Chapter 13

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In the meeting hall, Uther was interrupted by the sound of running footsteps and shouts from outside.

"What the-" the king said, getting to his feet.

There was a frantic knocking of the double doors.

"Yes, yes, what's going on?" Uther said angrily, renching open the door to an anxious guard.

"Sire- quick-" he panted. "In the prince's chambers-"

"What is it?" Arthur asked quickly, also standing. Merlin was in his chambers. Something had happened to him-- no! Arthur suddenly remembered, his heart turning to ice: Matty! He had completely forgotten to tell her he couldn't make tonight because of the meeting!

"Sire, they're saying it's- it's sorcery!" The guard said.

Silence rained. Uther's jaw was clenched, his eyes shards of ice in his set face.

"Out of my way," he almost whispered, and the danger in his voice is louder than if he had screamed. He pushed passed the guard, Arthur leaping up and running after him, his heart somewhere near his Adam's Apple. A sorcerer... Not Matty..!

They sped down the corridors, people all about them, yelling and shouting for medical help.
Uther was silent and Arthur knew better than to even speak to him when he was this angry. All he could do was pray that the sorcerer was not Matty, or he could see her burnt as well.

They got to Arthur's room, and they had to shout and push to get through the crowd. When Uther and Arthur squeezed inside, the sight that met their eyes was as unpleasant as it was unexpected.

Before, Arthur's stomach had been churning and writhing, as though his intestines had turned into thick snakes and they coiled round and round each other, a tight knot which made him feel like he was going to be sick. Now,however, as his eyes fell on what was in front of him, his insides seemed to just fall away from him and disappear completely.

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