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Ishani's POV

My life is a roller coaster ride,

I was once a happy bride,

He had promised to always stand by my side,

But now the differences amidst us have grown so wide,

I have got no such choice but then to hide,

This mental torture is something which refuses to subside,

But here I will never choose to suicide,

Though again I know that I am hollow from inside,

The verdict of destiny can never be set aside,

I know that I am bound to a beast who has stolen my heart with all his pride !

" Ishu ! Where are you hiding my doll ? " I heard the voice of Vijay which was followed by the sound of his footsteps.

I kept my hand over my mouth making sure that I don't make sound here. Currently, I am hiding under the bed of this unknown room being afraid to come out in front of him.

" Love come out... See there's no use of hiding like this. I will catch you no matter wherever you hide. Come out doll ! " He invited acting like an ideal husband which he isn't for sure now that I have realised.

" There's no such time to waste here love. I am the master in this game of hide and seek. Come out... Don't you want to make love with me. What about our future six kiddos ? Don't you want them ? There's no such time to waste here doll. Come out... " He called out once again.

My breathing pace increased as I saw the beast standing just closer to the bed. His shoes were clearly in front of my eyes. I shut close my eyes in fear as my heart beats increased to their best.

" Got you ! " The man exclaimed making me gasp in fear as I could see him bending down and looking at me. He laughed seeing my reaction and scratched his head like a psycho.

" How did you even go in there Ishu ? The place is so small. Perks of having a flat belly I see. Come on... Come out." He said to which I let out a small cry and shook my head.

My lips trembled and tears blurred my vision upon seeing his face here. I bit my lips as I cried,

" No ! "

Vijay clenched his jaw at this and gave me a look which screamed of danger. Vijay shook his head his head at this and again gave me a fake smile as he forwarded his hand in front of me.

" See this hand love. This is the very same hand which you had held during our marriage with all your trust. Trust me once again. Hold my hand once again and come out. " He said opening and closing his palms simultaneously.

" Get away you psycho ! " I yelled slapping away his hand.


Ishani's POV

I was sleeping peacefully after facing a hard time because of my throbbing head and all when I heard a voice coming out of no where. My knees were touching my chest as I got up suddenly looking around the room.

It was totally dark. The door was still locked from inside. I didn't want to sleep with Vijay tonight after all this. That's why I have locked myself in his room.

" Mom... where did you go ? Who will tell me stories at night ? You left me and now Ishu will also leave me tomorrow. I will stay alone and I will die. " I heard Vijay's voice.

But where's he ? I can't see him. How did he even enter my room ?

I looked around the place and found that the window of this room was open. I cursed myself for not locking it before going to sleep. After all, this man is a panther here for sure.

" Mom... I never used to trouble you. I always used to stay quite just like you always asked me to. Why did you leave me ? I loved Ishu like none. Why is she leaving me ? Am I not meant to be loved ? " I again heard Vijay's voice.

Where the hell is he and what is he even mumbling here ?

" Vijay ! " I called out shifting my duvet to a side. I came out of the bed and started searching for him.

He's in this room only and that's for sure. But where ?

" No one loves me... No one wants me... No one can understand me. I lost you that day and Tommorow I will lose her as well. " I heard and that's when the strange sound came from inside of the cupboard.

It's like someone was banging it from inside. Don't tell me that he's in there !

I ran towards the cupboard and opened it as soon as I could. There sat the man... He was sitting inside the upper cabinet of the cupboard with his knees touching his chest. He was holding the sleeves of one of my shirt which was hung there and was crying.

" Vijay... what are you doing inside? " I asked trying to pull him out but he just pushed me away. I stumbled at my steps and looked at him with widened eyes.

What's wrong with him ? Why is he behaving like this ?

" You will leave me... I will be alone. I will die. I will kill myself. You betrayed me just like my mom did. I was here... I was here and I did watch everything with my own eyes. The peep hole... she left me and now you will also leave me. " He muttered kissing the sleeves of my shirt.

He suddenly turned his head leaving the sleeves of my shirt. He looked at me from top to bottom. I suddenly felt so exposed in his burning gaze. I adjusted the strap of my night gown while he looked at me like a predator.

" But how can I leave you ? Aren't you my doll ? " He asked and suddenly jumped over me making me fall on the floor with him on top of me.

I cried out in pain as I felt my head hitting the floor a way too hardly. It hurts...

" I won't leave you. " Said the man hovering over me as he forcefully wrapped his hand around my back. He dived his head into the crook of my neck making me gasp.

He's burning... He's having high fever. His body is completely burning here !


Ishani's POV


It does shows us all types of days. But this one... Can there be anything worst than this day ?

Sitting alone in the bench of this garden I was crying my heart out with no one sitting beside me to console me.

I was alone in Kodaikanal as well. But then it was different at that time. At least I had no one to call them as my family at that time. But now... I have a family... in just names.

Now I feel that marrying this man was a mistake indeed. He can never change his ways nor can he stop hurting me like this. I was a fool to lose my heart to him.

This marriage... has given me happiness but then more of pain and sadness if I see.

I don't know that whether if I deserve all this or not. But then... the main question which lies here is that is he even worth it ?

Is my pain and sufferings worth enough for that man here ?

I don't know... and maybe that's why I am still present here in his mansion being his wife. I so wish to change everything but I can't. I can't... till the time he makes some efforts from his side as well.

Like Mahima aunty had said that I can't keep on holding this thread of our marriage from my side especially when he's hell bent on breaking it from his side. I can't...

I am sad and that is for sure. I am feeling as if I will die in this pain and sorrow for its something which I have never felt before.

" Ma'am ! There's a call for you. " Said a maid holding a wireless telephone in her hand. I gasped seeing her standing so close to me and instantly wiped away my tears. The maid smiled at me and left as soon as I took the phone from her.

" Hello... " I said lowly making sure to not to make it obvious to the person at the other side of the phone that I was crying all this while.

" Ishu ! " I heard from the other side.

Mahima aunty...

" Ishu ! Where the hell is your phone here now ? Everytime you always sit on top of it. It's not reachable. Ishu... why don't you throw that box if you don't want to use it now ? " Aunty shouted from other side. I bit my lips to stop myself from bursting out in tears after hearing her voice.

My phone... ?

Vijay broke it into pieces.

" Umm... I don't know. It's battery... has gone old I guess. It's hanging... and getting .... switched off often. I will see... to that aunty. You don't worry. " I lied clutching my nuptial chain tightly in my grip.

" Then get the battery changed Ishu. It's been such a long time since I talked with you last. How are you Ishu ? Are you even happy with Vijay? " Aunty asked making me gasp at her words.

Am I ?

No... for sure. For now...

He crossed all his limits today...

" Yes I am... " I lied and finally broke into tears. I kept my hand over my mouth to stop myself from breaking out like this.

" Ishu... Ishu, what happened ? Why are you crying Baccha ? Did Vijay say something to you? " She asked to which I let out a low sob.

Say... ?

He did... His hand did say.

" No... " I lied nodding my head.

" Stop lying Ishu. I know that you are crying. You are hicupping Baccha. Tell me what happened or else I will talk to Vijay now. " She said to which I shook my head.

What will she ask ?

She herself will feel the pain of choosing a man like him for me. It's not like that I blame aunty here. She chose him for me and I fell in love with him. That's why I married him.

" Aunty... I have to go now. Vijay is calling me. He has to go for some official dinner out. I have to give him his lucky shirt. I will call you later. " I said and quickly cut the call. I sighed as soon as I cut the call and started crying once again.

I can't stay with this man here. I have to leave him... He's not sane for sure.

I finally wiped away my tears and looked around. There sat Vijay closer to me looking at me innocently. He was smiling at me even after all this. I blinked my eyes at him and looked at him with a blank face.

Just look at him... He appears to be a prince charming now. A prince whom anyone would want to touch and here I am sitting beside this man being all afraid for I can see the beast behind this prince charming.

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