🍃Chapter 26🍃

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Time . Time is the most fast running thing in this world. One minute you are sitting on your bed and another minute you realise that its already evening time. You never know when and where this time is going until or unless you utilised it in any creative work or maybe make yourself busy with any daily chores.

Same is happening with Hoorain here . One minute she was admiring the dress and the second minute she is stuck in zipping it up.

Practically the dress has a long zipper starting from the back of waist till the back of the neck. After alot of struggle she was finally able to close it up but she knew it will be a hard task to open it up also.

Anyway the girl looks herself at the mirror and indeed she love the dress.

The light pink cotton frock was enhancing her beauty more. She wore a pair of golden jhumkas , a little kajal and lip gloss to tint on her lips in baby pink shade .

As she don't know how to make a hairstyle so she put her long black hairs in a half clip and thats it simple and perfect.

She put her glasses and a pair of khussa on her feet before going out of the room and walking towards the living room where she could here the little voice of woman.

Hoorain's POV:

They are already here

That is the first question which came in to my mind as I reach near the living room .

Taking a deep breath I entered in the living room. As soon as I entered an uncomfortable silence fall in the room making me to fidge with my fingers awkwardly as I saw everyone looking at me .

There were almost five to six womans sitting on the pulsh sofas dressed up in most sophisticated clothes. There hands neck and ears shines with different type of jewellery .

Nobody said anything just are watching me or more like observing me .

Mustering up some courage I pull my head up and said my salam to them.


"Waliakumsalam come come . Ladies meet my first daughter- in-law umm. What is your name honey I kind of forget it you know don't mind it at all " . Aahil's mother laughed it was a mocking one and her friends also start laughing like she had tell them some really funny joke.

Putting a small smile on my face I said

"It's Hoorain ."

"Ohh! You have a nice name". One of the lady in sky blue dress said to me.

"Thankyou ". Giving a polite smile I said.

Taking a seat one the one seater sofa I patiently waited for them to talk or say something .

Burhan's POV:

Idiot ! What does he think of himself. I will chok him to death if he come infront of me but first I have to take care of these two sisters . They both are hurdle in my way . I want to destroy these Malik.

I want to make them suffer just like they made my mom's life a hell.

Anyway today our family lawyer has sent notification to each one of us to meet him tomorrow for the wealth reading .

Tomorrow everyone will get to know what they are getting from the wealth but what they don't know is that I will snatch everything from them slowly slowly .

With an evil smirk I took my mobile and make a call

"Hello I am ready to work with you but the rules will be set by me and I will get 80 % of everything ".

"I have no problem with it . Meet me at this cafe so we can move to our next plan" . The person the other side of the call said.

"Sure I wil be there in 10 minutes ". With that I cut the call and walk out of the office room.

Third person's POV:

"Oh boy you don't know what you have gotten yourself in". With an evil laugh the lady said.

At the exact moment the door of the roon opened and in comes a girl clad in jeans and a loose shirt.

"Hi mom. I miss you so much". The girl said while hugging her mother.

"Oh! Daneen child when did you come. Aww! I miss you too". Hiba kissed her daughter's head before making Daneen comfortable on the bed.

"Mom you are looking so happy what is the matter "? Daneen questioned when she saw Hiba smiling ear to ear.

"Oh you don't know what had happened? I am so excited to play this game hahaha". Hiba again laughed while her eyes contained an evil glint in them.

"But what had happened mom"?. Daneen again asked as she saw her mother laughing like an evil creature.

"Burhan had finally agreed to work with me as he thinks I will help in destroying the Maliks but the fact is he don't know that I will use him against his own family ".

"Ohh! Now I get it. By the way mom I got the notice from the lawyer but we already know the will then why to waste our time just execute your plan and kill that Bitch of Hoorain and get the villa on our name". Daneen with pure hatred said while clinching her hands in tight fists.

"Shh! Relax darling you don't want to stress your baby as well. Just be patient everything is set . Let that Bitch enjoy her good days before her life turns into a hell." Hiba said while rubbing an almost 2 month Pragnant Daneen.

"Oh yeah! Do one thing call that friend of yours what was her name...


"Oh yes Shanzay . She is Aahil's cousin right . Lets use her for some work as well " . And just like that Hiba got busy telling her plan to Daneen and then Daneen told the exact to Shanzay who without any hesitation excepted to do that because she love Aahil and will do anything to get him and for that she had to remove Hoorain from her path.

Hoorain's POV:

After serving them tea and snacks everyone got busy in eating and little chit chat which was basically filled with how much costly diamond she is wearing or who got the best dress etc.

Suddenly a very young pretty girl enters in to the living room making every single person's attention towards hers

She was dresses in a beautiful black dress which fit her like a second skin.

"Oh my God! What a pleasant surprise. Oh my child Shanzay come come its been so long I have seen you. " Aahil's mother hugged the girl while excitedly talking to her.

"Oh! I miss you so much Khala (meternal aunt) . " oh so she is Aahil's cousin.

I also got up to greet her .

Aunty brought her inside and introduce her to every one.

"Ladies meet my beautiful niece . She is my jan my soul Shanzay . And Shanzay they are my friends and they are one of the best designers as well".

They all greeted the girl Shanzay who also greet them with a pleasent smile.

Suddenly she turn towards me and her smile vanished which didn't go unnoticed by me and now a smirk was plastered on her lips .

"If I am not wrong are you the girl with whom my dear cousin had married?" Folding her hands on her chest she said while looking at me up and down.

"Ummm. I " I try to form some words but the way she is looking at me made me so much nervous that all the words died down in my throat.

"Anyway its nice to meet you miss ...

"Hoorain". I said

"Yes miss Hoorain". Her voice full of arrogance.

"Anyway come darling sit here with me. Its been so long since we have a proper talk". Aunty made her set beside her on the pulsh sofa and they all started to converse with eachother .

They completely ignored me like I didn't even existed in the room but I didn't feel an ounce of shame or hurt because its good for me or else it will be hard to answer there questions.

"Shanzay you are looking so much beautiful in this dress where did you get that from"? One of lady question Shanzay .

"Oh! Miss Maria thankyou for the compliment and I had gotten this dress from my one and only Khala's boutique she is the best designer for me . My all dresses are from her boutiques only".

"Thats nice I must say the way you carry yourself with the beauty and elegance, you will surely made a great model I would love to have you as my showstopper " . And the prasing goes in and on .

"Saira if you have such a beautiful niece then why didn't you get her marry you son Aahil. I mean don't get me wrong but they would have made a perfect couple and she fits so well in our circle ". The same lady Miss Maria said while the other ladies nodded their heads in agreement.

But my mind was stuck on one point my husband marrying another girl. This is painful to even think .

I saw Aunty and Shanzay glancing at eachother but didn't said anything.

Suddenly the girl Shanzay smirk while looking at me and I brace myself for whatever is coming because her eyes are screaming an evil glint like wait and watch type.

"Actually Miss Maria the thing is that you know what type of society has been nowadays. People will do anything to get what they want and desperate girls who wants to find a rich handsome man from them can do anything to get him even they have to fake there pregnancy." Shock gasps echoed throughout the hall and I look at Shanzay with horror in my eyes

"So you are saying that this girl Hoorain faked her pregnancy to get married to Aahil". The lady pointed her finger at me and said.

"Yes Miss Maria she faked it and said she is Pragnant with Aahil's child and blackmailed him to marry her or else she will go to the media and put a wrong allegation on him and his name will be trashed and it will risk his career. So to save his reputation my poor cousin had to marry her." How could she ? I don't even know her and she is saying so much wrong about me.

"No this is....

"Oh shut up! You are such a cheap girl don't you feel ashamed of doing such a shameful act . I thought you are innocent but we should never get deceive by someone's looks . Such an evil person you are . " I try to defend myself but the woman started to bad mouth about me.

"Saira did you know about her real face. If I were at your place I would have thrown her out of my house after get her sign divorce papers ". One of the lady said making my eyes to tear up.

"Please listen to me its wrong I was not pregnant."

"Now you will denied it as you have succeed in marrying him . Stop this innocent faced of yours its not working on us. " the lady with golden hairs again said before through an ugly look towards me.

I bowed my head in shame and decide to shut my mouth as I got that they are not worthy of my explanation anymore

"Okah okay ladies we don't want to spoil our mood lets talk about something else ". Shanzay diverted everyone's mind and now they all were happy chitt chatting but my heart was completely teared up right now so I stood up and run towards upstairs and straight towards my room .

Closing the door behind me I slid down all the way and sit on the floor before pulling my knees towards my chest and put my face in them and start crying.

One thing got cleared today is that bo matter what my husband say but in the eyes of the society I am s cheap girl who had married a man for her benefits.

Third person's POV :.

As the clocks ticks to 8 of the night all the ladies took there leave . Leaving behind Saira and Shanzay .

"I am so sorry Khala I didn't want to create a scene but I kind of want to expose her true identity. I mean look at her enjoying her life while she had made our lives so disturbed ". With her oh so sweet and innocent face Shanzay said making Saira to adore her niece.

"Oh my child its okay . You didn't do anything wrong . You know even Aahil is changing so much . I want my child back but the girl I don't know what she has done to my poor boy he don't even spend time with me anymore " . Saira complained to her niece .

"Oh khala its okay I will tell you something and you have to do this exactly the way I am going to explain it to you OK and then see not only Hoorain but nothing in this world will saperate your son from you ." With that Shanzay start explaining her plan to Saira to which Saira gladly agreed to do that.

"Don't worry Khala everything will go fine you just need to do exactly the way I told you okay". Shanzay patted Saira's shoulder and encouraged her more .

Aahil's POV:

I was doing my regular round and was just making sure that my every patiant is doing okay when I got a call from Shanzay.

"Salam Shanzay ". I said as soon as I pick the call.

"W. Salam Aahil please come home soon khala is very upset and is crying and I don't know what to do." She was saying more but my brain was stuck on her one sentence Ami is crying but why.

"Aahil Aahil you there"? Her voice bring me out of my thoughts.

"Yes yes I am you tell me why Ami is crying . Is she okay? Give her the phone I want to talk to her." I said as I took mg car keys and make run towards the parking lot.

"Okay here talk to her and ask her yourself why is she crying". ? I waited for Shanzay to give her mobile to Ami.

"Hello son please come home soon please son It hurts so much that I can't even breath properly please my child come soon" with that the line went dead making me all panic.
I started the car and drive it through the roads of Islambad breaking all traffic signals and traffic rules .

I don't care about these things as the only thing in my mind is my Ami.

Soon I saw the similar gates of our house . I honk like a madman and the guard opened the door immediately making me dash the car inside and stopped it with a scratch.

I hope out of the car and rush inside to see the most horrific site infront of me .

Aslamoaliakum and Hi lovelies 💖 💓

Here is another update. I hope you guys enjoy reading it 😊

Okay so onething which I am going to say is that I know my story is not making sense and if you are finding it like childish then you are not bound to read it . There are alot of talented and Amazing writers on the wattpad you can read there story.

I have gotten alot of messages where they are saying my story is not making sense its childish its boring etc etc . Please its my book I will do whatever I want , I habe not bound anyone to read it.

Anyway sorry for this my loyal readers but I just wanted to clear the point.


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