Chapter 5: Collapse

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This is Chapter 5 everyone and the finale of the Team Flare Arc! I hope you guys enjoyed it because I loved writing it. For everyone that saw my update, I deleted it because it was unnecessary. No hiatus for this guy! Also, it may take some more time for me to make Chapters, but I promise I will finish this story! Now enjoy Chapter 5 ;)

3rd Person POV:

Lysandre looked at what was in front of him with a more serious look on his face. That's when he heard someone come in on his radio. "Lysandre, we've got to the chopper, we should be there shortly," Xerosic said. Lysandre then nodded and turned to Ash.

"Ash I'm counting on you to finish them off. Report back to me when you're done," he said. Ash nodded at him and they both turned towards the group.

"Well kids, I can't say this hasn't been eventful but I must go. In the mean time I'll leave you with Ash and Greninja to play with." Ash and Greninja walked forward and those mechanical insects started flapping their wings as he tried to get away.

"Oh no you don't, Braxien use Fire Blast!" Serena yelled as her partner unleashed the powerful Fire attack at Lysandre. The attack left a massive cloud of debris but when it cleared, Lysandre was no longer there.

Everyone heard a loud choppy sound and turned to find a helicopter with the Flare symbol on the side. Lysandre was inside and shut the door to it. All the admins were sitting down with Xerosic in the chopper with a grunt in the cockpit. "That was a close one," Aliana said. Everyone sitting down nodded at her comment except for Lysandre.

He walked up to the cockpit to speak to the grunt. "Fly us back to the lab full speed. We can't have our objective be taken from us," he said. "Yes sir!" The grunt said before going full throttle. He turned to look at his leader and noticed something. He looked more serious about this than anything before. Almost as if there was something else he was afraid of if he lost this. The helicopter flew off into the distance  with the rest of the Admins. While leaving the group alone with Ash and Greninja whom started laughing a little.

"Hehehe," Ash chuckled, "What a delight! It's just us, all alone!" he said with that same amused smile on his face. Greninja walked in front of the three Mega Pokémon, facing them with more redness in its eyes like Ash's. Neither seemed to show no sense of remorse nor fear. "But I think you should focus on me, so you at least know how I'll rip you to pieces."

"Ash, what happened to you?" Serena asked very concerned. "We're your friends, you need to snap out of it!" Sawyer yelled. But he and Greninja just stood there with the same amused expressions.

"Guys it's no use," Steven said. "That energy is some powerful stuff and it seems to only way to stop it is to destroy that machine. Let's just hope Clemont is alright."

"Well what should we do then?" Mairin asked with a very scared look on her face. "There's no way we'll be able to go against this kind of power!"

Then Diantha stepped forward and said, "We don't have to defeat him, we just need to stall time for Clemont! Now Gardevoir, use Shadow Ball!"

The Psychic Pokémon charged up a ball of purple-black energy and launched it at Greninja. It left a small cloud of dust but when it cleared, Greninja didn't have a scratch on it. In fact, it was smiling as well.

"Well thank you," Ash smirked, "you've made our decision easier." In a split second Greninja suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Gardevoir with its right hand glowing. It was about to deliver a powerful Aerial Ace attack.

Sceptile used its great speed and blocked the attack by launching its tail rocket at Greninja, hitting its side. The attack sent a Greninja sliding back a few feet. Then Greninja looked at Sceptile with menacing red eyes. He pulled out two kunais compressed of water and launched itself at Sceptile while Sceptile did the same with its Leaf Blade attack.

Both of them clashed, with one trying to overtake the other. [You seem to have gotten a lot stronger than yesterday] Sceptile remarked. [Really? Because I can't exactly say the same for you] Greninja said. Both of them jumped back from the attack and lunged at each other again.

They exchanged several of these clashes, causing small sonic booms to happen around them. When they jumped back to gain distance, a blue light appeared.

Metagross was using its Meteor Mash attack and launched it self at Greninja. With little time to react, Greninja quickly pulled out his giant Water Shuriken and used it to block the attack. The Steel Pokémon hit the Water Type move head on.

Both were fighting to overpower the other, but neither side would budge. They seemed to be evenly matched in strength. But then Greninja used its Aerial Ace attack, and managed to kick Metagross upwards.

Metagross was then surrounded in a light blue aura and seemed to be controlled by another force. And that force was Gardevoir using its Psychic attack to control its movements and was able to launch Metagross back at Greninja.

Greninja jumped out of the way though and Metagross came crashing into the ground. But Gardevoir lifted it back up just fine and kept directing its Meteor Mash at Greninja. But Greninja was too fast for them and kept jumping over and around the oncoming Meteor Mash attacks as they kept coming back at him from all sides.

"Sceptile, use Frenzy Plant!" Sawyer shouted, catching everyone by surprise. Sceptile slammed both its arms into the ground, causing giant roots to appear. One by one they all were launched fairly slowly at Greninja, whom was able to evade them easily.

Greninja had an amused look on its face but then he looked down and realized that there were three smaller Pokémon surfing on the roots. Serena's Pokémon were riding the roots so they would have cover for attack and higher vantage point for attack.

"Now, hit him with everything you've got!" Serena yelled. Then a combination of Fire, Dark energy and Fairy dust along with the Frenzy Plant hit Greninja, launching him head first into the ground. That crash also caused Ash to grip his chest due to it being in its Ash-Greninja form.

Not only did Serena's Pokémon have a higher vantage point than before, it was hard for Greninja to focus on multiple Pokémon at once. Not to mention that those three Pokémon were a lot smaller than him, making them harder to see but also harder to hit.

"Metagross, use Flash Cannon! Steven shouted. "Gardevoir, use Moonblast!" Diantha shouted as well. A ball of Fairy energy and a beam of silver energy were launched at the crater that Greninja made, making an even bigger crater than before. This caused Ash to grip his chest even more and gritted his teeth. "You'll pay for that you bastards!" Ash said under his breath. Rage seemed to filled his words and his eyes seemed to get redder.

Greninja struggled but he got up from the crater he was in. When he did, he was pissed off and had a raged expression on his face. [Ok, so you insufferable bitches want to play it that way, well I can do that too], Greninja said. It had the look of unyielding rage in its bright red eyes as it prepared for the next oncoming Frenzy Plant attack. Greninja took his giant Water Shuriken and charged it up to make it even bigger and threw it at Sceptile. It hit both Sceptile and Sawyer, causing a small sonic boom followed by a massive explosion.

Since the attack had already begun, the Frenzy Plant went for the Water Type. Braxien, Pancham and Sylveon were riding the roots again, trying to do the same strategy as before. So Greninja started to run on top of the roots as they kept coming at him. With Gardevoir using Psychic to redirect some of the Zygarde roots, Greninja's task was harder.

But with Greninja's speed and reflexes, he was jumping on top of the roots and jumping on different ones as they came towards him, getting closer towards Serena's Pokémon. Braxien was riding on one root while Pancham and Sylveon were on another.

Braxien tried to hit Greninja with her Flamethrower attacks but Greninja was too fast and they missed him. He jumped towards Pancham and Sylveon, but he was hit with their oncoming Dark Pulse and Swift attacks. It created a cloud of dust in the air but when it cleared, Greninja was missing.

Then almost out of thin air, Greninja appeared behind both of them. He quickly used one arm to grab Pancham by the neck and the other to grab Sylveon by her ribbon-like feelers. They both were struggling but Greninja wouldn't let either of them go.

He looked at Braxien and had a smile on his face. [Hey Braixen! Catch!] he yelled. He threw Pancham like a doll at Braxien, hitting her in the chest. She was able to stand up yet barely keep her balance. Yet Greninja wasn't finished. He then swung around Sylveon by her feelers and tossed her at both of them, causing them all to fall off the root.

All three of the small Pokémon were falling a good distance now. Greninja appeared in the air above all three of them, with a look of bloodlust in his eyes. He charged up his Aerial Ace attack on his foot and kicked Sylveon in the chest. Sylveon then went flying into Pancham, which caused both to go flying into Braxien. The attack knocked the wind out of all three small Pokémon.

Then with all of them bunched up, Greninja took its giant Water Shuriken and threw it at the group. The attack caused them to fly towards the ground and towards Serena. With no time to react, all three Pokémon hit the ground and crashed into her, creating a big cloud of dust.

When it cleared, all four of them were barely conscious. Serena seemed to be bleeding in several places as well. Greninja was hovering over them, with that sand look of rage. "Floette, use Healing Pulse!" Mairin yelled and Floette unleashed a ray of pink light at the four. But Greninja took a tiny shuriken and effortlessly tossed it at Floette, knocking it out. The pink light faded away and died before it got close to the target.

"Floette!" Mairin cried as she ran to it. "Are you okay?" She asked. She got no answer. The little flower Pokémon was already unconscious.

Greninja looked back at the four. Suddenly everything and everyone stopped moving, waiting to see what would happen. [Well looks like your time is up] Greninja said then he pulled out his Water Shuriken. [Do you have any final words?]

Greninja held the shuriken like a sword about to finish them off when he heard a noise. Then suddenly an object, encased in electricity, hit Greninja full force into one of the many roots. Everyone turned and found Clemont's Luxray had jumped in. [Shocking enough for you?] he asked.

Then Clemont and Heliolisk followed and gotten in front of Serena, ready for battle. [Luxray, did you really just say that?] Heliolisk asked the electric type. [Yes, I saw the opportunity and I took it.] replied Luxray.

[Well don't do it again], Heliolisk pleaded. [No promises but I will try] Luxray replied with a smug grin. Heliolisk rolled his eyes at that statement.

"Sorry I'm late everyone, charging a robot bomb takes longer than you think", Clemont said. "How much time do we have Clemont?" Steven asked very concerned. "About 3 minutes." he replied. "It's gonna be a bit tough with Serena and her Pokémon knocked out but we just need to stall for time. If we do that, we won't need knock out Greninja. Diantha, protect Serena and the rest, they're gonna be easy targets for him." Diantha nodded and then went over to the fallen trainers and Pokémon.

Then Sceptile, moved out of the rubble it was in after the Water Shuriken. Sawyer then got up from it, barely breathing. "That's twice now", he laughed, "but I'm ready to help too Clemont!" Sawyer said.

"You think you can stop me? You'll all perish before me!" Ash said and suddenly the dark aura around him and Greninja flared to life. Greninja rushed forward and started attacking Luxray with one of its Water kunais, which Luxray countered with its Thunder Fang attack.

Heliolisk tried to flank Greninja by using Dragon Tail to the other side. But Greinja used its other kunai to block it. Soon the three were clashing with Greninja using one kunai to block Luxray and the other to block Heliolisk. Greninja then powered up its legs with its Aerial Ace attack and knocked them both back a few feet.

Sceptile just jumped above Greninja and came down towards him, using Leaf Blade. Greninja quickly grabbed its shuriken and started using it as a sword, blocking the Leaf Blade attacks.

After a bit of clashing, Sceptile jumped back and Metagross appeared behind him. Without a second to lose, Metagross used Flash Cannon on Greninja while it was distracted. Greninja tried to block the attack with its shuriken but with little success.

He was sent back into the wall and Ash grunted again at the pain. "Alright, I've had it!" he yelled enraged. "Witness the full power that we hold!" Greninja then slowly walked out from the building and towards them.

Then Greninja grabbed his giant shuriken and held it above his head. It started to float and spin, and it kept getting faster and faster. Soon a huge purple and blue vortex engulfed Greninja and you couldn't see him anymore.

Then the vortex of water was absorbed into the shuriken making it a bigger, more powerful orange colored shuriken. Everyone just stood there in fear of what was coming to them while Ash just stood there laughing.

Three. Two. One. Clemont said in his head as he looked up at the tower. Once that happened, there was the sound of an explosion, like a nuke had just been detonated. Then there were fireballs coming out of the windows and doorways of the tower. Then all the glass and concrete started to fall as everyone watched. Clemont's plan had worked and knowing that he smiled as the debris fell towards them.

To be continued...

Well guys that was Chapter 5 and the finale of my Team Flare Arc. Since it's done, I want to know what you guys thought of it. Was it awesome, was it horrible let me know. Yes, it hurt me too to harm Serena but it had to be done for plot👀 I can assure you, things are going to get stranger in this story, but you'll have to read to find that out. Anyways, see y'all at Chapter 6! ;)

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