🍃Chapter 8🍃

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Hoorain's room⬆️

(5 months later)

Sometimes life can be so unpredictable. The things you wish for will be things you deprived for the most. Everyone has to face hardship in their lives. This is the true meaning of life. If you are having a hard time facing your problems then you should feel lucky because it is a way of our Rubb Allah to show that how much he love you. How much he love to see you being patient and still remember him in hard times.

Its been five months and in these five month alot had changed but one thing which doesn't changed is the faith and sabar of Hoorain. Despite of hard ships, she didn't miss to show her faith on her Rabb and bowed everytime in front of him to seek pure solace.

Hoorain's POV: -

Allah-u-Akbar Allah-u-Akbar

The beautiful and soothing voice of adan fell on my ears as I flatter my eyes open and blink them several time to get rid of sleep.

I stretched out my hand and slide the curtains from the window. Closing my eyes I listen to the adan and answer it on its every syllabus.

When the adan completed, I walk towards the attached small bathroom in my small room and start doing my ablution.

After completing my fajar Salah, I folded the prayer mate before putting it in the shelf.

I move towards the window like everyday and start gazing and mesmerising the beautiful view of early morning.

The sun was slowly rising on the sky indicating the arrivel of the new morning. Birds start to cripped, the flowers start to rise there heads like they were also waking up from there bless sleeps. I close my eyes and took a deap breath a small came on my lips feeling all fresh and good .

In these five months alot had changed, I am still trying to adjust in this new world of mine but with the time I am loving it.

After that day when mama threaten me, I was left with no choice but accept to move with them on third floor.

It took us at least three months to properly settle in here. As there were only two rooms , one was taken by Baba and mama and one was obviously taken by Daneen Api and for me they left this small store room.

Dadi knew this was going to happen so she without any delay order Baba to renovate it in a proper room which he decline calmly but uncle Rehman took the task and convert this small broken room in to a beautiful and a cozy room. He even install a small attach bathroom in it.

His actions were so hart warming that I found fatherly love from him.

Anyway from tommorw the month on Ramadan is starting. Dadi had order that everyone will be doing sahri and Iftar together on one table in the main hall.

The thing which bother me the most is this calm silence. Like its a silence before a huge strom.

Sound of my alarm fell on my ear telling me that my new day has started .

I took a shower and wore my dress for the day and walk towards the small kitchen we have on this floor. I took some bread and nutella to make myself a sandwich a cup a warm tea. I am tea person rather then a coffee. I don't know how people even drink that bitter liquid.

When I was having my breakfast Api walked in looking all ready for the university. She was looking way too much happy today and the curious person I am I asked her the question.

"Api you look happy today alot. Is somthing good happen to you?"

"Ohh! Hoorain my lovely sister Hoorain. You wont believe what happen last night. Aiyy! I can't even sleep last night it was as if I was flying on the seventh cloud". My heart skip a beat as if he knows the reason behind it but I refused to believed it and wait for her to tell me the actual reason.

"Okay so yesterday Burhan purposed me with this ring . He told me that he wants to marry me."

There , their she said the most dearful thing which I was fearing the most. I knew this was coming seeing them getting all close with eachother . There late night outings were giving me the idea but I refuse to believe . My poor shattered heart didn't want to accept it but..

"Hey! Were are you lost or are you feeling jealous huh! " she wave her hand in front of my eyes on which a big dimond ring adorned her finger. She has a smirk on her face like she knows about my inner battle.

"Why.. why would I be jealous. I am happy for you. May Allah bless you both with your new relation" with a heavy heart and painful smile I try to mask my pain and answer her.

"Ameen Hoorain . Well I am going Burhan must be waiting for me. We have planned to do breakfast together and that too outside in one of my favourite cafe" and just like that she was gone leaving me to moron over my love which was never mine.

*30 minutes later*

After taking the lacture of major , me and Alina both are sitting in university garden under a tree. Its our favourite place to spend our free time .

"Hoorain what about your dadi. Will she approve Daneen for Burhan" . Alina asked as I fill her with every detail. She is like my human diary as she knows every little secret of mine .

"I don't know yarr. I have not seen her for more then a month yarr. Mama cought me sneaking in her room and from that day she has strictly forbidden me from going there" I took a deap tired breath as all these thoughts started to giving me a headache

"Hoorain don't mind me but why did your mom hate you the most? I mean you are also her daughter, her child then how can her heart give permission to be so cruel to you". I sadly smile at her question and said

"Honestly I myself don't know the answer of that question but Its okay I don't mind she is still my mama." I smile at her trying to ease the sad atmosphere between us.

"Fine whatever you say. Come lets eat somthing or else these little mice in my stomach will not stop playing there football match" I laugh at her comment and seriously it feels so good to laugh after this long time.

"Yarr I am so happy from tommorw we are having our Ramdan vacation but I am gonna miss you. You know I have started buying clothes already but I know I would be wearing the dress which I am going to buy on chand raat and..

She start rumbling about different topics but one thing which caught my thought was Eid . This time I also fail to save enough money to buy a new dress for my self.

Sadly I have to leave the library job as the owner said he is getting old and want spend his remaining time with his grandchildren so he donated his liabrary to one of the orphanages .

Shaking my head I focused on my today. I have a whole month and I know I will be able to fix a dress for my self on this Eid.

Little did she knows a huge storm is on its way to hit her that will make her life to take a new trun.

Burhan's POV:-

"Good morning love" a cheerful voice fell on my ear and I smile at her before pulling her in to a hug.

"Morning you are looking beautiful as always" I saw a blush on her cheeks which I know is fake.

"Come one lets go or else we would be late"

"From when did you start caring about being late for your university Daneen" I asked her slightly amused by hed reaction.

"Ohh! From when I got purposed by this handsome hunk who according to me is a perfect in everthing and to match his level I have to start composing myself so why not start with me being early for my clases".

I laugh at her plan and comment.

"Bhai can you please drop me to the university . I don't feel like driving today ".

"Why what happened? Are you sick? Should I call the doctor?" I become worried seeing Anaya's pale face.

"No bhai Iam fine just a little headache nothing serious " I took a sigh in relief and kiss her forehead.

"Come one first we will have our breakfast and then I will drop you both to the university okay Daneen"

"Yeah sure I don't have any problem". She sweetly smile at us before intertwine her arm with Anaya and walk towards my car.

Daneen's POV:-

"So you finally able to catch mr. Hottie huh !" Sara said . She is one of friend

"Yeah who can resist my beauty and charm anyway. It took me only a month to make him fall for me" . I flip my hairs and said

"So what next huh . Should I wait for your wedding invitation " .

"Hopefully but first I have to do something with this Anaya she has literally start to irritate me. She is like bhai this bhai that and Burhan he like a puppy follow and fulfil her every demand." I narrated her today's morning drama .

"Hahah! Don't forget you love that foolish person" Sara laugh and then said.

"Yeah thats true I love him . You know he has more then five cars all branded and what not. I am thinking of asking him to gift me one of his car . What say?"

Sara shake her head and told me that its our lacture time and budge me to move towards the class. With a groan I start following her mentally making planes for the shopping for this upcoming Eid. I am excited as this time I would be having Burhan's money as well.

Third person's POV :-

"What is cooking in your head?" A person with shabby and dark personality ask the person sitting in front of his desk.

"Its simple I want to teach that old lady and that bitch of a woman Wajiha a lesson and you are going to help me in this" with a smirk the person answer.

"And what will be my benefit in that"? Greed can be clearly seen in his eyes.

"Ohh! You will be getting benefit lots of it . Just lets play together you help me with my purpose and I will help you get anything you want"

"Anything you say. Think again or don't you dare to deny from your promise when the time come"

"Ohh! you have my words so deal"


Both of them shake hands together and laugh like a maniac.

But they don't know that the creator is the best writer . He has already written everyone's fate and what ever is written will happen at any cost no matter what. They are not the one to decided what will happen to someone.

Aslamoaliakum and Hi lovelies 💕💖

Hope you all are doing fine.

Please enjoy reading it.

Till the next update take care .


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