Chapter 3: Defensive Strategy

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Well Chapter 3 is out guys! We are getting close to the end of the Team Flare Arc! I promise, things are gonna go out with a bang! Enjoy ;)

Bonnie's POV:

I honestly didn't know what I was thinking at the moment. I just wanted to do everything I could to save Squishy. I knew it was hopeless but I had to try. I knew I could get to Squishy somehow.

Luckily, the hero Blaziken Mask and his Blaziken had decided to help me get to it. We had gotten in front of it by jumping from rooftop to rooftop, avoiding the giant roots. Then when we got far enough, we got off the rooftop and jumped onto the ruined streets.

Blaziken has put me and Dedenne down as Squishy was still coming toward us. "Thank you Blaziken", I told the Hoenn Fire starter and then I turned back to Squishy. I need to think of a way to calm Squishy down and remember me. It was slowly but surely making its way closer to us though while it's red aura kept getting brighter.

"Are you sure that you'll be able to calm it down?" Blaziken Mask asked me very concerned. I honestly didn't know, but I had to try. "Squishy will listen to me, I just know it will!" I replied back trying to be confident. I honestly didn't think I could but it was the best I could do. So I decided to call out to it to get its attention.

"Squishy! It's your friend, Bonnie! I know you're in a lot of pain right now, so please try and listen to me! Ok?" I called out to it but it didn't listen to me and suddenly two large roots were flying towards me. I closed my eyes thinking I was done for. But then I heard something being hit and I opened my eyes to find that I was unscathed.

I looked up and saw that Blaziken Mask had been slammed into the wall of a building. "Oh no!" I shouted as I watched Squishy getting even closer. "Squishy..." I said hopelessly. I looked at the ground deciding to give up on it. No matter what I did, it was no use. I thought back on my journey with me and Squishy. I even made a song based for both of us that it liked, Squishy's Song. I started to cry with hopelessness and then just started to sing it.

"You're squishy, squishy and so soft. You're squishy, squishy, and so green. You're squishy, squishy and the inside of my pochette is your favorite place, Squishy." I sang it with lots of tears in my eyes. Suddenly Squishy had stopped moving completely and leaned in a little closer. I sensed it was working so I continued to sing. As I did both Blaziken and Dedenne got in front of me trying to protect me.

I continued, "Where did you come from, "Where did you come from? Why is the Sun your food? I love my mysterious Squishy so much! Teach me more about you!" Then Squishy started charging up a light pink beam that I recognized as Dragon Pulse. Suddenly Blaziken Mask came out of no where and grabbed me to protect me but I continued my song.

"When you and I have nuzzled, We're already friends! We will always be together! This I can promise you! I will always protect you," I sang while stretching out my hand. But then the charged up Dragon Pulse attack was fired at us and I could only stare in horror as it came at us.

Serena's POV:

"What?! That is a terrible idea!" I yelled at Clemont. "Don't worry, it's going to work flawlessly." he said back. "We are talking about destroying your gym along with one of our friends too." I said.

Clemont informed us that he put a self-destruct sequence inside Clembot in case he was malfunctioning. That way he wouldn't cause any other issues. "Sure the sequence isn't enough on its own. But with Luxray and Heliolisk, I can charge it up to overload it to create an explosion capable to ground the building three times over." he told us with confidence.

I then turned to face the building to find someone was coming out of it. I recognized that it was Alain and he was gripping his chest very badly.

"Alain! You made it! Mairin shouted with glee. "Are you injured?" she asked. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," he said. "I'm just glad to see that you're ok," he smiled. I wasn't sure but I'm pretty sure I saw Mairin blush a little once he said that. I wasn't surprised since she told us that they were very close. But I didn't let that distract me since we had more things to worry about.

"Alright Clemont, tell me what your plan is," Alain said to him curiously. Clemont then told him the plan and he was on board with it when he was done. "Are you sure that you'll be able to do it alone?" Alain asked. "If this is the one thing I made that doesn't blow up, I'll be disappointed in myself," he joked.

But I looked at the ground still skeptical about the plan. We were going to destroy the place where we all made that promise to travel along with a good friend of ours. But my thoughts were interrupted by Clemont's next statement.

"Look Serena, I wish there was another way as well, but this is our best option. If we don't do this, we will lose everything and everyone close to us. I know it's hard to give up things but in a crisis situation, sacrifices need to be made for the sake of the bigger picture," Clemont said to me with confidence.

I then looked up at him and understood what he meant. I replied to him by asking "What do you need me to do?" He then smiled and nodded at me. "I need you two to hold off the rest of the grunts while I'm in there and do your best to protect Alain."

"Then it looks like I'll need to call some help for this," I said while tossing two Pokeballs in the air. They opened up and released two beams of blue energy that eventually stabilized into two Pokémon. One of them was a small, panda like creature with a pair of red sunglasses and a small leaf in its mouth. The other was a pink and white fox-like creature with ribbon-like tendrils and big cyan colored eyes.

I then turned to Mairin and asked, "Do you have any Pokémon you can used to battle?" She looked at me and said, "Well I do have one other", she said as she pulled out a pokeball. She then threw it and it released a similar beam of blue energy and the Pokémon was revealed. It was a small, pixie-like creature holding on to a flower with three red petals. I recognized it as a Floette, which really surprised me. "Excellent!" Clemont exclaimed "Now cover me until I get into the building!" Clemont started to run into the building along with Clembot, Luxray and Heliolisk and I started attacking.

"You got it! I told him "Braixen, use Flamethrower! Pancham, use Dark Pulse! Sylveon, use Swift!" I commanded. Braxien took her stick and unleashed a torrent of flames from it at Team Flare grunts. Pancham formed a beam of black and purple rings and Sylveon unleashed a volley of mini-stars at their Pokémon.

"Floette, let's help them out!" I heard Mairin say. "Use Fairy Wind," she commanded and the small Pokémon unleashed a a stream of light pink wind and it successfully hit a couple of Pokémon.

"Wow Mairin, I guess Alain's battling has rubbed off on you!" I told her. She smiled at that remark and we continued our attack. But the grunts weren't going to let up. "Houndoom, use Dark Pulse!" I heard one shout and suddenly I saw three of the demon-like dogs fire beams of Dark energy at us.

"Sceptile, use Leaf Storm!" "Metagross, use Flash Cannon!" "Gardevoir, use Shadow Ball!" I heard three voices shout. Then one of the beams was hit with a torrent of razor-sharp leaves, another was hit with a bright white beam and the last with a ball of Ghost energy.

I turned to see Sawyer, Steven and Diantha had come to help us out. "Don't you think it's a little rude to hit a couple of young ladies like that", Steven remarked while smirking. "I believe that you stole my line there Steven", Diantha said sarcastically. "We're here to help any way we can", Sawyer shouted and I was getting more confident while we continued our attacks.

Clemont's POV:

I was able to make it into the basement without alerting any of the guards. I have everyone else to thank for that. But I needed to focus on my task and I found the perfect place to blown this place to high heaven. I couldn't believe I was doing this but it needed to be done.

"Clembot, go into charging sequence," told him and he kneeled completely still on the ground. "Heliolisk, use Thunderbolt on Clembot to charge him up", I told the Electric lizard. He then unleashed a big bolt of lightning on Clembot's power core but it was not going to be enough. I then started to hear Team Flare grunts coming my way.

"I saw someone come in this way, come one!" I heard one shout. If I don't move, I'll be trapped and this plan won't work. I then saw something that I thought I never needed to use. One of my I inventions I worked on was an automatic turret defense system that unleash bolts of electricity to keep out intruders. I never had to use it because either no one would come to the gym to do nefarious things or the Pokémon around along with the security system would keep them out.. I looked then at Luxray who could power up Electric type moves and maybe make this go faster.

I then went to the console to activate the defense system. "This will have to do", I told myself. "Luxray, use Electric Terrain, quickly!" I commanded him. He then surrounded itself electricity and unleashed it with a powerful, "LUXRAAAAAYYYY!!!" and the entire room turned yellow with the floor sparking electricity.

I smirked just waiting as the grunts were getting close. "Good job Luxray! Now why don't we show Team Flare what we can do?" Luxray nodded with a smirk on his face. I hope everything is working for everyone else. This whole plan might already be done but I couldn't let that thought distract me. Especially with how Flare's men were drawing closer and closer.

Serena's POV:

All five of us were doing a great job pushing back the grunts and victory seemed assured for us. But then we saw six people come out of the tower, all walking towards. Three of them looked like Admins; one had purple hair the other with blue hair that looked very similar except for that. The other was a rather large man with a spike of red hair on his head. One was significantly taller than the rest of them that I quickly recognized as the Lysandre, Ash had told us about.

Speaking of which, when I saw the last two people emerge I was shocked and confused beyond words. I'm pretty sure everyone else was as well without even looking at them. I saw a raven-haired boy along with a tall blue ninja-like frog walking along side them. I recognized them as Ash and Greninja but something was different about them. And not just in the case of Ash's hat was missing but something else.

"Ash! Greninja! Is that you? What are you doing?" I yelled to them but neither of them answered back. I was really getting worried about them and wondering what happened. The two of them were just staring at the ground not showing their faces.

"I'm sorry but Ash and Greninja can't hear you anymore", Lysandre said with a smirk. "They now both belong to me." Once he said that both Ash and Greninja slowly looked up and revealing their eyes. They were now a light crimson red which really scared me. This can't be happening right now.

Ash then spoke up in a very cold voice breaking the silence. "So are you guys going to fight or surrender?"

To be continued...

So guys, that was Chapter 3! How'd you all like it. I hope you guys are alright with me including guns in Pokemon. Just trying to be more realistic. See you guys at Chapter 4! ;)

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