🍃Chapter 19🍃

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Aahil's Room ⬆️


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Life is a word made up of only four alphabets but the meaning of Life is huge.

We don't see the word , rather we have to spend this word according to the way in which it is writen or you can say in the way our fate has been written.

Nothing is in our hand . We think something and it happens just opposite of it and believe me it is for our own good.

Life is a second name of struggle. You know when you work hard for something you get the reward for that thing in a better and amazing way. Same is with the case of life . The more you struggle the more you will be able to spend your life successfully because after every hurdle there is a reward and how much you have to struggle is all writen in our fate.

The harsh reality of life is that the more you struggle and face difficult situated, the more you will become stronge.

That is all what is happening with Hoorain . Life is testing her in every possible way because there is dafenatly going to be good and beautiful life for her in future but for that she has to work hard as in this World nothing comes free of cost.

Its been almost an hour that Hoorain has fainted. As a psychiatrists Saira has observe Hoorain's body language and not to forget her abused form.

Saira had called on of her freind who is also a doctor a gynaecologist you can say.

They both have been present in the room examining the abused girl in front of them while the boys are waiting outside the room.

Aahil had a tense expression on his face. He is really worried about her. As a doctor he offers himself to check Hoorain but Saira had practically push him out of the room because according to her a girl needs a female doctor more then a male doctor.

And she was right as currently both the ladies are busy mending the bruise on Hoorain's body.

Saira almost teared up when she saw a big bluish black bruise just under Hoorain's ribs above her stomach . Its so huge that it covers almost all of her stomach.

"Shall we take her to the hospital for ultrasound and X-ray. " Saira voice out her thoughts as she saw the damages.

"We can't take her to the hospital right now. Tommorow you can bring her to the hospital with Aahil. I think there will be more damage physically and mentally as well." Her friend finish making Saira to look at Hoorain with pity and sorrow.

"I feel bad for her" Saira said while she cover the frame of Hoorain with the duvet.

"Just make sure to give her as much of lots of nutrients . You can bring her tommorow at the hospital . For now let her just rest." Her friend suggested making Saira nod in agreement.

With a last glance at Hoorain both of them exit the room.

As soon as they reach at the living room Aahil rush towards them with Arham hot on his tale.

"Is everything okay? How is she? What happened to her?" Aahil bombarded with the questions in single breath.

"Relax son! Don't worry she is fine. Just a little stress and malnutrition caused her fainting. May be she is not having proper meals for days. For now I have given her medicine to let her sleep but when she woke up do give her lots of healthy food and water and tommorow you can take her to the hospital " Saira's doctor friend give detail to Aahil and then bid her goodbye to leave.

Aahil raked hia hand in his hears tiredly. He trun around to look at his younger brother giving him an pity look which he hated the most.

Soon saira came back after escorting her friend to the door.

Aahil was about to move towards the room where Hoorain was resting when Saira stopped him and ask him to sit on the sofa beside him . Aarham also set on the single seater just opposite to them.

"Aahil tell me please how this all happened"? Saira asked while cupping her son's face loving in her hands.

Aahil took a deap breath before starting.

"Ami that I...


After Hoorain and her Dadi left is haste Aahil set there on the chair pondering over his thoughts.

He was confused about her sudden change of behaviour but never the less he ignored it and shake his head to get rid of these thoughts.

He took a deap breath before starting doing his work. He was about to get up for his regular round when suddenly his eyes fell on a perticular blue file .

Frowning he took it in his hand and shake his head in disbelieve.

Apparently in haste Hoorain had forget to take medicle file of dadi whivh contain dadi's all medicle reports , test results and even medicine page.

Aahil shook his head agin as he hate carelessness and non- serious attitude.

"Care less girl" he mutter under hia breath before moving out of the door to continue his shift.

After an hour or so Aahil finally completed his all work and got ready to go home. He entered in his cabin to check for the last time when he a certain blue file caught his attention.

He took the file in his hand and sigh triedly.

After pondering for sometime on whether to give this file to them or just let it stay here as they will come to get it.

Finally he decided to take this file personally to them as he was really fond on dadi or may be he want to know more about Hoorain.

He set in his car after he confirm the address from the file. But his expression turn in to confusion when he read the address.


He frown as he try to think that if this is the same Haveli or not.

And indeed it was the same Haveli which he could not forget in his whole life. The same Haveli stood proud even after so many years . The same Haveli who gave so much pain and brought sorrow for him and his family, especially his mother.

Aahil didn't know when his feet step forward and the next moment he was standing infront of the big main door of Haveli.

He ring the bell while his heart was burning in rage. He wanted to leave from here but another side he want to see that how these people are living after so many years .

A house helper open the door and Aahil told him about his reason of visit.

The maid escort him towards Dadi's room where a worried Dadi was pacing back and forth in the room. Hoorain was still laying on the bed all beaten up and silent.

The maid knock on the door and inform Dadi about Aahil's presence.

First dadi was shock but an idea came in her mind and after that she literally fell on her knees in front of Aahil's feet in order to peruse him to marry Hoorain.

Aahil being a soft hearted person couldn't watch the old woman's misery and at last he agreed for the Nikkah.

He called and Arham and his one of doctor friend but Aahil didn't gave them any type of detail just told them to be his witness in Nikkah.

And just like that Aahil and Hoorain were bond in a Halaal and sacred relation.

Indeed you plane but what He (Allah) plane will only happen.

Flashback End

Saira watch her son with a proud look but deap down she feel sad for his son as she has lots of dreams and planes for his sons marraige. What can we do a mother's heart will only feel about his own child right.

Saira cupped Aahil's face and kiss his forehead. She did the same with Arham as well.

Although she has perfectly mask her expression to a happy one but deap down she is feeling angry and sad as well because today she has broke her promise with her husband .

Today she had given shelter to her husband's murdrer (The Maliks).


Hoorain's POV:

Darkness . Every single corner around me is black , pitch black you can say. I don't know where am I but I feel good here . There is no harsh voices, no pain , no abuse, nothing . It's just me, darkness and quietness, a best combination of life.

But then like a hard slap tge reality of life came crushing down on my face. Loud roaring of clouds, harsh wind and the shouts of people is making me feel really distrub and scared.

The cussing of my Baba and Amma and the loud cries of Dadi jan could be heard in every corner of the room.

I put my hands on my ears in order to block these voices but they become more loud and louder.

Suddenly I hear a child's cry. I trun around and saw Daneen coming with a baby cradle in her arms.

She came and stood near me and that's when I saw a beautiful angle wrapped in a baby pink cloth.

The child look at me with her beautiful large brown eyes as if he is staring at my soul.

I look at Daneen and found her looking at the child with deap effection and love.

Daneen look at me with a smile and tears in her eyes making me look at her in shock.

"Look Hoorain how beautiful she is. " she said while looking at the child . I look at her in questioning manner .

She laugh little before said

"Yes she is a girl. A beautiful and cute girl. She is my daughter".

"What"! I look at her in shock. When she saw that I am not saying anything then she continue.

"I named her Noor you know why? Because she is alive just because of you. Please Hoorain just endure a little more, think of this angle . My girl 's life is in your hands. " She is taking slow steps in backward. I look at her in confusion and try to stop her when a loud roaring of someone starlted me.


And the next moment my hairs were in someone's tight clutches. I can't see his face because my back is facing him but I know he is a man because of his rough hand.

He trun me around and that's when I saw my Baba's face clearly. He slap me hard making me losse my balance ans fell on the ground.

He started to kick on my stomach and I start to plead him for mercy.

I can hear small voices calling my name from afar but couldn't get a grab of it.





At this voice I gasp out loud before opening my eyes wide from fear. Tears were continuously leaking from my eyes making my vision blur.

Suddenly I was engulfed in a warm embraced and I couldn't control my emotions and start to cry out loud.

I cried because of the accusion, I cried because of all beating and abuse . I cried from both physical and mental pain.

I put my face more in the warm chest and cried my eyes out. I don't know how is it but the warmness and softness is indicating that it is a woman.

Finally after sometime I calm down . My cries trun into hiccups and my eyes stop shedding any more tears.

I slowly open my eyes in narrow slits and try to see my surrounding. As I am not wearing my glasses it is difficult for me to see far things.

Suddenly the lady put a glass of water on my lips and I without any second thought quinch the water in one go.

"You want more"? A sweet soothing voice said and I nodded my head a little as I feel myself all drained off.

My sniffs fill the silent room. The kind lady made me drink another glass of water which I was very greatful of it.

The cool liquid moist my dry throat. It's like my soul come to its life but still Iam feeling weak.

I slowly pull my head up and watched my surroundings qith blur vision of course.

The first thing I notice is the beautiful room bigger then mine even Daneen's.

"How are you feeling child"? Again that sweet voice called making me turn towards her .

I look at her curiously because I can't seem to know her. Seeing my confuse expression she laugh a little and said.

"Aww you are so cute . I know you don't know me but I am your mother-in-law Saira".

What ! My mother-in-law.

I look at her in shock. Nikkah..

Then it click me my Nikkah. Iam married now but with whom?

She smile polietly at me before continue saying

"Yes child you are now married to my son Aahil" She pointed towards our front and that's when I saw two male standing in the room as well.

But I didn't get the clear value of them because of my lack of eyesight.

Suddenly I feel my head spinning making me put my hand on it.

"You should take some rest . Don't stress your brain so much" saying that she made me lay down and cover me with a duvet.

As soon as my head touch the soft pillow my eyes immediately shut down and sleep over took me taking me to a different world .

Third person's POV: -

After Hoorain sleeped all three came out of the room.

Saira rubbed her forehead triedly n the stress lines on her forehead were enough to show how much stress she is.

"Ami (mom) are you fine"? Aahil asked as he made her sit on the sofa.

"No I am not fine. This girl is a trouble for us. I don't want her in my house , I am going to find a perfect girl for you not a abuse and mental girl. " Saira said making Aahil and Arham to look at her in shock.

"Ami what are you saying . You were fine some minutes ago. You were consoling the girl in your arms then what happened " Aahil asked as he try to understand what the hell is wrong with his mother.

"I console her because I didn't know at that time who she really is. I know she is Malik but I thought may be she the daughter of the elder son of Malik but no she is the daughter of Shahbaz the second son of Malik" By now she has tears flowing freely from her eyes.

Seeing her son's shock expressions she continued.

"Yes the very same man who killed your father and is living his life freely because we don't have enough evidence to make that murdrer go behind the bars" Saira cried her pain out. She can't forget the death of her husband her better half.

Aahil took her in his arms and said.

"Ami shh its okay! Tell me what you want . I will do anything you say"

Saira wipe her tears with the back of her hand and said with a stronge voice

"I want you to divorce her."

"Okay . Think its done" saying that he walk towards Hoorain's room while dailing his lawyer's number.

Aslamoaliakum and Hi lovelies 💞💕

Hope you all are doing fine😊

Firstly a big Happy Birthday to my sweet birthday girl to binth_deen . I am going to dedicate thia chapter as a birthday gift to her.

Now Did you like the chapter? What do you think what will happen next?

I know I am late and I am sorry for that.

Thankyou for your support . You all are amazing peoples.


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