🍃Chapter 12🍃

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Please ignore the mistakes .

(A week later)

Hoorain's PoV:-

Today my university had conduct a function . Its a big one and we have dress up in presentable clothes.

Thankfully Wajiha mom has given me some good and new dresses. She is secretly giving me things for my daily usage or for future usage.

Oddly mama has been quite . She didn't said or do anything with me or anyone in house . Her silence is making me scared, I don't know what is going on in her mind but whatever it is it will be bad.

Anyway As I enter in the university, I don't know why but there is a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach like something wrong is going to happen.

Ya Allah! Please let everything fine

"MashAllah Hoorain you are looking so beautiful" Alina commented on me making me blush.

"Thankyou Alina you are also looking beautiful " I smile at her and said

"Oh! Why thankyou my lady" with a dramatic bow she said in a fake brutish voice making me laugh out loud.

Soon the function start in universitie's auditorium. Me and Alina settle at the third row seats.

The Dean of university distributed the madels and certificates to students who participated in different compitition and the at last he give his speech.

"Thankyou for being patient students. I would like to announce our new trusty and guest of owner, who is a great person and a young businessmen as well. Please welcome Mr Burhan Malik"

Ya Allah!

My breath stops and my heart start beating widely . My eyes didn't even blink for a second and were focused on the man.

Seeing him shaking hands with authorities. The professional aura he carry and the grey Armani suit he wear.

All of them were making him look so handsome and breathtaking.

"OMG he is so handsome"

"Is he single"?

"Is so well built"

"He is very sexy as hell. Ohh ! I will do anything to spend a day with him"

I listen to the comments of the girls around me . If api was here she would definitely give them a piece of mind .

"Hoorain he is Daneen's fiance right . I have seen there pictures on her Instagram page. He is really hot in person yarr." Alina said dreamily

"Yeah indeed he is" I look at him with logging eyes but then I shake my head to get rid of these Haram thoughts.

"Thankyou so much and all the best for your future." Burhan completed his speech and everyone clapped loudley.

I saw girls rushing towards him trying to get a picture with him. Alina also want to meet him so she dragg me with her also .

"Aslamoaliakum!" I said my Salam to him as his back is facing me.

Hearing my salam he turn around and look at me with a rise eyebrow.

"Waliakumsalam Hoorain what a surprise. Where is Daneen and Anaya?" He rudely asked making me embarrassed in front of girls who giggled listening to this.

"I...I don't ...Know where they are?" I answer with down head .

"Hoorain Malik?" Someone call my name and I trun around to find a girl probably of my age.

"Yes its me" I said to her

"Dean is calling you in his office know . He said its urgent" she said and then walk away.

I frown in confusion as alot of bad scenarios came in my mind.

Seriously Hoorain stop over thinkging.

I sigh and walk towards dean's office which is located on the fourth floor of University.

I open the door of the waiting room and saw the receptionist sitting behind her desk busy in writting something on the computer.

"Aslamoaliakum mam! Dean sir has called me" I said to her and she look at me after adjusting her glasses on her eyes.

"Are you Hoorain Malik?"

"Yes mam"

"You can go inside he is waiting for you"

With that I walk inside Dean's office and stop before his desk.

"HoorainMalik Come come . I was waiting for you. Please have a seat" . The way he said gave me bad vibes.

I took the seat on the chair infront of his desk.

As soon as I seated Dean sir slides a white envelope towards me.

"Open it and read it". Dean order me and I did without wasting any minute.

When I open the envelop and took out the paper from it my World stop at that minute when I read what was written on it. My vision blurred as tears gathered in my eyes and I pressed my lips tightly to hold back sobbes.

No this is not happening. This can't be possible . Ya Allah please this is not true . This is ... this is...

Burhan's POV:-

"Sir you have to attend a function at XYZ University as a chief guest as well as a new trusty" my secretary inform me about my todays plan.

"When it is"? I asked without looking at him.

"Sir its today infact in an hour"

"What! And you are telling me now" I banged my hands on the table.

"So..so..sorry si..r"

"Enough get my car ready and ckear my today's schedule" I stood up from my chair and fix my coat before walking out of the office cabin and into the elevator.

I push the ground button before taking out my phone.

"The number you have call is currently switch off " uff again this robotic voice.

Daneen pick up Damn it!

Where are you Daneen? Ufff seriously this girl is simply a tension.

Its been 2 to 3 days that she is not responding to my any phone calls or massages even she is ignoring me at home . I have tried to talk to her but she simply run away from me .

Something is seriously wrong with her. Huh!

With a sigh I put my shades before sitting in the car .

After reaching at the university I made my way towards the auditorium as I was late because of the huge traffic of Islamabad.

"So sorry for coming late, caught up in some work" I apologize to the authorities of university.

"No no its totally fine infact its our owner to have you here in our university. Thankyou for taking some precious time of yours for us". He politely said but I can clearly see the irritation which he try to mask.

What I am businessmen I can read people from there faces.

I gave my speech as a Thankyou and all.

As I make my way down the stage I was immediately circled by some girls who were behaving like a 5 year old child. I sigh and force a smile on my face.

Hoorain came and said her salam and I being the stupid asked her the most stupidest question.

Seriously Burhan she also studies here in this university. Idiot.

I asked about Daneen and Anaya but before she could answer a girl came and inform her about her being called by Dean.

Anyway I took my phone out and call Anaya and she said she was not feeling well thats why she is at home not at university.

Now this Daneen , where do I find her?

I walk towards the Dean's office as he excused himself for some important work and I have to give him the cheque . As I was two or three step away from the office when

Suddenly the door burst open and a distorted and a crying mess Hoorain with a envelope in her hand came out .

Her eyes meet mine but before I could read her she averted her teary eyes and run from there .

I also walk towards her but my cell phone ranged making me halt on my steps.

Its Anaya.

"Anaya everything okay?" I asked her a little worridely as she is sick.

"Bhai Daneen is here at home . But she is not looking very good" She said and I immediately cut the call before making my way towards my car.

All the way to the parking lot my eyes were searching for a figure but it seem like she has disappear in thin air.

Focus Burhan these both sisters are a mystery a messy one though.

Now lets see what were you up to miss Daneen.

Little did he knows that a big strom is coming to hit him which will shattered his trust completely.

Third person's POV:-

"Mrs Malik I have done my job exactly the way you said"

"Good, you payment has been transformed into your account " she replied with a wicked smirk.

"Don't mind Mrs Malik but she is your own daughter then why are you being so cruel to her . I mean you are her mother . How your heart give permission to do something like this" he asked her a little worridely as he was feeling guilt of his doing.

"Who gave you the privilege to talk in my personal matters . You have done your job and I have already payed for it. Don't make me regret it" she cut the call without listening to his reply.

Daughter my foot she is Bitch and an illigment child. She is the sole reason of my failed marriage. She is just a reminder of my unfaithful husband who fell in love with other woman and couldn't control his desires.

"I swear I will make your life a living hell . You have to pay for your mother's deads".

Loud bang of the door brought her out of her thoughts. She frrown in confusion but then as if realization hit her, that she run towards the room which is just beside hers.

"Daneen where her have you been all these days huh! Where were you....

Her words died in her throat when she saw a white envelop on the bad and a crying mess Daneen coming from the washroom.

"What is it Daneen ?" In answer she only get a loud cry .

She hug Daneen and made her sit on the bed and pass her a glass of water.

She took the envelop and tear it open to read what is inside.

As soon as she read the content on the page , the ground slip from her feet and she look at her daughter in disbelief before slapping her loudely on her cheek.

"You fool we are over . What have you done Daneen ." ....

Aslamoaliakum and Hi lovelies 💕

So sorry for late update as you all know my exam are starting and they will be continued till mid of july. 🙇‍♀️

I will try to update if I got some time but I can't promise for an early update.🙇‍♀️

Thankyou for reading. I hope you enjoy reading it 😊

Till thr next update take care 😊💕

Allah Hafiz 💕💕


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