🍃Chapter 23🍃

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Death is something which every single soul has to taste. Death is a reality which everyone is scared of. Scared of loosing there love ones but this is what the system of Earth works.

Indeed it is hard to see the death of our love ones but its the bitter truth of our lives that one day we all have to leave this temporary life .

It was the same silent day so silent that you can here the tip tip of water from the water tap. Even the nature was silent as if it was in shock about something or as if someone has taken its beauty away.

Inside the Malik Haveli the atmosphere was gloomy. The white mats were spread through out the hall on which people were sitting including Malik family and even Ahmed Family as well.

Men of the family were sitting in lawn waiting for the time to take the janaza (Dead body) to its final destination (Grave).

Silent cries can be heard from the inside of the haveli as everyone was sad over there lost. Dadi's dead body was still put infront them properly wrapped in a white cloth, only her face with eyes closed was visible to everyone.

Wajiha sit with her daughter crushing while resting her shoulder on her mother's. Hiba was also there with her fake tears desperately wanting to make this all over soon. Soon Daneen with her in laws reached the Haveli and the daughter of Haveli Khadija start wailing loudly looking at her mothers dead body. Her daughter Iqra took st in her arms and try to console her mother.

Hoorain sits with legs collected towards her chest and arms rapped around her knees . Her head rested on her arms and her back supporting the wall behind her. She didn't bother to pull her head up and look at her surroundings because her lose was alot which nobody will or can understand .

She was not making any sound just her eyes were busy sheding tears silently . She closed her eyes as she recall the earlier events of the day.


Aahil look at his mother in shock as he pull Hoorain in his arms protectively more.

He was shocked because his mother had not behaved like this to anyone .

"Ami (mom) what are you doing ? " Aahil asked still in shock state as he patted Hoorain's head slowly who was weping like a child in his arms .

"Aahil . Aahil my son . They have made a fool of you. She is not good girl. She is Pragnant. She is a whor....

"Stop Ami. Don't curse my wife, and she is not pregnant." Aahil cut Saira off when he hear her cursing Hoorain which he don't like at all.

"I am telling you that she is pregnant. You don't know anything" .

"Ami please we will talk about this later , I have take Hoorain with me to somewhere and I am getting late for it". Aahil said as he took Hoirain's hand in his and start walking towards his car.

"Now you will ignore your mother son for whom. For this cheap girl, who has a bustard child in her womb..."

Aahil shook his head on his mother's blind believes . He was still not believing that his mother is using a abusive language without knowing the truth.

Without saying anything he trun around and continue walking towards his car with Hoorain .

Seeing this Saira feel hurt as this is the first time Aahil had ignored her . She feel more hatred towards Hoorain and want to get rid of her as soon as possible.

Hoorain was still sobbing. She was not in her right mind even when Aahil made her sit in the car and drove towards the hospital.

In the mean time Arham also reached home and as soon as his car entered the house Saira immediately sit on the front seat and told him to follow Aahil's car.

First Arham was confused at his mother's behaviour. He wanted to ask many things to his mother but seeing the haste situation he obliged to his mother and drove through the gates and start driving the car to God knows where because Aahil's car had already been out of the sight. But when turned his car to the main street they got a glimpse of Aahil's car and from that he follow the car cautiously.

Aahil parked the car outside the hospital and look towards a crying mess Hoorain who was silent through out the drive but her eyes were screaming thousands of words.

Aahil opened his seat belt and move towards her side and open the door for her. Aahil stood patiently for her to come out but when she took more the 5 minutes he couldn't wait but to shook her shoulder making her come back to reality.

Hoorain blink her eyes and look at Aahil with her eyes having a sheer thin line of tears. Aahil's heart broke to see her all tear up. He feel like he is failing in his promise.

Aahil shook his head as this is not the time to think about all this as they had to reach as soon possible before it is too late.

He took her hand in his and help her out of the car before locking it and start moving inside the hospital and within the minute both were standing otside the room of Dadi .

Hoorain look at him in confusion and open her mouth to ask something when the door of the room opened and the least expected person came out of it.

Hoorain immediately coward back and hide herself behind Aahil and caught his shirt in her tiny fists. She peak from his back and saw her father still standing their shooting daggers to her.

"Sir can you move a little we have to go inside " . Aahil politely said to Shahzab keeping his anger in control.

Giving a curt nod to him Shahzab stood aside giving them enough space to walk inside the room.

Taking the shaky hand of his wife he walk past Shahzab and entered in the room.

Upon reaching the room the first thing Hoorain saw was her mother which made her confused but as she took two step further her eyes widened as they fell on the person lying on her death bed.

In an instant Hoorain towards her Dadi and took her weak hand in hers.

" Dadi jan what happened to you? You... you.. " words fail to form as a painful sob left her mouth.

Dadi smile weakly at her sweet Hoorain and slowly pull her hand up. Her fingers shook a little as she touched the cheek of Hoorain and wipe her tears before shaking her head to indicate Hoorain not cry. She smile a little which make Hoorain to cry more.

"Pl..es..pl..please...Da..di..." with alot of difficulty Hoorain try to say something but failed miserably.

Dadi pull Hoorain a little towards herself and put a kiss on her cheeks.

"Take care of yourself and you are a strong girl. Don't ever forget that your creator your God Your Allah is with you okay . And Now you also have your husband with you , do respect him and take care of him also . Okay My bacha (child)." Hoorain sobbed more painfully even every person in the room was in tears while watching the painful last goodbye of them.

Suddenly the beeping of the machines start to make sound making Hoorain to look at her Dadi jan in panic, but Dadi was having a small relieved smile on her face as she closed her not before passing a silent message to Hoorain through her eyes.

Doctors nurses rush towards the bed and start checking the machines even Aahil tried his one last chance to try his luck but when the call of death had already came them who are we to stop it.

Hoorain was pushed by the nurses as she stood half bending , hand on her mouth while crying badly.

Soon everything quite down. The machines stopped making sound and the hustle of doctors also stopped.

Hoorain slowly look up only to see the doctor covering her Dadi jan's face with white bed sheet. Aahil look at the old lady's one last time before announcing the time of death of hers.

" DADIII JANN!!!" Hoorain shouted in disbelief as she run towards the bed and shook her in order to wake her up.

"Da...di Da..di jan loo..k yo..ur Hoo..rain is cal..ling y..ou . Ple..ase do..n't le..ave me alo..ne . I ca..n't li..ve with..out yo..u.ple..ase da..di jan wa..ke u.p ple..ase". With sobbed she said . Her breath comes in hiccups but she didn't stopped shaking her like a desperate child.

Aahil couldn't watch it anymore and he in an instant rounded the bed and took her in his arms who immediately put her head on his chest and cries hirastically.

Aahil patted her head and try to give her as much comfort as he could but her pain , her loss was nothing compared to the little efforts he was making.

Everyone single person in the room was watching them with heavy heart . They all were devastated even the stone hearted Hiba the cunning woman couldn't help but to get teared up as she remembered the death of her mothers.

Shahzab also cried on Burhan's shoulder as the only member of his family , Malik family is finally gone . He told Burhan to call his sister Khadija and inform her about the sorrowful news.

At the entrance of the room stood two people looking at the scenario with blank faces. But as they hear the painful cries of Hoorain who was still thrashing herself in Aahil's arms , they got teared up as well as Saira suddenly remembered her time when she also cried like this in front of her love her husband and at that time the little boy who was the there to support her to console her just like today he is doing but the difference is today in his arms is his wife not his mother.

Flashback Ends

Hoorain closed her eyes as a more fresh tears start to make there way out of her eyes as she recall the events of the day.

Soon the man entered the hall to take the janza to its final rest place . Loud cries from the womans start as the man lift up the janaza on there shoulders and loudly recite the second qalam before starting moving out of the hall.

Khadija fainted in her daughters arms making all the woman to panic but only one soul one life didn't even lifted her eyses to watch her Dadi jan going , to see why the womans are panicking

She sit still like a dead corpus as nobody try to feel her pain and give her a consoling hug.


A weak later:

The slow and quite falling of the white cotton from the sky indicates the arrival of another start . Another season of life , another step in life. As the month of November has finally come to its end with lots of good and bad memories . It was now time to welcome the new month , December .

December the month of cold , the month where you want to sit inside your house in front of a fire place or a heater with a hot cup of coffee or tea or chocolate.

But for our Hoorain this all was same . It was like her life has come to its finally stop which is according to her by the way. She don't know when He our Creator our Allah comes to plan then miracle start to happen. And for that you just have to be a little patient as it is said:

" Indeed it is late at God's (Allah) door but its never darkness".

And today with the start of new month her life also took a new start which will be filled with lots of happiness and only good moments full of love.

Aslamoaliakum and Hi lovelies 💖

I literally cried while writing this chapter . Hope you all find this chapter good.

Till the next chapter take care of yourself


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