Wield the sword from Nibelung

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There is always a chaotic event in a dark alleyway. There are people fighting, looting, killing, and stealing from others. But in this instance, is when something so little, can cause a very large disaster.

William is hiding from the thieves that are trying to take his Objects. Thankfully, he is using the Cloak of Hate to hide from them, and they are able to not notice him. But the moment that he takes it off, his presence will be known, and he is gonna die from the thieves present.

'That is so not good. Why did they have to appear in a place such as this? Why can't they pick a better place where I can finally be free from them? This is such a fucking bad annoyance that I just constantly deal with!!!'

So he tries the best he can to sneak away from the people that are trying to steal his stuff, but he than stopped, as he looked back at them.

'These people could follow me, if I try my best to get away from them. I need to try something else. Something that will let me get away from them. I need a distraction. Just in case they try to follow me back to home.'

He looks around, and saw that, there is a rather large bottle of PTFE that so somehow laying beside the ground. He looks, and he smiled, as he has an idea that clicked in his mind.

'Aww man...I just gave a slaughtering idea now.'

He than goes to the bottle, and began to twist the top off. But the top is so tight that moving is going to be a very difficult thing doing. But that is if he is still in normal strength. Thanks to his enhance strength, he got the top off without any issue.

Unscrewing the top off, and picking up the bottle, William looks around, as he sees which direction he needs to go. Since the thieves are blocking his way, he needs to find a way to make them slip, and distract them long enough to get out of the area that he is in.

He pours some of the PTFE on one part of the alleys way, which is the way he went through, before going to the other part of the alleyway, and he pours it in front of the thieves, before he runs away, while throwing the bottomless away. He ran as fast as he could, and did not stop running away.

When he turned around...


A scream was heard, and suddenly, a fast blur that is sliding on the ground crashed into a large pile of metal bars, before they fell on top of them. The person that crashed into the bars is one of the thieves that are trying to find him. And William hears that he is not the only one. All of them seemed to have slipped on the frictionless, slippery liquid, and are now crashing all over the place. He he em hears the screeching of tires that are from a car...as it crashed.


This made William flinch, as he spoke out.

"Did that sound like a car crashing?"

William went to the other side in a very long route, and, true to his question, the car did crash. He looked very shocked for several seconds, before he facepalmed.

"Okay, that is NOT...what I had intended to happen."

He sighed, before turning around, and running away as fast as he could from the area, before the police could show up to arrest him.

"Man, I hate this fucked up life I have now."

He spoke out, as he snuck away, with his cloak shielding him, making him invisible from the hatred that is present in the area. But it didn't make him invisible to everyone. As he walked away, a young teenager looked at him with an odd look, but later shakes their head, before they go away to do what they're doing.

Back at William's Home...


William sighs, as he sits down on the ground, and looks around the place. He looks around, as the place has been trashed. Unfortunately, the Thieves had tried to invade his home, in an attempt to get his objects. But thanks to the Cloak, he was always invisible, due to their hatred present, and got his swords, his medallion, and his gauntlet out of the here, as they are also hidden by the power of the Black Cloak. Which is something that is very thankful to have now.

Still, it didn't protect his house from being found, and he still ended up being found, despite the claim giving him invisibility to those that are feeling hate. He was very lucky to get away while he still had the chance, and kept the object safe from the Thieves' hands. But even so, he cannot take it.

'What the...'

William spoke out, as he saw movement. He looks up, and saw a miniature spider.

A Spider is now on the ceiling, due to the fact that the windows have been destroyed. The spider, it was as black as an abyss, as there is now shine when light is on the 8-legged creep. The 8 legs quickly rise and lower itself in a quick movement, creating a very creepy scene that is before the eyes of the Swordsman, who is not afraid of spiders a single bit. But for some reason, he cannot see the eyes that this Spider above has. The Spider stopped for a little bit, before it than made a small web...and than lowers itself down to a page in the book that is opened. The page has a picture of a Sword. It was titled, the Holder of Nibelung.

William looks at the page that the spider lands on top of. He looks down, as he clenched his fist. He needs another sword. This time, he is getting immensely tired of the fact that the thieves are now going to stop trying to take his object from his hands, especially a since he needs them. So, picking up the book, as the spider runs off of the book, he picks it up, and reads what he needs to do, in hopes that this time...he will get something that can be very promising. Something that will finally help him with is situation that he is in now.

Train Station...10:00 A.M.

William had to use his cloak in a similar manner to a sack, as to not draw attention. It took a little while, but he was finally able to put it in a position where it cannot he cut by the blades that he has. But just to make sure that didn't work, he covered them in materials that they could. It cut, at least for the burning wind sword. The first sword he got is in the sheath it has already.

Although, he had to look as normal as he could, with the rather, sole exception of the cloak, he was able to pass on as someone normal. He had gotten up early in the morning, at 6:15 A.M, and he had to eat an early greatest, before he goes out to the train station. It took him nearly 4 hours to get there, with the constant movement with him walking, until he's able to find the station.

The Station is rather above-average sized, which shouldn't make sense as to why he chose to go there. But regardless, he has a job to do. He looks around, as he tries to find the person that he needs to, until he finally sees the person that he has been looking for. It is the one at the Informative Booth.

But for William...he needs to wait patiently, until everyone else is away from him, so that he doesn't draw any sort of unwanted attention.

But waiting is going to be such a pain, as he looks at the people continuously lining up. He is unsure when he could take the chance to do so. He just hopes that it will be short enough for him to go to the person at the booth

"I need a train that...can lead me to a individual who has called himself...the Holder of the Nibelung."

The person at the informative booth pales at the hearing of the name, which means that he is in the right place to be in. According to the book, the he had looked rather confused, that he has to leave, as that would mean that...he is not supposed to be in a Train Station such as this. After a minute, he than spoke out to him, quietly.

"Follow me."

William than slowly follows the man, as he feels a sudden urge of uneasiness crawling up his very spine. He walked with the Adult for several minutes, until he finally arrived at a part of the train...but not the part that is supposed to exist around here. It looked a little...abandoned...and old, with some ancient runes present on the station's walls. It is such a miracle that nobody, a normal human, has ever went to this part of the train station. But as he looked around...he saw that...the man is not here with him.

"Where did..."

It's as though he disappeared without a trace. This really starting to make him very nervous, as he has no idea where the person is. But as he looked...hears something, a train...that is about to arrive.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It sounds very far, but the truth is, the train is close, and is actually starting to get a little closer than ever. He looks up at the tracks, before looking at the tunnel that is dark, before he saw a pair of lights...and the train has finally arrived for him, coming out it the shadows of the tunnel.

It is as though the darkness has molded the train, as William didn't feel rumbling. It than slowed down, and he saw that, it resembles the train that is part of the station, except that, instead of numbers, strange symbols are in the train. The third car opens up first, and than...so do the others, as the train waits to take the new passenger.

William, after a little bit of hesitance, goes on the third car, before he closes the door tightly, and takes a seat, and he finally unravels the cloak, dropping the items. He puts on the cloak, than the medallion, the gauntlet, and than the 2 swords that he has. William waited, until the train began to move. When that happened...William felt something on his entire face. It was cold wind. And it was the coldest breath of wind that he has ever felt. It is so cold, that if this wasn't a trial, and instead, was a very real event, humans would be afflicted with Frostbite in just under 3 seconds.

But the cold of the train...it is as though it is the coldest winter he has ever felt, and he does not understand why...but this cold atmosphere that he is in...it feels so...dark...






The feeling...it was as though he looking down at an abyss before his eyes.

But as he looked around, he than noticed that there is someone with him, in a seat that is very close to him. It was a man that he has never seen before. He was wearing a black trench coat, with a hat that covers his face in shadows. It was blacker than even the cloak that William is wearing.

He looks a little bit at the man that is close to him, hit turns away, feeling a little uneasy.

He is very unsure about this man. But he knows that this person is not what he seems to be. He just hopes that he can leave as soon as possible, so that William can get out and find the object that he needs.

The train than stopped, and the man instantly stood up, causing William to stop, as he was about to stand up from his seat. The man than looks...and William sees his face, even before he takes off the hat from on top of his head.

It resembles a man in his mid-40s, but the face of the man is expressionless, so much that it is very scary for William to even look at. The man looks down at William, as he spoke out in a voice that is both emotionless, and yet, demanding.

"Are you one of those foolish enough to Seek?

William looks up at the man, with a face of utter annoyance present on his face, before she spoke out.

"I didn't become a Seeker to be come a fool. I became a Seeker, so I could avenge the death of someone I cared for."

The man clenched his fists, as he goes into the darkness, as William heard his voice.

"Damn him!! Damn the Seeker for his vanity and foolishness to go to the path that he about to go!!!"

All of a sudden, the train moved, and William fell back in his seat more, as the temperature began to drop. It was dropping more and more. He now feels something else. He feels like, he is falling...falling down fast into the Abyss he once looked into, and it is...it is killing him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

William than feel like he could not take the cold temperature anymore. So, when it stopped, William quickly opened the door, and exit out very fast. William collapsed to the ground, but realized...the ground is blisteringly cold, with the ground just as painful as fire.


He immediately stands up, as he puts his hands in his jacket, in order to warm them up quickly. He used his cloak to warm his hands, and saw that they are not in very good condition. They were light blue, and are frozen. But not enough to cause him frostbite, thankfully. He blew on his hands, as the feeling of frozen fingers began to vanish, and he can move them again, but the painful feeling was so sudden, it now has William shaking, although this is also because of how cold the place that he is in is like. And speaking of which, he looks forward, and his eyes widened at the sight that is before his eyes.

It resembles the hallway of a castle of some sort, with the exception of the fact that Ice Pillars are present. And inside of the Ice Pillars...are people, maimed and turned in the most grotesque way that only a few words could speak out. William flinched at the sight that is before his eyes, as he has no idea what to do. But than...he remembered, he has to go through the hallway, and reach the end of it.

William began to walk, as his shoes touch the ground, and despite the fact that his shoes is supposed to warm him, not even they could stop the cold temperatures of the floor taking his feet, making them so cold that it is amazing, as William hasn't began to jump in place and began to scream in the immense pain that he is feeling now.

At the end of the hallway...he came across a very frightening sight. It is a large, circular pedestal, that is surrounded by 13 colossal statues of ice. The statues Barr a strange resemblance to Vikings, with a sword pinned down to the ground, and each of the statues are holding it, while crouching on one knee. In front of them, is a bearded man, who is very large, and has one of his eyes covered by long hair. The beard and the hair are silver, and he looks very old, as wrinkles are present on his face. But the face...it was very stoic, and it...it is actually very scary, as the man doesn't even blink. It was as though they are judging William. Or...the man's eyes are dead, without a soul. He doesn't even look surprised or impressed at his visit. It is as though he knows that he is coming.

William looks down, struggling to remember the words that he is supposed to say, but the cold is bothering him so much that it is making it damn-near impossible for him to concentrate on what he needs to remember. But than, he looks up, and was able to get the words out of his mouth, as he shivers

"W-What w-w-wi-ill bec-come of me-e-e...o-oonce they-y-y...a-are to-togeth-ther?"

He than looked up at the man, as his expression is still very emotionless, and William waited for an answer. There was no voice being heard. No one is speaking to him.

'Did...I say it the wrong way? I need to try this again, just in case.'

He than began to speak, when all of a sudden...


He held his head, as an unbearable amount of pain than appear. He feels like his head is about to split in half, and that his brains light explode once it bursts out of the skull that surrounds it. He than opened his eyes...as he saw a vision.

It was vision of himself...a year older, and with more objects in his hand, and saw something unexpected. He saw himself, decapitating the head of the black king. He sees himself, losing his hand, and a hand made of liquid metal replacing it. Than, he saw that him, Drystan and Thomas, each with new Objects of their own, are facing off against a entity before them, that is sucking stuff into itself, almost like a black hole. The entire surrounding area they are in is in pure ruins, with flames dancing around, and the entire city in what seems to be an apocalypse of some sort. People are running around, screaming, as they seem to be aware of what is going on right now. Than, he sees that they are in front of what seems to be the end of everything. The sky blackened into an infinite void, with all forms of life dying out, except himself, Thomas, Drystan, and a young girl that he does not recognize. And than...finally...he sees a orb of light...which than exploded, as he looks shocked at what was about to happen, until he and the others are consumed by the shining light, before William is sent back in the real world...holding his head. But he still feels it...all the pain and suffering that he has felt himself in that vision that he had. The most awful one...was with his right hand...when it was amputated in a fight. The pain...it is so unbearable.

"What the fuck...what the fuck did I just see in my head?!"

William raised his head, and looked at the man, who the than stands up, and goes up, as William, on instinct, began to follow him.

William follows the man, until he saw what it is at the top. Embedded in the ice, is a sword. But he has no time to observe it. He grabs the sword, and took the sword out, with no hesitation present again in his very body.

As he looks up, he saw all of the 13 statues, as suddenly, they all began to move, taking their own swords out of the ground. William remembered one warning that the book had told him, and this is the moment of truth that he needs to know.

"If the thirteen statues draw their swords from their place and point them at you, the best option right now is suicide. If you let the statues get you before this, they will obliterate you in the most horrid and painful way conceivable and you will be frozen on an ice column, feeling the pain of being maimed constantly added with the constant suffering of not having any oxygen for all eternity."

William looks up, and despite being scared, he refuses to show it on his face.

"This all comes down to luck. Please make this work for me."

They than began to make their next position...as William looks at what is about to happen, they began to move, as he thought out.

'This is it. I've failed. They are going to bring to help on the most painful way they'll do it. You're dead William!! Face it!!  YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!!!!"

But some part of William held a small drop of hope, as he looked to see what the Statues are going to do next. He clenched his fist around the blade...as he waited to see what will happen.

The statues...raised their swords over their heads, and William's eyes widened, as he sees what this meant. This means that the sword...is now his to take for himself. Still gripping the sword, he raises it up, observes it carefully.

The sword has a lot of ruins, and according to the book, it has 2537 runes, which is a lot to hold in a sword. William blinks, as he spoke out


He heard the sword anywhere, with the sword mentioned in the book of the Objects. It was a sword in Norse Mythology that it was used by a person named Sigurd to kill the dragon that's named Fafnir. But...what is it doing here?

William hesitated, but after a minute, William gripped the handle of the sword of Norse Mythology. When that happened, on the sword's blade, suddenly... 6 runes began to glow, all of them from Norse.

He can feel power coursing through his very veins, and it is as though the Balmung is the one that is empowering his very body.

As he looked around, suddenly, the entire palace began to shake, as ice began to fall down. The icicle began to stab the ground, and pierced it like it is soft bread.

William, not taking the chance to stay, immediately runs for his life, so that he does not get killed by the palace collapsing, as well as the icicles.

But as he runs, he saw that the statues have now came to life, and needless to say, they do not look very happy. In fact, they liked immensely furious. But William does not know why. He than readies the Balmung, and he charges at the ice statues, as they too charges directly at William.

William than charged at a large ice statue, which has 4 lingers, 3 eyes, and a mouth of uneven, sharp teeth. The statue tried to bite him, but William simply sliced the head off, before stomping on the head, shattering it to small ice chunks.

A enemy attack from behind...but than, his Burning Wind Sword glowed, and the man from the Burning Wind trial appeared with a black katana in his hand, and is now helping with William.

"Okay, that is pretty awesome."

The man smiled, as William and the man fought side by side, as they try the best that they can to defend themselves against the Ice Statues that are attacking them. The sword of the man really lives up to its name, as the wind was so hot, it began to scorch, and it melt the ice statues. The man turned around, and looked panicked, and tries to, supposedly say something, while also pointing behind William. But...it was too late. William was struck in the back of the head...and he's now...unconscious. William tries to stay awake...but unfortunately...it was all for nothing...as he is slowly consumed by the darkness that rests in his mind, and takes over his body.


William snarled a bit, as he looks around...and saw that he is in his house once again, and he is in his bed.

"Man...that was really shit. I let my guard down, and had my ass handed to me. What was I thinking of believing that I would win in a fight against those large ice statues?"

But as he stood up, he looked in his right hand, and saw that Balmung is still gripped right in his hand. Than, he opened his hand, and saw the grip. It looks frighteningly wonderful. Not even William can get the words out of his mouth. But he stood up, and looked around the house. It was still ruined, but that is okay. And besides...he has another thing to do. He looks at the calendar...and saw that tommorow...is the time where they meet. William, Drystan, and Thomas.

"It is almost time."

He than goes to the phone...and calls Drystan. After a minute, Drystan spoke

"Hello? William...is it important.

William than took the chance to speak.

"William...the meeting is tomorrow. You and Thomas...we're about to speak in person with the entity again. So call Thomas."

Drystan spoke out.

"Okay. I will."

The phone than ends the call, as Drytan hangs up, and William walks outside. he looks up and sees the sun still up, and the sword shines in the light. William has only one thing to say, before he gets ready for the meeting


"...Tomorrow is another day

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