Chapter 13- Professional Assistance

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For his parents' and Kyle's happiness Stan thought long and hard about going to therapy. Kyle was his happiness, his chance to feel good. If Kyle wasn't around, he knew it was back to marking himself up with razor blades. It was such a drastic action to do to himself, but in his eyes, he felt like he wouldn't be able to stop if Kyle wasn't his boyfriend. After school on Tuesday, he texted both his parents and told them he'd go for a therapy session to see how it was.

He'd never been to therapy once in his life, it'd be new and possibly vulnerable for him. Sharon responded back right away, but Randy was in a meeting and had his phone ringer on silent during it.

Sharon: That's very brave of you. I'm so proud. We will talk more about this when I get home, we'll wait for your dad to get home too.

Stan: Okay

Sharon: Would Kyle like to come with us?

Stan: I'll ask him

Sharon: He's welcome to

Therapy wasn't guaranteed to cure Stan, there was a very good chance he wouldn't be cured from harming himself, but something had to be done and it needed to happen as soon as possible. Kyle received Stan's text about coming with him and his family to the first, or possibly last, therapy session.

Kyle: Of course I'll come

Stan: You will?

Kyle: I want to be there for you

Stan: I love you

Kyle: I love you too

The therapy session was scheduled the next day; it would be in a couple weeks with Dr. Vanbeveren. He got lots of good reviews online and was eager to help Stan when Sharon called him at work. Randy, Sharon, Stan, and Kyle made their way to the building where Dr. Vanbeveren was located on the day of the first therapy session. Stan and Kyle held hands during the whole car ride. Stan wasn't exactly anxious and nervous to be going to a therapy session, but it would be something new for him, so he wasn't sure how it would play out. With Kyle there with him, he knew it would be better than going with just his parents.

Kyle was part of his support system. Even if Craig and Tweek went, it would be of help. Kyle would've been his go-to choice, however. Dr. Vanbeveren came out through the door after the secretary notified her that Stan and his family were waiting. Kyle was part of Stan's family, but in a different way since he was his boyfriend.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Dr. Vanbeveren," She began with a bright smiling face all counselors and doctors are supposed to use when welcoming their patients.

Sharon introduced Stan, "It's nice to meet you. This is our son Stan."

"It's so great to finally meet you, Stan," Dr. Vanbeveren stuck her hand out in front of her new patient for him to shake in the typical greeting matter.

"You too," Stan replied, feeling a bit uneasy at the idea of therapy. Randy and Sharon introduced themselves as Stan's mom and dad. Only one person was left to be introduced.

"And who's this young man?" Dr. Vanbeveren asked curiously.

"This is Kyle, my boyfriend," Stan answered for his new therapist.

Kyle was the first one to stick out his hand, "It's nice to meet you, Dr. Vanbeveren."

She grinned, "Likewise, why don't we all head on back to an available room? We have many with great views of outside." The building had many views of nature. Dr. Vanbeveren didn't work with patients in her own office, she wanted them to be totally relaxed and comfortable. Being questioned in an office may be a little bit difficult for patients to discuss private and personal problems. So since that was the case with many and most patients, rooms with cushioned chairs were built and set up.

"Alright, c'mon in," Dr. Vanbeveren opened up the door with a shiny aluminum key from inside her pocket. Everyone came into the room with open eyes. There was clear glad windows all around. Two recliners were in both of the corners and four computers chairs stuffed with comfortable cushioning were lined up next to each other in the middle of the room. It was very wide spaced.

"You all can have a seat wherever you'd like," Dr. Vanbeveren took a seat in the chair facing all of the rest. Stan figured that Dr. Vanbeveren would want to have him sort of in the center since this counseling appointment was for him, so he sat in the center computer chair. Kyle sat on his left, and then his parents were both on his right side.

After everyone got settled, Dr. Vanbeveren started the line of questions she was preparing to ask her newest patient, "Alright, Stan, if you could, tell me about you. It can be anything, anything you're comfortable telling me." So it wasn't a question, just more of a request. Dr. Vanbeveren wasn't going to be pushy, no therapist or guidance counselor should be pushy with anyone they're trying to help. Stan didn't feel pressured, he wasn't used to this whole therapy thing, so he tried to gather his thoughts for a couple seconds before talking about himself.

"Not a big fan of school, but it's alright. I'm good at football and basketball, but I don't really play basketball that much anymore. I'm not a picky eater. Music helps me with anxiety sometimes, rock and rap. I've lived in the same house since I was born. I don't think I can get into a good college if I don't get a football scholarship," Stan listed off what came right off the top of his head.

"What makes you say that? Do you not do well in school?"

Stan relaxed in the chair a bit more, "Not always. I'm pretty sure I'm failing at least one or two classes. I'm still getting caught up with all the work I've missed." Dr. Vanbeveren and Stan talked about school for another minute or so before she decided to move on.

"How are you feeling right now, Stan?"

"I feel alright," Stan responded.

"Do you feel comfortable?" Dr. Vanbeveren asked.

"Kinda, I feel fine I guess," Stan answered with a slight shrug of his shoulders. Dr. Vanbeveren wanted to see how Stan's parents were seeing him lately; how they saw Stan's actions and words through their parental eyes.

"Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, tell me about the relationship with your son," She requested.

Randy and Sharon exchanged quick glances and then Sharon took the reigns, "I can safely say that I've been a little bit closer to Stan since he was little. Randy went through some things when Stan was a kid. I think overall though both of us have a good relationship with him."

"Do you agree with what Sharon is saying, Randy?" Dr. Vanbeveren asked Stan's dad.

"Yeah, I've had trouble with talking to him lately since we found out he's had depression," Randy explained. Stan didn't know that. He didn't know that his dad was struggling with communication to his own son.

"Stan, do you try to talk to your dad frequently?"

"Sometimes, he's usually busy with work and stuff," Stan responded. Kyle was watching the Marsh family talk about their connections with one another and the lack of communication between Stan and his father. He knew Randy wasn't the sensitive type, so he didn't quite understand all of Stan's depression and how it developed. He may have explained it, but it didn't help Randy understand it all that much.

"I see, I see. Alright, Kyle, how would you describe your relationship with Stan?" Dr. Vanbeveren wrote a few things down before looking at Stan's boyfriend. Kyle planned on leaving out the break up, but it was the reason Stan developed a deep state of depression and a habit of cutting. So, he asked Stan quietly if he could mention the situation. Stan nodded a little, though he wasn't in the mood to hear about it.

"He was my best friend, still is, it's just a lot more now. We had a falling out, but now we're back together. It's kinda the reason this all started," Kyle knew the short version wasn't going to stand without questions. Dr. Vanbeveren was curious about the so-called "falling out" Kyle mentioned to her.

"Falling out?" Dr. Vanbeveren repeated the phrase as a question.

"Yeah, there was a problem and I kinda dealt with it the wrong way, I dated-"

"It wasn't all his fault. I let football take time away from our relationship," Stan intervened. He wasn't comfortable with letting his boyfriend take all the blame for the short breakup. It was a breakup; a breakup that had a rebound boyfriend involved. That part was Kyle's initial fault.

Dr. Vanbeveren nodded slowly while looking at Stan, "I see. Football can make a person busy. My son did it for years."

"I was talking about quitting, since it ruined us," Stan mentioned.

"Do you actually wanna quit football, Stan?"

"Sort of, I do and don't," Stan told his new therapist.

"Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, how would you feel if Stan quit football?" Dr. Vanbeveren asked her new patients' parents.

Sharon glanced at her son, "It's his future, it is all up to him."

"I think it would be good for him to stay in football. It would help with getting a scholarship, he's very good at it," Randy enjoyed going to his son's football games. He liked watching him on the field. In his eyes, Stan looked comfortable out there, he looked like he belonged on that football field. Hey, maybe Stan did, or maybe it would turn into something he could just say he did in high school. Stan was good at the sport, Randy was correct on that one. Sharon agreed. Kyle agreed.

"Well Stan, I think since it's your life, you have the free will to decide your own future pathway," Dr. Vanbeveren smiled.

"Thank you," Stan was starting to like Dr. Vanbeveren. She was honest, polite, and understanding. Kyle liked her too. The rest of the session lasted up until noon, just around lunchtime. The four walked out of the building silently.

Sharon was the first one to say something, "I think that went pretty well, what do you think, Stan?"

"It was alright, I guess I'd go back," Stan answered his mom.

"Really? You would?"

Stan nodded, "Yeah, it wasn't terrible or anything."

"I'm so glad. I think Dr. Vanbeveren could really help you. She seemed to really like you. What did you think, Randy?" Sharon wondered.

"She seems to know what she's doing," Randy answered briefly.

"Definitely," Sharon said as she began to unlock the car doors. Kyle and Stan climbed in the back. Kyle took Stan's hand and squeezed it.

Randy and Sharon were in the middle of talking about dinner plans when Kyle whispered into Stan's ear, "I love you, I'm so proud of you."

Stan responded back with, "Thank you, I love you too."

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