Part 2

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"I am going to kill Watson when I get my hands on him," Don said, decisively.

"I don't like him either," John said.

"How can a man like him climb the ranks in the United States Space Corps?" Don asked. "They don't allow rule breakers to hold command. It is not as if that people like him are more common on Earth."

"Don," Judy said. "Is it me or is the bubble getting tighter?"

"It's. . . It's a little cramped," Don said, pressing his hands against the field that was getting closer to this chest steering it away. It moved forward when he shoved against it. "Hey!"

"'It is," The Robot said. "Every hour that passes by is a hour that makes it get smaller."

"And if it gets too small?" John asked.

"We will be squeezed to death," The Robot said, his head whirring.

"We're not going to be squeezed to death," Maureen said, taking John's hand. "We're going to get out of here before that happens."

"Everyone focus your legs on the wall and push against it," John said. "we're going to give ourselves as much time as we need."

"Backs against the Robot!" Don added.

Member by member of the Robinsons forced their legs against the wall of the bubble. The Robot held his long, dark arms out against the bubble from above the Robinsons acting as a external force inside. The Robot's arms were trembling against the force being forced against his arms. Panic truly set into the bubble as it was getting closer to them by the passing second. It was getting lighter in the scenery when Smith poked his head out of the unzipped tent and looked around. The dogs were fast asleep huddled in a group.

"Doctor Smith is out of the tent!" Will said.

"Good god," Don said. "he has awful timing."

"His timing will be better," Maureen said, as he crawled out of the tent then made his way toward the temple.

Smith stopped then looked over in the direction of the table that had spoiled food.

"Not done yet, Major Watson," Smith said, then crawled toward the entrance of the temple with renewed vigor. "Not on my watch."

Smith took out his spatula then pressed a button. A bright red field tore through the temple eliminating any cobwebs and sending the rats inside running away.

"Can he go any faster?" Don asked.

"He is old," The Robot said. "That is as fast as he can go."

"If that is what old age is going to be---" Don was struggling. "then I am going to hate it."

"You may not have that luxury," The Robot said, his head whirring. "Nor will I."

Smith vanished from the line of sight. Watson's tent slid down then he came out stretching his arms. He walked out of the tent and came over toward Smith's. He froze when he saw the open tent quickly putting a hand on the laser pistol in his sheath. He looked over to see the cleared entrance of the temple. Watson walked in taking out the laser pistol right beside him with his fingers on the trigger that were ready to pull. A blue light illuminated from the center of the temple out of a triangle that lost the vines which had grown over it. It pulsed similar to a heart beat sending out streams into the morning sky. Maureen was the first member of the Robinsons to vanish reappearing where she had been struck over a hour ago on her side feeling a fading pain in her back. She was gradually reappearing on the grass rather unconsciously.

"Maureen!" John called.

The Robot was the second to vanish out of the bubble appearing at the center of the cave as smoke drifted off him then wheeled into the temple.

"Doctor Smith!" The Robot called, his grill glowing red and his head lights glowing frantically.

The remaining Robinsons fell into the space in the center of the bubble followed by John and Will abruptly vanishing from the bubble on the others and reappeared on the grass. So did Judy and Penny. Don got up to his feet then ran in after the Robot as John came to Maureen's side checking on her. Smoke drifted off the Robinsons that was drifting off their figures into the air where it vanished. There were looks of relief on the Robinsons faces. One by one dogs got up then barked at them prompting the rescue team members to come out of their tents in their dull colored PJ's. Hamall was speechless at first then came over to the dogs and took out a whistle. The dogs went silent resting down in a huddle.

Members of the rescue team shared wide eyed looks at the Robinsons like they were seeing legends rather than ordinary, living people. The camera panned into the temple watching the Robot wheel in to the red glowing room. The room color changed from red to a bright green illuminated the features of it from the entirety of it. Don looked around the room seeing holographic figures on long, layered decorating the room. There were easily thousands of them from the first three walls to the top. They had a subtle difference in the moving figures that had their unique postures and they were same species for each one that seem change physically by the passing holograms. A bad feeling sunk into Don's gut. He came to a hologram that stood at six feet tall in dark armor decorating its dragon-humanoid build. Long, thorny hair stood out from the top of the helmet. The helmet was wide and large with texture that stood out as heavy, bulky but high tech compared to the astronaut helmets.

"Robot, what is this?" Don asked.

"A activation chamber," The Robot said. "and a hall of records."

"Record keeper," Don said, coming toward the console.

Don stopped in his tracks seeing the shape of a left behind hand print on the screen.

"You shot him!" Madalyn shouted.

"I only disabled his eyes, Doctor Madalyn," Watson said. "so he wouldn't get any good ideas if he could see anymore!"

"That doesn't excuse your action," Madalyn said. "It's a nice motive but it won't be acceptable to Alpha Control."

"It was better than killing him!" Watson replied.


"It is," Watson said.

"Oh my stars," Madalyn said, turning away while rubbing her forehead.

These were a familiar set that were smaller than most men. It was mostly small and thin similar to a woman's hand rather than a man. It was still fresh. Pieces of grass and dirt remained in the place where Smith had once been. The major's eyes gazed toward a flickering blue dot on the screen above in front of the computer's metal half. It was a small screen easily compared to the large on the counter. Madalyn walked away from Watson in disgust. Don looked at the ancient text alongside the screen.

"What does this say?" Don asked.

"They who turn on the drum will face the hunter," Robot said. "And begin to be hunted." the Robot turned toward the man. "The information on this console indicates that those who answer this call will be very good at what they do."

"If Smith is injured. . ." Don said.

"Bait," The Robot's head bobbed up in alarm.

Don turned in the direction of the doorway between the two parts of the chamber where John was headed Don's way.

"John, want the good news or the bad news?" Don asked.

"Good news first," John said

"We know what we're facing," Don said. "Bad news, Smith is bait."

"More of the usual," John said, then turned in the direction of Watson. "Major Watson," he approached the man at the side of the cave. Watson looked up toward the professor. "You came here for a retrieval mission, is that right?"

"Yes," Watson said.

"How would you like to complete it?" John said.

"Would I ever," Watson said, pleased.

"And return back here with proper equipment," John said, then added with certainty. "We are not leaving without Smith."

"Like he left you to die?" Watson asked.

"He didn't know we were alive just like you did," John said. "The only reason we're still alive is because Smith went back for us."

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