In The Family (Book 1)

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• ────── ✾ ────── •
"I am who I am no excuses."
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• ────── ✾ ────── •
"My friends, my family
they're the ones
that I will always put first."
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(BOOK 1)

• ────── ✾ ────── •
"We're in this together"
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Sophia Bush as Harriet Winchester

Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester

Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as John Winchester

Bethany Joy Lenz as Sophie Anderson/Sophia


Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day
Carry On Wayward Son - Kansas
Sleeping With the Lights on - Busted

I do not own Supernatural or its characters. They belong to CW. The plot is mine, and so is Harriet.
Cover by myself.

I apologize for grammar or plot mistakes in advance. Don't begin pointing it out because I know it's there and will come back to it at a later date. This story is based in the world of the tv series Supernatural.

Please remember to vote and comment at the end of each chapter and follow me for updates. I'd really appreciate your support and feedback.
Thank you x

Mild language

START: 28th July 2020
END: n/a

Lawrence, Kansas 22 years ago...

On a quiet suburban street, on a clear and starry night, there once lived a happy little family of five-Mary and John Winchester, their eldest son Dean and six-month-old baby twins Sam and Harriet. Mary had come into the nursery, white nightgown flowing behind, holding her four-year-old son upon her hip. The room is slightly dark, with only the moon's light shimmering in through the nursery window.

"Come on, let's say good night to your brother and sister," she announces to her young son softly, flicking on the nursery lights. Inside the room rests two cribs. One held a boy, the other a girl.

Dean, having been put down by his mother, leans over the side of his baby brother's crib and kisses him affectionately on the forehead. "Night, Sam." He moves over to the other, doing the same with his sister. "Night, Harriet."

His mother now leans over Sam, lovingly brushing the hair out of his face before kissing the top of his forehead. "Goodnight, love." She leaves, coming over to join her eldest son doing the same with Harriet. "Goodnight, sweetheart."

"Hey, Dean," John calls from the doorway of the nursery, casually leaning against the frame admiring his wife and children.

"Daddy!" his son turns and runs up to him in excitement.

"Hey, buddy." John instantly scooped him up into his arms, "So what do you think? You think Sammy or Harry is ready to toss around a football yet?"

"No, Daddy. Besides, Harry wouldn't even like football anyway. She's a girl," Dean laughs, shaking his head, John laughing happily with his son.


Mary passes her husband to make sure he puts Dean to bed, "You got him?"

"I got him," John assured her, hugging his son close before she walked off down the hall to their bedroom, "Sweet dreams, Sam. Sweet dreams, Harriet," he bids his children goodnight, turning out the light and closing the door to leaving the light of the moon shining through the darkness.

A while later, the mobile's above Sam and Harriet's cribs began to spin on their own accord without the slightest hint or a whisper of wind making them move as they both watched in awe. The clock on the wall ticks, ticks, away when it suddenly stops striking the midnight hour. In the corner of the room, a moon-shaped nightlight flickered eerily.

The green lights on the baby monitor flickered oddly as it stood on the nightstand where Mary slept and a family photo bedside it. It starts making the strangest of noises. Stirring, Mary wakes from her slumber. Turning on the lamp, she looks over to the other side of the bed, seeing it empty.


She got up out of bed and left the bedroom to check where her husband had gone. Her feet padded down the hallway. On approach, she sees the silhouette of what is her husband in the twin's nursery.

"John? Are they hungry?" She asked, just checking upon them, but he hushed with the reassurance that everything was fine. "All right."

Mary heads back down the hallway towards the stairs, where the wall light is oddly flickering nearby. She tapped it a few times until the light went steady and hums in curiosity about it before leaving it be. Now making her way downstairs, more of the lights are acting just like the one had been upstairs.

She was reaching the bottom of the stairs she saw John had fallen asleep watching a war movie on the television, snoring his head off. Fear struck through Mary in that instant, realizing that the man upstairs in the nursery hadn't been her husband. She runs back up, hoping no harm has come to her children.

"Sammy! Harry!" she hollered upon reaching the nursery, stopping in her tracks soon as she entered

A woman's shrill scream coming upstairs awakens John from his restful slumber. Realizing the only woman upstairs was his wife, he scrambled out of the armchair in a panic calling to her. "Mary?"

He burst through the closed nursery door in search of his wife, "Mary."

But the room seems quiet, too quiet, and no sign of his wife anywhere in the room. The only sounds of Sam and Harriet's subtle cooing are heard. John goes over to check on his daughter. Leaning over the crib, he softly brushed some of her hair with his hand as she looked up at him. "Harry? You ok?"

He now went over to his son, pushing the side of his crib down, touching his son's head. "Hey, Sammy. You ok?"

John notices a dark drip of something land beside Sam's head. Reaching his hand out to touch it, he feels two more wet drops hit the back of his hand, and to him, it looked a lot like blood or rusty water. Guessing the drips were coming from the ceiling, John looked up, pure horror spreading across his features. His wife, Mary, was sprawled out, pinned to the top staring back at not being able to breathe, the stomach of her white nightgown covered in crimson red blood.

He collapses onto the floor, staring up at his wife, "No! Mary!"

She suddenly burst alight into deadly orange flames, the fire rapidly spreading across the ceiling as John continued to stare, unable to move. The wailing cries of the twins brought him back, reminding him. He quickly gathered them both out of their cribs, holding them close to his chest, and rushed out the room.

He sees Dean comes running out of his room wondering what all the commotion is about, catching fire in the nursery behind his dad, "Daddy!" His son voices his distress, not understanding what's happening, as he's passed Sam over by his father.

"Take your brother outside as fast as you can, and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!" He ordered his son to quickly get out of the house and dose as he's told.

"Mary!" he called for her one last time, looking in at the ceiling, but the entire room is engulfed in flames, "No!"

John ran outside, grabbed Dean by the waist up, and carried his three children to safety just as the fire burst out in an explosion of flames out of the nursery window, "I gotcha."

A while later, John watched from across the street, cradling Sam in his arms. Dean sat beside him, holding Harriet on the hood of his Impala, watching the fire being tackled by firefighters. Grey smoke and flames still rising from what was once his home, disappearing into the dark midnight sky. Neighbors were being kept at bay by police, an ambulance nearby. Now John knew what he needed to do whatever was necessary, learn whatever he could about the supernatural and find the thing that killed Mary. For his children's sake.

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