(1) Phantom Traveller: Nightmares

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Bolting upright in bed covered in a cold layer of sweat panting heavily as she awoke from another disturbing nightmare, this was becoming an all too familiar feeling these days for Harriet. As she faced the darkness before her, striving to remember what details she could of her so-called dream, there was a brief image of black swirling smoke, and the sensation of plummeting at an incredible speed through the air ravaged her brain. When nothing else from the nightmare comes to her, she lets out a resigning sigh.

As her breathing returns to its normal levels, she peers over at the shape of her older brother lying in the other bed across the room. Grateful that he hadn't woken up. Providing his previous outbursts for her and Sam's lack of sleep, not wanting him to know about their persistent insomnia that was slowly getting worse with each day. The last thing they wanted was for him to feel guilty for something he couldn't control and wasn't his fault in the first place.

She stays sitting in bed for a few more minutes deciding whether or not it is worth it to get any more sleep or, in Harriet's case reverting to one of her many bad habits to avoid sleeping when the nightmares become all too much for her. Before even having made her decision, she hears a gasping beside her.

Which almost startles her now glancing over at the nearly dark outline of her twin brother, who had now shot up from beside her breathing heavily.

Resting a hand upon Sam's shoulder and Harriet gave him a knowing look as if to ask, 'you too?' said a word, Sam nodded. Sometimes they didn't sound need to say anything to one another to know neither of them wasn't okay or not in the mood to speak. Shuffling back, Sam leaned against the headboard. Harry moved back to join him, going to rest her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer.

Both of them were feeling helpless as the other about their problems. They knew there wasn't much they could do or say. All they can rely on is the comfort of one another for them to recover. It seemed like an endless eternity that they sat in the darkness before Harriet grabbed the tv remote on the nightstand beside her flicking the tv to live, still not uttering a word.

They just both gazed blankly at the screen, mind-numbing tv, to escape the darkness trying to cloud their thoughts as the varying colours bounced around the room, both having a silent pact for neither of them to fall back asleep. To nudge the other if they were beginning to drift off.

It was like this right through the night into the early morning, 5:15 am, to be precise; just as the morning light began peaking through a gap in the curtains, Sam now got out of bed to stand and stretched wearily, looking to his sister silently mouthing "coffee?" gesturing towards the door.

"Yeah, and a smoke," she returned, not seeing Sam roll his eyes at her, not surprised by it anymore. She didn't see it as she switched off the television and grabbed some clothes from her bag, going to get changed in the bathroom.

Being quiet as they could as not to wake Dean, they crept out of the motel room and walked side by side down the sidewalk through the still-dark morning. Harriet had already seen her reflection in the bathroom mirror well aware of how bloodshot and puffy her eyes were from staring at the television most of the night. But no matter how many times she blinked it wouldn't relieve the burning briefly but slyly peering at her twin brother out of the corner of her eye looking just as sleep-deprived.

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They return to the motel about half an hour later, coffees in hand and Harriet having had her morning cigarette. Sam opened the door, letting his sister pass by him before slamming the door shut. It had startled Dean awake as he turned to look at his siblings groggily, Sam holding a tray with two coffees in and his sister holding her own and a box of pastries in the other, both smiling.

"Morning, sunshine," said Sam happily with a grin.

Harry takes a sip of her coffee as her older brother asks in complaint, "What time is it?"

"Uh, it's about five forty-five," the female Winchester offered in the same demeanour as Sam.

"In the morning?" Dean yawned, and the twins both nodded before rolling over and moaning, "Where has the day gone?" he added sarcastically, now sitting up to give his siblings a questioning glance, "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Yeah, grabbed a couple of hours," Sam returned with a shrug.

"Liars," Dean remarked with a slight scoff, "'cause I was up at three, and you were both watching a George Foreman infomercial."

"Hey, what can we say? It's riveting TV," Harry smirked, going to perch on the bed opposite her putting the box of pastries and her coffee beside it on the nightstand between their beds, the tone of her voice now sounding a little forced.

"When was the last time either of you got a good night's sleep?"

"Don't know, a little while, I guess. It's not a big deal," Sam tried to brush it off. It made Dean wonder when were his younger siblings last had any sleep or hardly any at only made him all the more concerned for their very well-being.

"Yeah, it is," Dean argued.

"Look, De, I know you're concerned..." Harriet tried to speak up before Dean interrupted her.

"Oh, I'm not concerned about you," he went on to voice with some sarcasm, "It's your guy's job to keep my ass alive, so I need you sharp," both the twins shrugged, uncertain what to say

"Seriously, are you guys still having nightmares about Jess?" Dean asked as Sam crossed the room, sitting beside his sister as he passed Dean his coffee. Yet Harriet's nightmare wasn't of Jess but black smoke.

"Yeah," Sam sighed deeply, but it's not just her, "It's everything. I just forgot you know? This job, it gets to you," Harriet goes rest her head lovingly against Sam's arm, now not being able to rest it on his shoulder as she had done earlier, and he now wrapped an arm around her.

"You can't let it. You can't bring it home like that."

"So, what? All this it...never keeps you up at night?" Harriet challenged as she and Sam, raised their eyebrows at Dean, who shook his head in response, "Never? You're never afraid?" she inquired again to ensure her brother's reply, but neither she nor Sam believed a word he said and shared a brief knowing look.

"No, not really," Sam now reached under Dean's pillow to pull out a large hunting knife as proof, holding it up in front of his big brother, who now snatched it off him.

"That's not fear. That is precaution," Dean argued in his defence, putting the knife away.

"All right, well, whatever helps you sleep at night, Mr I'm-Not-Scared-Of-Anything besides, I can't even be bothered to argue with you because I'm tired," Harriet returned without care.

Shortly after that, Dean's cell phone began to ring. Breaking the silence within the room, he flipped it open to answer, "Hello?" he went silent for a moment as he listened to the other person speak, "Oh, right, yeah. Up in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, the poltergeist thing. It's not back, is it?"

The twins shared a look, wondering who the man was, having never heard of him before, so they patiently waited for Dean to finish so he could explain. A few moments later, he hung up the phone sharing a look with his siblings and began explaining the situation with Jerry Pankowski, who had once helped Dean and their father on a case a while back. The guy wanted to talk to them in person about a recent supernatural occurrence showing up in his town. The drive wouldn't be that far to go and meet Jerry, and Dean trusted him. So once again, they were hitting the road on another case.

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