Chapter 7 - One Fight, Two Lessons and A Leader

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"Remember, this's a normal close combat. No weapons. Just simply using your bare body to fight. Get it?" Boomer disseminated the rules which had been dealt by everyone. When he finished, Blackclaw and Racerflash nodded. Then all of unrelated Cons stepped aside to concede a wide place to their fighters.

Blackclaw and Racerflash paced slowly into circle observing other's movement. The taller Con had his deliberate move while the shorter one looked nervous and got a little impatience. Finally, reaching his limit, Racer sprinted toward and jumped up enough to punch on opponent's chest. Blackclaw could predict clearly that attack, easily dodged it by inclining his black metal body aside.

He grabbed tightly Racerflash's neck by the right hand as his other hand gripped the fist below and twisted it into a cycle creating a hard clatter of broken machinery. Racer cried out at the lengthy flare of pain and frustration. All happened too fast for the audiences to catch up. And then they were numbed with horribleness as soon as they realized what had occurred with the miserable Vehicon.

"Your first lesson, never look at the direction of your upcoming attack..." Blackclaw smirked as he released Racerflash's fist, he continued: "if you want they read your move with no trouble, it's fine."

Racer folded up and walked back unsteadily with intact arm held the one broken to his side to prevent it from swaying freely in the air. A stream of liquid energon bled along his broken arm dripping on the metal floor, which made his face draw in agony. He grimaced at Blackclaw and growled painfully: "You broke my arm, damn you're monster!" but what he could receive was deeply silent with deadly gaze.

Unhesitatingly, Blackclaw stamped his foot on Racerflash's chest-plate then pressed down. Racer tried to resist his heavy foot but fail, he felt. Despite how many efforts that he made, Blackclaw still managed to make the little Con's back stick tightly to the ground. The crimson optics above spilled darkness, looked down the desperate Vehicon. At last, Blackclaw smirked again, putted his foot away from Racer then stood in front of him. He kneeled down letting Racerflash's body between his two legs and pushed Racer down as the Vehicon had tried to sit up. Blackclaw switched his arm into a sharp purple blade, took it near Racer's mouth while others were petrified with fear.

"No no no no no! It's not fair, you dealt that no weapons!" Racerflash shook his head strongly, attempted to change Blackclaw's mind, "No, please don't! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I promise not to talk bad things about Forbidden Child behind her back anymore!" He shouted forlornly out loud as if he scared that Blackclaw wouldn't hear clearly all of his words.

Blackclaw gave him a pathetic look, whispered: "Your last lesson. Life is unfair."

The whole training room and the corridor outside were flooded with painful scream and enjoyable laugh when Blackclaw used his blade to slit Racer's mouth, a horribly long deep cut. Everyone else was too extremely terrified for them to stop Blackclaw.

It seemed that Blackclaw was going to do his job until Racerflash fell into stasis, but by luck he stopped at the moment he heard a familiar femme voice calling his name. His adorable leader's voice. It got nearer and nearer. 

"Scrap, not good at all!", Blackclaw mumbled in fear. He sprang up then flung out of the room in front of everyone's surprise when the voice had just been over.

"I can't let her see these things. She would kill me immediately if she discovered it!"

X x X

Invisible force has eight cons now having a special mission to complete. Spreading out and finding our allies - our lost Decepticons all over the universe. They reached every unknown planets in spite of its hazard. They could be out of energon so be left behind alone somewhere. They could be crashed by asteroids or by some mystery creatures.



Or even being buried.

No matter what, in the end, they are all forgotten.

But Forbidden Child won't never forget them, her reliable comrades.

Forbidden walked through the corridor, spoke out the name of whom she was looking for. She intended to send Blackclaw and some of other Cons in her team to Starscream's force as she had promised with him. Then a sore scream mixed with an exciting laugh coming from the forward corner, which distracted her. Forbidden held back her steps and focus on listening these sounds, tried to make out which sound belonged to whom. This may waste of time because there was high chance that she wouldn't know whose voice is it, but she made it anyway. Blackclaw rushed out from the corner as soon as she had realized that laugh was his. Forbidden was greeted by a suspicious smile of him.

"Oh, here you are! I found you everywhere, my leader." Blackclaw said hastily blocking her path.

"Alpha said you had gone this way. How was your mission?"

"Unluckily, all Cybertronians we had found were Autobots, no Decepticons. And you know, we killed them as Lord Megatron had ordered." He answered with uninteresting melody. "It would be better if I could join the fight occuring on Earth right now." He added, even he's already known that she would ignore his suggestion like always.

"Yeah, right, Lord's first, I'm second. So... are you bullying someone? I heard all." She changed the subject, going in which she was considering about since they met.

"Wah, what? No! Why do you think so?" Blackclaw even couldn't look Forbidden straight in the eyes.

She said nothing, stood still in silence. It made the atmosphere surrounding become hard and tense. Blackclaw rolled his optics, shouting into mind about troubles and death. Yet what he had expected was wrong so far. Forbidden gave him a sigh as she walked over him. "Because he said bad things about me? Just let it go Blackclaw. Whatever had they said, it's true. So don't ever mind about them anymore."

Blackclaw released a small growl in his throat when she passed him and finished her unacceptable statement. "You are neither a coward nor useless. They don't know anything about you!"

She stopped and turned around her head looking on these crimson optics. "Yes, they don't know anything about me. Being ignorant then they have no guilt!" When she finished taking, she turned away again and continued to walk.

He frowned, "You sound like an Autobot!"

"Actually, I am. Don't you notice that I always teach the team to be like a Bot more than a Con? By the way, you and some other members will be transferred from Invisible force to Starscream's force. An order from me."

"What? If that's for punishing me, then you don't have the right to obligate me! I hate that jerk!" Blackclaw grabbed Forbidden's shoulder to keep her staying. Dissatisfaction only became his whole expression.

"My right is I am your leader, and you have to try to deal with Starscream, not in my concern anymore." Forbidden said without looking at him. Her tone was calm and cold, which Blackclaw couldn't believe it.

He dimmed his optics looking at the little Con toward him. His leader who he always respects. The one hadn't abandoned him or anyone else now was abandoning him and somebody else. "You aren't my leader anymore."

"Fine, don't call me as your leader anymore, Starscream is your new leader now," Forbidden said in monotone as she pushed his hand out of her shoulder then continued her steps.

Blackclaw widened his optics. "No, please! I will do anything to atone my mistake but not being lead by that jerk."

It came by surprise, she giggled. Her shoulders kept shaking by her laugh.

"Ar... Are you kidding me?" Blackclaw looked confused, "if it is. It isn't funny at all!"

Forbidden turned around, face to face with him. "You act like a child, Blackclaw, even you're older than me, and of course it isn't a joke. I am serious. Listening to me now, it's useless to serve me. I have no longer been a part of this war anymore. You can't enjoy yourself completely if you have a leader like me, who is hiding in the darkness to keep itself from troubles."

He grimaced at what she had said. "So proof it. Proof that you aren't worthy of being my leader anymore. If it's yes, I won't need to follow any order of you, because not a chance that I would obey a loser. If it's not, I will do whatever you order me to do, because you are still my respectable leader I knew."

He seemed serious and decisive, by which Forbidden would know that: denying him was an useless option. In other hand, she was also determined about her decision. It's time for Blackclaw escaped from this ashamed leader.

"What do you want?"

"You own me not only a fight but many."

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