but it is too late, a very fast projectile comes out of the Glyph, and slams itself right into the woman's stomach, causing her great amount of pain.

When they began to fall, the female than summoned wind, and pushed the thing that attack her off of her torso. She than made wind to slow her fall. But as she went down, she saw who it was that attacked her. It was another female with brown hair, and 5 Chinese rings on her right hand.

The female with the marble then launched fire at the one with the rings. But the one with the rings made a wall of metal appear out of nowhere, heating the wall, while also keeping her safe. The rings lady than made wood Spears, and launched them at the female, who than made lighting go down to destroy the Spears.

Because it was harder to see, she pulls out a sphere made of opal and pearl, which began to suck the Darkness out and replace it with light. But this made it easy for the other Seekers to realize who they are fighting against who, giving them more of an advantage to fight.

The one with the box turns around, and almost got touched by the one with the Black Liquid. But before he can attack again, another one, who has a creature that resembles a cross between the Unicorn and a Wolf. The hybrid roars and charges at the man with the Black Liquid, which than acts to defend the one that can control the Black liquid.

Than, in just a matter of minutes, about 8 seekers are fighting against each other, all from just one small misunderstanding that could've been avoided. But not all of them is here for a fight. In fact one of them doesn't want to see them fight.

In ash form, the Voice is observing the whole commotion, with Drystan looking in shock.

"So there are others in the same thing as us."

Drystan spoke out to the Voice, who than nodded.

"There have been others, and none of them are Thieves!!! So why are they fighting each other?!"

Drystan shrugged, as they watched the commotion continue.

William attacked the hybrid, by using his Sword to try and stab it. But it didn't work, and he ended up having to block it with his Hand of Obedience. He is pushed back by the force of the hybrid. He puts on the hood, and goes out of sight, in an attempt to fight Thomas, who is now fighting against the female with the Marble that can control Nature.

The nature lady made a wall of ice, but he simply made an explosive round with the Gravebringer, which shatters the ice to small bits. He than fired a rifle, but she blocked it by summoning lightning to the ground, which utterly destroys the bullet.

William is facing against against the guy with the black goo, as he slices the goo away from him. Unfortunately, the goo is regenerative, and is not going to stay down easily. So he simply needs to go to a new partner to save himself. But as he began to move, he spots Thomas, and...itching for payback, he runs towards him, and raised his sword in order to try and cut him. Thomas noticed, though, and though he has no time to block, he has time to leap away.

He than began to shoot William, who blocks the bullets with his sword, but simply began to slowly walk towards Thomas, who is still shooting.

The Voices sighs, as he simply spoke out.

"You know what? I have no idea what we are doing by simply standing there. We need to stop them from killing themselves."

Drystan nodded, as he spoke out.

'Yes, we really should. And make it fast.'

The Voice nodded, as he than opened the palm of his hand, and begun to focus on the smoke from the scythe. After an entire minute, the bomb than formed from the smoke. He than clenched his fist, and than positions himself to aim it. After a minute, he found a perfect place to aim it, and than...he fired his bomb at the area he chose to throw the bomb.


The explosion caught every seeker in the radius, making them cough and wheeze.


"MY EYES!!!!!"



As the voices spoke out loud, confused...


The smoke dissipates, and the Seekers turned to see the Voice standing in the middle of the are. He than began to shout out to the Seekers fighting against each other.


This made the other Seekers finally stop, and look at each other, and the area that are in. Many tree had been taken down, some of the ocean is gone, and many of the Seekers have been injured in the process of the ridiculous fight.


"I deeply apologize."

Than, William and Thomas went forward and spoke out.

"Are you a Seeker?"

The Voice turned around, and nodded.

"Yes, and you most be the other seekers the Entity told me about."

This made Thomas' and William's eyes widened, as they spoke out.

""Wait, you know the Entity as well?!""

This made them both look at each other, as the Voice spoke again.

"I do. He has spoken to me a few times. I guess judging by your reactions, you have met this thing as well."

Thomas and William nodded, as Thomas spoke out.

"He was the one that lead me to get the objects that take on the form of guns. I have these 3 items, Objects of Understanding, Cosmos, and Accuracy. And just recently..."

He pulls out a map that shows the entire Earth, and spoke out.

"...a Map, somewhat"

William than moved forward, and spoke out.

"As for me, I also have 4. I've got the Object of Peace, which is the White King's Sword. The object of Hate, which is the cloak, the Object of Honor, the Hand of Obedience, and just yesterday..."

He than opens his jacket, and reveals a medallion.

"The Object of Victory, after defeating the Holder that has guarded it."

Thomas and William than looks at the Voice, who than froze for a bit. He realized that they are waiting for him to talk about his Objects. After a minute of silence, he sighs, defeated, before he speaks out clearly.

"Well...Recently, I have the Object of Eisoptrophobia, which is the Symbol on my forehead. I have the Scythe of Smoke and Ashes, which is what I had used to stop the fight of all the Seekers that's around here."

They turns to see the knife, and realized that...this is what must have stopped the fighting in the first place. The Voice continued, and spoke out.

"The Chains on my Torso and Arms is the Object of Penance, which is usually cold, and only warms up when danger is being sensed. And on me is a the Object of the Sky...which is the first object I've got."

The Voice than puts on his hood, grabs William and Thomas, as the both of them are transported to the dimension.


Both Thomas and William spoke out. The Voice simply turned around.

"Pretty cool, right? That also reminds me, we didn't introduce ourselves. My name is Drystan Clarke."

William than went forward, and spoke out to him.

"William. My name is William Smith."

Thomas was the last to go forward, and spoke out.

"Thomas...The Name's Thomas Gaumond. And, by the way...'William,' sorry that o had fought with ya."

William rolled his eyes.

"You better be, Thomas. I tried to explain the situation to you, and you went onto assumptions without even questioning."

Thimas looked a bit embarrassed and turned his head away, making the Voice chuckle silently at the sight of the way they interacted. But as The Voice, posing as William, smiled, a familiar voice spoke out.

"So...all of you finally meet for once."

The trio turns around to see a figure come out of the clouds and formed from the rain. It was obvious who it is that had came to the trio. It was the entity, in its normal form. The same form when Drystan first met him.


All 3 of them spoke out, as the entity smiled at them.


Needless to say, all 3 of them weren't to happy with the fact that he is here, and William than spoke out to the Entity.

"This is your plan, now? Having us 3 and the other seekers meet up with each other?"

The entity nodded, and spoke out.

"Yes. But I was only intending to bring only the 3 of you. I never thought that I would be bringing more and having more than a few of you start fighting."

Thomas snarled, and spoke out.

"Why...why go through all of this trouble just to bring us 3 together? You could have just told us who they were and have us find them!"

The entity sighed for a bit, before he spoke out.

"That...is because of one reason. Someone that I know of, told me of 3 important seekers...and in my assumption, these seekers are you 3."

This made them confused, as Drystan took control, and spoke out.

"What...what is so important about the 3 of us?"

The entity looks away, as he spoke out.

"In all honesty, even I am not so sure as to why you are all important. My friend, while he can see the future, cannot get the full picture. But he did tell me that these 3 seekers will determine the future of the Planet Earth. Although how it happens...is something that even I have to figure out myself, and you 3, must do the same."

This made them look down to try and comprehend what the Entity meant by that. Before the group could question the entity, it than puts his finger in a snapping position, before speaking out.

"I just hope that I am wrong, because if you all are who I think you 3 are...it is going to be a disastrous fate."

He snaps his fingers...and all 3 of them are transported back to Earth, and the entire area...is fixed. The other Seekers...are gone, although the shield guy is beaten up. Looks like the other Seekers have discovered what had happened, and now gave the guy a taste of his own medicine. The group look at each other, before William speaks out.

"Is it true...are we really going to be involved in something chaotic?"

Thomas than spoke out.

"The entity simply...believed we are. But even he doesn't know if we are meant to be special, or if it is another group of Seekers."

Drystan looks down, before he spoke out.

"Does anyone have phones?"

The 2 look at him, and spoke out to him.

"Why do you ask?"

Drystan looks at them, and spoke out to them.

"We are going back to our homes soon. It is best that we remain in contact with each other, so we can still speak and figure out about the situation that we still have."

The 2 looked at each other, as they nodded, knowing what Drystan is talking about, and agreeing with him. Both William and Thomas took out their phones, and Drystan grabs them one by one, and typed his phone number into their phones. After a couple of minutes, he gave the phones back to their owners.

"Here, I put my phone number into your phones. If you want to speak to me, I'll be there at anytime...well, except at 11:00, which is when I begin to start snoozing off, okay?"

The group smiled a bit when he sounds a bit uneasy, before William turns to the guy with the shield, before he spoke out.

"You guys go, I'll take care of this one."

Both Thomas and Drystan look a bit uneasy of what William is going to do, but they decided to allow him to do what he is going to do, as Drystan put his hood back on, and grabs onto Thomas' shoulder, before the both of them are transported to the dimension, so Thomas could return home with his sister. But as that happened, William glared at the man that is beaten down, and began to walk towards him, before picking up his shield, and puts it on his left arm. He than looks down at the man, who is looking scared of what William is going to do.

"This is going to be payback for what you have tried to do to me."

The man, than began to shout in fear.


But William pretends to not hear him, and when he raised his fist...he began to punch, as well as begin the biggest beatdown that he has given to someone, as well as the first, that is not a normal human. Well...he has it coming.

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