Chapter 8

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And this beautiful cover of Beast has been made by PriyaGv8 . Thank you so much dear for making this one for me. Much love... ❤

Chapter dedicated to PriyaGv8

Words Count :- 2933 words

Devika's POV

" RJ, hear me out for once okay. I can explain you this. Give me a chance please. " I begged in front of him.

" Okay... Let's say that I did bought your lie here. But again why didn't you even try to inform me once for all this long ? " He asked clenching his jaws.

" I did... But your phone was switched off. I tried RJ. " I answered back as tears rolled down my cheeks on their own at this by now.

" Maybe you did... But now I can't trust you anymore and take the risk. The tender which you had prepared is already out at risk. Who knows if you have shared it or not with that Rihaan ? But right now... You are fired Devika ! You are... " He said blinking his eyes at me as my heart even got much more heavier after hearing out his words.

Tears were blurring up my vision as I started taking deep breaths to have a control on myself. I felt myself going weak on my knees. I spontaneously held RJ's shirt's collar for support. But this man here held my hands in turn. He held them tight enough to create a stage of discomfort for me. I let out a low sob and finally said,

" You didn't understand me in all these weeks RJ. Why would I have worked so hard if in the end all the data was meant to be shared ? Why would I let myself down if not you at least ? "

RJ smirked and gave out a sinister laugh to this. He brought his face closer to mine and whispered, " Some things are done out of fear. Some things are done out of love but yours was to win my trust. "

I looked down at the floor and silently blinked away all my tears which I had been holding up till now. 

There is no use of explaining anything further more to him. I don't have any such evidences which could take up my side and support my statements. In cases like this, it's the trust of the other person which always works out for us. But in my case, I am not even privileged to gain some. 

" What happened ? Cat got your tongue huh love ? " He asked tilting his head sideways. His eyes scaring me up like anything. I kept my lips tightly pursed into a thin line but I did continue to stare directly into his eyes. 

" I am not going to plead in front of you anymore. But this doesn't means that I have confessed or accepted all your accusations. You are free to think whatsoever that you want. You are firing me right and here I gladly leave your office. " I spat back at him spitting literally lava from my eyes.

" Useless bitch ! " He cursed and pushed me off to a side. My elbow dashed against the wall roughly as I found myself lying up on the floor a few seconds later. I cried out in pain as I could see the back of Rajveer who was making his way out of my place. 

That Desai played a double game with me. How could he ? I should have known already that like every other rich person this Desai too carries the baggage of a huge ego. When I denied to help him, his ego got hurt. Maybe he never expected that a small middle class girl like him would ever say no to him. So he used me only in his game to get to his goal. Amazing !

For now, it's now my job that I worry of. I can make a living out of anything if I try my best. It's my image that I have to clean in the minds of all my colleagues and maybe in the mind of RJ as well. I have to... And I will !


Next Morning

Devika's POV

Clearing up my throat, I looked up at the towering construction which stood there right in front of me. The same building which I used to address as my office till yesterday. Some of my ex colleagues gave me a look of disgust and disbelief as they entered the place.

It seems that the story of my so called betrayal has taken every staff member in its embrace. All that I want right now is to leave this place forever but only after cleaning up my name. I don't want anyone to have any such bitter memory of me. I want to leave this place happily leaving behind some happy faces.

I took a deep breath and walked inside the building with a thumping heart by my side. Everyone stared at me as if I am some alien out here but then who cares. I somehow reached the floor where my desk used to be there until yesterday. I reached up to my desk and smiled at Amayra who smiled back at me but lowly.

" How are you ? " She whispered ignoring the glances of the other staff members which she had surely invited for herself.

" Good ! I am just here to... " I replied but was soon interrupted by the booming voice of an intruder who was none other than the sluttery spoon. 

" What the hell do you think that you are even doing here ? "

Everyone got startled because of her sudden sharp voice but I maintained my composure and simply frowned at her. She walked towards me with her high heels knocking off against the floor as there was only silence greeting back to us from all the around. She stood in front of me. Actually, she was too close to me as per my liking.

But will RJ appreciate me if in case I end up pushing his fuck buddy in front of everyone ? I know he wont... and I do love to irritate him as well. But looking at her dolled up face which was stashed up with lots of makeup I simply changed my mind. The black carpeted floor won't look good being painted in white now, will it ?

" Have you forgotten that RJ has already kicked you out of this place ? " The sluttery spoon hissed. I looked back into her eyes and crossed my arms across my chest throwing her a challenging look as I replied,

" But your lipstick says that you haven't forgotten to make out with your so called lover this morning. " 

She gasped and touched her already smudged lipstick as we could hear some gossiping sound coming from behind. She clenched her left hand into a fist and yelled, " How dare you ! "

I smirked at her and let out a low laugh. 

" Don't get so shocked Samaira. I used to answer you back even when I was bounded to this job and that too in front of your lover. How can you expect me to keep my mouth shut especially when your so called lover can't order me around ? " I asked after which I found her looking at the floor and then at the people who were surrounding us.

" Raj can still get you kicked out for wandering over like this in his property. " She threatened me using the name and power of the man whom she thinks actually loves her. I placed my hand over my old desk and smiled.

" No one can stop me from taking away my belongings. I have to clean this desk of my belongings before leaving. I am here just to take my remaining things and then I shall leave. " I answered back to her. 

She let out a humorless chuckle and asked,

" Take the belongings or do you mean that you are to steal away the office things ? " 

I raised my head and met with her evil smirk. That is when my blood boiled at its best. 

Dekho to... Ab ye apni pechchan mere naam se kar rahi hai. Waah ! Isko na jo agar maine tandoor k upar nhi jala daala to mera naam bhi Ishaani nahin !

( Just look at her... Now she is giving her introduction under my name. Amazing ! If I don't end up roasting her in a tandoor then my name is also not Ishani. )

" See, I don't steal non-living things. I only attract living beings. I know very well that why do you hold this grudge against me since the very first day. Trust me darling, I don't have any control over living beings and especially those who wag their tails like a dog as soon as they meet someone... It's just that dogs are loyal to their owners but then these people aren't so. They leave their owners as soon as they find someone more interesting. So it becomes the work of those owners to handle them now. Not my fault. " I said shaking my head with a mocking smile lightening up my face.

" You are a gold digger. " She whispered slowly keeping her words away from the ears of the staff members who were till now watching and hearing out our silly banter with all their concentration. 

" If only I were you. " I said and that's when she got a call from someone. I sighed as a sense of relief washed over me that finally this no so good banter is over for now. 

I shall complete all my work before this madam here cuts her call now. I will vanish up from her eyes before she gets back to me again. It is not like I am afraid here or something. It is just that I dont want to get into some unnecessary fights for now. 

I packed up my belongings and looked back at Amayra who winked at me indicating this sluttery spoon whose back was facing us as she herself was busy instructing someone over the call. Finding it to be right time to leave this place, I nodded at Amayra and left for RJ's room.

RJ's room ?

He cannot get away so easily with his words right now, can he ?

I walked towards RJ's cabin and entered his door without even knocking. 

He isn't my boss anymore you see. So why shall I give out respect to this creep now ? I will misbehave openly with him from now on for there is nothing that binds me to this man anymore. 

As soon as the door opened, I found RJ kissing someone. His back was facing me and there was a girl who was trapped in between him and the desk. The sounds of her moans filled the room as I could see her hands roaming over RJ's back. 

Cheap !

" Well I am not at all sorry for barging in like this but can you please stop this make out session right now ? Honestly, I am not interested into watching some live porn right now. " I spat at these two bringing a halt to their movement. 

RJ cleared his throat and turned around giving me a stern look as he adjusted the collar of his shirt. There was a girl having curls behind him who next took out her phone and started checking her face in the camera. Her lipstick was smudged and her top was not in its right place. 

I feel like puking right now. This man... Till yesterday, he was running after me and today see he has found a new toy for himself.

" And meet the one who has lost her place to you Rimisha. " RJ said forwarding his hand towards my direction introducing that girl to me. I looked at the girl from toe to her head and found her smirking at me. Maybe it was because of my low fashion statement in her words. 

I am wearing a simple shirt with jeans right now. My hair is tied into a ponytail. But this girl out here is dressed as if she is the chief guest of some five star restaurant right now. She was wearing long heels and...

Wait !

Long Heels ?

How is she gonna run errands for RJ then ? That lift is useless just like its owner. She would have to take the stairs or else RJ would shout on her as well like he used to at me. 

" Not till the time she gives in to his desires here like this. " My brain said and I nodded in approval. 

" So, shocked ? " RJ asked with a dirty smirk on his face.

" Hein ? " I asked being not in my correct state of mind here now that I conclude.

" I have replaced you so soon. You did come here to sing about your problems and do your crying drama. But now I have not left any room for those. So, are you shocked ? " He asked scanning me from top to bottom with his eyes now.

I blinked my eyes at him and looked at that girl. She was making a disgusted face towards me and that's when I started laughing hysterically looking at RJ. 

" You know what... Being your secretary is a serious job here and I would love to see that how some fancy dress or umm lets say some party going girl manages to handle it. Not everyone is Devika now Rajveer. " I said blinking my eyes at him once again. He narrowed his eyes at me and shouted,

" Get out before I call the guards to throw you out of this place ! "

" Easy there RJ. Easy... See, I am here just to say one thing to you which is that you can still use the tender which was made by me if you want to crack this deal. Look, you have already fired and I am not whining for the same. I just want you to get this deal for this deal affects the lives of many. " I said calmly though I knew so well that he won't believe my words. 

If he had to... then he wouldn't have fired me like this. But still I can do my part of the job by telling him the truth once again.

" And you thought that I am gonna buy this shitty words of yours ? " He asked in a surprised tone clearing mocking my presence and the suggestion which I had given to this expert right now.


" You know what... Go to hell ! If you still believe that I have betrayed you then let it be like this only. You don't wanna use my tender right. Then go ahead and make another tender in such a short time. Make sure that your new tender has got all that it takes to crack this deal. " I said smirking at him as I walked towards him ignoring his so called assistant here. I stood right there in front of him and let out a low chuckle as I continued,

" Even you know RJ that this tender was the best. It now depends upon you to take the risk. Change the values and maybe that Rihaan will get this deal or else you can take the risk and see for yourself that how true was I to you till now. In either of the case, you have to take the risk RJ. It now depends upon you that which one would you choose. " 

" I still don't trust you. " He said in his husky voice sending shivers down my spine. The look of his eyes terrifying me as I could see the sensations before the arrival of a big storm in them. I looked away from him and said,

" Loyalty is something that I have always offered you RJ. I agree that I hate you but again I can never cheat the one who had given me this job at the times of my need. Still I do appreciate your decision of firing me. I am leaving this city tomorrow forever. I hope that we never cross our paths again. " 

Before RJ could even react to my words, I turned around my place and walked towards the main door leaving behind RJ and that new girl behind.

And who said that I am even leaving tomorrow ? 

No ways... I have worked so hard for this deal that now there is no way that I am gonna let go of it so easily. I will be staying here only in this town till the time the main day of this deal comes. I will make sure that RJ gets the deal and then I shall leave. At least then I would have the satisfaction that I did what I could for this deal and RJ as well.

Smiling at my own self, I left the building and stood at the pavement waiting for a taxi. A taxi soon stopped in front of me and I entered the taxi looking around the place. As soon as I sat at the left side of the back seat, I felt a sudden sting on my right hand. 

" Welcome queen ! " The driver said with a creepy smile as he injected me with something.

Black dots danced in front of my eyes as my head got heavier with each passing second.

" Help ! " I tried to shout but then it came out as a mere whisper only.

Darkness covered my vision as I felt myself succumbing to a deep sleep. 


So guys, how was the chappy ?

What do you think of RJ firing Devika ?

What do you think about the last part of the chappy ?

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